School Day Distress

By: Goldensurfer
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Carly squirmed nervously in her seat, her aching bladder sending constant signals to her brain for immediate release. She hadn’t been to the bathroom all day, and the coke at lunch plus all the water she drank during P.E. were ready to make their exit from her. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but some street workers outside the high school had hit a water line, and the water had to be shut off to the school. Quickly after that, the administrators locked all the bathrooms to prevent any messes and problems. There were supposed to be port–a–potties on the way, but so far not one had appeared.Mr. Rawlins was talking about Dickens in their English class, so Carly was bored enough that all she could think of was her bladder. Looking around, she noticed some of the other girls in her class with bobbing legs and fidgeting hands in their crotches. Her friend Molly sat just in front and to the right of her. Molly’s red and blue cheerleader skirt was flapping up and down with the movement of her legs, at times revealing glimpses of her white bloomers. Carly looked in agony at the clock on the wall behind Rawlins’ desk. It seemed to mock her as it read one o’clock, still forty–five minutes left in class. She could feel her bladder starting to throb. There was still one more class left today, and Carly started to worry about whether she’d make it or not. She had been caught once like this, at the movies. Her bladder had been so full, but she couldn’t miss any of the movie. She ended up squirting twice into her Jockey For Her panties before they left the movie theatre. A quiet moan from behind made Carly look back at the girl behind her. She had on white jeans, but a small yellow wet patch appeared next to her zipper. She was squeezing her crotch hard with both hands, and seemed to stop her flow. Carly looked down at the crotch of her khaki shorts, which were still clean and dry, and she thought of her panties beneath those shorts. There were white flower print Victoria’s Secret panties that she had just bought the past weekend. She hoped that her self–control would keep them clean. Several of the girls were bobbing up and down ferociously in class as they fought their own bodies to maintain dignity, several close to losing the bladder battle. Carly suddenly had the idea that if she could get to her car, she might make it home and use her own bathroom, damn any consequences that would let her keep her dignity. But she had to get out of class first, and in Mr. Rawlins class that was near impossible. He never let anybody leave his class except for a call or pass from the office. Her prayers were answered when her friend, Kristin walked through the door. Kristin was a student aide in the guidance office, and her teammate on the soccer squad. Rawlins looked at her with distaste and read the note she handed him. “Carly Michaels and Molly Harrison, you’re to report to the guidance office immediately.” Molly had already sprang from her chair and walked out of the room. Carly followed behind, with Kristin bringing up the rear. As Carly walked out she heard the girl that had been sitting behind her squeal as she pissed her pants. In the quiet and privacy of the hallway, Molly resumed her crotch holding as she hobbled down the hall. Carly held herself with both hands as they walked,” I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. Are the bathrooms still open in guidance?” “No,” Kristin replied with a hint of desperation on her voice, “They’ve locked all the bathrooms in the school.” “I’m going to make a break for my car and try to sneak home to pee,” Carly told them, “If you want to come it’s fine with me.” All three glanced at each other and smiled, making an instant beeline for the parking lot. They were almost there when they passed a girls bathroom and saw their friend Samantha tugging on the door crying, “Sam what’s wrong?” “I can’t hold it any more!” she wailed as a trickle of piss ran down her leg. Sam reached behind her and unzipped her skirt as she dropped into a crouch and began flooding her panties, only able to get her skirt out of the way. The yellow puddle spread across the floor as Sam’s bladder emptied itself. The three girls watched in agony. The sound of piss hissing through Sam’s panties making their own problems worse. Once outside, the three girls made their way to Carly’s car, and old Honda. A few of their friends were also making a break for it, other girls hobbling towards their own cars to find someplace to piss. One girl hid behind her car door as she dropped her pants and let go on the pavement. Another shrieked as she pissed her pants trying to walk to her car. A friend of Molly’s, Brandy, was parked next to Carly and fighting with her keys to get her car door unlocked. Carly saw drops of piss start falling from under her cheerleader skirt. Brandy cried as she squatted down and pulled her skirt up to keep it dry. A yellow piss stain spread across her bloomers as her pee filled them up, making them bulge a bit from piss being trapped in the crotch. Seeing this sent Carly’s desperation to epic proportions. It was as if she were in a dream. She felt very slow, leaning against the back of her car. Her crotch burned with an intense heat. She felt the first squirt, the then the second leak into her panties. Carly felt herself let go as piss erupted into her shorts, the dark stain spreading like a wild fire. As she found relief, Carly watched Molly and Kristin reach the end. Kristin made a last ditch effort to get her pants down and keep them dry, but her zipper stuck halfway down as a wet blossom appeared on her crotch. After a second of fighting, she tried to yank them down by force, halfway revealing her lavender Jockey for Her French cut panties. They went dark right up to the waistband as her bladder emptied into them. She suddenly started laughing as she pissed her pants, throwing the now relieved and empty Carly for a loop. Molly was quivering by now as she fought to keep control long enough to get her bloomers down, but her bladder had other ideas. Just as her skirt came off her bladder let go, piss flooding the once white bloomers. As this happened she felt her stomach groan and gurgle, “Oh no! I think my lunch is coming back out too!” Carly watch as the back of Molly’s bloomers began to bulge bigger and bigger as she let a massive load of poop into her cheerleader panties. Molly just cried quietly as her own body humiliated her, the first time it had ever happened in her life. Being the most beautiful girl in school, her luscious body had always helped her, but now it was her worst enemy. The bulge was the size of two grapefruit as she stood to survey the damage. Other girls in the parking lot were in as much distress, though a few had made it out of the parking lot to the nearest possible working bathroom. The three friends stood there in their various states of personal mess when they saw Kendra Gleason hobbling towards her car. They could hear her muttering to herself, “I can make it home, I can make it home.” Over and over again Walking next to her was her boyfriend, wetting his jeans. He suddenly turned on her and grabbed a hold of her, “I just pissed my pants, so you’re going to piss yours!” Kendra tried to pull away, but her boyfriend’s grip was too strong. Her concentration diverted, a trickle of piss ran down her leg. Reaching down, he unzipped her khaki shorts and yanked them down, revealing a sight to the three girls that made them laugh, even in their condition. Covering Kendra were a pair of little girl cotton panties. They were white with a pink waistband and the Power–Puff girls on them. But now they were turning a golden yellow as she flooded them. She looked around in horror as her boyfriend and the people around her began to laugh, “They’re not mine! They’re my sister’s. I didn’t have anything clean, and these were the only thing that fit!” She should have said barely fit, thought Carly, because they were stretched to the limit holding Kendra’s ass in them. The piss stain had spread all over, a battle even the Power–Puff girls couldn’t win. Carly looked at Molly, who was crying as she passed one last wet fart. Her white bloomers were a mess, her pissing spreading the shit stain all around. Kristin finally got her pants unzipped and was surveying the damage, “I’ve got some spare gym clothes in my trunk we can change into.” Carly told them as she popped open the trunk and pulled out some gym shorts for herself and her friends. As the girls were changing behind the car, they saw Jenny Lewis hobbling to her Mercedes parked in front of Carly’s Honda. Jenny was a snob, and the three friends had been thinking of a way to get revenge since Jenny had stolen Molly’s boyfriend. As Carly stood there in her panties next to Molly, she had an idea, “Molly, Jenny hasn’t pissed herself.” Molly, still in her soiled bloomers, looked at Jenny, then Carly with a wide grin. They both pointed at Jenny and whispered to Kristin, who had just put on a pair of Carly’s gym shorts, “Let’s go for it!” Jenny was moaning and groaning as she walked past them to her car. Suddenly Carly grabbed her by the shoulders and Kristin blocked the path to her car. Molly walked up next to her, “What’s the matter Jenny, gotta go?” Jenny nodded her head slowly as she shoved her hands in her crotch. Carly grabbed her arms and held her hands away from her, “Looks like you’re gonna have an accident in those pretty white pants of yours bitch!” A wet spot appeared on Jenny’s crotch. She broke free from Carly’s grasp and tried to unzip them but Carly grabbed a hold of her more tightly, “We’ll have none of that now.” The piss started flowing like a river from Jenny, running down her legs and up her butt. Her white pants were see through now from her piss, a pair of striped panties squishing beneath them. Molly watched it all with a devilish smile, “Next time you’re gonna steal someone’s boyfriend, it better not be mine!” Carly let Jenny go, the rich brat still pissing her pants. Carly and Molly changed, the three girls arriving at Carly’s near–by house to use her washing machine ten minutes later. The next day they found out that half the school pissed their pants, and school was closed until they repaired the water main.