Party for 2 - Part 1

By: Gopher
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It was the night of the party. Harry looked at the invitation closely. 7:30pm at Mandy’s house. He glanced at his watch. It was 6:30. “Half an hour’s walk to Mandy’s,” he thought, “Just time for a shave, shower, and spruce up” so he stripped off, shaved and showered, dried off and dressed. He glanced at his watch again. 7pm. Perfect. He put on his coat and set off for Mandy’s house.
He arrived at Mandy’s dead on 7:30 but he was surprised to see no cars in the driveway. He re–checked the invite. Yeah, it was definitely the right day and time, so he rang the doorbell. After a few moments Mandy appeared at the door but she sure wasn’t dressed for a party. She had on an old white tee shirt and a pair of pink panties.
“Erm– Hell, shit, am I early or something?” asked Harry, “For the party?”
“Oh hell. Didn’t Mom phone you?” said Mandy, feeling embarrassed, “We had to cancel the party. We have family problems and Mom & Dad have had to zoom off to my brother’s for a few days to sort a few things out. Shit, I’m so sorry. Hell, have you walked here Harry?”
Harry nodded “Yeah, I like a nice walk now and then.”
“Well, the least I can do is ask you in then,” responded Mandy, opening the door for Harry. “You’ll have to excuse the state of me and the way the place looks. I wasn’t expecting anybody.”
“Oh, that’s OK,” Harry replied, eyeing up Mandy’s ample breasts which were stretching the tee shirt and her lovely legs which went all the way up to her pink panties and the wisps of pubic hair peeking out of the sides.
“Here, come into the lounge. Sit here,” said Mandy, taking his coat and motioning him towards the sofa, “Let me get you a nice drink.” Mandy went and made them both an iced vodka and coke and came and sat next to Harry.
From the time she’d opened the door Mandy had been constantly moving and shuffling, and now, as she sat with him on the sofa she couldn’t stop fidgeting. Her legs seemed to be in constant motion and yet she seemed relaxed too, in an odd sort of way. They chatted idly, finished their drinks and got refills. Mandy was still shuffling and fidgeting and this started to bother Harry a bit. “Erm, look, Mandy,” he began, “Sorry, tell me to mind my own business if you like, but are you OK? I mean– you haven’t stopped fidgeting from the time I got here.”
“Mandy blushed a little and said “Erm, yeah, I’m fine Harry. It’s just that you arrived just as erm, um, just as the er game I was playing was starting to feel, erm like get better.”
Harry raised his eyebrows and said “Huh? What game would that be then Mand?”
“Oh dear,” replied Mandy, “I do hope you won’t think I am horrible or perverted or anything like that, Harry.”
“No I’m sure I won’t,” he reassured her.
“Well, it’s erm like um, well, when you were a boy Harry, did you ever try seeing how long you could go without having a wee?” asked Mandy.
“Ye–ah. I suppose we all have. Go on.”
“Well, erm like, that’s what I am– err doing um now. Oh hell this sounds awful. I thought with Mom and Dad away this would be a great time to have a really good try at it and I am trying to, erm that is, I am going to do it. Or rather I am not going to do it. I am going to– to– to hold it until it forces its way out. I haven’t done that since I was in school and I remember I used to get really turned on by the feeling of a really full bladder, and I wanted to see if it still feels that good, so I am not going to go to the bathroom until my pee starts to force its way out and I can’t hold it any longer. There. Now I’ve told you. Do you think I am a little pervert?”
“No. Erm, I mean, good gracious me no,” said Harry. “It’s not a game I have heard of since I was at school either, and I only ever played it once or twice. It’s erm rather interesting. How long have you been holding it so far?”
“Since lunch time,” she replied. “I’ve been drinking and eating normally since then and the pressure was just mounting when you rang the doorbell. I’m dressed like this because I don’t want to spoil my clothes if I have an accident, you see. When you called I was just starting to feel the pressure build up and that’s why I am fidgety al the time, but it’s not too bad yet. I can hang on for a while yet”
“Oh, I see,” said Harry, “so just how much longer do you think you’ll be able to hold it? Like, erm I wouldn’t mind, erm keeping you company, erm if you don’t mind.”
“You dirty little bugger Harry. You just want to get yourself a cheap thrill watching a girl pissing herself don’t you? You little pervert,” said Mandy, trying to scold him, “but I suppose I don’t really mind.”
“Thanks,” said Harry a little excitedly.
“Ooh, time for some drinks” said Mandy, and she poured each of them a large glass of Vodka and Coke. “Here we are, bottoms up.”
“Better not” said Harry, grinning, “or you’ll be peeing a fountain up in the air” Mandy laughed and laughed at that and she gasped as she almost let a drop of wee escape. “What’s up Mand? Nearly there?” giggled Harry.
“I can hang on a while yet,” responded Mandy, “I just almost let a drop out, that’s all.” And with that she paced up and down the room a bit to ease the pressure that was still building up. Finally she sat down again but she found she had to wriggle and fidget and bounce her legs about quite a bit. “How are you feeling Harry?” she asked, “Do you need to go at all?”
“I couldn’t go even if I needed to Mandy, “ said Harry. “Look,” and with that Harry showed Mandy the large bulge that his erect cock formed in his trousers.
Mandy’s eyes opened wide at the sight of such a big one; she leant over and gave it a couple of strokes. “My, oh my, who’s a big, big boy then Harry?” she asked.
“Careful Mand!!” The damned thing will go off if you do that too much and I don’t want it to go off till I’ve watched you piss your pants.”
“You see, I was right – you are a bloody pervert after all. Oooooh, that last glass of vodka & coke is taking effect” she said as she rammed her hand hard into her pussy. “Right. If that’s what you want. Here, now you’ll get soaked as soon as it comes out” and with that she sat firmly right on his lap.
Harry’s know twitched violently in anticipation, just as things started to get a bit warm and damp. He giggled and smiled as his nether regions started to get warm a tickling trickle of pee briefly ran over them. “Hey, did you just…” he began, but Mandy just smiled.
A couple of wriggling, writhing minutes later Mandy let out a gasp and an Ooooooh, and the floodgates opened and Harry’s pants, his lap, cock and his balls were all soaking wet. The next moment he and Mandy began licking and sucking each other’s nether regions for all they were worth. Mandy almost gagged as Harry shot his load straight in her mouth, and he was astonished at the powerful orgasm she had.
“Harry darling, that was brilliant,” said Mandy, “But I had to cut the game short because I was far too aroused and needed relief. How about we play a game together tomorrow?”
“Hang on a second” said Harry, and then he proceeded to wet himself. Gallons of it, there was– and it was an age before he stopped. “There, that’s better, now we’re more even. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, you can stay over tonight if you want, and tomorrow we’ll start the day off with empty bladders and we’ll both eat and drink the same and see who can last the longest. I’ve never done this with someone else before, and tonight didn’t count cos I got too aroused. How about it– are you game?”
“Sure I’m game,” said Harry.
“Great, let’s clean up and get a shower, then we can turn in,” Mandy said.
To be continued…
By: Gopher