Let's do it Together Part 2

By: Gopher
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Foreplay, Golden Showers, and Sex.
I had made an unplanned visit to Aunt May, in the Midlands, but she was away for the weekend and Jilly and Jenny from across the street were house sitting. After discovering they were playing ‘how long can we hold it’ we had a very enjoyable evening, and I agreed to stay the night and start the day off with them on equal footings.
We got up the next morning, peed and showered together. We had great fun with squeals of delight as we soaped and lathered each other. I paid particular attention to making sure that both Jilly’s and Jenny’s firm breasts were spotlessly clean and also that every millimetre of their pussies was scrupulously clean and that all was dried meticulously. They too both made absolutely certain that my balls were scrupulously clean and that my cock was clean as clean could be. Every tiny bit of it had been soaped and lathered and rinsed and dried. Afterwards we pampered each other with talc. “After all it’s important you have powdered pussies,” I told them. “We don’t want you having nasty sores down there from not drying them properly do we?” They both giggled and said it wasn’t going to be long before they were all wet again, but they gave me the same pampering. They seemed to think it was very important that my foreskin got well powdered too. Jenny said, “It’s very important. We can’t have you getting a nasty sore at the end of your cock either, ‘cos that would be very painful and might spoil the fun later.” In the end we decided to be doubly sure by rubbing moisturiser into and onto our personal parts, which made lots and lots of sexy slurping noises. Jilly and Jenny both in their turn came close to orgasm as I had to make sure that the moisturising cr’me was well applied and massaged in, and of course I had the same problem when they both insisted that it was well applied to my penis. By using an awful lot of self–control, though, we all managed to stop just short.
We all went downstairs for breakfast naked and still well aroused. We had a few giggles during breakfast over keeping corn flakes and crumbs off my cock, toast and tea off the ladies’ titties, and that sort of thing. We decided that as we were all starting out with empty bladders that to have a completely fair holding contest, we should all drink the same amounts of the same things throughout the day. We also decided that as the whole thing was likely to take quite a few hours, we’d spend some time around the town otherwise it could get a bit boring. We dressed each other, much more fun than dressing yourself, and caught the bus into town.
We spent the morning on a typical, boring for me, shopping trip with the occasional break in a coffee shop or cafe. On one such break we chatted about our aims and tactics for the day. Jilly said that if the object of the day was the same as yesterday: to see just how long we could hold it, we had gotten off to the wrong start because we were drinking plenty and plentiful intake almost always results in earlier plentiful outgoings. Jenny said that she thought it might be fun just to get full bladders and once one has too much pressure to hold on that we all let go together. I said that the conversation was making me very uncomfortable in my jeans, at which both girls giggled and had a peep at the tell tale bulge with comments like ‘Ooooh who’s a big boy then?’ We decided in the end that apart from no trips to the bathroom at all, we would just carry on as though it was any other day and see what developed. After looking round several more ladies’ clothes shops looking at bras, panties, dresses, skirts, blouses, tights, trouser suits, and goodness only knows what else, we decided to take another drink break. We found another cafe, ordered large cokes and sat together chatting and drinking. Jilly and Jenny confessed that they could feel their bladders beginning to fill up. Of course I took the opportunity to feel their bellies and found that sure enough they were getting quite firm. We discussed what next to do as we had, thankfully from my point of view, pretty much exhausted the shopping side of things. Jenny suggested we could look in the local sex shop. She said she’d always wanted to go in there and see what sort of things they sold but had never had the nerve to go in on her own. Jilly agreed she’d like to as well, but suggested a trip on the river first. As it was a bright sunny warm day we all agreed that the river would be great.
We joined the queue for the riverboat trips and soon we were on board. We went to the bar and got ourselves drinks and then took our seats to enjoy the cruise up the river and back. It was a one–hour cruise, which was very pleasant. When we started back downstream, though, the drinks we had consumed were making themselves felt in our bladders. Jilly was the first to complain of the pressure, saying her bladder was feeling very full. Jenny looked at my jeans and said “Gopher’s must be, too, cos his cock’s all hard, look” at which I am sure everyone on the boat looked at it and I went very, very red indeed. I muttered an embarrassed, “Thanks Jen. I’m sure everyone is much better off for that enlightenment,” which did result in one or two titters. At the end of the cruise we disembarked, all feeling the pressure starting to build, but all in full control.
The sex shop was our next port of call, and I was looking forward to getting my own back on Jenny for embarrassing me on the boat. As we browsed the racks and shelves, I picked up the largest dildo in the shop and looking at Jenny said, “It looks like you’re gonna be out of luck, Jen. This looks like the biggest one they have and it’s far too small for you, look.” She shot me a filthy look as some of the other customers tittered. Jilly just said, “That makes you both even again. He’s just got you back for your comment on the boat.” The girls selected some sexy outfits to try on and all three of us went into the fitting room. Both Jilly and Jenny had picked black leather topless dresses to try on, and crotchless knickers. No problems with the knickers, of course, but with the nearly full bladders, the dresses were a bit tight and almost caused some leakage. They got things under control, though, after a bit of rubbing in the appropriate places and some pee–pee dancing. After returning the clothes to the racks we left the shop and continued on our way.
As the pressure was mounting for each of us we decided to wend our weary way back and finish the fun in the privacy of Aunt May’s house. We waited for the bus with the inevitable crossing and uncrossing of legs and even the occasional obvious pee–pee dance. As always when any sort of urgency strikes, one bus was missing, and the next was running late too. As you can imagine, when we got onto the bus it was packed and we were standing, pressed tightly together. Jenny and Jilly were both writhing and wriggling with their now extended bladders, and I must admit that I was too. Hands were firmly placed on crotches by all three of us as we exchanged whispers of “Oooooh it’s nearly coming out.” And “Arrrgghhh, I can’t hold on much longer.” Jilly pulled my hand away from my crotch and whispered in Jenny’s ear, “If you think his cock looked big before, you should see it now.” I still went red but at least she had whispered. With every jolt jerk and turn of the bus we were in greater and greater agony, which was made worse whenever the bus stopped and someone from the back pushed and shoved their way through to get off. We were still only half way through our journey with about another half hour to go, and all convinced that we would end up embarrassing ourselves by having full wetting accidents on the bus. We knew that once one of us started the other two wouldn’t be able to hold on but the floodgates would burst open. For each other’s sakes as much as our own we struggled to hold on.
At that point a very curvaceous redheaded young lady of about twenty, who was seated by where we were standing, spoke to Jilly and Jenny. It was someone they knew from several years back and had lost contact with. They introduced her to me as Sarah. We smiled and then I embarrassingly had to grab my crotch again. Sarah had obviously noticed our behaviour and said, rather boldly I thought, “You three all nearly pissing your pants then?” Our faces all turned beetroot red as we all nodded, danced and squeezed our crotches.
“Best you get off with me then,” Sarah said, “I live right next to the next bus stop. “Come on!” and she got up, grabbed my arm almost causing me to lose control. I was sure I’d let a tiny spurt out. We all three followed Sarah up and off the bus, and straight up her drive to her front door. What a sight we looked with the three of us doing pee–pee dances and holding our crotches, writhing in agony. Sarah opened her front door, but instead of pointing us to the bathroom, she showed us into her lounge. She grinned at us and said, “Still playing piss holding games then Jill n Jen? Now with Gopher, here to make it more fun no doubt?”
“Please, Sarah, we’re absolutely bursting. Where’s the bathroom? Ooooooohhhhhh,” said, Jenny, dancing up and down with her fist thumping furiously at her pussy.
“Yeah, don’t be so mean” agreed Jilly furiously fisting her pussy too.
“What are you, Sarah, some kind of sadist?” I asked gripping my cock for dear life to stop any pee from escaping.
“No, I’m no sadist,” replied Sarah with a big smile. “I’m just another ordinary girl like Jill and Jen here who enjoys fun with peeing, holding it, and desperation. When I saw you three on the bus I was so excited. I almost wish you’d all lost it and pissed yourselves there on the bus. Then I looked again and realised it was Jill and Jen, and I knew I couldn’t miss the opportunity. Right. We’re going to have some fun now and no you can’t use the bathroom. Wait here while I go get the stuff, and don’t any of you dare piss on my carpet or furniture.” And with that she disappeared into the hall. We heard her rummaging around in cupboards. As Jilly & Jenny knew Sarah from a while ago, they decided to ease some of the pressure and took off their jeans and panties. I didn’t know her that well and stayed clothed. Jilly then held her hand to Jenny’s pussy and pressed, and Jenny did the same to Jilly’s. Sarah re–appeared with sheets of polythene and loads of bath towels, which she laid on the floor, sofa, and chairs. “I see you two girls have made yourselves a bit more comfortable then,” she said. “Come on Gopher. Let’s have yours off too.” And before I could object she pushed me back onto a chair, undid my jeans and had them and my undies off. “Who’s a big boy then?” she said as my very erect penis twanged and throbbed as it was suddenly unceremoniously exposed.
“Phwoar, you don’t waste much time do you, Sarah?” I asked her as I grabbed my cock again.
“No time to waste when you’re all that desperate, but you can all hang on a few minutes longer. Oh, I’m sorry, I haven’t offered you any drinks yet, have I? Cokes OK? Yeah? Fine. I’ll just go get them, and nobody had better start without me.” She said as she disappeared into the kitchen without giving any of us chance to respond.
“Noooooo. The last thing I need is another drink right now. Oooooh, keep pushing, Jilly, “ moaned Jenny.
“Ssssssssss ssss same here. Keep pushing,” said Jilly. I too, was in a highly aroused and excited state of agony. I couldn’t believe my luck at being with two such gorgeous girls as Jilly and Jenny, having this sort of fun, and then meeting another like–minded girl, a complete stranger to me. This was beyond my wildest dreams.
Sarah re–appeared with a tray containing six large glasses of coke, which she placed on the table. She downed a glass herself, saying, “I’ve got to try and catch you three up. OK Tops off next.” And she proceeded to remove each of the girls’ tops and bras, and then removed my tee shirt too. Next off came Sarah’s blouse and bra and out into full view bounced her beautiful 34C breasts with very erect nipples. Down came her plaid skirt and off came her silk panties, revealing her pussy with it’s built in fur coat that matched the hair on her head.
“Wow, gorgeous,” I said. “You’re the first red collar and cuffs girl I’ve seen so much of.”
Sarah smiled at me, and handed out the cokes. “OK,” she said, “these all have to go down before one drop of wee leaves your body. Once your glass is empty, then we can start.”
We looked at each other, groaned and all of us downed them in as few gulps as we possibly could. The pressure on our bladders was now enormous but some how we managed to hold on. Sarah then picked up a bowl and told us we were to let go of ourselves. No holding was allowed. When we couldn’t hang on any more we were to put our hand up and say ‘please mistress I need to wee–wee’ but only one person at a time will be allowed to wee–wee and that had to be in the bowl when she held it for us. If either of the others couldn’t wait while the one was having his or her wee–wee we were allowed to hold ourselves to make us wait our turn.
Jilly’s hand went straight up and she said, “Please mistress, I need to wee–wee.”
“In a moment. I’ll be there shortly,” said Sarah. She then watched closely while poor Jilly moaned and squirmed trying desperately to hold on.
“I…… Oooh….. I c c c can’t wait m mm mmmmm Mistress Sarah,” Jilly stammered, and Sarah moved oh so slowly towards her. Just as Jilly’s floodgates burst, Sarah thrust the bowl under her pussy to catch her pee.
“There you are, you have a good wee–wee now, Jill. There’s a good girl,” said Sarah, very closely watching Jilly weeing. “Don’t either of you two dare start yet,” she said to Jenny and I sternly. Of course our hands went straight down but then we swapped and Jenny held my cock tightly and I pushed hard at her pussy to help her hold on. Jilly seemed to be pissing for ages and ages and of course watching her and hearing the stream hissing into that bowl was agony for us.
As soon as she finished both Jenny and I put our free hands up and said together, “Please mistress Sarah, I need to wee–wee.”
Sarah seemed to ignore us. She looked at Jilly and told her to sit down now and be a good girl, and she was not to touch her pussy or her titties under any circumstances. Jilly moaned because she was very highly aroused by now. “You must not touch your bum, nor your clitoris, nor your vagina, nor your titties at all until after everyone has done their wee–wees. And no grinding them on the seats either.” Then she turned to me and said, “But you are a man. You can hold on. You’re stronger. You will wait,” and she turned to Jenny and said, “Does little Jen need a wee–wee now then?”
Jenny nodded her head and said, “Yes mistress Sarah. Little oooh, J j j jenny c c c c ccccan’t w w waittt any lonnnnnnnnger. Oooooh.” And again Sarah got the bowl in place just as Jenny’s wee burst forth. I was in absolute agony watching and hearing her pissing into that bowl. I gripped my cock for all it was worth. I was absolutely bursting and I couldn’t move. If I so much as moved my hand a bit I knew I would start peeing uncontrollably.
As Jenny finished having her long awaited piss, Sarah sat her down and gave her the same instructions as she gave Jilly. I immediately shot my free hand up again and said, “Please mistress Sarah, I’m almost pissing. It won’t wait.”
Sarah looked at me and shook her head, saying, “Look Gopher, I told you to say, ‘Please Mistress, I need to wee–wee,’ now try again.”
“Pissing Hell” I muttered under my breath, “Please mistress I need to wee–wee,”
“I’ll be there in a moment,” Sarah replied, and very slowly and carefully moved to me with the bowl. “Let go of your cock,” she instructed me, “I will hold it.”
“Yes Mistress Sarah” I said obediently, but as soon as I let go of my cock, before Sarah could grasp it and direct it at the bowl, my piss just burst forth, the hot steaming stream under so much pressure hitting Sarah firm between her beautiful tits. She moaned and gasped as she put the bowl down under my cock, and grabbed hold of it, but instead of re–directing the stream of hot piss into the bowl, she continued to let it spray it all over her tits and belly. Jilly and Jenny gasped in disbelief as they watched Sarah soaking her tits and belly with my piss. When I eventually stopped she knelt over the bowl and had her own wee–wee.
Finally she looked at everybody and said, “There’s good girls and boy. You have all done your wee–wees. Now it’s play–time. Come along,” and then we all began playing with each other. Jilly played with Jenny. Jenny played with Sarah. Sarah played with me, and I played with Jilly. Fingers were furiously rubbing, feeling and fondling clitorises and vaginas and of course Sarah was mischievously massaging my penis. “All Change” instructed Sarah after a while, and we turned and changed partners. Now it was me fingering Sarah, who was fingering Jenny, who was fingering Jilly, who was playing with me. “All change again. Oral this time,” called Sarah and everyone moved position and began oral sex– Jilly with Jenny, Jenny with Sarah, and Sarah with me and me with Jilly.
We continued like this for an age, changing partners now and then, with much panting and groaning. I don’t think anyone kept count of how many orgasms they had. Finally, Sarah did show us the bathroom, not that any of us needed a wee–wee. We all showered and dried one another, and then went downstairs to the lounge and dressed. We had another coke together hugged and kissed each other and then Jenny, Jilly and I went to catch the bus the rest of the way to aunt May’s. We all promised to keep in touch with Sarah, and I guess we all looked forward to more fun together with her.
We got back to aunt May’s house, and had ourselves a good meal, after which we settled down and went to sleep. The day had been far different from what we had expected when we planned it that morning, but we all agreed that it was great fun. The next morning over breakfast we agreed that we just had to keep in touch with each other and to have more fun like this. Sadly I had to leave then and drive back home, but I can’t wait for the next time we meet.
By: Gopher