The Sisters: Alone at the Office

By: Gus74
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Michelle is feeling that familiar sensation in her bladder, telling her that she had been holding too long and it’s time to go to the toilet. It’s past noon and she hasn’t moved from her desk since she arrived that morning. And worse, all the coffee she drunk all morning has since descended to her bladder.
In another situation she wouldn’t have gave it a second thought and would have walked the thirty steps that separated her office from the toilets (two of them, shared with the rest of the offices on the floor), but that time she couldn’t do it because her sister (the only one that worked with her in the family business) had gone out to do some errands. To being able to go to the toilet, she would’ve had to close the office.
Since Elizabeth shouldn’t take much longer to return, she decided to wait and hold it. After all, she had been many times in this situation before, and she knew her bladder was strong enough. Besides, she was working and that distracted her. It would be worse if she were washing the dishes, which always makes her feel the urge to pee (several times she found herself twisting to avoid peeing her panties while finishing the last dishes, and more than once she felt one or two spurts of pee escape, needing to leave everything behind and go to the bathroom with her legs crossed, only to find that the crotch of her panties was soaked with pee. Well, once or twice she also had to put her pants in the washer with a dark spot between the legs. Right now, just thinking about that was raising the pressure and forcing her to tightly cross her legs to avoid any leaks. Seeing that her line of thinking wasn’t leading her anywhere positive, she decided to concentrate on her work.
Fifteen minutes passed and Michelle was still waiting for Elizabeth, keeping her legs pressed or crossed, in addition to shifting her position to relieve the pressure. After another quarter hour everything was just the same, except her need. By now the position changes weren’t helping any longer, and neither was the pressure of tight jeans against her bladder. She already opened the first button for just a minute, but can’t keep opening it because her shirt was to short to cover everything, and she shouldn’t risk having her jeans open in case a client arrives. But nobody was coming and she was seriously considering closing the office and going to the bathroom. Anyway, it would be just for a few minutes, and what a relief it would be to finally sit and let it flow, a strong stream splashing against the water below.
Big mistake!! She feels the urge rising again, this time even feels the liquid pressing against her pussy, and has to push a finger even harder against her peehole and cross her legs as tight as possible to avoid wetting herself. And she makes it, but she is sure that a couple of drops have escaped; she feels the wetness in her lower lips, but it could be the sweat for being holding it so long. “Ok, that’s it,” she thinks. “If Ely doesn’t come in the next ten minutes, I’ll close the office and go.”
After only five minutes she was so desperate that she wasn’t sure that she could hold it any longer. She was unable to distract herself with work anymore, so was reduced to just holding herself with both hands, keeping her knees pressed together and bouncing back and forth in her chair.
“I can’t wait another five minutes, I’ll go now,” she decides. After all, it’s almost lunchtime, no one had appeared yet, and it will only take a couple of minutes (well, maybe more after holding for so long).
But it isn’t that simple. She has to get up (which means a lot to her bladder), grab the toilet keys (they are locked and every office has one set), close the office, walk down the hall (and in a “decent” way, not with her legs crossed), giving small steps placing one foot in front of the other, in that move she perfected over the years), unlock a bathroom, go inside, pull down her pants and panties in a quick move, and after all that, finally, the relief (obviously, hoping that there is at least one toilet empty).
She gets up and has to hold to the desk and press her legs together as strongly as she can while feeling the effect of gravity over her body (and her bladder’s content). When she feels she can move without losing control, she takes a couple steps towards the closet to grab the bathroom keys hanging there… “Where are the fucking keys?” she curses mentally looking at the empty hanger. She turns around, still with her legs pressed together, and gives a quick look around the office trying to find them. “Shit! I’ll pee my pants if I don’t find them,” she thinks while holding herself, “where the fuck are they?”
She browses the papers in her desk (cursing herself for having such a mess) while doing the “pee dance”, jumping from one foot to the other, and bending and grabbing her crotch with one hand when feeling she’s about to lose it. Between the papers, under the folders, inside the drawers, she looks everywhere but the keys are still missing.
The doorbell surprises her, and in the distraction a spurt of pee escapes from her pussy and soaks her panties there where the fabric is thick. She quickly places two fingers against it while squatting and trying to avoid more leaks. She remains in that position for a few seconds, but then remembers what caused her surprise, and standing the best she can, approaches the door.
Michelle, trying to keep her voice from trembling: “Who is it?” A man’s voice: “Yes, I’m here from the delivery service, to pick up some tickets.”
“Damn it, not now” she thinks, then takes a deep breath, trying to straighten herself out, and opens the door with a smile in her face.
Michelle: “Hello, come inside while I look for them.”
While suffering inside, Michelle lets the boy in and rushes behind her desk, walking as normal as possible. They both sit in each side of the desk, he waiting while she searches for the tickets, desperately crossing her legs under the desk. “Where did I put those fucking tickets? I can’t hold it anymore,” she thinks in distress, feeling her body contracting from the tension. Then she remembers, they are still in her computer, “Fuck it!” she thinks.
Michele, trying to smile, says, “Wait a minute while I print them,” and turning towards the computer, she begins to type with trembling hands. Boy: “Ok, no problem. Can I drink some water?” and without waiting for an answer, he walks to the dispenser.
She’ focused on typing, but hearing the water pouring into the plastic cup is too much for her bladder and she can’t avoid a spurt of her own liquid from escaping from her body and wetting her already soaked panties, making her stop typing to grab herself. “Oh, no, not know, please,” she thinks while trying to stop the stream. Luckily for her, the dispenser is the other side of the office, so the boy doesn’t see her movements and when he turns around again she was back at the keyboard like nothing happened.
But she knows that indeed something happened. The wetness in her fingers and the dark coin–sized spot in the place her fingers pressed against her light blue jeans are the evidence. At least it released a little pressure, so she’s able to concentrate on what she’s doing and get rid of her visitor as soon as possible. Once she finishes filling the information she has no other choice than waiting for the printer to finish with the tickets, while feeling her legs tremble in the effort of holding her pee inside without grabbing herself. In her mind she’s repeating, “I’ll pee my pants… I’ll pee my pants…” and in fact a couple of times she loses it for a second. She sees the wet spot grow a little when looking down discretely.
After what it seems like forever the printer finishes its job and she takes the tickets with trembling hands and hands them to the boy. Then she says goodbye without getting up, pretending she’s working, and sees the door open and close behind him.
“At last, I can’t hold it anymore,” she thinks, relieved, and stands up carefully, trying to avoid any more leaks. Then she remembers, “The keys! I don’t have the bathroom keys!! Oh no, this can’t be happening, I don’t think I can wait any longer, I’m gonna pee my pants!” she feels tears filling her eyes. Not knowing what to do she just stands behind her desk with a hand buried between her legs pressing against the wet fabric, bending her legs rhythmically and trying to think straight, but only being able to curse her sister for not showing up. She takes a look at the chair she was sitting in and notices it was dry, but in a minute she can’t say the same about the carpet anymore that she’s standing on, except she has an idea and QUICK! Then she looks under her desk and thinks of a solution for her problem.
She bends a little and with the free hand grabs the trashcan. It’s metallic and has a plastic bag inside able to contain all the pee she’s holding. She thinks for a moment on going to the door and lock it, but she can barely move, so discards that idea and focuses on unbuttoning her pants with just one hand, repeating to herself “just one more second,” as her other hand gets wetter and a rivulet of pee runs down her thigh.
When she finally manages to open all the buttons she finds another problem. She has to pull down her pants (the panties are already soaked and, besides, she’s not going to strip down in the office, even if it’s empty) without removing her right hand, the last defense against the disaster, from between her legs. She tries to pull her jeans down with only one hand, but finds that it’s impossible.
Michelle knows that she’ going to pee herself completely any second, and realizes that her only chance is a quick synchronized move: take her hand off her crotch, pull down her pants with both of them and sit in the trashcan, all without a pause. She has no problem with the first part, but when she grabs the waist of her jeans and pulls down, realizes that they are simply too tight and won’t move. Now she’s leaking again and feels her pee start running down her thighs, so she pulls harder with desperation and the movement makes her lose her balance, causing a longer spurt to escape, soaking the crotch of her jeans and leaving a visible streak down one leg. “OHHH, nooo, NOOOOO!” she thinks, crossing her legs and fighting with her clothes, but the battle is lost. She can’t hold her pee any longer; it just keeps coming out and flowing down her crossed legs. She feels it crawling under her jeans and splashing her sandals and the carpet below.
Seeing that she can’t do anything else to avoid the disaster, she tries to at least avoid making it worse. With tears in her eyes, she squats over the trashcan with her jeans still on and stops fighting. She feels a mix of relief and humiliation as her pee forcefully comes out of her body, splashing against her saturated panties and jeans, and then running down to her ass, pooling there and falling through the fabric in small streams that splash on the papers inside the plastic bag. She’s concentrating so hard that she doesn’t realize that the office door is open and someone is coming in.
That night Elizabeth went to her mother and sister Alyssa’s house. They had dinner and then both sisters stayed watching a DVD after their mother went to bed. While watching the movie, Elizabeth began to feel her bladder filling with the liquid she drunk over dinner, so she makes a move to stand up.
Elizabeth: “Aly, pause the movie for a minute, I have to pee.”
Alyssa, placing a hand in her sister’s knee: “Hold it a little longer, it’s the best part.”
Alyssa sees Elizabeth grin in acceptance, so they keep watching the movie. As Elizabeth knows her secret, she suspects her sister knows that in her request there’s more than just interest in the movie. What she doesn’t know is if her sister is aware that the movie is not “that” close to the end…
Elizabeth tries to concentrate on the movie but the pressure in her bladder makes it difficult. She crosses her legs to be more comfortable and opens the first button of her jeans. When the movie ends she stands up and runs to the bathroom. She holds it the best she can while unbuttoning her pants and pulling them down along with the thong, without avoiding one or two drops of pee that manage to land on it. Then she sits on the toilet and feels relieved as the stream of pee leaves her body.
She’s still peeing when she looks up at Alyssa, who’s standing at the door.
Elizabeth, with a grin in her face: “did you enjoy it?”
Alyssa blushes: “Ohhh…. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it, it was completely unintentional, it won’t happen again!!”
Elizabeth, now with a smile: “Don’t worry, there’s nothing to be sorry about, I could’ve come to the bathroom earlier and avoided…” she doesn’t finish the sentence, instead looking down at her clothes.
Alyssa blushes even more looking at the small wet circle in the crotch of Elizabeth’s thong. Then Elizabeth notices that her sister has her legs pressed together, with one knee in front of the other.
Elizabeth, standing up and getting dressed: “Aly, do you need to go too?”
Alyssa: “No, I’m fine” she lies, but the sound of running water when her sister washes her hands makes her press her legs together just a little bit tighter.
Elizabeth: “Well, if you enjoyed that, you have no idea what happened today to Michelle.”
She leaves the sentence in the air and goes to the living room. Alyssa follows her and finds her sitting at the table, so she sits too and waits with curiosity.
Alyssa: “Come on Ely, tell me what happened!”
Elizabeth: “Ok, I’ll tell you… This morning Michelle and I were drinking coffee, and then I had to go to do some errands, leaving her alone at the office. When I came back for the lunch and get to the office, I heard a strange noise coming from inside, like something splashing. I though it was the dispenser, but once inside I didn’t saw anything strange, I didn’t even see Michelle. But following the noise I found her behind her desk… Can you imagine what she was doing?”
Alyssa: “What?”
Elizabeth: “Do you remember our first competition, the one I won but ended up wetting my jeans sitting on the toilet?”
Alyssa swallows and blushes while she nods: “yes…”
Elizabeth: “Well, the noise was coming from behind Michelle’s desk, so I walked towards it and– do you know what I saw?”
Alyssa, almost shaking: “Come on, tell me!”
Elizabeth: “Ok! Don’t get mad… I was telling you, I found Michelle, squatting over the trashcan, and peeing thru her jeans!!”
Alyssa: “WHAT?!”
Elizabeth: “What you heard, she was squatting and peeing inside the trash, with her jeans still on. She had unbuttoned them but couldn’t get them off. They were wet down the legs to her knees, and I could see streams of pee coming from beneath her and splashing over the papers inside the trash… that was the noise I heard.” She pauses, noticing the movement of Alyssa’s shoulder that reveals what her hand is doing under the table. “Do you want me to continue?”
Alyssa: “Yes, please…”
Elizabeth: “Well, when I saw her like that I asked, “What happened?” She looked at me with tears in her eyes and didn’t answer; instead she looked down again and kept peeing. When she finished she stood up…and began to yell at me! In fact, I deserved it,” she added, winking to her sister. “When I left the office I didn’t realized that took the bathroom keys with me! I left her all morning alone without the keys after all the coffee we drunk!”
Alyssa shallows: “And so? What did she do?”
Elizabeth: “I had to go and buy her a new pair of pants and panties.
Her jeans were soaked! The ass was completely wet!” She tried to describe it as well as she can for her sister “and the inner side of the legs were wet to her knees… even looking at the front you could tell she had peed herself! What’s more, when she got up you could see the wetness still falling down the back of the legs from her ass…. a total mess, you know.”
When she finished her story, she got up and leaned towards Alyssa to say goodbye.
Elizabeth: “I’ve got to go, see you,” and embracing her, whispers in her sister’s ear “enjoy it! Then she gives her a kiss and goes home.
Alyssa stays there, recovering from the images produced by Elizabeth’s story. She begins to remember every detail she heard and imagines Michelle going through all of that, while one hand opens her zipper and gets inside her pants to rub herself over her panties. Then she realizes how desperate she is, and with her wrist she presses against her bladder, feeling the pressure rise immediately and a spurt coming from her pussy; wetting her fingers and panties.
She’s about to let it all go but then remembers she’s not alone, her mother is sleeping in the other room! Again she presses her fingers against her pussy, but this time not for pleasure, just trying to avoid wetting herself! She can’t do it in there with her mother in the house, what could’ve happened if her mother woke up? She stands with her hand still inside her pants putting pressure on her pee hole and walks as fast as she can to the bathroom. Holding with all her strength, she takes off her shoes, pushing them with the opposite foot and lets her pants (showing a dark spot in the crotch) fall to the floor. She steps out of her pants into the tub, and once she’s safely inside, the fingers that were holding begin to rub, while her pee, finally free; runs through her fingers and forms rivers down her legs, while her fingers take her higher and higher…
By: Gus74