H. Klumfan

1 stories

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Longest "Minutes" Ever
By: H. Klumfan (31 Aug 2006, Thursday)

This was the day of one of the biggest meetings in the history of the Bell–Thomas accounting firm. All of the big shots in the company were there to discuss a possible merger with Orion Corporate Investments. Of course, this also meant that meticulous minutes of all the meetings would have to be taken. Carrie Stevens was the best secretary in the firm and she was the first one called up for this most important of meetings. She had charged up for the meeting with a tall iced mocha and she also had some Coke to give her the occasional boost during the meeting. An hour and a half had gone by and the discussion was really starting to intensify. However, Carrie's need to relieve her bladder was starting to become…

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