Lauren and Jason's Date

By: Hugo Wetport
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lauren had let it go too far this time. She was nearly bursting and there was such a long way to go…
Today had been the concert that she and Jason had been waiting for, and an awesome concert it turned out to be, with one of the greatest rock bands of all time on their recent tour. Lauren had had 2 large cokes, as well as some of Jason’s water, and was now regretting many of her other decisions of the day as well. For one, she absolutely refused to use the porta potties at the concert, and now that they were sitting in the parking lot, waiting for the line of cars to move, she knew it would be a very long ride home. The ride was set to be nearly an hour back to her house, and even more if they went to Jason’s first.
Jason had noticed her squirming and holding, and had asked what was wrong, and Lauren was nearly at the point of whining, “I have to pee!!!” but just mumbled it quietly. He asked why she hadn’t just used the porta potties, but he knew better, she wouldn’t go there; she was always so clean and proper. He thought about suggesting that she squat beside the car, since it was a dark parking lot, but Jason had other things in mind, he was enjoying her predicament. She was wearing tight jeans, and a cute sweater that clung to her nice body, as the jeans did, and he liked seeing her crossing her legs each way, shifting in the seat, and squirming, all with a subtlety she used since she seemed quite embarrassed about her situation.
The line of cars was finally starting to move across the gravel parking lot now, but each slow movement and bump gave her more to worry about. How would she possible hold it for another hour? She had her legs crossed and clenched tight, but hadn’t reached the point of jamming a hand down her crotch, the point she knows is very near the end. She crossed her legs tighter, just the thought of how close had been in the past was almost too much to bear.
The traffic moved more, and they were finally on the open road. She let the window down for some air, and sat facing out, giving her ample opportunity to cross her legs more, as she dared not move much, or let the bumps in the road get to her. Jason kept stealing glances, and asking how she was…almost too much, she thought. She knew he had an interest in her, and they had attempted it in the past, but it never went anywhere, she was pretty fickle, and he wasn’t a bad enough guy. She always went for the bad ones, it seemed. But she could definitely see he was interested in her right now…whether out of care or something else…she kept watching his glances. She noticed that he repositioned himself once or twice, grabbing his crotch and shifting things around, and now she could see a straining bulge against his jeans…hmmm…really? Could this be turning him on? Letting her mind wander took her attention off of holding, and she was starting to feel herself get a little wet. And then wetter…
She had dribbled a little pee!!! Oh my God, she could not believe it, she could feel a wet patch on her panties, pressing against her pussy lips, but was able to control and make sure no more got out.
Jason seemed not to notice at first, but then, what he said shocked the hell out of her. “Do you smell something?” he asked, nonchalantly, not saying what it was that he smelled. She played it off and said she didn’t smell anything, wondering if she really did or if he really could. Could his nose have picked up the scent of a little pee between her legs, with her legs pressed tightly together? This was going to be a long ride home.
Lauren repositioned, crossing her legs over each other more tightly, hoping to prevent any possible smell. She couldn’t look to see if a wet spot was on her jeans, but had a feeling it was contained under them. The trip became agonizing for her, and perhaps, yes, perhaps a little bit of an embarrassment at the flushed feeling she was having, sensing Jason’s interest in her situation. How could this turn him on? And how could she feel some of the same, knowing that her original wetness was not pee at all…but a soft wetness of arousal.
Jason stayed quiet for a few minutes as they drove on, and then apologized that he was driving so slowly, not wanting to get a ticket on the highways, which were patrolled heavily after concerts. He was going 55mph!!! The minimum, so slow, it seemed to Lauren. At this rate, there was about 25 minutes between her and relief. Thoughts of embarrassment went through her mind as she realized she had the chance of not making it, or having to ask Jason to stop somewhere, though that was not an option, nothing was open this late, and she would never squat outside the car, she just couldn’t; the same way she couldn’t bring herself to use public urinals or porta potties at the concert. Her mom had spoiled that, bringing her up in a pristine home environment, and in a scared of everything way. She only hoped that she would be able to hold it long enough to get home, even if it meant flooding as soon as she was out of the car.
Jason was noticing her uncomfortable positions, the shifting, and the seemingly worried look on her face, with glances over to her all the time now. He started small conversations, tempted to bring up the subject, but trying to also be somewhat nice, although he was driven by his straining hard on– it was dominating his thinking. He asked how she was holding on, and if she wanted him to stop on the side of the road in a dark area, promising not to look. She sensed he knew how badly she had to go, but declined, saying she could never do that, and didn’t even know how if she could.
Great, though Jason, he would see this struggle the whole way home, 20 minutes more at least! He tried to look over long enough to see into her crotch area, as she was now sitting with her legs somewhat more apart, but still held tight in the middle. She would watch for when he was concentrating on the road, and subtly push down on her crotch, holding a little, hoping to relieve the pressure. She had one good idea, which was, since her sweater was over the waist of her pants, she would undo her jeans button just a bit, and did so without him seeing, and without any sound to bring attention to it. As she was doing so, the bumpy ride made her hit her bladder area, and she thought a little more was going to come out. She couldn’t tell if it had or not, but didn’t feel much more wetness, just a straining sensation as her muscles clamped to stop it from happening. How was she going to make it?
Lauren’s mom had taught her how to hold for very long times, and she remembered that at times, her mom would talk about almost being at the edge and needing jut a little bit of relief…she thought of this now, what if she just let a little go, enough to not show, but just to ease the pressure? Her jeans were somewhat in the middle of colours, so it might not show that badly…but it was possible that when she stood up it would show. That could be solved with her sweater coming off and being tied on around her waist. She would have to close the window now, to allow for a reason for the sweater coming off, or Jason would think she was quite strange. Closing the window, she got ready to redo the button on her jeans, and the shifting to rollup the window was not helping. Jason asked if she was okay, and she murmured a yes, so he pressed more to see if she was going to make it home alright? Did he want her to not make it, she thought? A shiver of some sort went through her, and she realized the sweater coming off would have to wait, as her nipples were incredibly hard and would show through her thinner under shirt quite obviously. Damn, things were not working in her favor right now. She held on tighter, and planned for a few minutes how to release just a little. Jason tried to make light conversation, and she obliged, but somewhat in an off in space mood, not really connecting, thinking about how badly she had to pee, and how she may not make it. 10 minutes or so left, and still on the highway, so luckily, she thought, it was a smooth ride, and just then a rough patch of construction work rumbled the car, caught her off guard, and sent a small leak out of her pee opening. Jason apologized for the bumps, with a grin on his face, and noticed her horrified look. He asked if that didn’t help? Of course it didn’t– she somewhat yelled, and then groaned, stuck her hand into her crotch, since this was an acceptable thing to do. She could feel the wetness in her crotch of her jeans, though it must have been only the size of a quarter.
She had to let a little more go, or one more bump would be the end of it. She focused on this though, and with a relaxing of her muscles, let a small stream out. It came out in a hiss, and it must have been audible, because, to her horror, Jason, asked if she heard that, a hissing sound? Damn, maybe this wasn’t a good idea, she thought, but it was too late. Her crotch was getting warm and she could do nothing about it now but hope to hide it. She had her hand just above the crotch, so as to hide any possible visible signs, but with a little tuck of her finger, she could tell there was no wetness visible. But she could feel it in the middle of her legs, and it was dribbling a little down to her ass area. Shit, she hoped it wouldn’t drip or be visible on the seat.
Jason thought that Lauren might have let a little go, and tried to hint at it mentioning the sound, and then saying there’s that smell again. Lauren played it off with a joke, asking him why he kept talking about that, which wasn’t helping to be joking like that. He felt bad, somewhat, and apologized, but knew his hard on was showing through his jeans, and hoped she wouldn’t notice.
She took off her sweater, saying she was hot, and tried to tie it around her, but instead, to avoid shifting, put it over her lap for a second until she could control things a little better. When she was sure she was clenched tightly, she slid the sweater behind her and tied it into place. This was her chance to check for wetness, and she adjusted the sweater underneath, while feeling her butt area, which was definitely wet. The release had helped her feel better, but perhaps not been good for hiding the fact that she had wet herself a little.
Finally, they pulled off the highway and neared her house, but now the streets were bumpy and it was painful for her to keep it in. She forgot about shame now; she was squirming, holding her hands between her legs, and trying not to let any more out. Jason commented on this, and she ignored him when he remarked that she must be having a hard time holding and it would be okay with him if she just let it go. That is of course, what he wanted, and he probably would have jumped her right there while still driving. But, Lauren held on, and Jason wanted to hold on to his throbbing cock. He could tell that a good amount of precum was already wetting his jeans, and was wondering if it would be showing through, or if he would uncontrollably go off in his jeans, perhaps.
Lauren saw her street coming up and was quite relieved. She even dared to let just a little bit more out, a very tiny bit, she thought, but it seemed that Jason might have noticed it again. She saw him look over and down to check her crotch (though he couldn’t see anything) and also give his crotch a major shift, with a shudder noticeably going through him. She was half tempted to keep this up and tempt him more, but she really did not want to lose it in her pants, and wanted to get home already. As they pulled up to the house, Jason offered to walk her in, and she declined, saying she would be running in.
Jason watched as she jumped out of the door, sweater wrapped around herself, and ran up her front steps, pausing to hold her crotch while she fumbled at the door. Lauren was losing a little bit more as she did this, unknown to Jason, but she made it in the house, and to the toilet, all the while holding her crotch and hoping not to completely lose it. As she sat down on the toilet, she looked at the rather large wet spot on her panties and the noticeable spot on her jeans, and the relief was sweet.
Jason wished he could have stopped and held her, or something to check for wetness, but he saw nothing. He did, however, reach over to feel her seat, and to his surprise and delight, there was a tiny spot of dampness. Not wet, but not just from a warm butt either. He could not believe it, and wanted his own release so badly. He was almost cumming in his pants, and had to do all he could to stop holding his cock, as the pre orgasmic contractions started. As he drove away, he pulled into an unlit side street, turned off the car briefly, and with only a few strokes, was cumming hard into his jeans, throwing his head back in wonderful relief, looking forward to the next time he saw Lauren.
By: Hugo Wetport (You can email Hugo by clicking HERE and remove the REMOVETHIS part from the addy)