Tales of Janis - Part 1

By: Janis
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Hi. This is a personal account of some of what is going on in my life right now. I only recently discovered that I wasn’t the only person in the world who enjoyed wetting my pants, so the stories here have been a real revelation to me. After reading a bunch of them I decided to write about my own experiences, I hope you like them. This story is mostly true– I just changed enough details to make it pretty hard for someone to actually find me. I’m not going to publish my e–mail right now, maybe with a later installment. Enjoy! I sure enjoyed writing it – almost as much as I enjoyed doing it when it happened. –– Janis
Where do things like this start in someone’s life? Is there some event that triggers it– some fundamental thing in the makeup of a person that causes them to be drawn to that which others shun? I don’t really understand what it is that makes me enjoy these things, but the longer I am this way the more I find I like it and am willing to just enjoy my little … differences.
A recent weekend when I went on a trip was when I first realized that I wasn’t alone in doing this, and in discovering that other people enjoyed the same sort of pleasures– I finally came to grips with it and stopped feeling guilty. It started out as a pretty normal time, I had made plans to go and visit an old school friend. Carol and I went through all of grade school and Junior High together, but she moved to North Idaho just before we started High School. We had done everything together and had suffered through all those growing up things that shape your life. I was always very small and had to watch my weight a bit, but she was tall and, well, I guess that statuesque would be the best way to describe it. Carol was the first girl in our grade to get breasts and pubic hair, and I was insanely jealous for a while. Her tits never got very big, though, and I outdo her in that department now.
Carol also was the first in our group to like boys and she definitely had a desire to find out if everything we all heard and read about sex were true! She hadn’t done anything about it before she moved away, but the letters that we exchanged over the next 6 years were full of what she liked to call her “voyages of discovery.” I, on the other hand, seemed to find too many other things to do to be terribly interested in boys. I got involved in gymnastics in High School and spent all my free time practicing. I never really got very good at it, but it used up all my free time, so that I just didn’t get involved with the guys. I had a few dates, but nothing serious.
By the time I got out of High School I had gotten interested in computers. Since it was obvious that gymnastics wasn’t going to do much for me beyond keeping me busy and in good physical shape, I dropped it and focused on becoming the very best computer programmer at the university. I still stayed in shape, still do in fact, I just spend a couple hours a week either at the gym or jogging now. Six years of college led me to an MS degree in Computer Science with a minor in Business, the ideal combination for getting a job in the middle of the ’90s. Since Carol and I hadn’t managed to get together at any time during my college career we spent most of that summer getting to know one another again while camping in the mountains of northern Idaho.
Carol was amazed that I still hadn’t gotten involved with a man somewhere along the line, but understood that sex was something I felt very strongly about and wasn’t willing to get involved with unless it was with someone I felt was “the one.” What those two months we spent together did was to cement a friendship that was now much more than just the remembered friendship of two grade school chums. Now we were two adult women who had developed both a deep liking for one another and a mutual respect for the other’s opinions, abilities and ambitions.
Eight years have gone by since that summer and Carol and I still are very close. We haven’t gotten together face–to–face as much as I would like, but we keep the mail service, the Internet and the phone company busy helping us stay close. Now I was on my way to see her again, with two weeks of vacation in hand and absolutely nothing on the agenda. My only goal for this time was to unwind and be incompetent. I get so tired of being competent all the time at work that I want to let someone else make the important decisions for a while. That’s probably the biggest drawback to being single, that there is no one to share the decision–making with.
Nothing might have happened if it hadn’t been so late when I got out of Portland. I wasn’t supposed to have to work, but the network started having problems the day before and I had gone in late in the evening to set it straight. Everything was going OK, but I wanted to check it out before leaving, so I made a quick run into the office before taking off. Such small decisions can have such a great effect on things! It is about a 7–hour drive from where I live outside of Portland to where Carol lives outside of Coeur d’Alene, ID. My plan had been to take off by 9:00 or so, but it was almost 1:00 when I finally got going. I hadn’t eaten lunch so a lunch stop was in order, then I stopped in Spokane for dinner. The net result was that it was after 10:00 PM before I finally got to Carol’s house and we settled right down to some serious drinking and visiting before going to bed. It was typical girl talk, although most of it was Carol telling me about the guy she had been hooked up with a few months earlier, who seemed to have a pretty wild sexual repertoire. By the time I had drunk 5 or 6 beers and listened to a couple of hours of her stories I was both drunk as the proverbial fiddler’s bitch and so horny that I knew I would be having some intensely erotic dreams to keep me warm. Carol’s place is actually pretty much just a large cabin in the middle of about 40 acres of woods. It has one big room that is living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, den, office, etc. with a bathroom/utility room opening off one side. The original plan called for me to sleep on the couch, but by the time we were ready to head for bed we were both too bombed to mess with finding bedding and getting the hide–a–bed folded out, so we both just peeled down to panties and bras and climbed into Carol’s king–size bed.
A couple of hours later I woke up absolutely dying for a pee. I don’t normally drink a lot, and when I do it just goes straight through me.
Unfortunately I’d gotten too drunk too fast to pee before going to sleep, so when I woke up I was absolutely bursting. To make matters even more interesting I had been enjoying that erotic dream I’d been expecting when I crashed. That meant that I didn’t want to get up, I just wanted to lie there and play with myself, but the second I slid a hand between my legs I knew I had better make it to the bathroom without delay. I’d already leaked into my panties enough that the whole crotch was damp. They were just plain cotton panties, low cut, but new and thick enough to absorb a lot. The feeling of the warmth from the pee and the internal warmth from my dream was making me even hornier and I could feel my nipples getting hard as I slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
Even as I took the first step I knew I was going to be in trouble, every move was causing my bladder to tighten up and by the time I’d taken two steps I’d lost another spurt into my panties. Now the crotch was truly soaked and I grabbed myself and headed for the toilet, almost gasping for breath now from the effort of holding back the piss and the incredible warmth that was building in my pussy. As I slipped into the bathroom another spurt got loose and I could feel the warmth spread against the hand I had pressed tightly to my crotch. A single drop trickled down my leg, and in the cool air the sensation caused me to shiver all over in anticipation. By this time I knew I couldn’t possibly leave the bathroom without masturbating and between the erotic dream and the wet panties I knew this would be a tremendous orgasm. Two more steps and I’d made it to the toilet, but now the drop was a trickle and I could feel it tickling the side of my foot. There was a knot of heat in my gut that I knew meant I could come at any moment.
Last step! Just turn and sit down, not enough time to even consider pulling down those panties, besides, it’s better that way. With my right hand holding tight to my pussy and my left sliding across my stomach and up to cup my breast in its bra I feel the next spurt come. This time I don’t try to stop it, just cup myself and let it flow. The hot piss runs back along my crack, soaking the entire bottom of my panties. I’m bouncing up and down on the toilet now, rubbing frantically at my pussy through my soaked panties while the piss runs over my hand. I can hardly breathe the feelings are so intense. Suddenly my insides explode in an incredible orgasm. I’m thrashing back and forth and up and down on the toilet rubbing myself and feeling that piss all over my pussy and ass. It is running over my hand and has splattered my thighs and is still gushing out as the waves of my orgasm start to subside. For a few minutes I just sit there, enjoying the feel of my soaked panties and stroking my hardened nipples as the last tremors fade away. Bladder empty and desire satisfied I contemplate what to do next.
I’m still drunk enough not to worry too much about morning, so the obvious thing is to leave the wet panties behind in the bathroom and go get some dry ones and go back to bed, hopefully without waking Carol. Unfortunately, as I was wiping off my legs and washing my hands I remembered that my bags were still in the car. I had left them there when I arrived and we had intended to get them later, but we got too drunk before we dealt with them, so there I was, standing in my best friend’s bathroom wearing only a bra with a pair of piss–soaked panties lying in the tub and nothing to put on. Drunk helps sometimes. I just walked back to the bed and crawled under the covers with nothing on but that bra.
Now I really thought that I hadn’t made much noise, and I tried to slip into bed as quietly as possible, but as I was pulling the covers up Carol murmured from the other side of the bed, “I think you lost something along the way.”
I sort of jumped– surprised she was awake. “I had a little accident and got my panties wet. I think I drank too much last night.”
Giggles. Then a soft hand slid along my thigh and across my bottom. “You have nice skin. Smooth.” The hand rested on my back, at the waist and I felt Carol slide close to me. Her lips brushed my cheek and she whispered, “I like touching your skin. Shall we compare?”
“Yes, let’s.” More giggles. I wiggled a bit closer to her, now our knees were touching and I put an arm under her head. I let the other hand trail across her shoulders and down along her side, coming to rest right at her hip. “Yours is nice too.” A pause, then “I feel a bit strange touching you like this, I’ve touched my own skin, but other girl–skin is different, a bit exciting too.”
“It’s nice, though, isn’t it Janis?” As she asked, Carol’s hand slid down and cupped my ass gently. “I’ve always wanted to feel another girl’s body next to me like this, just to see what it is like. Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Mind? Are you kidding! Just thinking about it is running my pulse up!” I answered her hand on my ass by sliding mine down onto hers, feeling the solid mound of her butt under her cotton panties. I stroked gently across her ass and then slid my hand down her thigh a ways, wishing I had longer arms to be able to reach farther. I started to slide it back up and Carol shifted slightly, letting me slip that hand around onto the inside of her thigh. My heart was pounding now. “Oh, Carol. The insides of your thighs are just like silk. Smooth and hot.” I slid my hand a few inches higher, to where the side of my hand just barely touched the material at the crotch of her panties. I had to giggle, “Carol, I don’t think I’m the only one who’s having some bladder control problems. Your panties are pretty wet too.”
“That happens… and I’d better go deal with it or we’re going to be swimming rather than sleeping in this bed! Wait right here, I’ll be back in a second.” I lay there while Carol padded across the floor and went into the bathroom. She didn’t close the door and I could hear the tinkle of piss into the toilet bowl as she started to go, quickly building to a steady hiss that went on for a long time then died down to a trickle and finished with a couple of spurts. There was a long silence then the faucet ran as she washed her hands. I knew that she would be naked when she came out of the bathroom, I just knew it, so I quickly reached back and unhooked my bra, for some reason I wanted to be just as naked as she was when she got there. I was just dropping my bra onto the floor by the bed when Carol came out, gorgeous in her nudity. The moonlight outside seemed to make her skin glow and the firm curves of her small breasts were accented by small, dark nipples that stood stiffly erect. As she walked the dark triangle of hair between her legs both concealed and hinted. In her sexuality I saw the echo of my own. I wasn’t lusting after her body; I was lusting after me.
Carol chuckled as she saw me staring at her while holding my bra in one hand. “I think we both had the same idea, didn’t we? Let’s snuggle some of this nice skin together and see where it leads.”
I couldn’t speak, only slide back a bit to let her get in next to me, this time we immediately slid close together, with my knee between hers and our faces only a couple of inches apart. Carol’s breathing was fast and shallow, and I’m sure mine was too. My nipples were straining toward her so I moved slightly to allow them to touch her. The shock of feeling from that contact caused a shiver through both of us, and I couldn’t resist touching my lips to Carol’s. Oh, what softness! I don’t think there is anything quite like two girls who really like and love each other kissing. Gently, just lips to lips, neither of us quite sure what we are doing or what we want to do about it. I pulled back a bit and noticed that Carol had a hand cupping my ass, so I slipped mine between her legs and caressed those wonderful thighs again while leaning in for another kiss. This time I parted my lips and stroked my tongue along hers. Talk about a couple of turned on girls! My nipples were so hard they hurt, the muscles in my stomach were twitching and I could actually feel pussy juices leaking out of me. The expression on Carol’s face as I drew back told me she felt about the same.
“Janis!” she gasped “Are you sure about this?”
“No, not really. Are you?”
“I think we’re still too drunk to go any farther this way. I don’t want to do something we might regret in the morning. You’re my best friend, I want to keep it that way.”
She was right. I knew it, but I still didn’t want to quit, the new sensations were just too delicious.
“Janis, I’m going to roll over and we can just snuggle together. If this still seems like a good idea tomorrow we can see where it goes then. I’m just a bit scared about it right now.” That surprised me. I was scared, because I was totally inexperienced, but Carol had a lot of experience. It suddenly struck me that our friendship really did mean a lot to her, and that her experience may have taught her something about the emotional risks of getting involved physically with someone. So I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss before letting her turn over. At the same time I slid my hand up to get a quick feel of her pussy hair and I just couldn’t resist finding out what it felt like. Imagine my surprise when I touched it and found it soaking wet! I must have gasped or something because Carol was laughing as she rolled over. “Maybe we’ll talk about that in the morning too!”
To be continued….
By: Janis