Tales of Janis - Part 2

By: Janis
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

This is part two of my story. I almost didn’t send it in. After reading my first installment on the Web I sort of panicked, I was afraid that someone could figure out whom I really am and that it might cause problems for me. I was also a bit embarrassed to read such intimate details about my life on a forum that basically anyone with a computer could read. Strangely enough, it was Carol who persuaded me to send in this next part. She read the first one after I told her it was going to be posted and wanted to read the rest of my impressions of that week. Now that some time has gone by and I’ve thought about it I think it would be pretty hard for someone to track me down, and even if it is embarrassing at times there is a bit of a perverse pleasure in being this type of an exhibitionist (I sure as hell couldn’t be any other type!). So enjoy! ––Janis
I’m not sure you can really say that we woke up–regained consciousness is more like it. The first thing I noticed when morning arrived was that my head was pounding and my mouth tasted like I had been smoking sweat sock cigars. I tried to roll over and that was when I noticed that Carol was still sleeping right where she had been, with her backside snuggled up to me. She felt awfully warm and cuddly right then, since about that time I realized that the covers had gotten lost sometime during the night and it had gotten a bit cold in the room. I also suddenly became aware that my bladder was full to the bursting point. Being stark naked I knew I had better move, and quick! I tried not to disturb Carol too much, but she was lying on my arm and I was in a hurry, so by the time I hit the floor and was headed for the bathroom she was starting to move around.
Hangovers are wonderful things– I really didn’t care about much of anything but the pain in my head. Right at that moment all I wanted to do was get to the bathroom and pee so that I could head back to bed. On the way I ran into a chair and not only stubbed my toe, but made enough noise that Carol was definitely awake. The pain also distracted me for a moment from my trip to the toilet, leading to yet another “embarrassing incident” as I let a spurt of piss escape. With no panties on it immediately trickled down my leg, providing a lot of motivation to get to the bathroom fast. With a quick dash I got there and sat down. As I relaxed and the pee started to flow those wonderful tingling feelings started, just like every time I held it until I was desperate. It started in my toes and the tingles moved up my legs into my stomach then curled down to my crotch, finally centering on that most sensitive part of me, it was as though the pee rushing out was setting up vibrations that were as effective against my clit as any type of masturbation could be. I was starting to breathe a bit heavily as I enjoyed the feeling, and was even moving a hand to my crotch to help the feelings along when Carol came rushing in. She clearly was in dire straits as well, holding one hand to her crotch as she scuttled through the door. She paused for a moment; only a heart beat, really, as she realized that I had the toilet tied up, then simply stepped into the bathtub and squatted down.
Carol let out a long moan of pleasure as she released her flood. She was, by purest chance (I think), facing me and the sight of that sudden stream of pee coming from her almost pushed me over the edge. I had never actually seen someone else pee before, not directly. The closest had been sharing a bathroom while another girl sat on the toilet, always with her knees tightly together. This was totally different, I was seeing more of another woman than I was used to, it was someone I loved and cared about and she was doing something that touched my fantasy life. I stared. I admit it. I was still peeing myself– still enjoying all those tingly feelings, but all that was almost forgotten as I stared at Carol’s dark bush with that stream of pee flowing from it.
Suddenly Carol laughed. She had been peeing with her head back and eyes shut, but now she had looked down and seen something I had forgotten, the panties I had peed the night before were lying there in the tub. Now Carol picked them up for a brief inspection. “It looks to me like you had more than a ‘slight’ accident last night.”
“OK, I kind of lost control. Sometimes I wait too long. And being drunk as a skunk didn’t help.”
Almost casually she lifted them to her nose and sniffed then gave me a purely wicked grin and said, “I don’t think that peeing was all that was going on in here!”
One drawback to being a redhead is that I blush easily, and boy did I blush now! I was staring down at my knees and could actually see my legs and breasts turn red with embarrassment. I think I blushed all the way from my toes to the tops of my ears.
Carol just gave the panties a toss toward the hamper and kept on peeing, clearly enjoying the feeling, with her eyes shut and breathing heavily. Finally she finished and opened her eyes and looked at me again. I was mortified and just sat there staring down and trying to think of something to say or do.
“Jay?” Carol asked gently. “Are you OK?”
I looked up at her.
“Should I be?”
“That depends. None of this bothers me, and I’m sure it will give us something to talk about while you’re here, but if it bothers you I can just forget I ever saw anything.”
“It may not be a big deal to you, but anything sexual just seems so… disturbing… to me. Last night is the closest I’ve ever come to having sex with anyone and it was when I was completely bombed and was with another girl. Worse than that, the thing that started me in that direction was listening to you pee. All that masturbating in here had done was make me horny. Look, Carol, this is just too embarrassing right now, can we drop it for now?”
“Sure, Jay, sure; but I suspect it will come up sometime again, because I want to tell you some things.”
“Whatever. Right now I just want to get a shower, get dressed and see what I can do about this hangover. Your theory about drinking a glass of water for each beer to prevent a headache in the morning didn’t live up to its promise, all it seems to have done is fill up my bladder – multiple times!”
“OK, you get in the shower and I’ll start some coffee. Wrap up in my robe there behind the door for now, I think your clothes are still out in the car.” Carol stood up and stepped out the tub, ignoring some drops that ran down her legs. As she went past me she leaned down and kissed me gently, on the lips, and whispered; “it’s alright, you’ll see.” and headed out the door.
Ten minutes in the shower did wonders for me, although the headache was still there, it wasn’t dictating what I could or couldn’t do. I got out, toweled dry, and grabbed the robe. Small problem. I’m five foot one, and Carol is at least five–eleven. I could wear the robe, but it brushed the floor and made me feel a bit like I was playing dress–up in my mother’s clothes.
Beggars can’t be choosers, so I headed out to the kitchen to get some coffee. Carol took one look and burst out laughing! She was still naked, which was a bit disconcerting, but equally clearly had nothing but breakfast on her mind. When she stopped laughing she just shook her head.
“I never realized just how much taller than you I am. I think we had better get your clothes. Give me the robe and I’ll run out to your car.”
“Give you the robe? While I sit here in nothing but a smile? Why don’t I run out to the car in the robe and you can get in the shower.”
“I just wanted to see you naked again!” Carol teased, and she turned around and walked into the bathroom. A moment later I heard the shower start, so I walked out to my car and grabbed my suitcase.
By the time Carol got back in I was dressed and well down on my second mug of coffee. A couple of ibuprofen tablets were starting to take the last of the headache away and I was starting to feel human again – not to mention hungry. I was also beginning to wonder if Carol had really been teasing about wanting to see me naked. I’ve always been pretty private about my body and after what had gone on during the night I was starting to be a bit weirded out. It was fun cuddling with Carol, but no way was I interested in playing the lesbian game. I want to have babies and a husband and all that type of stuff some day, besides, in the cold light of day the idea of that sort of sexual play with another girl, even Carol, leaves me less than turned on. It might be fun, but I made up my mind that I definitely didn’t want to go too far with it.
So the first words out of my mouth when she came into the kitchen were, “What did you mean you wanted to see me naked? Have you decided you’re queer or something? What’s for breakfast?” Typical Jay– just put total foot in mouth. As soon as I said it I wanted to disappear. Even if Carol had decided she was gay she was still my best friend, and I had just sounded off like a total jerk.
Carol just laughed. I think one of the reasons I love her so much is that she seems to always understand what I mean, even if what I say comes out completely perverse.
“No, Jay, I’m not gay, but you do have a cute body, and there is cereal in the cupboard over the refrigerator or there are eggs in it, and there may even be some bacon in there. Bread is in the top drawer to the left of the sink, butter and jam in the ‘fridge. You can cook as well as I can, so help yourself and let’s get our day planned.”
More coffee and a couple of eggs set me up pretty well and we decided that we would stick around the place for the most part, but Carol wanted to take a walk to show me around her property. I hadn’t been there before, so I was looking forward to seeing what her place was like. Forty acres isn’t huge, but we decided that we would take a walk up a little hill behind her property that would give us a good view of the area around. I guess the top of the hill would be a mile or so from the house. Just a nice little morning stroll, but we had each drunk at least 4 cups of coffee before we got started.
It was a nice walk along an old logging road across her property and around the hill as it wound to the top. The woods there are quite a bit different from what I’m used to at home, so I really enjoyed the walk. Once on top we spent quite a while studying the area, with Carol showing me how her place lay in relation to everything else. We had probably been away from the house for an hour and half or two hours by that time, and I finally noticed that my bladder was starting to send out distress signals.
“Carol, I think we should head back for the house now, I’m going to need to pee pretty soon and I don’t remember seeing any public restrooms on the way up here.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to think that too, but the house is pretty far away. If you’re really desperate just squat down somewhere and water the bushes.” OK, I’m pretty much a city girl, the idea of peeing out in the open like that hadn’t even occurred to me, despite the time Carol and I had spent camping several years ago.
“Are you going to?” I asked her.
“No. I think I’ll hold it for a while.”
“Well, I guess I can hold it too. But I do want to start back.”
The first part of the walk, down off the hill we strolled along pretty casually, but you know how kidneys are, once you realize that you need to pee they seem to just kick into high gear. Before we reached the bottom I knew I wasn’t going to be able to walk all the way back before peeing.
“Carol, I think we’d better stop and pee, I’m getting pretty full–up.”
She looked over at me and half–grinned. “I was just thinking it might be fun to see how long I could hold it. Let’s walk a little farther.”
As we strolled along the old logging road I could feel a steady build–up of pressure in my bladder. And as that pressure built I was also feeling the warm tingle I always get in my crotch when I have to pee. “Carol, I’ve got to go soon!” I called while pressing a hand to my swollen mound, partly to hold back the flood and partly to give a little bit of rub, just enough to make the pressure on the inside pleasurable rather than painful. I glanced at Carol to see if she had noticed, but she had a hand on her crotch as well, and she was definitely doing more than just holding on!
“Ha! I caught you! You really enjoy that feeling of desperation, don’t you?”
“Oh, God yes!” She moaned and suddenly shoved her jeans down and squatted there in the road. As the fountain of her piss sprayed out she kept gently rubbing herself until, just as she finished, she began to come. This was too much for me. I couldn’t hold on for another second. Thrusting my jeans to my knees I squatted and let it flow.
I was too inhibited to rub myself with Carol watching, but the excitement of watching her come and the throbbing at my pee–hole as I finally was able to let it go almost gave me an orgasm without any help. I didn’t quite come, but by the time I finished peeing I was weak in the knees and was horny enough that I was anxiously awaiting my first private moment. We both stood at the same moment and pulled up our jeans. Then, as we looked at each other, we both started laughing.
“Oh, I wish you could have seen your face! Your eyes just about jumped out of your head when I started frigging myself. But it looked to me like you wanted to do it too.”
“You are unbelievable! I think you’ve got a pretty wide streak of exhibitionist in you.”
“Well, if I have an itch, and the situation is OK, I like to scratch it. But you enjoyed watching, didn’t you?”
“I think I’ll just exercise my right to remain silent on that one. It looks to me like you’ve done something like this before, though. Have you? Do you really enjoy holding it until you’re desperate?”
Carol’s look at me was, I think, a bit calculating– deciding just what she wanted to say and trying to guess how I’d take it. Finally she smiled slightly. “Let me tell you a bit of a story, this isn’t something that I just want to blow off with something like ‘if it feels good, do it.’ It’s been a big part of my private life for a long time and I think you feel a bit the same way, so maybe I can help you sort it out too.”
Carol is truly a great friend. She saw right through to the heart of the matter– that I truly was a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing and I hoped she could help me sort it out.
“Do you remember when we were in Jr. High school? Where I lived?” she started out. “I had that long bus ride home from school every day, and I was alone at home after school.” I remembered that Carol’s parents had gotten divorced when we were in 5th or 6th grade and that her mother had always had to work, and unlike me, she was an only child. “Well, the combination of the long ride and the empty house and the fact that I was one seriously horny little girl gave me time to think about sex and then an empty house to play with myself when I got home, so I tended to take advantage of that. By the time we were halfway through seventh grade I was masturbating just about every single day when I got home, in fact, since the last 10 minutes or so on the bus I was the only kid I often sat in the back and got a head start on it. I tell you, I was absolutely obsessed with the whole idea of sex!”
“I remember!” I laughed. “Sometimes you almost scared the rest of us the way you talked about it.”
“Price I paid for being the ‘early bloomer’ in the class. But that’s beside the point, because what else happened on that long bus ride was that I almost always had to pee by the time I got home, in fact sometimes I was pretty much bursting. At first I would pee then go to my room and strip down and play, but at some point I was both really hot and really desperate at the same time, so when I sat down to pee I just figured ‘what the hell’ and rubbed myself while I peed. I remember that one time really well because it was the most intense orgasm I’d had up to then.”
“So that started it?”
“Pretty much. For a week or two I tried not to because I thought it was dirty, but then another day came around when I was both terribly desperate and terribly horny and I just couldn’t help myself. It went on that way for most of the year, but I started finding that I was linking the feeling of a full bladder with the pleasure of masturbating. Sometimes I could almost come when my bladder was full and I just thought about it. By summertime, when I was home pretty much all day, every day, I was deliberately holding on until my bladder was about to burst then peeing and masturbating every time. Since we were out away from any other houses I would do it anywhere in the yard or garden that the urge finally overtook me. Back at school that eighth grade year I just kept doing it, except I started stacking the deck, as it were, by drinking a lot of water late in the school day. That would guarantee that I’d be bursting by the time I got home.”
“Did you keep doing that after you moved?” This whole story was making me hot, but I really didn’t want Carol to know that so I was playing it as cool as possible.
“Oh, yeah! In fact when we moved it was to a place a lot like this one, with quite a bit of acreage – maybe about 20 acres – and a lot of timber. The move came toward the end of summer so I didn’t get into the same sort routine right away, plus the bus ride was a lot shorter, so I usually didn’t have to go as badly when I got home, but I tried to make up for it.”
“What did you do? Just hold it after you got home?”
“No, not much, because Mom was working a different schedule and she was home pretty soon after I got home. Instead I started doing it in the middle of the night. I’d drink a lot of water at bedtime then wake up about 2:00 just bursting and usually right in the middle of a terribly erotic dream.”
I had to laugh. “Carol, that’s exactly what happened to me last night! I was having such a hot dream that when I woke up with an over–full bladder it just put me over the edge.”
“See, Jay? I’ve always said that there was a reason we were best friends. We are just too much alike! But that’s not the end of the story.”
“So what happened?”
“I was growing up. I started dating and when I was 15 I lost my virginity. He was a senior and pretty much of the school stud, so it was pretty flattering that he wanted to go out with me. And when he started putting the moves on me he could hardly move fast enough to keep up! I was definitely not coerced! The first time was in his car, and that is hardly a great place to start learning about sex. He was tall, and I was tall and the only good thing was that it was an older car with a large bench seat that gave us adequate maneuvering room. But the thing that made it especially challenging was that I discovered that sex makes me have to pee, especially if I haven’t started out with a completely empty bladder. I think I warped him for life when, within seconds of him coming, I jumped out of the car saying that I had to pee right now! Fortunately we were back up a logging road and there were no witnesses, but it embarrassed me to the point that I wouldn’t go out with him for a month. Pretty soon we both got used to it. We’d fuck and I’d jump out of the car (or my bed, since we sometimes managed it at my mom’s house) and pee. It sounds funny now, but at the time it was a bit traumatic and it kept me from getting involved with another guy for a while.”
“But you did. At 15 you were a sophomore and had two more years of High School but he must have been gone at the end of the year.”
“Yes and no. He graduated, but was around for the summer, but he went off to college that next fall and it all came to an end. But, like you say, I did get involved with other guys, lots of other guys as a matter of fact. I was always a one–at–a–time girl. But none of my relationships lasted more than a couple of months. And every one of them showed me that if I was going to have sex it had better be someplace where I could pee. I think that it’s the friction of their penis and the position of my bladder or something, but I swear it happens every single time!”
By this time I was starting to get hot again. I can’t remember exactly everything Carol told me, but she made it both funny and sexy with her tone of voice and some of the expressions and gestures she kept using. I just had to know more. “So what happened after that? Was that through all of High School?”
“Pretty much. I stopped a lot of the masturbation and with it a lot of the desperation stuff, just because I was getting laid a couple of times a week and didn’t need to do it to myself as much. What did happen was that, with a couple of guys that I was real comfortable with I’d hold it before sex and start with a full bladder. I mean, I was going to have to pee right away afterwards anyway, so I figured it wouldn’t matter.”
“How did that work out?”
“Not exactly as planned, but close. The first time I tried it we were at my mom’s house, because I wanted to be close to a real bathroom. It seemed to really turn him on that all the time we were making out, I needed to pee and was holding it until later. When we finally got to the main event I was too full to have him be on top and I was straddling him. When he came into me the additional pressure on the bladder and the anticipation I’d built up just about did me in. I know that I leaked a few drops when he first entered me, but I don’t think he noticed. The incredible thing was that I was so hot by that point that it only took about two pumps and I came. It was just an incredible orgasm. I was shaking all over and these incredible waves of feeling were radiating from my cunt, I could hardly stand it and even before it had died down I had to jump off of him and run to the bathroom. I lost control and peed all the way to the toilet, even with one hand between my legs trying to hold it. That hot piss running over my hand and down my legs just made me even more horny; so I peed, masturbated to another orgasm then ran back to the bed, since he hadn’t come yet, and I came for a third time while we were humping. It was just indescribable; I don’t think I’ve ever come as much or as hard as I did that day. I decided that I’d do that as much as possible, but we sort of worked it out to where I wasn’t as desperate as that time. I had to mop floors and scrub some wet spots on the carpet before my mom got home, and that wasn’t what I wanted to do every time!”
“Were you with that guy very long?”
“Not really. It was late in my senior year. We went together for maybe four or five months until we both graduated, then he got a job with the Forest Service fighting fires for the summer. I hung around and went to work at the resort waiting tables.”
“After I graduated I got a bit more fussy about the guys I went out with, or maybe there just weren’t as many around who wanted to go out. Whatever it was that happened, I found that I started going back to holding my pee until I was totally desperate then playing with myself while I peed. What with AIDS and all that nowadays I’m pretty choosy about who I go to bed with, so I like to have fun by myself.” She shrugged and smiled at me. “It’s not really a big deal, the right guy will come along some time, but for now I have fun by myself most of the time.”
I contemplated all this as we walked along. The crotch of my panties was thoroughly wet, since I had leaked a few drops before peeing and then had splashed myself a bit when I went. Hearing all of Carol’s stories had also added some other liquid to what was soaking through into my jeans. All in all I was damp, horny and eager to share some of my story with Carol. It was turning into a very interesting walk, so I paused, letting Carol get a few steps ahead of me, and took a deep breath, trying to relax. After a moment I could feel it, even though I had just peed a few minutes earlier, a few drops remained to trickle into my panties and make them really wet for the rest of the way back to the house.
To be continued…