Experiences #1

By: Janis
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July 25, 2004
I did something new last night. I’ve been reading the stories on this site for about a year and enjoying them and some of the pictures. What I’ve most enjoyed is the knowledge that there are other people out there who enjoy the same sort of thing that I do. I thank you all for being there and helping me enjoy being the person who I am. But about last night…
I enjoy wetting myself. If you’ve been reading my stories from last summer that should be pretty obvious. I’ve been wetting my panties for several years and discovered the thrill of actually wetting my pants last summer. I can hardly get enough of that feeling when I first start to let it go, when I can’t quite tell if I’m getting wet or not, but it seems to be getting warmer in my crotch. Then the pee starts to flow faster and my panties quickly become soaked and that hot liquid flows back along my crack, making my entire bottom hot before it begins to overflow and run down my legs. I almost always masturbate when I wet myself, I just can’t help it. The sensations are simply too strong to ignore. I’ve sort of fallen into a pattern, though, and a couple of weeks ago I started thinking I wanted to try something new.
I wet myself deliberately– I don’t usually try to hold it until I’m desperate and the only real thrill I get from being desperate is the knowledge that I will soon let it all go into my clothes. I’ve never been a bed–wetter, not even as a little girl. From the time I have been out of diapers I’ve had it all pretty much under control, but one of the pictures on the Female Desperation site started me thinking about wetting the bed. I couldn’t get that image out of my mind. Somehow the idea of wet panties and that trickle of piss over the leg and onto the bed all while asleep just stuck with me. Unlike a lot of women, (so I understand – I haven’t actually asked) I tend to get turned on by visuals. A picture or the sight of someone sexy always heats me up. I found myself visualizing it during the day and getting all hot and horny when I did. Finally I started wondering what that would feel like – to pee while sleeping. Would I wake up when I did it?
Would it make me horny? Was it even possible for someone to deliberately wet the bed like that? If it was going to happen I wanted it to happen while I was asleep. The idea of it being completely (OK, mostly) out of my control really turns me on. Finally I decided that I was going to try it.
Well, first of all, I wasn’t going to get my mattress all wet. Ruining an expensive bed just for kicks isn’t my idea of smart, but I got suddenly shy about it and couldn’t bring myself to buy a plastic mattress cover. Instead, after a bit of thought, I picked up a large plastic tablecloth. It was big enough to cover the entire mattress and tuck in around the edges, so I figured it would work great. As soon as I got into bed I discovered a problem, though. The plastic was noisy and uncomfortable with just a sheet over it, so I went and got several of my large bath towels and put them down over the plastic and under the sheet. That actually made a very comfortable bed, maybe even more so than the mattress by itself. But that wasn’t enough; I had to try to get myself ready.
I decided that I would have to go to bed really bursting for a pee in order to be able to wet the bed while I slept, so I drank a bunch of water over the hour or so before I went to bed. Not really the best plan! By the time I got into bed I was already starting to feel the need to pee and long before I could fall asleep that need was dominating my thoughts. There was simply no way that I could possibly fall asleep while needing to pee so badly. Finally, after trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep for a couple of hours I went to the bathroom and peed in the toilet. I tried to only go part way, so that there would still be a chance that I would wet the bed, but once I got started I couldn’t stop. The net result was that I went to sleep and slept through until morning dry as a bone.
Obviously this was going to take some re–thinking. You don’t just change the ingrained habits of a lifetime by deciding that you want to do something different. For the next several nights I tried various ways to make it work, but every time I either ended up not being able to go to sleep until after I had peed or waking up in the morning with a very full bladder but a dry bed.
I finally decided that I would have to somehow trick my subconscious into thinking that it was perfectly OK to wet the bed. So, for about a week I went to bed each night after drinking several large glasses of water and I would deliberately pee just enough to get the crotch of my panties wet. I’ve had a lot of experience with controlling my pee into my pants and have developed real good control, but lying in bed was a different story. At first I just couldn’t do it, no matter what I tried my subconscious kept things locked up tight. Finally my deep breathing exercises relaxed me to the point where I was able to let out a good long squirt while lying there.
The only problem that first time was that it felt so good that I had to reach down and see how wet I was. The crotch of my panties was wet, but I had been lying on my back, so most of the pee had run down my crack and soaked into the back of my panties and pajamas. I rubbed it around a bit, enjoying the damp, but then decided that it should really be a bit wetter, so once again I relaxed and tried to pee a bit, this time with my hand cupped over my pussy to feel it when it came. It took a bit, especially since I kept playing with myself while trying to relax. Finally I felt a tiny squirt against my finger, followed a moment later by a much longer one. This time, with my hand right there, some of the pee was deflected up toward my stomach. It was just one short wave that pulsed up through my bush, but the heat of it drove me wild. I squeezed out another long stream, at least a couple of seconds, and carefully directed it all upwards. It was like a red–hot tidal wave flowing up onto my middle. As that hot pee flowed up onto me there was a roaring in my ears as I frantically rubbed at my clit. I arched my butt up off the bed so that more of the pee could flow onto me and released another spurt. This time it ran up past my bellybutton almost to my breasts and, gasping for air, I flopped back down and rubbed myself, no longer caring about peeing or not, only seeking the release of a major orgasm. In moments I started to come, first just a small tickle that quickly became a throbbing rush of pleasure. Along with the orgasm my sphincter finally let go and I dimly realized that I was peeing while I came. As my spasms subsided I was still peeing, pouring out all that had built up from the water I had been drinking.
At last I was emptied out, and for a time I just lay there trying to get my breath. It had been a powerful orgasm, one of my best, but now the bed was soaked, my bladder was empty and I still hadn’t actually accomplished what I set out to do – not that I was complaining about what I had just enjoyed! Still…
After a couple of nights of wetting just a bit (I did actually get it under control after the first time!) it started to get easier. I was able to simply get into bed and let out the amount I wanted, usually just one good squirt. What I wanted was to be wet enough to feel wet without actually getting the bed wet. By the end of a week I could casually lie down and let out that squirt without any struggle at all, but I still couldn’t do it while sleeping. I had pretty much decided to give up.
Yesterday I was invited to a barbeque at a neighbor’s house. They are a nice couple and they occasionally invite me if her brother is coming over. I think they are trying to do some matchmaking. George is a big, handsome guy who drives a truck. He is intelligent, funny and nice, but he has no ambition to do more than to be a truck driver. I’m sort of his stock date when he is in the area, an arrangement I don’t mind because I’m not hung up on him and we can have fun together without complications. This time he had brought his truck and wanted to show me the new computer in it with satellite phone hookup and GPS. Pretty cool technology!
George was leaving on a haul early in the morning, so he only had one beer, but, seeing as it was Saturday night, I decided to drink his as well as mine! Naturally enough, after a couple of beers I trotted off to the bathroom.
“Sure glad you’re not riding with me.” George called after me. “As often as you have to stop I’d never make any money.”
“I’ve just got an efficient set of kidneys.”
“And a small bladder to go with them.” He retorted.
“Well what do you expect? All of me is small.”
“Most of you. But not all!” This with a rather meaningful glance at my bust, which, truthfully, isn’t small and on someone my size looks much bigger than it really is.
Discretion being the better part of valor, I retreated to the bathroom without letting things deteriorate any farther. But the stage was set. For the rest of the afternoon and evening I got thoroughly teased every time I went to pee, and if it had been very long I was solicitously asked if I didn’t need to make a “little trip”. It got pretty hilarious before I finally headed home about 11:00.
George wanted to walk me home, and I didn’t really mind. We got to the door and I turned to him. “Give me a goodnight kiss, George. Then let me go to bed.”
“Gladly, my dear!”
And so he did. And boy did he! I’ve been kissed a few times, even a few times by George, but he really went to town on it this time. He finished off by giving my tit a little squeeze and left me with a nice pat on the butt. I knew he was mainly teasing, but Damn! Now I was so totally hot and horny that something was going to have to happen, and my full bladder was giving me ideas.
Despite all the beer I was still wide–awake, so I decided to just take a bit of the pressure off my bladder then watch a movie – other things could wait.
After a trip to the bathroom where I peed just enough to feel comfortable again I wandered back into the living room, stuck a Cary Grant movie into the DVD player and settled down with a beer from the fridge.
I had just finished a bowl of popcorn and was well into my second beer, feeling just a nice buzz, when I realized that the crotch of my jeans was wet. They weren’t soaked, but somewhere along in there, while watching the movie, I had peed a bit without noticing it. Naturally, being me– I had to check it out some more.
Oh! It was nice! When I stood in front of the mirror it was a beautiful dark patch on my jeans. Not huge, not running downn my legs, but a teaser. Just about the width of my hand at the top where the pee had come out and narrowing down into my crotch it then spread again to be a little wider than my hand. I could tell my panties were thoroughly wet and the view was making me weak in the knees. While I watched in the mirror I let some more go, just enough to momentarily darken the front again. The sudden shininess as my pee flowed into the material made me catch me breath and as the wet heat spread down my crack that familiar knot in my guts started up again. Another few drops carefully leaked and the wet spot grew a bit more. Now the formerly narrow part was wider since I was standing while I went.
Just a bit more– a large spot now and I can hardly stand still. I want to squirm around and somehow relieve the tension building in my pussy, but not yet, watching my reflection is too delicious. Another few drops – or maybe I will let out even more than a few. Now the wet spot isn’t symmetrical anymore, it has spread halfway across the front of my jeans and extends a few inches down one leg.
Another bit, more a squirt than a trickle this time, and a few drops fall from my saturated crotch. Suddenly I feel the heat extend down my leg as a dark streak appears almost to my knee.
Now I can touch myself. Gently I run my hands down from my waist to the edge of the wetness. The denim is warm and I move it slightly against my skin as I slide my hands down onto my legs than back up the inside of my thighs to the dripping center. A gentle rub, and I shudder with the strength of the feelings and another spurt escapes. I cup one hand over my crotch, pressing on my mound, so that I can feel the pee against my fingers. “It’s time,” I think as my other hand unbuttons the waistband of my jeans so that I can slip a hand inside.
It is dripping, a steaming cavern inside of my jeans. My hand descends into it, groping toward that pleasure spot. I move my fingers through the wet curls and gently wiggle a finger between my lips until it touches my clit. Fire rushes through my veins as I gently stroke it then cup my hand over my mound, finger still between the lips, and I relax.
There is a moment of delay– a moment that I spend wondering if it is going to come. Then it starts. Just a tiny trickle that soon becomes a hard stream against my fingers. It spreads down my thighs. I can feel it, but can no longer see because my eyes are squeezed shut as my orgasm builds. My feet. I feel my feet getting hot, my socks are soaked and I know I’m standing in a puddle, but I’m still peeing. Then the heat in my guts bursts out and I start to shake. Wave after wave of shuddering pleasure as I come. I dimly realize that I have dropped to my knees, then that I am sitting on the floor in a puddle of piss while I fight to start breathing again. As the last bit of pee drains from my bladder I give a final small caress and after a moment stand up, soaked and happy and still trembling just a bit.
It is while I was taking a nice warm shower that it occurred to me that I had peed without knowing it when I was watching the movie. Maybe if I was a bit drunk when I went to bed I could pee while I was asleep. The night was still young (ok, the morning by now) and it was a Saturday night so I had nothing to do the next day. And I did have plenty of beer in the ‘fridge. This was definitely starting to look like a plan.
An hour and two beers later the movie was over and I was in my pajamas, getting into bed. I had peed once while the movie was still finishing, but just minutes before going to bed I drank two large glasses of water, I figured that they would do the trick added on top of the beer. I didn’t feel like I needed to go, but I hoped it would work. It was late and I was really getting tired, the beer had reached the point where it was putting me to sleep, too, so I slipped into bed and started to drift off.
I was dreaming – not surprisingly or unusually – about sex. I was having sex with someone; I could feel them in a vague sort of way slipping in and out of me. I could feel that my pussy was hot and slippery around him. Then he came, and I could feel his hot juices pouring into me and filling me and running out of me. My crotch grew hot and wet with his fluids and I was nearly coming myself when I suddenly woke up. I could still feel the heat and wetness of my lover’s fluids from my dream, so my hands moved to my crotch to take advantage of the horny feelings. Suddenly I jerked upright as my hands encountered not the smooth material of my pajamas, but soaking wet cotton with a hard stream of piss pouring through them! I really had been feeling warm fluids, not just dreaming about them. For a moment I grabbed at myself, trying to stop the flood, but an instant later I relaxed and began to rub my soaked pussy through my pajamas and panties while my pee continued to pour out. I could feel the wetness under my butt and even partway up my back as I quickly climaxed. It wasn’t one to write home about, but I don’t think I’ve ever come quicker.
As my orgasm faded and the last bit of pee escaped I just felt incredibly warm, cozy and somehow insulated from the world. It was a wonderfully relaxing feeling and within minutes I had gone back to sleep with one hand still between my soaked legs and the other somehow having found its way under my pajama top and bra to cup my breast.
An hour or so later I woke again, at first not sure what had been a dream and what was reality, but I could easily feel that I was soaked and lying in a wet bed, now not as warm as it had been, but still kept warm by the heat of my body. As I wiggled around a bit the wet towels under me squished and I came in contact with some of the wet areas that hadn’t stayed warm. The contrast had me out of bed in a moment! My pajamas were wet clear to my ankles and clung to me all the way. The back of them was wet clear to my shoulders and now that I was out of the bed they were starting to feel cold and uncomfortable, so I grabbed all the bedding off the bed and hustled it down the hall to the washing machine then headed back to my bathroom for a shower. Because I always feel a bit strange running around the house naked, I still had my wet pajamas on, so it only seemed natural to step into the shower without undressing. It also seemed natural to, before removing my clothes, relax and flood them again with hot pee while playing with myself.
As I came to my third climax of the night I had to laugh, wondering what George would think of all this.
Postscript to this story:
This was an interesting and fun experiment brought about by looking at and fantasizing about a picture on the web. The whole thing was very different for me, and was a case of seriously pushing my personal boundaries. Just for the record, I doubt I’ll do it again soon (although you never know), just because of the hassle and because sleeping for some hours in a wet bed gave me a rash. On the other hand, it was quite a thrill and was a sensation that I’ll remember for a long time. I can certainly see how someone could get hooked on the bed–wetting thing!
Thanks for reading and feel free to drop me a note!
Janis ( Email welcome… just click on the name )