Tales of Janis - Part 4

By: Janis
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The next few days went by rather uneventfully. Neither Carol nor I wanted to make a mistake in our relationship, so we were very, very cautious. In fact, aside from the fact that we continued to sleep in the same bed, our relationship went back to what it had been in the past. I had arrived on Saturday evening and all the big revelations had taken place before midnight Sunday.
While it was uneventful in terms of any wetting together or other sex play, we did get around a bit. We went swimming in Lake Coeur d’Alene, borrowed a friend’s sailboat for a day, spent one whole day shopping and Carol tried to teach me how to play golf – sorry, but that’s just not going to happen! Through it all there was, for me at least, an underlying sexual tension. That tension came from two sources. First, we had spent several hours giving each other a lot of sexual pleasure, so that was always there between us. But the real tension came from the fact that once you have turned peeing into sex play, you tend to think of those things every time you pee. And there is no way to avoid having to pee! I think that I spent that entire week turned on and horny. When we were at Carol’s house I would end up masturbating frantically every time I used the toilet, and I suspect that she was in a similar state.
I have to confess that I also played my own little game during that week. I have always like wearing skirts and dresses, not only do they make me feel more feminine, but in the summer they are a lot cooler and more comfortable for most activities. About Tuesday afternoon, when it was becoming apparent that Carol and I weren’t going to be doing anything together to scratch our little itch, I started to try to think of a way to re–start the whole thing. I pretty quickly realized that until Carol wanted to play some more it wouldn’t be fair to try to force anything. What ended up happening was an “accidental” solution to my problem.
We had just gotten back from a trip somewhere, I can’t remember where, and Carol grabbed first dibs on the bathroom. I didn’t mind too much, but I was pretty full and couldn’t stand waiting very long. I was standing in the living room, just looking out the window and thinking of nothing at all when the phone rang. I was standing right next to the table it sat on and it startled me so much that I wet myself. I sort of jumped when it rang and immediately I could feel the pee squirt into my panties. It took me a second or more before I could stop it, and by then the crotch of my panties was soaked! Naturally, about as soon as I got the peeing stopped, the second ring came along and startled me some more. This time I only let a small squirt out, but with my panties already soaked it went right through and ran down my leg. I squeezed my legs together to stop the peeing and to try to rub out any trickles down the legs then picked up the phone. The call was, naturally enough, for Carol, so I hollered at her to come and talk as soon as she could then sort of waddled over toward the bathroom door with the phone.
“Thanks, Jay” she blurted out, as she opened the bathroom door and took the phone. “I couldn’t believe how much I had to pee!” I ducked into the bathroom and shut the door as she said “hello.”
Inside, I hoisted my skirt up around my waist and made the instant decision to leave my panties in place as I sat on the toilet. It seemed to take forever to get started, even though I was already desperate to go. Sometimes it is like that for me, I love peeing in my underwear, but it is sometimes hard to start. Finally a few drops found their way out and I shivered as they trickled back along my crack to where they were absorbed into the already wet cotton at my crotch. Another few drops added to the weight down there and finally a couple of drops fell into the bowl with quiet ‘plinks.’
With that small sound the gates seemed to open and a hot flood poured into my already over–saturated panties. The heat rushed backwards along my crotch and spread out onto my cheeks. I couldn’t help but reach down and feel that hot flow coming through, and, feeling it run over my fingers, I had to touch myself. In a matter of seconds I was frantically rubbing away, trying to relieve all the sexual tension that had been building up over the last couple of days. I came explosively just as I finished peeing. For a few moments I rested there, just allowing the intense good feelings to flow over me. This, I thought, is what I needed. After a bit I realized that I needed to do something about my soaked panties in order to be presentable to the outside world. I took them off, thinking that I would go without, but the thought of wearing wet panties until they dried appealed too much, so I wrung them out and slipped them back on. Brrr! Wet and warm sure becomes wet and cold fast when it is away from your body heat! But even the coolness was erotic, and they did warm back up pretty fast. My skirt was cotton and was a light colored print, something that wouldn’t show if it was a bit wet – not like denim that turns dark when wet. A quick check in the mirror and I was ready to go again.
“OK, I’ll do it. I don’t want to, and I’m not happy about it, but I will do it.” Carol was still on the phone as I opened the bathroom door and slipped out. “No, it’s not that I don’t want the job, but I have an old friend of mine staying here for a couple of weeks and had planned to take it all off.” A pause while the phone made noises at her ear. “Oh, don’t give me that bullshit, Jason. I know you’re not really sorry and I know you’ll never keep a promise to do me a favor sometime. I already said I’d do it. Will nine o’clock tomorrow work?” More noises could be heard from the other end of the line. “Yeah, I know you’d like to fuck me, but I hardly consider that a case of you doing me a favor, more like the other way around. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Carol hung up the phone while it was still squawking.
“Can you believe that, Jay? He wants me to come and work for a couple of days, right in the middle of my vacation!”
“Was that the resort?”
“No, that was Jason Millspeth.” She practically spit the name. “He’s a photographer. I’ve done some modelling for him before and he’s shooting an advertising spread for a lingerie shop in Spokane and he wants to see me in a lacy negligee, so he asked me to model for the shoot.”
I laughed. “Is that really why he wants you?”
“Sort of” Carol admitted with a somewhat rueful smile. “He’s been trying to date me for a year or so, but I’m not really interested in his type.” After a long pause she suddenly grinned, “but he is a good photographer and the pay is very good.”
“So you’re doing it?”
“I’m sorry, Jay. I really am. But I can’t afford to pass this up. I’ve been working at that resort for years and I’m not going to go any higher without a college education. I can’t get the education without money and modelling pays well if you can work enough.”
“Don’t worry about me, Carol, I’ve spent a lot of days on my own. I’m sure I’ll find something to do. Besides you said it was only for a couple of days.”
“Two full days, possibly a third if things don’t go well – and they seldom do.”
“OK. Today’s Wednesday, so you’ll be free by the weekend and I’ll be here all of next week as well. It will work out fine.”
All through this conversation I was acutely aware of my wet panties and the thrilling feeling that for the next two days I would be able to indulge myself whenever and however I wished.
The next morning we got up and had breakfast, and then Carol gathered up some stuff that she figured she would want with her and got ready to leave. I’m not sure what made me do it, but as I was walking to the door with her I suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm. When she stopped and looked at me I put my arms around her neck and pulled her lips down to meet mine. For a long minute I caressed and tasted her lips with mine, then gently stroked them apart with my tongue. I probed her mouth, feeling her tongue, tasting her response. Finally I broke off the kiss and stepped back, trailing my hands down her body as I did. I smoothed them over her breasts and then down and across her butt, pulling her close to me as I did. Finally I slid them up the front of her thighs and gave just a small, teasing, flick to the point where her legs met. “There.” I breathed. “That should help you to look sexy for the shoot.” And I pushed her out the door.
As I shut the door I giggled to myself at the thought that this was yet another time when I had engaged my mouth without having my brain in gear first. Had I ever engaged my mouth! I wasn’t really sure what I had in mind for the time Carol was gone, but I did know that I wanted a chance to explore this whole peeing fetish without anyone else around, so I immediately headed to the kitchen for a couple of glasses of water and a cup of coffee, just to prime the pump, as it were. Before this week I had enjoyed peeing in my panties and in the shower, but suddenly a whole new realm of possibilities opened up to me. Peeing in my pants on the way home from the movie had turned me on in ways I could never have imagined. Watching myself in the mirror had also started a new train of thought for me. I have never been into pornographic pictures, I don’t think many women are, but the images in my mind of that wet spot on my jeans and of Carol with her jeans around her ankles peeing on the side of the road were driving me crazy.
It wasn’t long before the coffee and water had worked their way through me, and the pressure started to build in my bladder. I wanted to watch what happened, so I found myself once again in the bathroom in front of the mirror. This time my jeans were dry and I wanted to watch every moment, as they got wet. I stood there, with my legs a bit apart, enjoying the sense of anticipation. My heart was beating fast as I thought about what I was about to do. I gently smoothed the denim over my thighs then drew a deep breath.
“Now. Now I’m going to wet them.” I thought as I relaxed. I let the breath out as I began to loosen my muscles. Start with the neck– let the tension go out of it, and then the shoulders and arms. Feel the torso relax, no longer held taut, but quiescent, waiting for the pleasure I know is coming. Finally I begin to relax my lower abdomen and hips. I keep thinking, “just relax and let it flow,” but it’s harder than when I did it outside the car. I’m not nearly as desperate and now I’m acutely aware of the fact that I am wearing dry panties and dry jeans. Another deep breath in and a carefully controlled breath out. Now I can feel the pee just teasing me, almost ready to escape, but still held back by the last bit of subconscious thought that says that it’s wrong to wet one’s pants. Maybe if I close my eyes for a moment. A cleansing breath then another deep, controlled, relaxation breath. I focus my thoughts somewhere outside of myself and there is a small tickle beginning right inside my urethra, I know it is about to escape, and my whole nether regions warm in anticipation. Finally I can feel it, just a little trickle, but definitely wet. Another breath and another small trickle comes out. I’m sure my panties are starting to get wet now, but nothing is showing in the mirror. With the next breath, when I feel that tiny bit of pee escape I begin to squeeze and am rewarded by a definite squirt. Now there is a wet spot, not big, only about the size of a quarter right at the bottom of the zipper on my jeans. Holding my breath I stare at that spot while all sorts of strange emotions chase through me. I simply can’t believe how horny it makes me to see that small dark spot on my jeans. Trembling, I reach down with a finger and lightly brush the damp denim and a shudder of pleasure goes through me. Somehow I know that this is going to lead to a tremendous orgasm before I’m done. With that finger still touching the center of the wet spot I relax my sphincter again and feel a small squirt escape, but this time I also feel a pulse under my finger as it spurts against my jeans. Another gasp. Another squirt. Now the wet spot is bigger, almost as large as my hand and I can feel it extending between my legs along my crotch. I twist to look and as I do another bit of pee escapes, but this time it isn’t a small squirt, my body has finally gotten the message that it is time to go and I can feel myself starting to piss steadily. The hot liquid runs between my lips and back along the crack, puddling in the bottom of my panties and then soaking through to run down the legs of my jeans. I can feel the heat of it against my hand that is now tightly pressed to my throbbing mound. I grip myself tightly and the pee courses against my palm and runs over my fingers. I’m now completely lost in the sensation, rubbing and squeezing myself through my dripping jeans until the throb in my clit turns into a thrashing orgasm.
Finally my bladder is empty and I step back, looking at myself in the mirror again. The pee has soaked the legs of my jeans on the inside clear to my ankles. At the top it has soaked out to my hipbones and up almost to the top of the zipper. When I turn around and bend over I can see that my entire butt is soaked, from my crack out over my cheeks and up to the waistband.
For a few minutes I ran my hands over the wet denim and relished the feeling and the knowledge that I had actually deliberately peed myself. Finally I peeled off my wet things and climbed into the shower, where I ended up masturbating to another orgasm just thinking about what I had done. That was just the beginning. For most of the morning I kept guzzling coffee and water so that I could do it again, and I did. This time I was wearing a looser pair of jeans, ones that don’t really hug my crotch at all. When I peed in them it soaked my panties then ran down my legs. I was looking for a good wet spot at the crotch and instead it first showed up by my knee. That was a unique sensation as well, feeling that hot piss running down the inside of my thigh but not really spreading around my crotch like it did in the tighter jeans. A third time while wearing a pair of thin, white, cotton slacks was also different, since the material became saturated almost instantly and the pee mostly just poured through. Those were great though in that they became close to translucent when wet and I could clearly see the shadow of my bush through them as well as the outline of my panties.
Finally after wetting three pairs of pants and having a grand total of six or seven orgasms I was exhausted and running out of clothes, so I hustled everything into the washing machine and sat down to think about what to do when Carol got home. As things turned out she had spent some time thinking about that as well.
It had barely gone 5:00 when I heard Carol’s car in the driveway. I was in the kitchen working on some dinner for us and was relieved that the clothes had come out of the dryer some time earlier, so there was no evidence of how I had spent my day. I turned around as she came in the door and she came straight across to me and wrapped her arms around me. We clung together for a couple of minutes, kissing and gently caressing one another then she raised her head and whispered “Hi, honey. I’m home.” and we both dissolved into giggles.
“I’ve got to piss something awful,” she announced, then grabbed my hand and pulled me with her toward the bathroom. I have to admit that I went willingly! Once there she wasted no time in dropping her jeans and sitting down, with her knees spread wide.
I let out a small shriek, “Carol! You shaved!”
She laughed, “I thought you’d like that. We were doing photos for that lingerie shop and I knew there would be a lot of panties and stuff. Modelling bikini panties pretty much demands a clean shave.”
“You’ve done it before, haven’t you?”
“Yes, but it’s been a while. I shaved it this morning before I left.”
I was mesmerized. Almost without my controlling it my hand reached out and I stroked a finger over that now–smooth skin. Carol shivered as I did, and since she was still peeing her slight movement brought my hand into her stream. When that hot pee hit my fingers I suddenly realized what I was doing and jerked backed. “I–I’m sorry, Carol. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
She just laughed, “You’re blushing again, Jay. I take it you’ve never seen that before?”
“Never! It’s a bit weird.”
With another laugh she finished peeing and then took a wad of toilet paper.
Suddenly she was terribly serious as she whispered to me “wipe me please?
Then let’s go play for a while before we eat.” With trembling fingers I took the paper from her and gently dried the drops that clung to her. I dropped the paper in the bowl then leaned up to press my lips to hers in what soon became a passionate embrace.
It was some time later that we were lying in the bed and I was casually stroking my hand up her thighs and across her now bare crotch that I casually asked, “do you think I should shave myself?”
In answer Carol slid her long fingers through my curly bush then said “no, Jay. I love feeling it and I love to see you with that beautiful red triangle there. It proves you are about as real a redhead as there is.”
“As long as you like it.” I whispered, and then opened my legs to her now–probing fingers.
The next two days followed a pretty similar pattern. Carol left by about 8:00 in the morning and got back about 5:00 or a bit later. We then spent the evening playing with one another. During the days I mostly just played with myself! Never in my life had I had so many orgasms in such a short period of time. I was making myself come about dozen times a day and then who knows how many with Carol in the evening. I read somewhere that men can only have three or four orgasms in a 24–hour period; this is one time when I was very, very glad I’m a woman!
Over the course of those two days I peed in every piece of clothing I had with me, developing a definite preference for the moderately tight jeans. They seemed to stimulate me the best, holding me tight and then soaking up an incredible amount of pee. The way they held the pee back then allowed it to puddle in my crack before it soaked its way down my legs made me unbelievably hot. They had the added advantage of darkening nicely when wet to give me a great visual treat. Carol and I didn’t do any pee–play though.
The closest we came was doing like we had done on Thursday evening, where I would sit and watch her pee and touch her while she went. Finally Sunday came and we had the whole day to spend together.
Most of the morning we just hung around the house, talking, working on a fancy dinner and generally just taking it easy. After lunch we spent a little time weeding some of the flowerbeds around the house then were just sitting in the yard relaxing. At one point Carol made a trip into the house for a couple of beers and later I did the same, so by 5:00 or so we were getting pretty relaxed. I had peed when I went in to get the beers, but I don’t think Carol had for at least a couple of hours, so I wasn’t surprised when she said she needed to go pee.
“Why worry about it now? I’m sure you can hold on for a while longer.”
“Actually, I passed that point a while back – I just didn’t mention it.” She started to get up, but I interrupted her.
“Hang on, Carol. Would you do something for me?”
“I’d be glad to. What do you want?”
I hesitated a minute, but my desire won out over my caution. “I want to see you wet your pants in front of me. I’ve seen you pee, and you’ve seen me pee my pants and panties a couple of times, now I want to see what it looks like for another woman to wet her pants.”
I’ll give her this– Carol immediately sat down again and was obviously thinking about it. But when she spoke it was to say, “I don’t know if I can, Jay. I like the feeling of holding it, and I like peeing while I masturbate, but I’ve never deliberately wet myself. The closest I’ve ever come is having a wet crotch in my panties when I’ve held it too long.”
“You don’t know what you’re missing, then! It’s an incredible sensation. The pee is held in and just makes your entire crotch hot. I really can’t describe it, but it’s a huge turn–on for me.” She gave me a somewhat dubious look and I leaned over and kissed her and said, “Trust me, just do it once and you’ll love it.”
We had been lying side by side on the lawn, but now I moved around to in front of her and gently pulled her legs out straight and spread them a bit so that I was looking right at her crotch. “I don’t know, Jay. It just seems strange.” But she did lean back on her elbows and look right at me. For a couple of minutes Carol was obviously trying to pee, but her conditioning to not wet her pants kept winning out. There was just no way that she could force it. I could see that she was really straining to pee, but nothing was happening. Finally she relaxed with a gasp. “It just won’t come. I’m sorry, but I can’t do it in my pants.”
“That’s OK, just wait a minute or two. Meanwhile, watch this.” As I spoke I straightened up on my knees and moved them apart a bit so that she could see my crotch clearly. For a moment I just looked at her and smiled, then I took a deep breath and as I let it out I relaxed. I was pretty full, so a spurt immediately escaped. I let it go for a second, and then clamped down on it. Just as I did Carol yelled; “I see it Jay! There’s just a little wet spot!”
I let another spurt go and felt the hot wetness spread along my crack. Now Carol was sitting up close, staring hard at that dark stain on my jeans. Even though I was both expecting it and hoping for it I still trembled when she reached out her hand and felt me. “Oh, God! It feels so wild!” While her hand was still on me I let another, bigger spurt go. This time it not only soaked into my panties and jeans, but also actually spurted through them a bit, starting to run down my legs. Carol now had her hand pressed tight to my crotch, obviously excited. The sensation of having her hand on me while I peed was driving me rapidly toward climax. “Rub me.” I begged and as her fingers moved, stroking me through the wet crotch of my jeans I totally relaxed and let it flow. We could hear the hiss of my piss and it was flooding through my jeans and over Carol’s hand. I could feel the wetness soaking up the back of my jeans almost to the waistband and that, combined with the incessant movement of Carol’s fingers brought me to a shuddering climax while my bladder was still emptying. I collapsed down onto my heels as both my climax and my pee came to an end at the same time. I was breathing heavily and Carol still had her hand pressed to my dripping crotch, but I had to pull her close and press my lips to hers. “That’s what it’s about.” I whispered to her as we embraced. “Now do you want to try again? Just remember that you have to relax, you can’t tense up and force it. A few good deep breaths should help.” Once again Carol lay back with her legs apart, leaning on her elbows. This time she closed her eyes and breathed deeply several times. Suddenly she sat up with a jerk.
“Oh, God! I did it! Just a bit, but I can feel it!” I was still staring at her crotch, waiting for something to show. There wasn’t anything yet, but she promptly leaned back again to try some more. A moment later she stiffened again and simultaneously I saw a small dark spot appear where her jeans were tight to her pussy. I moved closer, feeling my own soaking jeans rub against my thighs. The sight of that dime–sized wet spot was turning me on like nothing I had ever seen before. “Oh, that’s incredible!” she moaned as the wet patch grew. I had to agree, it was truly incredible and I was going crazy because of it. Once again Carol tensed and this time the spot not only grew, but I could hear the hiss of her pee and see it bubble through her jeans.
I couldn’t take any more– I had to touch. One hand went to her crotch while the other fumbled with the fastenings of my jeans. Her hot pee was running over my hand as I rubbed against her. My other hand was now into my panties and my fingers were on that sensitive nub, bringing me close to another climax in just a few moments. By this time Carol was peeing freely, her hips moving and grinding her pussy against my hand, in a matter of seconds we both came to wild orgasms, crying out then moving to cling to one another.
Within minutes we began to caress one another again and soon I was easing her tee shirt off then unfastening her wet jeans. My own jeans disappeared seconds later and we moved together, our lips meeting as we cuddled on the grass. I don’t know how long we snuggled and loved together, but it was long enough that I got both grass stains and some interesting sunburned spots before the day was over! Finally we were lying on our backs, side–by–side, hand–in–hand, hip–to–hip and shoulder–to–shoulder, satisfied and relaxed.
“I’ve got to pee again.” I announced.
Without moving Carol murmured a quiet “Yeah, me too.” then drew in a deep breath and let it out. As she breathed out I started to hear the hiss of her pee. I sucked in my breath with the sudden feeling in my gut. Even though I had enjoyed a lot of orgasms during the afternoon the thought of Carol just lying there naked and peeing where she lay was making me hot all over again.
It also made me aware that I really did need to pee also, so I decided to follow her example. It was so easy; I just relaxed and let it go. I was feeling so comfortable and warm there in the sun that I didn’t even try to spread my legs, there was just a sudden rush of pee between them and my thighs got hot with the flood between them. I let it all flow out then rolled over toward Carol to press a kiss on her lips.
“Let’s go get a shower and see what else we can do tonight, OK?” And we got up and walked into the house, still naked, still holding hands.
Four days later I had to head home. It was time that we spent continuing to explore the new sexual side of our friendship. It was also a time when we both developed an even greater enjoyment of peeing and wetting as a part of our sex play. It was truly a vacation in which we closed out the outside world and lived in our own world of fantasy.
As always, feel free to e–mail me although I’m less able to respond than in the past.
Janis ( Email welcome… just click on the name )