Piddler on the Roof

By: Jen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Any of you who work in construction will know that, occasionally, a zip–tight bladder is pretty much essential. Whilst I was at university (on my year placement) I really learned the hard way! It wasn’t the first time I’d wet my knickers – either in public or privately ;–) – but doing it at work was never top of my list!
I was working with a firm of architects and was asked to go and do some survey drawings at an English cathedral. This involved going up into the roof space and then climbing down onto scaffolding about 25 meters above–ground on the outside of the building. I love this kind of stuff about my job and was really chuffed when the practice manager said I could handle the work myself.
I drove up there and parked in the works yard, introduced myself and took the chance to pee. The surveying was probably going to take a few hours and the early–morning coffee was definitely making itself felt! It was a pretty cold March day so I was wearing thick grey wool–mix trousers and a big baggy jumper, as well as my site jacket (a big day–glo thing), work boots and hard–hat. I had loads of other stuff to carry – clipboard, drawing pad, pencils, tape measure, camera, and a flask of hot, strong tea. Once you get up to where you’re working it’s a pain in the arse to come back down!
The site manager took me through the back of the church, through a door in the transept and up a very long, tight, winding stone spiral staircase into the roof. We then had to walk along a platform above the vaulting before we could climb onto the parapet at the edge of roof. Then we climbed down the ladder onto the scaffolding and walked along to the area that needed surveying and recording. It took about 15 minutes to get out there and we got straight on with taking the long measurements whilst there were two of us.
After about half an hour we’d done all the two–person stuff and after checking that I was cool with getting back down on my own the site manager headed back down. It was bloody freezing up there and I had a fair bit to do so I got on with it, only stopping for regular sips of tea. Kept me nice and warm but really didn’t think about a golden rule – tea equals pee.
As the morning wore on I started to need the loo, but was quite comfortable holding–it. But the work was taking longer than I expected and wondered about heading down for a break. But I also wanted to get everything done and make a good impression time–wise so I carried on. Drawing on a clipboard requires that you to stay pretty still and all I could really do to keep warm was wiggle my legs back and forth on the spot – which wasn’t helping my bladder much.
Standing up there in the cold with all that tea inside me was really starting to increase the pressure and I was sub–consciously pressing my thighs together and shifting my weight from foot to foot. I was thinking, “Okay, nearly done here, then I can get down and pee!” But I was getting pretty desperate and as my bladder filled my concentration was slipping and my fidgeting was increasing! “Should have gone back down, Jen. Stupid girl!” I said to myself as a real twinge made me bend my knees slightly and press against my thighs with my clipboard. I had started to bite against my lip – always a bad sign in the desperation game – and I remember actually putting my work down and pushing my hand into my crotch a few times over the next 20 minutes.
I finally finished up and packed away, really bursting now and taking every chance to fidget and hold myself. Picking up my flask was a nightmare! Bending over squashed my throbbing bladder in all the wrong places and I actually moaned quietly to myself as my crotch throbbed with my need to go. It did cross my mind at this point that I had a long way to get back to the loo; “What if I can’t hold it?” I thought – not good! What made it worse was the sound of the tea still in the flask making a liquid sloshing sound as it swung around. I jammed it into my jacket pocket and ground my teeth and thighs together as another pulse went through my bladder down to my clit. I could feel my nipples harden and wetness in my crotch started to make itself felt against my satiny briefs. Getting aroused by the need to pee is wonderful – when it’s under my control! In this particular situation I was really angry with myself, “I’m standing on the roof of a church and I NEED a piss!” I whimpered silently to myself.
Walking along the scaffold helped me get everything under control a bit, but climbing the ladder back onto the parapet was another story. I couldn’t spare any hands to hold myself and each step first squeezed and then relaxed my aching bladder. At one point I really started to quiver with the effort of clamping my muscles and let out a little squeak of pain and shock. A tingle down my leg made me think I’d started to let go and turned to look down my front but I was still dry, just ready to burst! I was pretty sure I’d left it too late and was in real trouble but I couldn’t wet my pants at work!
I got onto the parapet and rammed my hands down the front of my trousers, rubbing against my swollen labia through my knickers whilst grinding my knees together. Although I’m not religious I remember thinking that this was a pretty shocking thing to be doing on a cathedral roof – but I HAD to hold it and get to a toilet! Another really bad twinge came and I could feel the corners of my eyes dampen with a few tears. Oh my God, I was so desperate. I managed to go into the roof space and start walking along the platform but the next spasm made me start a full pee–dance, jiggling my legs on the spot and tightly holding myself between my legs so that I dropped the clipboard and heard my pencils roll away into the darkness of the vault pits. Frantically I squinted through my tears, looking around for some secret corner where I could just pull my pants down and squat, but I was inside the roof of an 800–year–old building and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I think I knew at this point I was going to soak myself; there wasn’t any chance of making it down that winding staircase in time without making my own water–slide! I left my clipboard and notes on the floor and hobbled towards the door to the parapet – I thought that maybe I could squat in the gutter. Then I felt a gush of urine escape and just stopped still on the spot, doubled–over at the waist and crying tears of pain and anger. A steady trickle started to dribble down the inside of my thigh. When I tried to stop the flow of pee by forcing my legs together and twisting them around themselves a searing pain shot through my bladder and groin and I could feel short, hot jets of piss hitting the front of my knickers and wetting through to my trousers.
Stood in the doorway, sobbing, and gasping, I felt everything in my lower body go numb and a total flood of pee emptied into my pants. “Oh, sh–it! I have to go!” I cried as all across the front and back of my crotch became hot and soaked and a river of piss flowed around and down my legs into my boots. The dark stain spreading across the front of my trousers and the inside of my thighs just kept growing and growing. When I tried to stem it off the spurts actually hissed against my briefs and started a steady pattering of urine onto the wooden boards under my feet. Pee was also leaking out over the top of my right boot and making an expanding puddle around my foot. It felt so bad – but SOO GOOD!! Apart from the total relief, I could feel my nipples straining against the fabric of my bra and putting my hand against my crotch and feeling the steady flow of pee through my wet trousers made me gasp again – for different reasons! I must have stood there for at least a minute, breathing hard but smiling to myself, as the flood slowly trickled away to nothing.
I looked down at myself – my grey, heavy trousers had gone almost black where I’d drenched them. A huge piss patch had spread out from the lower front halfway across my thighs and there were long streaks down to my knees! The insides of my legs were drenched from top to bottom and one of my sand–colored boots was definitely darker than the other. Getting a bit panicky I felt down the back and whimpered as I realized that around my bum and all down behind my knees and calves was just as bad. Not to mention my puddle, which spread out over the edge of the platform boards and I could actually hear it dripping down around the roof structure. “Shit, what if it actually stains the roof?” I was starting to freak out a bit and actually got down and sat in the puddle to try mopping it up – wasn’t like my pants could get much worse anyway! There was a strong fragrance of pee in the air which made me tingle all over and I rolled up the bottom of my trouser leg and looked at my sock – even in the half–light of the roof space it was a pretty vibrant orangey–yellow. I shivered and stood up, how could I get out of this one? Taking off my site jacket and tying it around my waist covered me from behind and, collecting my clipboard, I could hold that in front of the most obvious pee stain. The streaks and my boot – well if anyone noticed that my humiliation was going to be complete.
I squelched along the walkway and down to the door at the base of the stairs. My boots felt like they had to have at least a gallon of desperate pee soaked into them. I was getting cold and shaking a bit as I got ready to face a public area covered in my own piss! Opening the door and going out into the cathedral was one of the most nerve–wracking things I’ve ever done, but locking the door behind me I realized that most people were just focused on their own thing.
I got back to the car, unlocked it and got straight into the seat with my jacket still tied around my waist and tucked underneath – it was pretty grim sitting there in my pissy pants! My crotch, bum, and lower half of my legs and feet felt cold and sticky and my thick trousers rubbed and itched against my skin. Time for a sharp exit! I started the car and the site manager started to run over, shouting, “Hey, Jennifer, you need to sign out, love!” I wound down my window, a fresh wave of awkwardness rushing over me. “Oh… Yes, of course… Sorry.” He came over to the car and leant on the door. I must have looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, even sat down my soaked crotch was quite visible between my legs. “Er… I need to get back to the office,” I stammered, “can you mark it down for me?” “No problem, love. What about the key for the roof? Still got that, you know!” Fuck! It was in the jacket pocket – under my soaking wet arse! I squirmed around uncomfortably trying to keep myself hidden and pulled out the key. It felt clammy and I silently handed it to him through the window. “Good stuff!” he said. “And nothing to put down in the accident log!” winking at me. I cringed, just wanting the whole thing to be a bad dream. “Um… Right… Look…” But he smiled at me and said, “Jen, it’s a total balls–ache being up there all day. You wouldn’t be the first!” He chuckled and I felt about a hundred times better. “I just feel really stupid.” I said, trying not to sound too little girly. “Well, it happens. Need to sort yourself out before you head on?” “Not really much I can do.” I said quietly – everything dry was back at work. “Ah well, don’t get stopped for speeding!” he said, laughing, and walked back towards the office.
I headed home instead of the office and was desperately wiggling around again when I pulled up and parked. Total desperation always really weakens my bladder and I just didn’t feel up to trying to get to a motorway services toilet without more people seeing my peed–in trousers. But on the doorstep I just let it go, another flood of wonderfully warm pee, and once inside I headed upstairs and rubbed myself through my bra and knickers into a wild orgasm of moaning ecstasy and the madness of my day on the roof just melted away.
No one back at the office ever found out (or at least they were totally discreet about it if they did!) And next time I was back at the cathedral site works the site manager gave me a conspiratorial wink as he handed me an old bucket covered with hardened mortar. Gesturing at my handfuls of clipboard, tape measures and stuff he chuckled, “It makes everything a lot easier to manage!” Cheeky bugger!
By: Jen