Our Babysitting Ordeal

By: JoeJoe
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

We were watching two 3–year–old girls. It was a hot summer day so we (my friend and I) had each had three 22 OZ. cokes. About half an hour later I began to feel the urge to pee. I ignored it and figured we would be leaving soon. About 45 minutes later my urge was getting to a state of emergency so I figured we had better get going. I told the two girls it was time to go and they started crying and begging to stay. Marcy, my friend, said, “Oh come on just let them play a bit more!” I figured I’d wait.
Another 20 minutes went by. I was in urgent need now of a place to pee. I knew that even if we left then with the walking speed of those kids we wouldn’t be home for at least 30 minutes. It was a last resort, but I figured I had better use the public restroom. Uggh. That was going to be nasty. The ones in the park are just unbearable.
I went over to the restrooms only to find them locked. I banged on the door in desperation, but it was no use. There was a sign up that they were out of order. I could feel the pressure on my bladder so strong. I could feel my pee on the verge of bursting out into my panties. I went back over to Marcy and blurted out “Ok we really must go now I REALLY HAFTA PEE BAAAD!!!” She said she had to also and suggested we use the public restrooms. I said they weren’t open and she said, “Oh my gosh! I was planning on using them before we left. I don’t know if I can last until we get back!”
We told the children it was time to go and they put up such a fuss. They kept whining and running away and we had to keep chasing them (not easy on a full bladder). Finally, after 20 VERY long minutes we began to leave the park.
We began walking back and I was right! Those kids walk slowly!! They wanted to walk and wouldn’t let us carry them. This was going to be tough. It was worse than I had expected though. The walk didn’t take the expected 30 minutes; it took 45!! I was absolutely bursting by the time we got back.
The only problem was that Marcy also had to go real bad and they only had one bathroom. I was going to have to try to make it in there first. We got inside the apartment and I rushed in ahead of Marcy and got to the bathroom door in a hurry, only to find that it was locked. I banged on the door in desperation and a voice came from inside “I’ll be out in a minute.” Uggh. It was the girls’ older sister. I danced around waiting for five minutes or so, barely able to keep my composure.
Then the toilet flushed, a sound that just made the pain worse. She finally came out and I rushed in, only to notice that one of the girls I was sitting for had followed me. I asked her nicely to get out and she replied, “I want to use the potty like a big girl.” I said, “Ok, but not now you’ll have to wait, ok?” she said, “No!! I want to go NOW!!!” I was trying not to wet myself at the same time as trying to get her out of the bathroom. It wasn’t easy and I figured it might be easier if I just helped her use the potty and then relieved myself.
I pulled her training pants down for her and sat her up on the toilet. My oh so desperate pussy throbbed as I waited desperately!! She just sat there. After what must have been 5 minutes I said to her “Are you sure you have to go?” “YES!!” she replied. I waited. After another two minutes there was finally a trickle in the toilet and then I urgently said, “Ok. All finished.” and she replied, “No! I’m not done yet.” I was on the verge of wetting myself and I didn’t know what to do. Marcy screamed from outside, “ARE YOU ALMOST DONE YET?!!! I’M REAL, REAL DESPERATE OUT HERE!!!!”
I couldn’t even scream back. All my concentration was on keeping my desperate pussy under control. Another 5 minutes went by and more pee began to trickle into the toilet. That was it…I lost it. I began peeing in my pants. I didn’t know what to do so I jumped in the shower, closed the curtain, and just peed all over the tub. Marcy began to bang on the door. “OHHHHHHHHH my GOSH” she screamed and burst in, completely soaking herself.
Needless to say, we never showed our faces at their house again!!