Friday Night Party

By: Julie
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female Desperation, Accidental & Deliberate Wetting, and Foreplay.
I’ve been reading the stories on this site since I was 18, it was such a relief for me that I wasn’t the only one who was into holding my pee till I was about to or actually did wet myself. I kept meaning to share my personal experiences but I always seemed to get side tracked. Usually when I started to tell a story I’d get so excited remembering what happened that well…I didn’t have any fingers available for typing ;) But now I’m 23 and at work, bored a lot, and I have a little more self–control. Not to say writing this isn’t a major turn on but it’s not like I can just put my hand up my skirt. There are tons of stories I could tell you from when I was younger but I think I’ll start with what happened to me this past Friday. After all it’s the freshest thing in my memory.
Friday night, as with everyone else, is a big party night for us (my girlfriend Lisa and I, yes, I’m gay– now everyone act shocked! Lol) anyways we went to a house party given by a friend, it was his b–day and his wife was throwing the party. Pointless info right…just kidding– stories need to have more than just “I had to pee and I wet myself” something my favorite girl here Gillian does wonderfully. So the party is really fun and we’re all drinking, I’m like a fish now since I started working. I got so used to college parties all the time that when I do finally get to party once in a while these days, I just cut loose totally.
Now a bit of back–story, both Lisa and I are real camels. We knew each other when we were young and used to play hold it games all the time, something I’ll tell more about later. So usually when we go to a party we don’t go to the bathroom at all while we’re there, so that naturally when we get home we’re both bursting to pee. This party was of course no exception. I must admit that at the party I barely felt the need to pee, even with all that I was drinking, that is until about 1 am then it hit me like a tidal wave. Suddenly there was a lull in the party and since I wasn’t distracted my bladder made itself known. It wasn’t painfully full yet but it was close. It was throbbing quickly right along with my heartbeat, and with each throb I could feel my urethra weaken just a little more. It was like someone pounding on a door, each hit took it off the hinges a little more. The fact that I was wearing my super tight faded blue jeans (with some holes including one just below my left butt cheek) the jeans that dug deep into my bladder just in the middle. Because they were so tight, just the waistband was digging in, like razor wire around my bladder. Then as if that wasn’t making it tough enough to hold it I had an equally tight belt on. The belt was thicker than the belt loops so it just sat on top of my jeans; this is why I had to have it real tight to keep it in place when I was dancing. The belt sat a little below the waist of my jeans and a little above. So as the jeans were cutting my bladder in half the belt was crushing it like a vice everywhere else. At about 2 am I was getting very desperate, sitting and talking with my legs crossed tight and my hands in between my legs. I tried to make it look like that was just how I was sitting but anyone looking could tell I had to pee bad because I was rocking in my seat and my fingertips were white from how hard I was pressing on my crotch. A little while later I was rocking on my heel, nearly ready to give up. Then Lisa came in the room and did a little flip with her skirt and a twirl, but she lost her balance and stumbled forward. This is the part I feel so bad about– I went to catch her but only managed to grab her thong by the side. It got stretched out so bad and she had the worst wedgie and camel toe ever. Thankfully she was so drunk that it didn’t really hurt her, though she had some major red marks later. She was laughing hysterically from what happened; so were I and everyone else there. As you can imagine, my laughing just made things ten times worse. I lost my concentration for a moment and a quick half–second squirt escaped into my jeans before I could clamp it off with the help of my hands. I had to force myself to stop laughing or I knew that the silver dollar size wet spot on my crotch was going to turn into soaking wet legs and a puddle at my feet. Once Lisa was done laughing herself silly I gave her my “I’m about to wet myself look.” She responded in kind showing the inside of her thighs to me; they were glistening with wetness, she had partially peed herself too while laughing– and she was wearing a skirt. Ten minutes later, we had said our goodbyes and were hobbling out the door… both of us forcing ourselves to act as normal as possible. But we failed completely, Lisa was hopping from foot to foot while leaving, and I constantly had my hands between my legs and was walking slightly bent over.
Now my friends’ house is a few blocks from ours so we had walked. My sides were on fire and there was a constant sharp pain in my bladder and urethra. Add on to the top of that the constant fast throbbing and I felt literally like my bladder was about to burst like a water balloon hooked to a fire hose. Finally I gave up, it was the jeans and belt that were making it this bad, I knew without them I’d be hours away from wetting myself. So I told Lisa to stop and I undid my belt. The top part of my bladder immediately bulged out (not a huge bulge but noticeable if you were looking), spilling over the top of my jeans. This was the first time I had gotten so desperate with this outfit and the look of a pulsing bulge just straining over the top of my jeans was mesmerizing. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay like that for long and the pain was getting to be too much on the middle of my bladder, so I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. It was like taking a fat woman out of a corset, my agonized bladder immediately spilled out of its denim prison. I immediately felt better and was hardly bulging at all anymore. Now the problem was that there was no way the jeans would stay on and I wasn’t wearing any panties. So rather than walk down the street half naked at 3am (not that I’d mind but I didn’t want to get arrested) Lisa and I changed outfits– well, kind of. I put on her skirt and she tried to use my wide belt like a micro skirt but she said it put too much pressure on her bladder so she just hopped down the street holding herself and her thong up at the same time. Basically her thong had gotten stretched so much the only way it would stay on is if she clenched her bum and wedged it between her lips. Once we got home we went to the back yard because it was still such a nice night out, probably one of the last warm ones of the year. I sat down in a lounge chair and Lisa straddled my waist and laid on me. Sorry guys, nothing happened, other than she fell asleep. So I just lay there staring at the stars with her breathing gently on my chest when I felt my stomach get very warm. It actually took me a second to figure out what was happening, Lisa was wetting herself in her sleep. Now this is something I’ve seen happen lots, but it has never happened to me no matter how badly I have to go. Guess I had already gotten all the bed wetting out of my system since I was doing it till I was 10. I lay there soaking in my lover’s warm wetness, my halter and skirt getting drenched right along with her shirt as well. You’d never think such a little body could hold so much pee. Unfortunately it eventually got cold and I carried her as best as I could to bed. I then peeled her thong and shirt off, wiped her with a soapy sponge, and got her into bed. I took a quick shower and joined her.
Lisa had to go to work at 10 and was nice enough not to wake me as she got ready and left. I woke at just past 11 am, and once my grogginess wore off it felt like there was a lead weight in my bladder. I reached under the sheets and felt the sizeable bulge of my bladder. I pressed very lightly, outlining it with my fingers, pleased with myself for holding it all this time– I hadn’t peed since we left for the party at 10pm! Now I don’t know if I’m the only one Lisa isn’t like this nor is anyone else I’ve asked before, but if it comes on slowly, having to pee that is, I’ll get to a point where I feel the need to go and if I keep waiting eventually I get to a stage where I know I have to pee but I don’t feel the sensation of needing to pee…it’s like it almost feels like I had already gone. This was the stage I was at, I could feel I was very full but I didn’t feel a real pressing need to go, so I went back to sleep. I woke up about 40 minutes later to a strong throbbing and dull ache in my bladder. I knew I should pee but I didn’t want to move. The wind was blowing through the room, the sun was shining in on my naked body (I had tossed the covers off) and it was sooooo comfortable– except for my poor punished bladder. As I’m sure everyone else has done before at some time, I decided to ignore my nearing desperate need to pee and just lay there. Of course, before too long I was laying in the foetal position with my hands between my legs, my finger pressing against my pee hole. This was how I stayed until after noon, getting increasingly more desperate. I wedged my hand as far in me as I could, trying to crush my urethra against my pubic bone, I damn near did. This gave me a little more time but by 12:03 I was frantic. Squirming, biting my lip, pressing so hard my arm was shaking, I thought that I was starting to convulse I had to go so bad– it might have just been that. I knew I was beat so I got up, and this was a chore. I had to keep hunched over pressing with all my might to hold on. Luckily the back door was close to the bed and I opened it up, lay on the grass and had my fun. I quickly pulled my hand away and spread my legs, and with every ounce of strength I had remaining, I tried to hold it like this. I wanted to see how long I could last. I counted to 3 and I was dribbling, 4 it was a trickle, then with an orgasmic scream I finally lost the battle, I didn’t stop trying to hold but my body took over and I gushed. It shot out of me at least 4 feet. Not that I had a good angle to judge or a tape measure– so it could have been longer. The pressure was so intense that I closed my legs and enjoyed a body spasming orgasm caused by the pressure against my clit from the pee. I wanted to lie there and just sleep, but being naked I was afraid something would bite me so I crawled back in and fell asleep again in bed.
More to Come!!! Let me know what you want to hear about next!
Oh and lastly if you think there’s no way someone could hold it that long after a night of drinking…I was drinking shots and a few mixed drinks so I was actually pretty dehydrated after I woke up even though I had to pee bad.
Hope you enjoyed the story, if you have comments or questions or just want to say hi– email me at
By: Julie