Too Embarrassed to Pee

By: Julie
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Just for those of you that need a physical description to enjoy the stories here it is. I was going to just put a pic of my gf and me at the end of the story but then I changed my mind…sorry. Anyways, I’m 5’6, blond hair, hazel eyes, curvy with legs that just keep going forever ;) Lisa is 5’3, black hair, and green/grey eyes, think mini Selma Hayek.
It’s me again. I hope everyone enjoyed the last story. I had some more time to kill at work so I decided to write another one, or at least start one. Now there is another story I want to tell involving Lisa and me but I’ll get to that one another time. Instead I’ll go back to something that happened to me in high school.
Four friends and I went to see a movie. Now I always hate missing a part of a movie so when I’m at the theatre I never get up no matter how bad I gotta go. The friends I went with were Kristen, Sara, and her bf. Kristen and Sara were tiny. Kristen played soccer and track so she was in amazing shape, the cutest little round bum and she always wore the tightest jeans whenever she was out. The strange thing was I never noticed a panty line on her, when I finally asked her about this (cause I was sick of guys making fun of me for that) she told me that she just got panties that were a size too small for her and she pulled them up so that the butt part went in between her bum. This was her wording not mine. She said she liked the feeling of something pressing against her butt hole. (Something that I wondered about when I got older) From the time I knew her in 5th grade she had big boobs for her age. By the time she was in High School she was a c cup. Something I got more jealous about as the years went on. Sara was remarkably similar to Kristen just a little thinner. She was a little shorter but unbelievably even bustier (is that even a word) she was a D cup. And her boyfriend was there, who neither Kristen nor me liked, so many times we told Sara to dump him, incredibly they were still dating in college. Wow, now that I’ve gone off on a total rant about who was there let me get to the part that everyone wants to hear.
We were eating popcorn and had a big soda each…stupidly I chugged through mine while everyone else was careful about how much they drank. By the end of the movie I had to go quite badly, enough to make me hesitate in getting up. When I did, I got up slowly so that my bladder could adjust to the new pressure from my skirt and panties. When I was sitting I had had my fingers holding the waist of my skirt and panties away from me. But I wasn’t too worried because I knew even though it felt like I’d wet myself in a few minutes, I was only 20 feet from the bathroom and there weren’t many people there so there’d be no line. However as we walked past the bathroom I noticed no one was stopping. At the time I wouldn’t even hint I had to go, I was just hoping someone else would go. But they didn’t, and I didn’t want to hold every one up so after a longing look at the bathroom and a quick press on my crotch I kept walking with everyone else. We all piled into Sara’s mom’s car and took off for her house. I was pressed in the back with Sara and her bf. At least I was able to hold myself without anyone noticing under my skirt because we were so crowded. But every bump, every time the brake was hit I though for sure I was gonna lose it. I couldn’t cross my legs so it was just my will and my hand keeping back more than 1 liter of Pepsi (or what ever a large soda is, I never paid attention). I almost broke down and asked her mom to stop at a bathroom but I was too embarrassed so I just bit my lip and prayed I could make it to her house. The worst part was when were on her street. I was so close to the bathroom but she had to slow down for the speed bumps, it was taking forever!! I just kept telling myself I could last a few more seconds. Then finally we were there. I waited to be the last to get out of the car so no one would notice me hunched over for a second as I gathered my strength to walk to the bathroom. Every step was torture. It felt like gallons of pee waiting to rush out and the only thing to keep it back was my quivering peephole. We had all decided to go swimming when we got there. And I figured I’d just go in the bathroom to change and pee, but OMG Derek went in there and I changed with Kristen and Sara in her room. I was absolutely seconds away from wetting myself. And there was no way I could hold myself being naked with everyone without looking weird. Not to mention that we always sat around and talked while we changed, so I would not be able to leave for who knows how long without attracting attention. My mind was racing with where I could pee without making a scene. Finally I managed a weak excuse that I wanted a drink, they laughed surprised that I was still thirsty after all I drank, Kristen said I must be a camel since I hadn’t peed with all I drank. I just smiled a little, if they only knew!!! I went into her mom’s room cause there was a bathroom there and just pushed the door open as I lost control. I jammed my hand into my pee hole trying to stop from leaking on the floor, I did it but at the cost of wetting my panties and skirt thoroughly. I just sat on the toilet, my skirt and panties still on, and worse yet I was sitting on my skirt! It got soaked. I started crying knowing there was no way I could stop the torrent of pee that was gushing through my skirt. I just wanted to die. Finally when I finished I was shaking from the shock of what just happened. Then I opened my eyes and saw it was worse than I thought…some of the pee had used my skirt like a water slide and a lot of it had gone all over the floor. Then a knock at the door, it was Sara’s mom wondering if I was ok. I froze…did she hear me? I said I was fine, just getting changed. OMG if she knew what her bathroom looked like, her daughter’s friend soaked with her own pee from the waist down and an ever–expanding puddle of pee on her floor. Then I saw it was getting close to the door jam…I fell to the floor trying to push it back with my hands, but no luck. Desperate not to be found out I grabbed the small hand towel that was near me. It was soaked instantly. Then Sara’s mom opened the door a little to see if I was ok, I had been making a lot of noise I guess. When she saw me I felt so horrible and humiliated, I said to her that I had accidentally kept the faucet on too long and it went all over the floor, (I know…stupid statement but at the time it seemed plausible) she was such a nice mom she just laughed and said it was ok. She knew what really happened, how could she not, with my skirt being sopping wet. But she was so nice, she humoured me and told me she would take my skirt and what ever else was wet and dry it while I was in the pool. With that crisis gone I realized I had said I was getting changed, but my swimsuit was still in Sara’s room (everyone always kept a spare there). So I had to either walk through the house dripping or naked. Even at that time I loved being naked, but certainly not around anyone and I was self conscience enough around Kristen and Sara, after what just happened it was all I could do not to start crying uncontrollably. Again I got lucky because Sara’s mom so understood about this. She told me to stay where I was and she got my swimsuit for me. In a few minuets I was in the pool, trying to forget about what happened. Of course before to long I had to pee again (all that soda and a tired bladder) but I was in the pool. So I would just pull my suit to the side and…well you know;)
Hope you enjoyed the story, if you have comments or questions or just want to say hi– email me at
By: Julie