Julie, Hard at Work

By: Julie
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It’s another down day at work, so I thought I’d tell you another story about myself. I also thought it be fun if I told you how desperate I was while I’m writing this. Now because I’m at work I can’t just write this whole thing out at once. Someone could come by and interrupt me, or something might come up. Usually when I write a story at work it takes most of the day. Right now it’s 10am. I got here at 7am. Like all slow days it’s tough to stay awake, and since I’m new here I don’t think it would be good for me to be found sleeping at my desk. So like everyone else to stay at least a little awake I’ve been having lots of coffee. Well you might not consider 2 cups a lot, but it is for me. Add to this the 24oz bottle of water that is empty on my desk and the glass of OJ I had before I left and I’ve had a pretty good amount to drink. I was going to go to the bathroom about a half an hour ago but decided not to. I thought it would make the day more fun it I was desperate. (btw– its 10:30 now, I got interrupted before). Needless to say after what I’ve had to drink so far I have to pee, not bad, or even urgently, but there’s a definite need to go. On a scale of 1 to 10 I’d say I’m at a 4, “I gotta pee where’s the bathroom?” So now that you know the state I’m in let’s get on with the story. Oh and for fun it’s almost 10:45am, how much longer do you think I can hold it, till the end of the day at 4pm? Let’s see!:)
Since my need to pee right now is coming mostly from all the caffeine in me, I’m reminded of another time as a senior in high school when I suffered a similar situation. That year I had gym right after lunch then English class after that. So I had my usual lunch of Snapple ice tea, and that’s it (God I need to get back on that diet) then there was gym I don’t remember what we were playing but it was spring so we were outside and there was a lot of running involved because I remember being very thirsty. Which is why I downed mouthful after mouthful of water after class and picked up two ice teas for class. In class I downed the first can of tea, but just sipped on the other one. I was feeling kind of bloated and while I was still a little thirsty my stomach was protesting it was full already. Class ended and I had just finished the second can. Now anyone would normally realize that they’d have to pee a lot real soon, but I was caught up in talking between classes and didn’t even think about it. Besides I didn’t even feel a twinge of having to pee until I sat down and the bell rang. And with that twinge as I sat I awoke from my conversational haze, realizing that I could be in serious trouble with all that I drank. My English teacher was not the kind to stop someone from going to the bathroom, but for me she might as well have been. I had seen her do it so many times. Someone would ask to go to the bathroom and she’d ask them “do you really need to go? Can’t you wait? Its only (however many it was) minutes till the end of class.” Everyone always just said, “Yes, it’s an emergency I can’t wait,” whether they really had to or not. But I still had the hang–up of not wanting to admit I had to pee. It wasn’t as bad as when I was younger like with the movie theatre incident. But there was no way I was going to stand up in a room of 30 people and admit that I was close to wetting myself. I kept pleading with my body to go slow with digesting the ice tea I just drank, like that was going to help. It was a 55min class and it had just started. If I had just drank water I knew I’d be fine but all the caffeine in that tea, I seriously doubted I’d make it till the end of class, to say nothing of having to fight through the halls to the bathroom, that would probably be full by the time I got there.
*Its now 11:15, I’m at a 5 now at least, the need is getting more pronounced, and my bladder muscles are only getting more tired.
Only ten minutes into the class I had to pee, not bad, but using the scale I was at a 4 or even a 5. I kept changing my position in my chair. Sitting forward just ground my jeans into my bladder, making it 10 times worse that it actually was. Sitting back didn’t help much either. While it eased the pressure on my bladder from my jeans, sitting that slouched in my chair made impossible to cross my legs or put a hand in between them without being obvious. Also sitting that slouched was a sure way to have the teacher yell at you, so I didn’t stay like that for long. So I was a like a slinky toy bouncing from almost laying down in my desk and hunched forward with my hand jammed between my crossed legs. I remember thinking that if only it was winter I might have had a fleece on and I could have unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, but it was close to summer and I had a small or stretch t–shirt on, I don’t remember exactly but it was something like that. I kept looking at the clock, and I swear I saw the second hand move backwards a few times. Seeing time creeping by certainly wasn’t helping so I forced myself not to look. Every time I wanted to look I just told my self that only a few seconds had passed and there was no point. I was hoping that thinking time was passing really slowly I’d be pleasantly surprised when I finally did look at the clock to see 10 or 20 minutes had passed. This didn’t work at all, because when I finally did look in the back of my mind that a lot of time had passed, and sure enough I was disappointed every time I looked. I hadn’t even reached the halfway point and I was starting to rock in my seat. Before I was actually thinking of sitting on my heel, even though I knew it would make me sooooo obvious. But I was still in enough control not to do that.
*It’s 11:45– thinking about what happened to me in school isn’t making it any easier to hold it right now. I’m at a 6 easy, maybe worse because I’ve caught myself squirming a little unconsciously. Hold it 4 more hours? I really don’t think so cause I’m going to be drinking more coffee and water before the day’s done.
Finally I was passed the halfway point in class, but things had gone from bad to worse, I couldn’t sit still– I could keep squirming or my desperation would be noticed. So I worked up the nerve and I, as discretely as I could, pulled my leg up on my seat and sat on my heel. Thank god I was wearing flip–flops, cause have you ever sat on the heel of a sneaker, ouch. To my horror though when I changed position my tormented pee hole couldn’t take the onrush of pressure as I changed position, and a hot jet of pee soaked the crotch of my jeans. It was only for as sec until I gasped and sat hard on my heel, regaining control. I didn’t want to look to see how bad it was but it felt like a pretty big spot from my heel, which was getting quite moist. . I could swear I could smell my pee, I asked my friend next to me if she smelled anything, and she just shook her head no. Good, it was just in my head. There was only 10mins left in class now and I was so close to making it. But I was also frantic to pee, my bladder was throbbing painfully with each rapid heartbeat, my sides were stinging too. It was one of those “I gotta pee so bad I can taste it” moments. I finally worked up the nerve to ask to go to the bathroom. I was pretty sure I could walk normally for the 2 or 3 seconds it would take to get out of class, and then I could hold myself in the hall and hobble to the bathroom. I swear I was actually in the process of raising my hand when I heard “Can I go to the bathroom?” from the back of the class. It was Mary–Kate, God I hated her especially now. But our teacher said no, Mary–Kate was always doing this in every class to get out early. Our teacher told her that there were only a few minutes left in class and she could wait. That was it I was doomed, there was no way short of wetting myself as I asked to get to leave early for the bathroom. 5 minutes left, I had to somehow hold on for 5 more minutes. Time stretched on forever. I put all my weight on my heel in a loosing, panicked effort to hold the torrent of pee crushing against my peephole from getting free. No matter what I wasn’t going to give up. The embarrassment of a senior in high school wetting herself– I knew I’d never hear the end of it. But I could tell by the constant pain and relentless throbbing that I was almost to the point where my bladder would give up on its own. Just when I thought there was no way I could last another second, the bell rang. It surprised me cause I was so focused on holding my pee that I hadn’t been watching the clock, in fact I had tunnel vision. I had to pee so bad my vision had actually gotten blurry from the strain I was under. I didn’t get up cause I knew if I tried to walk normally I’d make it about one step before I lost control. So I made an excuse to my friends and told them I’d meet them later. Once the class was clear I stood up gingerly, jamming my hands between by legs pressing with all my might as I hobbled to the door. There were tons of people in the hall and I knew I couldn’t walk like this out there. So I stood as straight as I dared and shuffled into the hall, keeping to the sides not to get bumped with my bag in front of me, covering my right hand as it was crammed into my pussy. Them I saw the girls’ bathroom, there was a small line, but with only two stalls I knew I’d never make it. Panicked I quickly decided to take a chance and pee outside. There was a door right across from the bathroom. I snuck out the door. As if on autopilot I squirmed into the outside corner of the door. There were some bushes, about waist high, that lined the school. These barely obstructed me from the parking lot. But if anyone came out the door they’d see me or worse yes if someone looked out the window of the class I was on the outside of, I was done.
*It’s 1:15 now, back from at my desk. OMG I have to pee sooooo bad, that second bottle of water that I’ve started isn’t making things any better. If your wondering where I am on the scale its an 8. I can’t sit still, I’m sitting on my bare heel and that’s not helping much. There’s almost no way I’m making it till 4pm. Sorry :(
Back to the story, I started to unzip my jeans but didn’t even get the button undone before I felt my pussy swell and become soaked. The pee came out wish such a terrible pressure that while it did soak my jeans right down to the cuffs there was a steady stream pouring like an open faucet from my pussy. So there I was, only weeks from graduating and I’m leaning against the outside of the school having a major accident in full view of anyone who cared to watch. The warmth and the pressure from my colossal accident as bringing me quickly to orgasm, and against all logic I started rubbing my swollen puffy pussy through my soaping wet jeans. Before I had finished peeing an orgasm racked my body and my legs went out from under me. I yelled out, not able to control myself in this wave of pleasure. As my bladder emptied its final contents I was able to open my eyes and begin to gather my wits. I was leaning against the wall, sitting on my drenched bum, feet at my butt, knees in the air. My dark blue jeans were now almost black. I had peed so much the ground didn’t absorb it all and so I found I was sitting in a small muddy puddle. Then I realized I had wet myself AND orgasmed in full view of the parking lot and a classroom, from the waist up. I wanted to just crawl away, but I had to know if I had been seen. With great trepidation I peeked into the class, thank God no one was in there. As for the parking lot, no one was there now but who knows if someone was off in the distance before. Of course I had another huge problem. I couldn’t go back to class like this and I couldn’t ride home with my friends like this either. The only thing I could do was skip the rest of my classes and walk home, it was very far, just a few miles. So I called my friend’s cell to tell her I was skipping the rest of my classes and didn’t need a ride home. And I started walking. Now before long my skin had become very pruned from being in contact with my dripping wet jeans, and walking was becoming a nuisance. I didn’t want to get a rash from walking so far in pee soaked jeans so I started thinking about just walking home in my panties, as I was already in my general neighborhood and most everyone was at work. But I knew a girl walking down the street in her panties (pink and quite transparent when they were wet) would get a lot of attention. Then I noticed that this house near mine (about 6 blocks) that had a pool in the front yard, yea I know it’s weird but they really did, they had a few bathing suits drying on the fence on the side. There was only one there that was a girls, it was a small shorts and bikini top combo. I knew the girl that lived there she was 13 but luckily about my size. I “borrowed” her bottoms and jogged, gently, two houses over. I then went up the empty driveway, hoping no one was home and stripped on the side of the garage. (Just from the waist down) My panties were transparent, which is what I was afraid of, so I couldn’t wear them home even if I wanted to. I squeezed into the shorts and then rolled up my jeans and started walking home again. It’s a good thing those shorts were mostly black, because a light color would have been displaying my every curve to everyone in a hundred yards. And that’s the part I just find so stupid about our society. If I had walked home in my panties people would have been shocked, but me walking home in a bathing suit bottom that was so tight you could make out everything and a good portion of my butt was hanging out, would be more normal. People would just say for me to get a bigger size, LOL. At last I got home…
*Shit, I thought I could finish this before I went to the bathroom– but I just let 2 squirts into my panties, it is 2:30 and I just cant wait another second…
Ok, where was I, oh yes, I finally got home, not much more happened really, I washed and dried my jeans and panties before mom got home. I never did return the bathing suit. I just couldn’t imagine an explanation as to why I needed them. I made it up to her though when she was older! ;)
If you have comments or questions or just want to say hi– email me at mizzjulie2004@yahoo.com.
By: Julie