Tram Party - Part 1

By: Julie
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Another Friday so why not tell another story? There were requests from some of you on what you wanted to hear about next but unfortunately I cant remember what they were at the moment. Sorry guys you’ll just have to suffer with this one;) Actually I did get a fun idea from one of my “fans,” I’m going to try re–enacting one of my desperate episodes to see if I could wait longer now than I did back then. Any suggestions on which of the ones you’ve heard about you’d all like me to re–enact?
I thought I’d liven up the morning by telling you all about something that happened to me last year in Europe. They have these parties that take place on trolley cars. They call them tram parties. It was a lot of fun, not much in the way of entertainment on the trolley but we made our own so it was all good. There was one thing that was not on the trolley that really should have been, a bathroom. There was plenty of beer, more than anyone could drink, but nowhere to pee. Of course no one even noticed this until we were on it and had been drinking for a little while. After about a half an hour in my friend Casey asked the conductor if there was going to be a bathroom stop. He told us we’d be making one soon, then there would be scheduled stops through the rest of the night. Everyone figured we’d be stopping soon so we all just went back to drinking and enjoying ourselves. Now just a friendly suggestion, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation where someone says you’ll be stopping soon for a bathroom break, don’t believe them, we shouldn’t have.
I’m sitting talking with my friend Tony, my legs crossed tightly as I had to pee rather badly, when Casey came over. Her hands were in fists, one at her crotch. She had this look of desperation and fear on her face. “When are we gonna stop?” she asked, almost sounding like she was going to cry. We both said soon. Tony started laughing, “What’s the matter, you have to pee?” “Yea,” she said through clenched teeth, “I’m about to piss my pants.” At this point he pulled her onto his lap and started to tickle her. I was sure she was going to lose it right there. Something he probably expected too, that’s something I wondered about after. But (sorry guys) she didn’t. I guess she didn’t really have to pee as badly as she let on– a lot of people exaggerate. But with how she was acting I was sure she really had to go bad, she just had managed to hold on somehow.
Anyway she quickly darted out of his lap, saying, “STOP or I’ll pee all over,” to which Tony just laughed. At this point I got up too, to mingle mostly. Casey and I went over to Andrea, Kristen and Katia, who were all uncharacteristically quiet. We soon found out why. Andrea was cursing the driver for not stopping yet, and Kristen was complaining about how stupid it was to have all this beer and no bathroom. It turned out the reason that this corner of the trolley was so quiet is because it was the ‘desperation corner.’ Casey was bouncing from leg to leg, biting her lip. Andrea was a little more aggressive, she’d be bouncing, then freeze bending over with a grimace on her face, no doubt fighting back a major urge, then she stand back up stamping her feet and would start cursing the driver again. She did this quite a few times. Kristen was just as bad off but she was a little more subdued in her efforts, just having her hand jammed between her legs. Also she had already let some go as evidenced by the dark patch on her crotch that spread to her butt and a little down her leg. Katia on the other hand was in the same boat as me. We both had to pee bad, actually quite bad but we were just taking it in stride because it was nothing new, and we knew we could last a lot longer if we had to.
Oh in case you were wondering, this happened in the dead of winter, so no one was wearing a skirt or dress. Everyone was wearing jeans, so there would be no concealing an accident. Just when it seemed like half the trolley was going to start peeing all over (guys were desperate too but this isn’t a site for that) we finally stopped. I started to laugh a little out of sheer disbelief; the “bathroom” stop was actually just a stop near an open field with some trees and a fence.
“You’re fucking kidding,” said Andrea.
“No fucking way am I going here,” said Casey, but not really meaning it.
Kristen just walked right past them saying, “hey you gotta go– you gotta go.” We all followed quickly behind her. Casey shuffled with tiny steps to the hedge we were all eyeing. It was in front of the fence so it offered us the most privacy. Kristen was the first there, running. And at the speed of light had her jeans and panties around her ankles peeing. Casey was next, barely getting her jeans down when she lost control, getting some on the butt of her jeans. Andrea had fallen behind because of another strong urge. Suddenly behind me I heard “fuck, fuck, fuck!” It was Andrea– still trying to hobble to the bushes, her hands buried in her crotch, and she had lost the battle. Pee was soaking her jeans, shoes, and coming out with so much pressure her hands were getting drenched too. She managed to stop it miraculously after peeing for at least 30 seconds, and finished peeing behind the hedges. I then noticed that Katia wasn’t going to pee. “Com on you cant be shy,” I asked. “No, I just wanted to let them go first, I can wait, we’re used to not going all the time here,” she responded. (Katia was from Bulgaria; this wasn’t her real name so I just picked something close.) Now, this is where my brain took a vacation. Being drunk, I’d do just about anything, and when it comes to holding it I tend to get very competitive. Which is strange because I’m not a competitive person, I actually hate people like that. However when it comes to pee, I’m T.O.
“Think you can wait till the next stop?” I was already getting excited, hoping she’d say yes, and sure enough she did. “Ya, your gonna wait till then?” she asked me. “I will if you will,” I said as we both smiled at each other. Kristen, Casey, and Andrea emerged from the bushes much relieved. Well Andrea was quite upset, she didn’t want to have everyone making fun of her so we just told everyone that a guy spilled beer on her. Not really too believable, but no one questioned it, mostly because no one wanted to embarrass her.
Now a little back–story on Katia and I so you don’t think this was some out of nowhere thing. We had been having sex for a while at that point and we knew just what the other liked. She had a bf but enjoyed women too (lucky for me). Now this next part has nothing to do with the story and if you want to get back to that just jump to the next paragraph. This is a question for the guys mostly. When her bf came to visit her she said that I couldn’t say anything about us being together or he’d get mad. We also had to tell everyone else that knew about us not to say anything. I always thought a guy would kill to have the shot at a threesome and wouldn’t mind if his girlfriend was bi, but this guy didn’t want her with women at all. How weird is that? Or am I wrong about the whole thing, are guys more threatened by that than I think? Anyways back to the story.
When we got on the trolley we just play along like we had gone because if we said we hadn’t we would have been hit with a dozen questions as to why not. As soon as I got back on I knew I might have bitten off more than I could chew. My bladder was throbbing terribly, and my sides were just starting to tingle like they did before they started to hurt. Not to mention that there was a constant battle between wanting to sit and stand. If I sat the downward pressure on my bladder wasn’t as bad but when I sat my belt squeezed in on my bladder, making things much worse then they really were. So it was a constant up and down every few minutes. Katia, on the other hand was taking it all in stride, not even looking like she had to pee and still drinking. We made sure we both drank the same amount to keep things fair.
Not too long before our second stop I was bouncing in the corner, legs crossed, hands jammed into my pussy as hard as I could. Now I knew how Andrea felt. The constant bumping of the trolley wasn’t helping anything either. Nothing like a sudden bump to make it feel like someone was using your bladder for a trampoline. Even Katia was showing her dire need to go. She wasn’t quite as obvious as me, but I could tell from her increasingly frantic pee dance she had strained herself badly trying not to make her need apparent earlier. Now she was paying the price.
You might think that two girls in the corner of a trolley desperate to pee would garner some attention, but not on this trolley. Everyone else was in pretty much the same state since they had already “broken the seal.” Luckily for everyone the second stop was much sooner than the first one had been. Once the trolley doors opened it was like someone opened the doors to the crazy house. Everyone went running for the trees and bushes (trees were the men’s room, bushes were the ladies’ room, I know it sounds weird but that’s just how it worked out). And in case your wondering about the girls from before, Andrea didn’t drink much the rest of the night, being cold and wet kinda puts a damper on the night. I didn’t see much of the others during the night because Katia and I were focused on each other.
Anyways, we made a dash (more of a bent over shuffle) to the dark corner by a big brick building. There wasn’t much cover here but we didn’t care. Just before we were about to rip down our jeans I asked, “wanna wait till the next stop?” Katia gave me this “are you nuts” look. “Just kidding I’m like 2 seconds from soaking myself,” I reassured her. “I already did a little,” Katia said as she showed me the noticeable wet spot on her crotch. “HaHa I win,” I gloated. Katia responded by tickling me. I swear I lost control on the first laugh, and I had no hope of stopping the tidal force of pee that was gushing through my jeans because Katia kept it up. Even when I fell on my side she fell on top of me, continuing her tickling. I responded as best I could trying to tickle her as well, but I didn’t need to. She had already started wetting herself from the effort of tickling me. So there we were– two laughing, drunken, sopping wet idiots rolling around on the ground. The only thing that snapped us out of it was when we heard people yelling to us that the trolley was leaving. So we dashed onto it, dripping and squishing all the way. When asked what happened we just responded that someone spilled beer on us, which drew quite a bit of laughter. But we didn’t care that people saw, it’s amazing what you can do around people that you are never going to see again. Our biggest problem now was that we were going to get cold quickly.
Hope you all enjoyed this. Sorry if it seemed a little disjointed. I had started this almost a month ago but with the holidays there were big gaps of time between being able to add to it. One other thing, I really appreciate all the “fan mail” I’ve gotten. If I haven’t responded to you I’m sorry, a good portion of my real mail gets lost in all the junk mail I get. I’m going to set up a new email after the holidays.
P.S. Keep an eye out for Part 2– How We Kept Warm
If you have comments or questions or just want to say hi– email me at
By: Julie