Forced to go Shopping

By: Julie
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This is another story from my younger days. As you might know from reading my other stories I had a problem admitting to other people that I had to pee, especially when I was younger. There was one incident where it could have gotten me into a ton of trouble both with my parents and the owners of an appliance store. Let me explain.
Our refrigerator had broke, or was in the process of breaking so my parents decided to go shop for a new one after dinner. Now for some reason I had to come along. It was summer at the time, so I really can’t think of a reason I would have been tagging along for something so boring. I must have been in trouble for something at the time but I can’t quite remember if that was the case. Anyways we left after dinner to find a ‘good buy.’ Now at dinner I always drank a lot, even now I do. I’ll drink at least 4 or 5 glasses of water, and if it’s a spicy meal or I’m thirsty I’ve been known to drink as much as a 1/2 gallon. As you might imagine this means I’ll have to pee a lot for a long time to come. This day just happened to be a time where I had drank about a 1/2 gallon, and as soon as my parents told me I’d be coming with them to shop I was worried. I tried to make an excuse to not go, but they were not leaving me home alone and since I couldn’t think of another reason not to go I was in the car before I knew it. I had gone to the bathroom before we left but all I could do was squeeze out a few drops, knowing full well I’d have to go by the time we got to the store. The first store we went to was SEARS. As soon as I got out of the car I could feel just the slightest twinge of having to pee. ‘God I hope they make this quick,’ I thought. Knowing full well they’d take at least an hour. I stood still while they looked around. I was hoping that if I didn’t move around much my body wouldn’t digest the water as fast…I know, I know, stupid, but I had to hope. Though while I hated to use the bathroom in a place like this, I would if I really had to. I knew where the bathrooms were so I could just sneak off to them without having to ask. After about 15 minutes I had to pee, bad enough that a normal person would have went, but I knew I could wait longer so I didn’t go to the bathroom just then. Having to stand the whole time didn’t help either. I so wished I could have found a place to just sit and let my bladder muscles rest for just a few minutes. Another 5 minutes passed and I was giving longing looks to the restroom sign at the end of the hall. I was thinking of biting the bullet and using it but then my mom yelled over to me that we were leaving. ‘Oh thank God,’ I thought, now I just had to wait the 10 minutes it would take to get home and I could do that easy. I sat in the car on my heel just to ease the pressure with a sigh of relief.
The sense of relief was short lived when the car turned the opposite direction at the intersection. “What are you doing?” I asked alarmed. My parents explained we were going to look at another place that was nearby. ‘Yea and the opposite direction from our house,’ I muttered under my breath. I really started to panic. My bladder was filling up incredibly fast and instead of being 10 minutes from home it could be another hour or more!
As soon as I stood up from the car I had to hunch over as my bladder spasmed from having my shorts suddenly press in on my stomach, forcing me to bend over; crossing my legs to keep from leaking. I started trying to convince myself that I had to find a bathroom quick. The store was big so I figured there was one somewhere. I wandered around trying to act normal, but to an observant eye my short shuffled steps and clenched fists were broadcasting that I had to pee very badly. I circled the entire store, my bladder pulsing desperately to empty but nothing, just an entrance to a storage room in the back. Then I knew I had two options: either have my mom or dad ask the shop owner if I could use the employee bathroom (I figured there had to be one) or sneak outside and find a bush or something to hide behind while I went. Almost as soon as I thought of it I knew I had to go outside. There was just no way I was admitting to my parents I had to pee…and I sure as hell wasn’t broadcasting it to an entire store. But I still kept up the hope we’d be leaving soon. No such luck, with each passing second I had to shift my weight from foot to foot, crossing and uncrossing my legs more and more, in a hopeless effort to maintain control. I knew when my dad starting asking about warranties that we were far from leaving so I snuck outside with my bladder clenching, knowing that relief was near. I had to press my hand into my crotch to hold back from wetting my shorts, but the sudden pulse of warmth in my pussy told me that I hadn’t completely held back. When I turned the corner of the outside of the store I almost cried. There wasn’t anything I could hide behind. So I quickly leaned against the wall thinking that if I just did it there no one would notice me. But as soon as I started to unbutton my shorts I knew I couldn’t do it. There were cars constantly driving by and I was in plain sight, not to mention the parking lot extended to where I was and a car could just come up right next to me to park. I whimpered and walked awkwardly with my hand still buried between my legs back into the store, looking around in a panic. I hurried to the back of the store where the storage room was hoping that’s where the employee bathroom was. On the way I let out another spurt that dripped down my leg stopping as it absorbed into my sock. I went into the storage room but I couldn’t see anything it was too dark. ‘FUCK, FUCK what am I going to do,’ I thought. There just seemed to be no option, I couldn’t hold it, there wasn’t a bathroom and there wasn’t anywhere else I could pee. Then suddenly it hit me. There was a big grey garbage can right in front of me. No one could see me unless they happened to come to the back of the store. Thinking I was totally nuts for even thinking it, the sudden spasm made my mind up quickly. I unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them just below my butt. Then I leaned back on the garbage can and just let it all go. The sound was immense, my pee bursting forth onto the side of the can, plastic bags in the bottom of the can. I was terrified someone would hear or worse someone would come out of the storage room. ‘Hurry…hurry’ I kept thinking. I almost stopped half way but I figured I might as well keep going since I didn’t see or hear anyone nearby. It seemed to take an eternity to finish. Just as I was sure I was almost done it felt like my bladder suddenly filled back up. I thought I’d be peeing forever, but finally I was empty and quite exhausted from my effort of holding and balancing myself on the garbage can. I hoped down quick and pulled my shorts back up. Then I noticed I was standing in a puddle. My heart sank, there were holes in the bottom of the can, big ones that I was too desperate before to notice before. All my pee was leaking out onto the floor. I ran two or three isles over hoping no one saw me coming from back there, and praying there weren’t any surveillance cameras. All I wanted to do was run out of the store before someone realized what I did. And then suddenly I got my wish, my parents had gotten a refrigerator, probably at the same time I was peeing all over the floor, and were ready to leave. Figures, they take just long enough for me to have to embarrass myself like that.
If you have comments or questions or just want to say hi– email me at
By: Julie