A Real Golden Jubilee!

By: Kev
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Wow what a weekend I just had, let me tell you all about it! Last weekend it was the Queen’s Golden Jubilee celebration down in London. My wealthy but divorced cousin Fran was very lucky and got two tickets in her grown up daughters’ names for the pop concert on the Monday night in the Garden at Buckingham Palace. Claire, 24 and Holly, 20, the two very good looking daughters, top shelf in fact, were to be the lucky recipients of the tickets. Both girls live in Chelsea. Fran asked me if I would like to go down to London for the weekend. Our families are very close as we all grew up together in the same town. Fran is 10 years older than I, and seems to be missing male company since her messy divorce. She felt that some male support in the crowds would be a good idea and I jumped at the chance to accompany them. So the four of us were off to the concert at Buckingham Palace. We decided to stop and watch the concert as it was relayed on two big screens in the Mall as well as other locations. The concert was out of this world. The atmosphere and fireworks were simply stunning and the crowd was such a friendly happy group! Only one thing had been overlooked BIG TIME! Guess what it was? The LADIES & GENTS LOO’S!!!
Towards the end of the concert, as we stood in huge crowd I could see that Fran needed a wee very badly! She was showing all the signs, you know: the Dance of the Wee–Wee! Panty Holding Under Pretty Floral Dress When She Thinks No One Is Looking!!! Her legs were pressed together while she fidgeted like a 5 year old! Fran is almost 54 but looks more like 34 and still has a figure to die for with her very ample tits and gorgeous auburn hair. I think you get the picture – a very classy lady. We did walk to some nearby Portaloos but these had extremely huge queues! We had arranged a place to meet back up with the girls and amazingly we were able to find each other, even in that vast crowd! As we stood talking about how good the concert and the fireworks had been, it soon became clear that Fran was not the only one in desperate need of a pee! Claire and Holly were also showing all the signs of having very full bladders! It was now very late and as we chatted they mentioned to their mum that for the last hour they had both nearly been wetting their knicks – in their words! Unfortunately their enjoyment of the concert had been spoiled due to the fact that there were not enough portable loos inside the Buckingham Palace Gardens. A lot of men and women had just taken to the bushes to pee, some doing it with very little cover. They were very desperate and the free flowing champagne had only made matters worse. The girls, however, were so far back that it was not possible for them to even make their way out to use the bushes without a struggle. I could hardly believe this, but wait! Later this week, Claire, a junior journalist, sent me this to back up the amazingly fantastic story! Just take a look at this web page!!! ( As long as it works )
We had decided to walk home along the river, Chelsea is not far and by this time any late buses were packed. We had been told the underground had been closed in central London due to the crowds and it seemed pointless to queue up at the long lines at any of the Portaloos as it was going to take a very long time to get to a free one. So we set off. We could not walk fast as Claire is still recovering from an operation on her leg which she broke badly as a child and had the final corrective surgery to put the leg right a couple of months ago, so she had a slight limp still.
All three were very quiet and I noticed that every now and then Fran put her hand up her floral print dress to hold herself and rub her panties! This and the situation in general had really got me very excited and I assumed it was taking all their mental powers just to hold on to their aching full bladders and walk which must be why they were so quiet. I was quite full myself by this time but not desperate. Boy I was turned on at being with three very good–looking women all very desperate for a wee!
We had walked a fair way in about 20 minutes and had lost the huge the crowds of central London. It was still busy along the river embankment walk, and it was then that Holly stopped and said to her mum, “mum I’m sorry I can’t hold on much longer – I’m going to do a wee–wee in my knickers soon! I’m not going to make it home!!” Fran’s reply was “me too, darling we will have to see if we can find a quiet place.” We quickly turned off the main river embankment walk and crossed a busy road then turned left. The roads got smaller and much quieter we found ourselves at the back of the Lister hospital, where they were doing a lot of building work, and there was a passage way off a small side road between a back brick wall of the hospital and a portable site office which was well lit and was very quiet. Fran said, “Look we can go down here.” I naturally said I would wait out on the on the small side road, but to my surprise Fran and the girls insisted I that I go along the passage way with them! There was a very old battered door at the end and Fran said, “Please you must come and guard the door and keep a lookout. Anyway I bet you too need to have a piss!” (Her own words) By now her hand was up her dress nearly all the time and she had given up trying to hide this.
So I went down the narrow passageway first to the end door; it did not look as if this door had been used in years! Claire came next, then Fran, and Holly last, no sooner had Holly got in the cover than I noticed that she was desperately tugging her black tight fitting bootleg hipster trousers down. The passageway was so well lit from the site office outside lights that so I could see very well her small light blue G– string style knickers which were soon also down and round her knees. This revealed a tight neat mound of golden auburn pussy hair. She did not bat an eyelid that I could see (she was far to desperate to care by this point I think) as all this was going on just a few feet away as the passage way was so narrow! She then quickly took up the girlie squatting position, leaning with her back for support against the brick wall. She had hardly got settled into position when I heard her peeing softly to start with and then building up to a full on hissing sound as it left her young pussy! Rivulets of her steaming hot wee–wee ran down the tarmac path coming towards me and soon there was a growing pool of her hot yellow piss round my trainers and the air in the passage way was filled the sweet smell of hot fresh piss.
Claire, upon hearing her young sister relieving herself so quickly –this was all happening in a matter of seconds quickly had to thrust her hand between the legs of her very expensive looking tan brown leather trousers. They had a lovely leather pleat look down each leg and which her small pert bum looked fantastic in as it pushed the tight brown leather out in all the right places. She got herself under control again and took her hand away to undo her belt and then the buttons; the trousers slid down round her knees revealing her sporty white bikini style panties. These too were soon sliding down her long slender legs to reveal a shaved pussy with perhaps just a few days of the growth of much lighter golden pussy hair. It was at this point that her mum Fran said, “Are you going to be able to manage okay, Claire darling?” I suddenly realized that with Claire’s bad leg she would never be able to squat down to do her wee. Claire said, “I did learn something at school and university mummy,” in a patronizing tone brought on by her sheer desperation. With both hands she quickly manipulated her pussy lips with her fingers and let go of a very girlie loud fart, making the still weeing Holly laugh. Then Claire leaned right forward and to my utter amazement a very powerful strong jet of wee shot from her pussy! It was so hard and long that it hit the portable cabin office side! There she stood with this strong fan like arc of pee jetting out of her pussy; the hissing noise and the force was incredible. I got very slightly splashed as it hit the portable cabin wall; it was just like a fire extinguisher! It seemed that it was hard for her to control and taking all her concentration with her fingers to keep it going like this in a stream; she was doing her best not to let any dribble down her legs and so make her leather trousers wet round her feet. At this point Holly said, “God Claire you piss like a horse,” which made us all laugh. Claire had to be careful not to lose control and in a joking way snapped back “Fuck, Holly please don’t make me laugh these trousers cost me over ’250 and I don’t want to piss in them!” By now the pool of the girls hot yellow piss was getting bigger and bigger around my feet and the smell filled the passageway! It was a very cool night and Claire’s wee was steaming. Then Fran suddenly bobbed down in more of a crouch position than a squat, lifted her dress clear and with her other hand tugged frantically at the gusset of her cotton floral panties which matched her cotton dress. She let go a sigh and a moan and in the next moment let go of a monumental gusher, typical of an older woman who has had kids. I thought that her panties must be getting wet as I don’t think she had got the gusset fully clear before her wee just burst out. At this point I felt the need to go as well with all this piss about, so I just unzipped my jeans and whipped my willy out. I think it was pretty obvious that I was still half stiff but it seemed that the girls were far to busy concentrating on their own wee and as my wee burst forth I soon relaxed and as I had been so excited my foreskin had gone back so I was giving Claire a run for her money as my stream splashed right on the portable cabin office too!
Well as you can see quite a weekend when we got home that night both Holly and Fran admitted that they had done quite a bit of wee–wee in their panties and down their trousers while we had been walking back along the river embankment, in fact Fran’s shoes were piss soaked, which we all laughed about. Fran is so laid back and to her it was just all a part of the fun of the event and the whole evening! Looking at Claire’s crotch as she sat in the kitchen, the leather looked very dark and stained but being a very shy girl I think she was far too embarrassed to own up to having done some wee in her panties and those very expensive leather trousers! It seems that only I had kept dry!
Roll on to the Diamond Jubilee I say!!!
Two days later……
I spoke to Fran on the phone yesterday evening– we were talking about the Jubilee weekend again, and she then went on to tell me that Claire had been real moody of late. Well nothing new there I said, and asked why. I could not believe what she told me! Apparently it turns out that Claire had been weeing in her panties on that night like Fran and Holly! As I thought! Of course it had then soaked the leather trousers she had on and when they dried out it left a white salty stain mark (much like you get when you go in the sea and then the salt water dries out). It was all around the crotch and down the inside leg so Fran had told her to take them to a specialist cleaners, but the truth of it was that she was far too embarrassed. She said they would know in the shop that she had pissed herself, so Fran had said to her, well you did, darling, which had not gone down well and there had been tears. So in the end Fran gave in and took them in herself. She said, “I told them in the shop that my daughter had an accident and peed in them, so when Claire goes to pick them up she will be mad at me as when the girl wrote the ticket out when she put pee stain on the ticket!!!” I can just see Claire’s face now; its funny how things turn out and I really began to wonder about Fran. She may be a bit of a knicker wetter on the quiet; certainly I shall try to find out!
Kev ( email welcome )