The Bear Facts

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lisa Morrow woke up knowing something wasn’t quite right. She had to pee really badly, but that wasn’t what had awakened the voluptuous college senior. She glanced over at her companion. Sara Lennox was still fast asleep. Lisa puzzled for a moment, wondering what had awakened her. It was very quiet in the forest at this time of day. The first vaporous light from the breaking day penetrated the thick tree cover under which they had camped.
The tent was still dark save the weak light from the glass covered candle lantern, itself burned to a nub. Lisa was just about ready to decide it was nothing and crawl back into the warm sleeping bag with Sara when she heard a noise. The sound was not loud but it did get her attention. It sounded like a bear. It was close. This time Sara heard it too, as she awoke with a start. “What was that?” she exclaimed to no one in particular. Still nearly asleep she had yet to realize where she was.
“Shhhh” Lisa softly mouthed, then quietly whispered, “Bear!” and pointed toward the open area in front of their tent. Now Sara was awake, fully awake, and so was her bladder.
“Ohhhh noooo!” the pretty young college junior muttered softly. “I have to pee sooooo bad!” She had extricated herself from the confines of the sleeping bag and stood in front of Lisa with her legs crossed and both hands jammed firmly into her crotch. Lisa could see Sara’s dark curls peering out where her hands had pulled her tiny white satin bikini panties into the crevice of her mound. Sara’s short sheer nightgown draped gracefully over her small breasts, the twin peaks of her chilled nipples pointing forward and slightly up. The sight left Lisa momentarily lost in the thought of how those precious curls and sweet white panties would look with Sara’s hot pee pouring through them. Lisa’s own desperation and arousal increased as she anticipated what could happen. She absently ran her fingers lightly over her own large breasts and down her nightgown, lingering on her panties.
Another sound from the bear outside indicated there was two of them and they were getting closer to the girls’ tent. Sara wondered aloud if it was time to panic yet. Lisa told Sara their survival depended on a calm clear head and assured her younger companion that the bears would not bother them if they remained quietly in the tent until the bears left. The pair had discussed bear protocol at length before their trip to the remote mountain camp and had been careful to insure no food or anything to attract bears was in the tent. Lisa motioned to the sleeping bag and indicated they should both get back in it to stay warm and hidden should the bears get curious about the tent. It was weak, but it was the best way she could think of to get them both back in the confines of the soft warm bed. Sara quickly agreed, hiding her smile. Lisa’s own desperation was rapidly mounting now as well and she wanted to get in a position where she might better control her swollen bladder. She was not exactly dreading snuggling up close to the sexy desperate young girl in front of her. Sara crawled into the bag first, uttering a muffled “Oh!” as she stretched her slim body out to allow Lisa room to enter the bag. Lisa quietly asked Sara what was wrong, hoping she knew the answer. She did. The young junior quietly confirmed a minor leak.
As Lisa wriggled into place in the bag, they were lying front to front, eyeing each other quietly, both breathing a little quicker than the bear threat could explain. “How badly did you leak?” Lisa asked softly, making the first move as she placed her hand softly on Sara’s waist, lightly rubbing down her companion’s hip and leg.
“I’m not sure”, spoke the young brunette. “Would you like to check?” she added haltingly. Lisa’s green eyes widened as she absorbed the implications of Sara’s timidly spoken but unmistakably inviting question. Lisa’s soft red nether curls and panties moistened at their owner’s momentary lapse of control as the distinction between spider and fly blurred.
Lisa had wanted this but her plan was working even better than she could have hoped. Because of this, she now had a problem. She had to find a way to get her two friends in the bear suits out of the area before their increasing racket and proximity spooked Sara and ruined what was looking to be a great time. Sara had tensed at the sound of the raucous bears and she wrapped her arms tightly around Lisa pulling their bodies closely together. Lisa suddenly felt Sara’s warm wetness as the younger girl’s bladder released. “Oh no! I’m peeing my panties” she exclaimed loudly. “I’m peeing all over you Lisa!” she continued. “Oh my God I’m soaking you and the bed too with my hot pee and I can’t stop!” Lisa’s control of herself evaporated as Sara’s warm fragrant womanly flood soaked them both, pooling underneath them. Lisa’s wetness too came now, with a rush, hissing hotly out her pulsing pee hole. The force of Lisa’s piss jet shot through her thin panties penetrating Sara’s soggy yellowed silk as well and impacting on her hard swollen clit. The resulting explosion was responsible for Lisa’s orgasm as well when Sara’s hot liquid massaged Lisa’s clit. The screams, groans and sighs from within the nearly floating tent would have led a passerby to believe the bears had entered the tent and attacked the occupants. Indeed, it had apparently scared the so–called bears off as the only sound left now was the lovers’ own labored breathing as each realized the area was quiet and deserted again. The two girls looked at each other warmly, hungrily. As they began to spend the rest of the day exploring, playing, licking, kissing and learning each other’s bodies, Sara wordlessly thanked her friends for getting lost at the perfect time.
Day turned to evening and the two lovers cleaned up in the nearby mountain stream, sharing the warm wetness of their bodies once more before returning to civilization. As the pair drove quietly down the mountain road Lisa spoke, “Sara, I have a confession to make. I have wanted you for a long time, and suspected that you wanted me as well. I also have found your pretty pee soaked panties before, so I thought you might enjoy pee play as I do. I wasn’t sure, though, and since we were roommates and friends first, I didn’t want to chance damaging that relationship. The bear visit was really my friends in a bear suit. I wanted to give you an opportunity to pee your panties and see what would happen between us. I hope you don’t mind; I just had to know if we could be more than friends.”
Sara smiled warmly, reaching across their vehicle to stroke Lisa’s stomach, letting her fingers rest between Lisa’s legs as she spoke. “Lisa, I too must confess to both wanting you as well and getting one of my friends to pose as a bear too! It seems we both wanted the same thing and arrived at the same plan to make it happen. That was why there were two bears; our friends met and both participated in the charade.” Both girls giggled and kissed each other, reveling in their newfound wet sexual relationship and thinking of new ways to play.
As they reached the main highway, their cell phones came alive, now in range of a local tower. Lisa answered hers first, putting it on speakerphone so she could listen and drive safely. There were a couple of messages from friends wanting her to call, one from her mother and the last from her friend Dave who had agreed to play the bear part. She listened with Sara as Dave’s message played: “Lisa, this is Dave. Hey, I met up with Sara’s friend Rachael who was doing the same bear suit trick as I was. Wow, she is really sexy! Rachael and I really hit it off and we kinda got carried away with each other. We’re very sorry and hope our not showing up didn’t screw up your plans too badly. Bye!”
King Neptune