Three Pees in a Pot

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Patty Richardson checked herself for the third time – ok, she had to admit that she really looked good. Her breasts flirted with the thin silky material of her blouse, tight against her nipples. She had no need of a bra and she liked the looks she got without one. Her long shapely legs looked even more remarkable under the tight mini. Her panties played peek–a–boo with her as she turned in the mirror, her perfect ass occasionally visible under the dress as she moved. Pretty short! She decided it was just right. The 28–year–old single mother worked long hours as a social worker and the mental anguish of the job often left her numb, but tonight was girls’ night out. She allowed herself this luxury about once a month. Her son was nearly 8 now and comfortable with the baby sitter, so she was really able to let her hair down and enjoy herself. The marketable men seemed to shrink every month but she didn’t mind; most didn’t come close to understanding her anyway. Besides, she enjoyed the company of her female friends– especially Sherry who she was sure would probably do anything in the name of fun. About Patty’s age, Sherry was always up for anything. The phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. It was Sherry; she was here to pick up Patty, but was coming up to pee before the 45–minute drive to the next city where the clubs were.
The doorbell rang shortly after just as Patty settled on the toilet to pee herself. She called out to Sherry, “It’s open, and I’m back here.” She heard the footsteps and looked up to see Roger, the 22–year–old college student who was her son’s babysitter. He was early, and stood staring at Patty, an astounded look on his face. Patty shrieked, jumping up, and forgetting she was still peeing pulled her pale blue nylon panties up in one smooth motion.
It would have been a great face–saving move other than the yellow piss flowing from her crotch, running down her legs and pooling on the bathroom floor. Roger had a different look now; he had never seen a woman piss her panties before. He really liked it. Really. Even in her embarrassment Patty couldn’t help noticing Roger was, as the saying goes, hung like a horse.
Where did that saying come from anyway, Roger wasn’t hanging at all, he looked more like a rocket ready to blast off! Patty could do nothing but sit back on the toilet and finish peeing through her panties. Her pale blue mini was still up around her waist, so at least she wouldn’t have to change her whole outfit. “Roger!” “Please!” she scolded the 6 foot 4 inch football player who was all but drooling, staring at her pissy wet panty crotch. His cock threatened to rip his jeans now, and the redness in his face gave away his embarrassment. “I’m sorry Ms Richardson, really, God, you’re beautiful, I mean you really peed your panties, I mean I’ll wait out here!” he stammered, trying to tear his eyes away from Patty’s pissy crotch, running face first into the door as he left, still unable to look away. Patty was a bit more disturbed than she let on, but it was not embarrassment, she decided. She wasn’t quite sure why, but she was enjoying her situation. She quickly cleaned herself and changed panties, hearing Sherry’s entrance as she left the bedroom with her shoes in her hand. “Oh my God” Sherry exclaimed, her eyes focused on the huge bulge in Roger’s jeans, “You’re leaving with this in your house?” Roger was beyond embarrassed now, and excused himself to the bathroom to regain his composure. Sherry was her usual unsinkable self, dancing behind him patting his butt and crooning, in her best Mae West voice, for him to come up and see her sometime. Things finally settled down and it was quietly normal when the day care van dropped off Patty’s son Ryan. He would be visiting his father this weekend and Roger only had to watch him for an hour until his father picked the boy up. Patty reiterated her last minute instructions to Roger, who was going to stay and watch a movie before leaving.
Finally the two girls left to pick up the other two friends they were going clubbing with. In the excitement Sherry had not peed at Patty’s apartment. “I must hurry to get to Nicky’s house, I really have to pee now!” Sherry explained. Nicky and Leisa had become a couple. It was not a new relationship but the first lesbian relationship for each. They had all been friends for years and one night, as Leisa put it, they both just woke up to each other. That had been nearly a year ago and the group of friend had come to accept the change with little difficulty. It had seemed so normal for them that Patty had wondered about her and Sherry. She had thought of it, more than once.
Patty and Sherry were almost to Nicky’s house when the cell rang. It was Nicky, she and Leisa were both still at work and had to cancel. “That’s disappointing,” lamented Sherry. “Guess it’s just the two of us then.” She continued, “Oh well, maybe we’ll get luckky tonight!” “I wouldn’t mind getting lucky with that young stud Roger!” “Did you see the bulge in that boy’s pants??” Patty allowed herself to remember the image of Roger’s growing cock in front of her as she had pissed her panties. She felt a stirring in her sex as she considered the incident. She had not considered Roger in that light before. As they laughed about the incident Sherry suddenly exclaimed. “Patty!” “I’ve really got to pee now.” “I didn’t pee at your apartment and we didn’t stop at Nicky’s; I really have to pee badly now!” “Oh no, oh my, oh shit this is getting bad!” As if to emphasize her need she suddenly pulled her dress up and jammed her hand into the crotch of her full cut white nylon panties. A sudden sharp intake of breath and Sherry tensed in her seat, frozen. “No, no, no!” she exclaimed, furiously rubbing her pussy through her panties. Patty watched, transfixed as a small yellow wet circle the size of a quarter suddenly appeared in Sherry’s panties, glistening for a second then going flat as her panties absorbed the warm wetness. She thought she could smell it; it did not smell bad at all. Patty thought it odd how moist her own panties had gotten as well. When did that happen??
Patty was beginning to get the idea that she was in need of sex. For the second time that evening she thought of Sherry. She glanced at Sherry who was preoccupied trying to keep her panties somewhat dry. Sherry was a bit of a chubby girl, not fat but round and voluptuous, with soft warm breasts, nice nipples, a little stomach, wide feminine hips, a sweet bubble butt. Her pussy looked shaved under the white panties. “Wait a minute, what am I doing?” Patty had spoken out loud, startling herself. “What?” Sherry asked.
“Nothing Sherry, never mind,” Patty covered, wondering what Sherry’s pussy looked like wet. Her own pussy was suddenly quite wet. It felt very warm, too.
Sherry suppressed the urge with only the slight leak, but both knew there would be little time to find a restroom now. “We’re almost there, Sherry, can you make it?” asked Patty, thinking in the back of her mind how exciting it would be if she did not make it. With that thought, Patty finally put things together and realized she wanted Sherry to pee her panties and she decided she also wanted Sherry. With that, she allowed herself to feel the excitement she had begun feeling with pissing her panties. She wanted Sherry to do it now, to piss her panties. Telling herself it was ok, Patty set about making this happen. Knowing Sherry was not familiar with the area, Patty had been guiding them to their destination. Now she sought to direct Sherry to an area of road construction where either the rough road or the delay would insure Sherry would soon be sitting in peed panties. As they turned the corner, traffic stretched in front of them, unmoving. If she had reacted, Sherry could have turned before traffic closed in, but now, 30 seconds later, she was stopped and hopelessly stuck. Patty realized her success immediately; it took another minute before she understood that Patty would not be peeing alone.
“Patty, I’m really about to pee my panties and we are stuck! Oh, no!! What am I going to do??” “I really must pee now or I’m going to pee my panties”
“I really can’t hold it and drive; every time I shift I leak and it keeps getting worse!” I just can’t drive and hold my pussy!” Sure enough, Patty could see the wet yellow spot in Sherry’s panties had grown and was again shiny. “I have an idea”, Patty said, “If you’re up for it.”
“Anything, hurry” the distraught young woman wailed. Ok, move your hand, I’ll hold your pussy while you drive,” Patty boldly announced. Sherry jerked her head up as if she had been shot, staring at Patty in disbelief. She squealed as her bladder; momentarily not given her full attention, released a hard spurt of piss into her panties. Her crotch was soaked now as well as her ass, but she did not notice. “What did you say?” Sherry asked, her voice low and husky.
Patty looking her friend in the eye, unblinking, repeated herself. “I’ll hold your pussy while you drive; maybe you can hold it then until we get to a restroom.” Sherry considered her options along with the implications of Patty’s offer. “Ok”, Sherry replied, “but I am pretty wet,” she replied, her words both a question and a declaration. Patty’s panties were pretty wet too, but she had not peed yet. “Ok, I’m moving my hand,” Sherry volunteered. With that, Patty slid her hand down Sherry’s pissy panties, her open fingers centering in Sherry’s wet slot. She pressed gently, moving her fingers until she felt Sherry’s pee hole. Sherry’s sudden gasp told Patty she was properly located and she pressed her finger forcefully against her friend’s leaking pee hole. It was warm, slick, wet…much like her own panties. Now she realized she too really needed to pee. She wanted to just do it now, in the car, just let go and flood her panties, just feel the hot wetness surge through her underwear. It seemed so sexy, so hot, so obviously exciting.
Patty wanted so badly to just let her hot pee come, without restriction, to ease the burning in her crotch, to feel the hot yellow liquid pool under her ass in the car seat, to inhale it’s warm rising aroma as it flowed uninhibited into her panties. She fought the overpowering urge to break all social training, to dispense with civilized teachings, to do what felt right at the moment. She lost. As Patty peed, she rubbed Sherry’s pussy, slowly, circling her finger over Sherry’s swelling clitoris, grasping it through her panties as Sherry’s untamed pee hole erupted, pissing over Patty’s probing teasing hand. “Oh my God, Patty, what are you doing??” shrieked Sherry as the realization of Patty’s manipulations and the hissing pissing sound and fragrance of two desperate women filled the car. “You know perfectly well what I am doing,” Patty replied, now bold in her excitement, still looking her friend in the eye. “What you may not know is that I am also pissing my panties with you.” “Do you want me to stop either activity?” Patty punctuated her little speech by pulling her own dress up, showing Sherry the piss flooding from her pussy and the growing warm yellow pool she now sat in. Sherry, hypnotized by the sight before her, reached her hand over, dipping into Patty’s warm pool, touching the stream issuing from Patty’s panties, and then slowly stroking her friend’s crotch as the increasingly bold Patty thrust her pussy hard against her friend’s hand. “I think maybe we should forget the clubs tonight,” Sherry spoke, slowly, her fingers teasing under the crotch of Patty’s pee soaked pink panties. “What do you think?”
Patty, her forefinger now inside Sherry’s panties and about to do a disappearing act spoke, her voice shaking. “I think my place is closer, let’s go.” They had reached a relatively quiet intersection and Sherry quickly turned left and found a route back to Patty’s apartment.
Arriving at Patty’s apartment, the difficulty of the situation came to both of them. They were soaked, their dresses pissy wet from hem to above the waist and they would have to walk from the parking area to the apartment along the sidewalk which was crowded with Patty’s neighbors. It would be hours before the walkway would be deserted enough to escape their pissy prison. As they discussed the situation a figure came out of the crowd, walking toward their car. “Oh, shit, Sherry yelped, someone’s coming this way!”
“Now what?” Patty realized in rapid succession that the car to the right was Roger’s, that the movie would be over now and that it was Roger approaching them. She communicated this to Sherry. “What are we going to do?”
Sherry asked, a quizzical look on her face. “Roger could bring us coats to cover our pissy clothes!” Patty exclaimed. “Yes, but he will see us wet and who knows what else.” wailed Sherry. “Do you remember how excited Roger got when I pissed my panties before?” Patty questioned. The mental image of Roger’s rocket filled Sherry’s mind. “I have an idea.” the fun–loving pudgy brunette exclaimed as the naughty images dancing in her mind made her giggle, her large round breasts rippling with her laughter. “It’s cool out; ask Roger to bring us coats.” “We can put them on as we get out.” “No one, including Roger, will see us wet!” As she said it, a twinge of disappointment intruded, making Sherry wonder if Roger maybe should know they were wet. It certainly worked before when Patty had peed her panties while Roger watched.
Yep. He had to know. “Ok, but hurry, I need to pee badly again!” Patty implored her friend. “Ok, try to hold on.” Sherry agreed, her bladder also in dire straits as she rolled down her window, the effort threatening to induce another flood. “Roger!” Sherry gave the tall hunk a provocative smile. “Will you please bring us coats, long ones?” “It’s gotten cool and we have on only short dresses.” “Please?” Hurry!!”
“Ok,” the perpetually horny young man agreed. His mind refreshed the image of Patty peeing her panties earlier, and the possibilities of the evening filled his head…the little one.
Roger returned with two of Patty’s long coats and stood expectantly for the girls to exit their car. Sherry looked at her friend, winking. “Roger, give me the blue one and take the white one to Patty,” she said, giving Roger a dazzling smile. It worked. As Roger walked around the car Sherry slid out of the car and into the coat on one smooth motion, tying the waist as Roger came back around the car. Patty followed her friend’s example, completing the maneuver as effectively as her friend. Roger had seen nothing. The three walked to Patty’s apartment, each silent in their own thoughts and fantasies for the evening. As they approached the apartment, the mischievous Sherry couldn’t resist. “Roger, would you be a dear and have a drink with us?” Patty stared open mouthed, wondering what her friend had in mind. Roger stared open mouthed too, unable to believe his luck. “Sssure, I’d love to,” he stammered.” “Great!” “Will you get us a case of Coronas and some munchies?” Roger happily agreed and left for the store. “I’ll be back in about an hour,” he promised. Sherry entered the apartment with Patty. “That should give us time to get clean and dry,” Patty said to her friend, pleased with Sherry’s quick thinking. “Yes, and maybe more,” replied Sherry, taking off both their coats and pulling Patty close to her.
“Are you sure about this Patty,” she spoke, her fingers slick under Patty’s dress, probing, stroking. Patty’s own hands were busy as well, cupping Sherry’s ample ass cheeks beneath her pissy dress. “No, I’m not at all sure, now, replied the hesitant honey blonde, her fingers stopping in mid probe.
“Sherry, I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened, I have to pee so bad, I’m very horny, and I love you as a friend, but this isn’t what I really want for a relationship. It’s nice and I’m so horny it feels great, but I don’t feel it going any further than momentary attraction.”
“Me too, Patty.” Sherry spoke. “I’m so horny I could scream and I’m about to flood your floor and my panties again.” They separated, lost in thought, and then arriving at the same idea, turned to each other with the same thought voiced aloud by each. “Roger!” they both spoke. Patty voiced her thoughts. “That boy’s going to get lucky tonight, but not before I see him piss himself.”
“After all, he’s seen me with my clothes pissy; now it’s his turn.” “Yes”, echoed Sherry, “and I have some thoughts about that log in his pants too.”
The two had a little time before Roger’s return so both decided to clean up and dress sexily for their victim. They decided to challenge him to a hold it game with the winner receiving the two losers as love slaves for the evening. Sherry looked at Patty, laughing, already starting. “Let’s piss ourselves so we’ll be empty and then when we begin drinking, make excuses to leave the room and dump half our beer out so we can outlast him.” As she spoke piss flooded from beneath her short dress. Patty exclaimed, “Let me see and lifted Sherry’s dress above her panties to watch the warm piss cascade down her legs, splashing to the floor. As she watched, she let her own gates open and the two conspirators giggled as they pissed their panties unashamedly, each enjoying their friend’s piss as well as their own. “I’m even hotter now, Sherry, I don’t think I can stand it,” Patty said, pinching her hardened nipples as Sherry finished pissing. Sherry looked at her friend. “Want some help?” Patty nodded, reaching for Sherry’s pissy crotch as Sherry rubbed her friend’s pussy through the soggy pink nylon. “I think this is ok,” she spoke, her breath catching as the ministrations of her friend carried her over the edge. “After all, what are friends for?” Sherry could only nod in agreement as Patty’s touch took her hot wanting pussy to the point of no return. Now a bit more relaxed, the closer friends scurried to clean up and be ready for Roger.
Sherry and Patty showered quickly, each complementing the other on various aspects of their bodies. They decided to wear sexy nightgowns beneath Patty’s oldest rattiest house robes, and when the time was right, drop the robes. The two girls dressed for maximum wet impact. They wanted Roger to know when they wet and wanted it to be seen clearly. The sheer white baby doll nightgown Patty chose with white nylon panties would absorb nothing when the time came. Sherry’s thin blue silk boxer style shorts with a blue camisole would react the same, and showed off Sherry’s sexy breasts to great advantage. They hid their sexy attire beneath two of Patty’s most unflattering faded floor length robes, with towels covering their hair. They looked bad. They were ready.
The doorbell signaled Roger’s return and the girls quickly ran to the kitchen and called for Roger to enter. The excited young man’s face fell when he spotted the two dowdy looking women sprawled in chairs at the kitchen table, his fantasies evaporating like water on a hot stove. “Hey, I thought we were going to party?” Roger exclaimed. It was just short of a whine. Giving Patty a glance, Sherry spoke. “Roger, I don’t think you can keep up with us.” “If you could, we would maybe party with you.” “We think maybe you couldn’t hold your beer as well as a more mature man.” Rising to the bait, Roger boasted, “ I can too, I’ll bet I can outlast you two, two to one!” Roger was hooked and he had even baited his own trap. “Tell you what,” he said, continuing. “I’ll even drink a couple glasses of water before we start, just to make it even.” Patty and Sherry looked uninterested, wanting to see how far Roger would go. “So what does the winner get?” “How about the winner gets the losers to do anything he desires?” The overconfident young man spoke the words like a dare. The girls looked at each other, suppressing their urge to laugh out loud. Instead, they boringly agreed to the contest, getting comfortable as Roger did the same, removing his heavy boots and jacket. They decided to play cards while filling up. Roger quickly consumed two large glasses of water and chugged his first beer, taunting the girls to drink up. The threesome sat down to cards and munchies with the girls taking turns skillfully diverting Roger so they could dump most of their beer.
Roger’s boasts slowed and stopped as fluids filled the trio. He really was doing much better than the girls had expected. Halfway into the second hour the girls were squirming in their seats, rocking back and forth, desperate to pee, the card game forgotten. The rules were, no touching yourself, and when the end came, you had to announce you were pissing so the others could observe. Sherry and Patty were near panic now. Both were more desperate than they had ever been, and so turned on they could hardly hide it. Both wanted so badly just to touch themselves that they were considering just letting go. Roger still seemed comfortable to the girl’s chagrin. He couldn’t possibly last much longer, the girls kept thinking. He must be holding a gallon!
Sherry looked at her friend, questioningly. Patty was too desperate, too preoccupied to acknowledge. She sat stiffly, her teeth buried in her lower lip, rocking, legs crossed tightly, with beads of sweat across her brow. Sherry knew she looked the same. “Roger, can we just give up?” began Patty, her pussy starting to leak in spite of the death grip her muscles had around her peehole. “We are in great discomfort and acknowledge your win.” Roger smiled, not only because he had won but also knowing he would be able to pee soon. It’s one thing to be desperate– another not to show it. He had practiced it for years, looking for pissy girls, knowing this moment would come, the time when he would not have to piss his pants alone and masturbate to the fantasy now so hot, wet and real. He had smelled the hot wet woman piss when they opened the car doors and quickly figured out their game. He hoped that all the beer he had just poured into them wouldn’t ruin his new boots.
“We would like to reward you for your win,” Patty continued, standing as she removed the towel from her hair and shed the drab robe. Sherry followed Patty’s example to Roger’s delight. “Now can we go pee,” they whined in unison, thrusting hands into crotches and dancing desperately as they leaked into their panties. The pair tried hopelessly dancing, jumping, bending, squatting, anything not to piss themselves then and there. “Of course you can, my dears,” replied the gallant Roger, enjoying the show but too horny to wait. “Just jump up here on my lap and let go!”
The hot and desperate pair scrambled to Roger’s lap and sat, facing each other. “Ok, anything I say goes, right ladies?” asked Roger, his pole rising in his pants like a distorted image of Mt. Fuji. Observing the swelling pulsing dick in front of her, Sherry could only nod; she had to have that hard salami in her. “Sherry, would you be so kind as to free my dick?” You can put it where ever you feel it will do the most good.” “You may now piss yourself, ladies, if you please.” Hearing this Sherry wasted no time. As she freed Roger’s monstrous cock from his jeans, he began pissing. Sherry was so hot she could not wait. Ripping her thin panties, she climbed aboard Moby Dick as he pissed, triggering her own flow. Their piss flowed freely, inundating the floor as Patty joined them, pissing hotly into her panties.
Roger’s hand occupied her panties as well and the high–pressure flow from her pussy splashed all three as Roger fingered her hot wet hole to orgasm.
Sherry meanwhile bounced up and down on Roger’s harpoon, her eyes closed, hair flying and unrestrained breasts jiggling wildly. The trio, panting, moaning and bucking wildly came quickly, relaxing as each peed again. Patty looked at the flood in her apartment in disbelief. It had actually covered the whole kitchen floor and was draining out the back door onto the patio. She was astounded at how much Roger had held and noticed his boots were laying over, soaked in the accumulated piss. She made a mental note to get Sherry to help her buy him a new pair as they switched positions for her turn on the log ride. She and Sherry had sure duped poor Roger; it was the least they could do.
King Neptune