A Small Wet World

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Officer Jim Collins has been on traffic patrol for 7 years now and is pretty sure he has seen it all…except what he wants to see. He has heard the other traffic officers discuss seeing it from time to time, and has tried to get details without being “too” interested. His former patrol partner had pulled over a lady just last month for weaving in traffic. She had been about 28, pretty, and very drunk. She had gotten out of her car and flooded her panties while trying to walk a straight line. Jim had seen her at the station, but he could see nothing of her wetness; her dress had remained dry and he didn’t think it would be wise to request a peek. Jim wants to see a genuine wet accident. He wants to pull over a lovely lady and discover her desperation reach the critical point in his presence. He really wants to see a lovely lady piss her panties. The search for a wet lady has been a lifelong quest for Jim. As a child, he saw a neighborhood girl’s wet accident. She had been very desperate and ran into his yard to pee in the bushes. She had not seen him until she was ready to go and his presence had startled her, causing her to pee in her white shorts right in front of him. He doesn’t remember the girl, but he can never forget seeing her pee wet her white shorts, turning them yellow. It is his favorite memory.
Jim, discovering his fetish early in life, wisely keeps it to himself. When the Internet comes along, he learns all he can about his particular interest and comes to realize it is normal, for him. With that settled in his mind, he determines that he will find the woman of his dreams. She will be a woman who shares his particular pleasure. His wet sex desire has never been fulfilled except in his solo play, but he knows he will find what he needs in time. He enjoys wetting his pants and does so often, but what he really wants is a woman to sit on his lap and wet them both.
The only thing on Victoria Blade’s mind is time. She has been detained in leaving, she has been detained by an accident where she sat for nearly an hour and she was detained when she had difficulty with her credit card trying to fuel her car. With all that distraction, it was easy to see how she found herself on the road, late, with an empty 64–ounce coke cup in her hand and the sudden realization that she has a problem. She has to pee. Now. However, now places her in the beginnings of heavy city traffic and she’s already almost late for her first day at her new appointment. As she contemplates her situation she unconsciously begins inching up her speed. Now zipping along at about 83 miles per hour, her thoughts are suddenly disturbed by the sound of a siren. “Oh boy, somebody is going to get a ticket,” she says to herself as she looks around to see who the unlucky motorist might be. She is completely surprised when the motor officer’s red lights settle in behind her silver BMW! “Why is he stopping me? I’m not speeding,” she says to her car. Glancing at the speedometer Victoria quickly realizes why. The motor officer stopping her is a really big surprise, but a bigger shock arrives in the form of the tickling spurt of hot woman pee, which finds its way into her pretty white nylon panties. This can’t be happening, she thinks. Victoria has not peed herself since she was a child and she has yet to realize the extent of her desperation. A reserved, professional woman in her late thirties, she has handled many more potentially bad situations than this with ease. Of course, she has been trained for those situations. For this, she panics. Victoria steers the sporty silver car toward the shoulder. Crossing the rough edge of the freeway shoulder bounces her in her seat, unleashing another shot of her hot wet nectar into her already damp panty crotch. She glances down at her jeans as she stops, unable to believe this is happening to her. No wetness is visible. Good! Victoria breathes a sigh of relief, relaxing her tensed peehole slightly. “Good morning ma’am!” Jim’s voice booms in her ear in his best cop tone. “May I see your license, registration and insurance information please?” Startled, Victoria’s pussy produces a long hard blast of sweet wetness into the soaked nylon panties. She squeals, struggling to gain control of her tortured bladder. Oh no!! She is wet now, really wet! Her tight jeans clearly show a wet circle around her crotch. Her butt feels warm, too. She suspects the wetness extends under her shapely rear as well.
What will she do?
When Jim saw the silver BMW zipping past everything on the road, he put his well–practiced pursuit tactics into effect and in short order was behind the offender with his lights on, still unnoticed. A quick blip on the siren, and the lady driving began pulling over. He was always careful to watch drivers closely; this could be a dangerous job. As he watched the luxury sport sedan come to a stop, he noticed the expression and actions of the driver. Something was not right. She appeared very worried, more so than a normal traffic stop could account for, he thought. Approaching the car, he asked the driver for license, registration and insurance information. She really jumped then, rising out of the seat. As the driver handed him the information, he addressed her. “Miss Blade, do you know why I stopped you”? To his surprise, she answered yes, because she was going 83 miles per hour. He also noticed the pretty young woman seemed to have trouble sitting still. She was squirming all over the seat of the car! Looking intently at her, he asked, “Is everything alright, Miss”?
Victoria Blade knows her best course of action is to get this over with and get away from this man before he sees her wet herself completely. Not wanting to arouse his suspicion and prolong the encounter Victoria tries desperately to answer the officer’s questions and follow his instructions carefully. Feeling the next wave of urgency coming, she braces herself against the steering wheel hoping to keep the yellow tide at bay. It might have worked if she had not hit the part of the steering wheel that blows the horn. Things began to happen then. Jim decides there is something not right with this driver. He turns to her, speaking loudly and distinctly.
“Miss, please exit the vehicle immediately and move directly to the curb!”
Victoria’s adrenalin reaction to the shock of the sudden horn blast, her urgency and the officer’s loud command to exit the vehicle are too much for the pretty redhead’s bladder control. As she slides herself out of her vehicle the worry of her wet spot vanishes, replaced by the realization that the wetness is rapidly spreading! She is pissing her pants!! Victoria tries desperately to stem the flow. She clamps her legs together, half crouching with the effort required to squeeze her gushing pee hole shut. She is pissing like she has never pissed before, hard, loudly and voluminously. There is no physical way the shapely redhead can stop or even slow this flow. Her bladder, now unleashed, forces her hot high–pressure piss out in quantity, unhindered through her sodden yellowed panties into her jeans and beyond. The wetness rushes down the legs of her jeans and up her back wetting her ass. The saturated clothing can hold no more and still the piss flows. It falls dripping to the ground spreading an enlarging warm yellow puddle around her shoes. Unable to stop, Victoria stands still, in shock, pissing furiously into her panties and jeans, her hands clutching at her crotch, a useless attempt at control. The streaming piss slows and stops, the last drops coming in erratic spurts. Victoria is aghast. She looks tentatively at the officer and is astounded to see a huge erection in his pants, an erection that seems linked to her crotch as well. As she gazes at the huge weapon in the officer’s pants, she becomes aware of another feeling, a searing flash of need and desire obscuring reason. She wants desperately to hold this hard rod, to have it in her pissy wet churning hole, to impale herself onto its hard length. Summoning her strength, she resists the urge to lunge at this object of her inflamed lust. Pee is not the only wetness in Victoria Blade’s pretty panties now.
Jim Collins is dumbstruck, panicked and totally out of control. Unable to move or speak his cock goes rock hard instantly, then squirts his pants full of cum. Handing Victoria’s license back, he speaks haltingly, “Miss, piss, er– please be careful and pee, I mean be on your way.” He is drained, physically and emotionally. A lifetime of wishing has come true. As the officer hands Victoria her license, she sees his hand shaking and hears the quiver in his voice. She does not miss the growing wet spot in his pants. Still panicked from her own situation and not having time to reflect on it, she simply takes her license and quickly leaves. Victoria makes it to her appointment safely and on time in spite of her adventure, but the events of that day remain on her mind.
Two months later Officer Jim Collins reflects on the incident, as he is getting ready for a court appearance. If only he had paid more attention to her name. He has searched for her constantly, cruising that same area over and over. His efforts have been useless in spite of pulling over more than a dozen silver BMW’s the past month. None contained the lady he now so fervently seeks. He must appear today to testify in his recent traffic citations. As he looks at the tickets on the roster for today, he hears the bailiff announce the attending judge’s entrance into the courtroom. “All stand, this court is now in session, Judge Victoria Blade presiding.”
Judge Victoria Blade strides elegantly into the courtroom with the easy assurance of authority and confidence. She has presided in this court now for 2 months, taking on the role as one born to it. As is her custom, she scans the courtroom to develop a sense of what the session might bring. As she looks around the courtroom she realizes that Officer Jim Collins has a case on the docket. She spots him immediately and their eyes lock. She cannot look away. She has not spoken to him or uttered his name since that fateful day 2 months ago– indeed she has not even allowed herself the luxury of contemplating the events of their meeting. Now, confronted with the memory and realization of their first encounter, her mind rebels; it is not ready. Victoria’s vision narrows and her head spins. Without warning the folly of her failure to address the events of that day come pouring hotly into her panties and jeans under her judicial robes. Without any attempt at control or even recognition of the need for such control, her mind has taken her back to that time to continue the story. Victoria Blade pisses her pants for the second time in her adult life. As her white cotton panties turn wet and yellow sharing their bounty of warm fragrant pee with her jeans, she understands her mind is forcing her to deal with the incident of 2 months ago, now. Summoning her will to focus on her present whereabouts, she calls for a 15–minute recess. Victoria looks back at Jim as she leaves the courtroom. She cannot help the animal feeling in her loins, the smoldering desire in her eyes. Walking back to chambers, her dignity is now preserved by the all–hiding black robes. They hide nothing from Jim Collins.
Victoria’s mind reels as she enters her chambers. Here she is, a successful professional woman suddenly reduced to this for what reason? As she contemplates her wet jeans and feels the warm wetness in her panties she begins to finally let her mind sort through the events and feelings produced by the incident 2 months ago. Victoria realizes her earlier panic has gone and that she is actually feeling………..very excited! How odd! She remembers her desperation 2 months earlier as she was driving to her first court session and how she had been suddenly surprised as she was pulled over for speeding and had pissed her pants. She remembers vividly feeling the hot wetness spurt into her panties, once, twice, three times. The rush of warmth and wetness overtook her saturated panties and flowed quickly through her jeans, down her pants legs and into her sneakers as she shuddered uncontrollably, feeling incredible relief. That relief was short lived as she fell prey to a new need when her eyes had come to rest on the distended front of Officer Collins uniform. She had seen his body shudder as well and now contemplated the wet spot that had appeared at the top of his uniform pants. His quick dismissal of her without her ticket had betrayed what her body already knew. She had excited Officer Collins to the point where he had cum in his pants. Arriving at this conclusion now produced an awakening in Victoria’s body’s need for release and of her past 10 years of work, work, work, and the neglect it had caused in her personal life.
Lust and desire fill the pretty judges mind with need, need for release, for sex, for the hot swollen cock of Officer Jim Collins. She cannot believe her own actions. Victoria unsnaps the front of her jeans, helpless to resist cupping the hot pissy wet mound between her legs, pulling, pushing, anything to provide friction to her swollen clitoris. Needing more, she stands, sliding her still warm piss smelling wet jeans down, revealing her yellowed steaming cotton panties. She inhales deeply, the fragrance of her hot piss is so sexy, so arousing! Victoria’s shapely legs part without her consent, exposing the crotch of her soggy underwear. She slips her hand between her legs, rubbing, stroking the wet panty material bunched over her mound.
Gently at first she strokes, then with frightening urgency through the yellowed white panties, pushing them up into her now–copiously lubricating pussy as her squished out pee drips on the floor beneath her. She hears a low animal sound as she wildly massages her inflamed and engorged clitoris. Realizing it is her own voice she clamps one hand over her mouth as she comes, suppressing a rising scream of release. Her passions temporarily sated, she relaxes, feeling her piss come again, tingling, warm, then a forceful hot flow. She makes no attempt to stop it, instead enjoying the warmth and wetness as it spreads around her butt, warming her body further. Victoria pisses with complete abandon, all over the floor, her shoes, her robes and her hand. Her body’s spasms quake her as she steeps in her fragrant yellow tea and for a few seconds, she wonders if she has died. She knows in her deepest mind though, that this is only the beginning. Had Officer Jim Collins, sitting in the courtroom, known what was going on in the chambers and mind of Victoria Blade, he would most certainly have been excited. Had he known what was going on between her legs, he would again have cum in his pants.
Jim Collins loved his job. He had known from the time he was a small child that he would be a police officer and had worked towards that end throughout his life. When he was accepted into the academy 3 days past his 21st birthday, no one who knew him was surprised. He excelled in his training and carried that excellence into the Highway Patrol first as a cruiser officer and now at 39 as a motor traffic officer. In that time he had never had a moment’s doubt or hesitation about the correct course of action in any situation he encountered…until now. When he looked up to see who would be presiding over his cases today, his heart leapt! It was her! This was the woman he had been seeking for nearly 2 months now. His mind wandered as he remembered.
It had been a rather calm day on the freeway that day. He had been clocking a silver BMW moving at a high rate of speed and the vehicle just kept inching up the speed. At 80 miles per hour, the need for public safety obliged the dedicated public servant to stop the vehicle.
Jim had known immediately this was not an ordinary traffic stop. The woman had been intensely upset. His first thought was that she might have had an insect in the car; she was fairly bouncing on the seat! Observing her green eyes he had seen panic. When asked if something was wrong, she had hit the horn, startled. Following his order to exit the vehicle, she had let out a sharp gasp and he had become aware of a sort of hissing noise. Jim realized the woman was pissing her pants! Right in front of him! Her crotch had darkened and her piss flowed, and flowed. She had pissed long and hard, which is how he became, instantly. She pissed down the legs of her jeans and the precious fluid had pooled around her feet. He understood her actions then.
Smelling the fragrance of her warm piss and observing the accident he realized that he had cum in his pants. Now, it had been his turn to panic. Blindly and without even seeing the name on them, he had returned the lady’s papers and dismissed her. As he had driven home, He had needed to piss, and had let the warm piss flow as he drove in his old car. Hot piss had flooded his cock and balls and reached to warm his ass. Jim’s cock had hardened as he thought of the wet accident and he had masturbated with her pissy pussy on his mind. He had cum hard, the white–hot cream refilling his piss–yellowed cum–stained briefs.
“All rise” he heard the bailiff recite, jerking him back to the present. His reverie had been in his mind, but the hardness in his pants was as real as the woman of his fantasy, of his dreams, of his lifelong search, now given a name…Victoria Blade. It fit her, he quickly decided. As he observed her, she met his eyes and he saw again the same look he had seen in the car. It was a panic look but it was much more, he decided. Jim’s eager eyes spotted her sharp intake of breath, the slight lowering of her eyelids and the parted lips. Victoria held the glance and Jim knew she remembered, and she liked what she remembered. When she called for a 15–minute recess, he knew why. Without seeing, as surely as he had ever know anything in his life; he knew Victoria Blade had just pissed her pants in front of him again. The backward look she gave him as she left the courtroom was sensual, smoldering, pure raw desire. The excited policeman responded accordingly and came in his pants, without touching himself.
Victoria disappeared into chambers and Jim Collins presence of mind returned. Leaving the courtroom, Jim cleaned himself up after Victoria had again influenced the condition of his underwear. He was in a state of euphoria. He had been thinking constantly of the pretty red haired lady who had pissed her pants when he had stopped her for speeding and now, he knew who she was. He was feverishly formulating a plan on how to meet her as he came out of the restroom after trying to clean his underwear. He was slightly startled when the court clerk wordlessly handed him a large sealed envelope, and he did not open it right away. Putting the envelope on his car seat, Jim began the drive home. His mind was cluttered with a hundred thoughts of how best to approach the beautiful sexy panty–pissing judge and he was rapidly approaching mental exhaustion contemplating all the possibilities.
Jim remembered the envelope and picked it up absently, reluctantly opening it to see who wanted what this time. He took a deep breath as he pulled out the sheet of paper with nothing but a phone number on it. The paper bore the mark of Judge Victoria Blade’s letterhead. His mind raced as his cock hardened and he realized she was making the first move and wanted contact with him! She requested that he call her after 7 this evening. How would he ever wait that long!
When Judge Victoria Blade had handed the envelope to the court clerk with instructions to deliver it to Officer Jim Collins, she did not offer explanation. The clerk did not give the envelope a second thought, but she sure wondered why Judge Blade was in such a happy mood. She had fairly skipped away as she had passed over the envelope! Quite unusual for the workaholic judge whom the clerk had seldom seen with even a smile. Judge Blade was someone normally quite reserved.
Victoria Blade got in her car at the end of the day, her heart racing, wondering how Jim Collins would respond. She knew what she wanted from him and hoped he would want– no– she hoped he would need the same thing from her. Victoria had arrived at a conclusion, after the pissy wet masturbation in her chambers, that piss and sex was an explosive combination and she wanted more. She wanted it from Jim Collins. She remembered his reaction when she had pissed her pants in front of him and could still, in her mind’s eye, hear and see his gasp as he had cummed in his pants watching her. She did not even begin to understand where this piss arousal had come from and at this point didn’t care; she just wanted to experience it with Jim. She would hopefully be able to discuss it at length with him afterward.
Victoria had brought her piss–wet clothes along with her to wash at home and as she glanced at the bag on the floor of the car, she thought about how great it felt to wet her panties and jeans. As she thought of it, she also realized she could do it now. As she contemplated what it would be like to wet her pants on purpose, for the first time and while driving, she began to try to make it happen. First she pushed, but it wasn’t working. She got a small drop out, but then nothing. She kept trying, pushing, holding her breath and trying, but to no avail. It wouldn’t come. Tired, Victoria just relaxed for a minute to try to figure out how to do this. Suddenly, she realized, she was wetting her panties, without effort, without help! It came slowly at first, just a kind of lazy, dribble out of piss, and she thought she must not have much in her, but then as she continued to relax, her flow strengthened and she could hear the hiss as her piss shot through her drenched cotton panties and soaked the crotch of her jeans. As the denim material turned dark, it took on a shine and she could see her yellow piss oozing through the material and spreading, flowing down under her ass and down her legs. Victoria felt the heat of her piss; she liked it. Small trickles ran down her leg into her shoes. She finished, shooting the remaining stream hard into her panties as she emptied. She inhaled as she smelled the hot, wet, pissy, smell fill the car. It smelled so sexy! Victoria had never known a turn–on so powerful and so immediate.
The analytical skills of the cool thinking professional vanish as a woman’s heat and passion rapidly reduce Victoria to a quivering needing mass of hot wet pussy wanting only release. She thinks of what Jim and she might do as she thrusts her hand between her legs, frantically stroking her swollen sex through the pissy wet denim and the sloppy wet yellowed material of her panties.
Knowing she is about to totally lose control, she quickly pulls the car to the side of the road to finish her quest for nirvana. The car stops jerkily as she applies the emergency brake then applies both hands to her steamy wet piss–smelling crotch. She can smell her own aroused odor as her hands bear down and soon the pressure on her clit brings her near the welcome release she seeks. In her mind she can see and feel Jim Collins in her pussy, pumping her full of piss and cum. She can feel the hard length of his steel rigid rod as he drives in, out, in, out, thrusting, pausing, thrusting deeper, harder. Victoria cums, with her pussy pumping convulsively and bucking against her hands. She screams, startling herself at the volume in the closed car. The shock of the sound only intensifies her wet, mind wrecking, and pulsating orgasm. As she collapses slumped in the pissy car seat, trying to regain her senses, she wonders: If it is this great just thinking about it…she has to know. If Jim Collins doesn’t call her tonight she will call him.
At precisely 7 pm Jim dials Victoria’s number. His hands tremble with the excitement. He still has no idea what he will say to her, only that he wants to be with her. She answers on the first note of the first ring. Victoria is in a state. She has counted the minutes, then the seconds until Jim’s call. Victoria has some wine while waiting. She had also had water upon her arrival home, anticipating becoming desperate for Jim if things worked out, for herself if not. Her plan works well and the ringing phone finds Victoria more than ready to pee her pants.
“Hello, this is Victoria Blade,” speaks the sexy redhead sounding much more calm than she feels, her musical voice clear and pleasant. “Good evening Miss Blade, this is Jim Collins, I am very happy to finally speak with you!”
“How are you this evening?” The conversation is friendly with the usual get acquainted subjects, but underneath Jim and Vicky, as each requested to be called, ache to speak of the things really on their minds. Both are astonished when they realized the conversation has taken them into the next hour. Now, they feel like friends, so when Jim asks Vicky if she would like to get something to eat she readily replies in the affirmative. It turns out that they live only a couple of miles apart. Vicky is ready to go having already showered and dressed casual after work. Relaxed and comfortable with Jim, she remarks that she will be ready in five minutes; she just has to pee before she leaves. It is an innocent remark but provides both with the opportunity to address the subject on both their minds. There is a brief pause, and then Jim speaks. “Vicky. If you don’t mind, please don’t go.” She knows exactly what he meant, and it thrills her. “Ok, Jim, but that applies to you as well, she advises playfully.” “Wow!” Jim replies, “This is going to be interesting.” I am kind of desperate now.” Vicky’s heart leaps; it was what she had hoped for. Her voice becomes low and sexy as she asks Jim, “On a scale of 1 to 10 how desperate are you?” Jim replies “About 8, how about you?” Vicky’s answer of 8 also produces a pronounced swelling in Jim’s briefs as the visual image of a desperate Vicky enters his mind. At this point food is the farthest thing from both their minds, but the proprieties demand some social public interaction before whatever else might transpire. “Vicky, Jim spoke, his voice carrying a question, “Please wear white shorts?” He can hear the smile in her voice as she answers, “How did you know?”
Jim promises to pick Vicky up in 10 minutes and they end their phone conversation with Jim in possession of her address. He drives quickly to Vicky’s home, a nice older two story near where he had grown up. Vicky is waiting on the front porch in the old–fashioned porch swing and walks out to meet Jim as he drives up. Suddenly shy with the moment upon them, they first shake hands; then laughing at themselves, share their first embrace, each silently thanking God for sending someone their way. Parting, Jim and Vicky hold hands, facing each other, each liking what they see. Jim observes with mounting excitement Vicky’s openly provocative attire. Her green eyes are bright, sparkling with mischief…familiar, long red hair laying on the shoulder of her green patterned peasant blouse, the kind that is cut low in front, but straight across, with the pouf sleeves of the fashion. She has not worn a bra and the thin fabric does little to conceal her voluptuous breasts as they sway with her motion, her nipples threatening to peek out at every step. Her white short shorts are a second skin and the thin silk panties beneath do not disturb the perfect shape that is her butt. The smoldering sexuality in her eyes holds his attention; she takes Jim’s breathe away. Vicky is similarly impressed observing Jim’s muscular torso encased in a thin cotton t–shirt with white shorts nearly as tight as hers, but sporting a prodigious lump as his swelling manhood expresses its appreciation for the gorgeous lady before him. “Shall we go?” Jim asks and then in a nervous voice adds, “Before we go.” Vicky, now feeling the presence of building fluid in her bladder and another slicker moistness in her pretty panties giggles nervously as she glances at Jim’s impressive bulge, replying “Yes, I have a feeling we should hurry.” They had decided to pick up some chicken and picnic in a park near Vicky’s home. Jim was familiar with the park; it is close to his own childhood home as well. The drive–through line at the local chicken bucket vendor is busy even for a balmy summer evening and the couple decides to walk in. As the attractive couple enters the building, Jim leans forward to open the heavy door for Vicky. With the strain of the door Jim’s dick suddenly leaks, dribbling his wetness into his cotton briefs. He quickly controls himself, but Vicky understands the quick change in Jims posture and the sudden furrowing of his brow. She walks through the door, giving him a coy sideways glance and saying “I see someone is now a 9.” Jim laughs, and gives Vicky a quick tickle in the ribs. “Careful”, he warned, “It can be contagious”! Vicky’s squeal and pursed lips confirm a direct hit as she says goodbye to dry panties. Both laugh nervously, not wanting to appear wet in public. A quick check reveals neither has soaked through, and with just a look an unspoken truce prevails. They wait at the order counter for nearly 15 minutes as the toad–faced teenager keeps gawking at Vicky’s bouncing breasts, unable to concentrate on the task at hand. Eventually they receive their order as they both dance about, giggling like children doing something naughty while they try to fill their extra large sodas without squirming about or peeing their pants. They are successful only to the extent that nothing shows still, but both are aware of the increasing moisture in their underwear. Dinner is going to be…different. Short, too.
Jim and Vicky arrive at the park and spread their picnic blanket on the soft grass. Their movements have become awkward as each tries to control the nearly overpowering urge to pee. They each teasingly brag of being able to hold it and neither will give or acknowledge their extreme desperation, though both have resorted to holding themselves to maintain control. Neither can even sit still and after a cursory meal, Vicky suggests they retire to the relative privacy of her porch to avoid their imminent loss of control occurring in public.
Getting back into Jim’s car, he and Vicky reach a point where every beat of their hearts produces a wave of urgency impossible to describe and the sexual tension is making them so aroused they are nearly cumming. Arriving at Vicky’s house, neither can speak, the short walk from the front gate to her porch sweet torture. Jim sets quickly in an armless resin chair, calling Vicky to him. He reaches out to her, lifting her off her feet and onto his lap. Face to face, they look into each other’s eyes and silent surrender to their needs is given and received. As Vicky feels Jim’s monstrous cock beneath her, she can hold her sweet warm pee no longer. The yellow wetness inundates her shorts and panties instantly; its impact against the thin fabrics loud in the still night. The wetness flows over Jim’s hot rigid spigot like a bursting dam, pooling in the enclosing seat of the plastic chair, filling that space, then running off onto the flagstone porch floor. His clothing instantly saturated, Jim is powerless to squelch his own flood.
His piss springs forth, the pressure producing a stream even through his shorts and underwear, rising to soak Vicky’s heaving breasts with hot man piss. Both inhale the pungent aroma of their combined discharge, taking in their lover’s most intimate fragrances with lust and appreciation. Now free to act on their passions, Jim and Vicky frantically grope, feel, kiss, lick, stroke and grasp each other. Delirious with desire, Jim lifts Vicky up and rips the crotch of her soggy pissy clothing, his hand probing her hot swollen sex. Vicky spreads her legs widely to encourage Jim’s touch while trying wildly to free his engorged cock. Jim rises in the chair; lifting Vicky with him and giving her access to tear his piss soaked pants and underwear off. She slides the impeding garments down Jim’s legs, where they fall to the porch with a soggy plop. Jim falls back into the chair, splashing a wave of their piss out the sides of the chair. Unencumbered, Vicky lifts her pussy over Jim’s tempered sword and falls upon the heated weapon, sliding down as she impales herself on the length of it, her pussy alternately gripping and releasing as she accepts the untamed invader. Vicky again rises on Jim’s cock, her pussy gripping tightly, unwilling to lose its massive filling girth. Jim, of similar mind, rams upward to meet her thrust as she falls on his cock with her weight. Again they come together, the massive slamming impact jarring Vicky’s breasts, the sweet swollen mounds bouncing wildly in Jim’s face. A third and fourth time the lovers charge and repel. It is all either can take. Vicky’s volcanic hole explodes, gripping, pulsing around Jim’s cannon, which is firing forth globs of hot man cum into her enveloping velvet vise. Vision blurs and all that exists for each is between their legs, their bodies mere support vehicles for the most powerful forces in the universe. Coming to rest, Jim and Vicky stare at each other, each unable to fathom the energy of release which passed between them, but thankful for its existence. Each is unaware of the reservoir of stored piss draining from their bodies, splashing to the floor. As they relax, resting, Vicky tells Jim of the incident where she peed her pants as a young girl. “I was playing in the park and didn’t want to go home to pee. I kept waiting until I just had to go and then I ran to a nearby house and prepared to pee in the bushes, but a little boy startled me and I peed in my white shorts right…in front of him…you!!…Oh my
King Neptune