Pee 101

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Tamara Stevens hurried through her day, running late as usual. The 5’ 8” tall 18–year–old college freshman was having a difficult time adjusting to life away from home. When she found herself short of time, it was usually her toilet visit that was sacrificed. Her busy class schedule, dorm living and pet–sitting job combined to leave the beautiful, bright, big bodied, but bodacious busted bubble–butt brunette’s bladder being badly bursting before bathroom break (whew!) each day. Her bladder capacity did grow to accommodate her schedule, however, and became less a problem. At first, Tamara would rush to the dorm after classes to relieve her tortured body of its treasure of liquid gold, but as her capacity grew she began to skip that side trip and go directly to her job. She did the pet sitting for her math professor 2 hours or more each evening. On occasion, late night stints were required when the professor lectured out of town. This was one such night. Sitting half asleep waiting for Professor Adams to return, Tamara became aware she really needed to pee badly, perhaps more so than ever in her life. She had needed to pee on arrival, but kept putting it off and then had fallen asleep. It was not an issue for her, she could hold it well and had never came even close to an accident. But then, she had never known of desperation as a turn on. On waking, her stomach was swollen and hard, her bladder throbbing, aching for relief. Her mind dizzy with need, Tamara still waited. She wondered idly why, but did not dwell on it. Jamming her hand into her jeans as a particularly strong urge hit, she was amazed to find her soft cotton panties damp. She had not peed, but they were actually quite wet, and slick. She gasped aloud; She was swollen and so sensitive! A second, more intimate caress of her warm wet crotch felt even more wonderful. The touch of her fingers was most intense!! It was this precise moment that Tamara really began to understand why she waited so long to pee. Her full bladder turned her on! Her pussy was on fire! She hadn’t realized it before since she had never waited this long to pee, but now, it hurt so…. so good!! Her busy schedule left little time for dating, and besides, she thought most of the young men at her college to be generally offensive, a disappointing continuation of her high school experiences. Oh, she wasn’t a virgin, just not at all impressed with the 30 seconds most of them had devoted to her pleasure. She had always enjoyed her own body, though, and idle alone moments often turned into the right moment for her. Now Tamara just wanted, no, needed to cum, and very badly. She continued to fondle her mound through her wet panties, each touch more intense than the previous, urging her to continue. Tamara rubbed harder now, and faster, her panties soaking through her jeans. She slid her fingers into her panties, making direct contact with her engorged wet lips. Her own touch, her hot swollen wetness, was so erotic! Tamara was wildly, totally aroused, and knowing the professor would not return for at least 2 more hours saw no reason to stop. She knew somehow this was different though, and unsure why, resolved to go with whatever felt good. Tamara began to thrust her hand more deeply into her jeans, cupping her mound fully, pushing her soggy panties hard into her clit. She felt a tingle start down her neck and spread across her breasts. Her hard nipples picked up and amplified the feeling as they swelled and grew even harder. The heat of passion rising in her breasts, her breathing became uneven, faster, feeding her growing lust. Tamara’s full soft breasts flushed hotly, begging to be touched, kissed, sucked. Releasing her soaked crotch, she cradled each large hot globe in her hands, caressing gently, fingertips lingering on her swollen nipples, clearly visible under the fabric of her clothing. The electric shock of her touch was compelling. In seconds she had raised her sweater and released her firm young breasts from their restraints. Pinching a nipple in each hand, she revelled in her erotic bliss.
Tamara bent, flicking her tongue over one rigid hot pink nipple. Without warning her pussy shot a squirt of heated aroused girl pee into her panties. The feeling was shocking, intensely erotic and Tamara grabbed her hot crotch hard through her jeans, realizing the denim was quite wet. She further realized she did not care. Not fully understanding where she was going, the pretty young woman rationalized that the kitchen floor would be easily cleaned, as would the hard chair she sat in. The idea of what she was about to do reached her mind and found little resistance. It seemed odd at first, but she felt it to be the natural progression of the moment. Passion gave way to boldness in pursuit of relief and Tamara Stevens allowed herself to relax completely as she rubbed her hard clit to orgasm through the rough damp denim. She was a picture of abandon, her sweater pulled up over her breasts, bra laying on the table, back arched as she moaned, gasping with each stroke. Tamara was so close, so very close. She felt her bladder release and knew that she would soon be pissing her pants. It just seemed so wildly erotic, so intensely sexual. It was the perfect act at the perfect time. The thought electrified her, propelling her passion forward. Tamara felt first a sense of release and then an intense rush as piss began spilling from her overheated pussy. She heard a hissing sound and felt her wet panties grow warm, then very warm. The denim held her hot amber liquid in check for a second as it shot up her ass crack, then seemed to burst as her hot piss soaked through and began to spill off the chair to the floor. She had never felt such uninhibited raw, hot wet passion! Her orgasm swept quickly over her as she devoted both hands to her crotch. It was all Tamara could do to suppress a scream; she was powerless to stop the hot piss leaving her body or quell her heaving bare breasts, bucking hips or her wildly spasming pissy wet pussy. She fought to gain breath, happily excited and a little scared at the amazing climax in which her play had resulted. Tamara’s mind reeled in her newfound pleasure and immediately thoughts of exploring her discovery began to form. She quickly cleaned up her mess and washed her pissy wet clothing as her mind rambled excitedly with the infinite possibilities of this wondrous new knowledge. Her life had changed and she knew it. She briefly laughed as a pun formed in her mind. Pandora’s box indeed! She wondered now if others had discovered such things or if she was somehow, well, sick. Tamara resolved to enjoy her activities without judgement; they hurt no one and were her business alone. Unfortunately, dorm life precluded anything close to private activities and Tamara soon realized opportunities for wet play would be rare. She decided the professor’s home was the only place she could safely enjoy herself and resolved to guard her options by being very careful about protecting the professor’s things and cleaning up all traces of her activities. She would also schedule her new late class, Pee 101, very carefully.
Professor Paulette Adams arrived home tired, cold and glad for her long day to be over. She spoke briefly with Tamara, the young woman she had hired to tend to her pets and quickly dismissed her. Paulette needed to pee and was annoyed with herself for fidgeting so; she could not seem to stand still! She began to ready herself for her bath, stripping off her outer clothing.
Shedding her bra and panties, she thought bad things about the clothing manufacturers as she tossed the too–tight garments into the trash. This was ridiculous, she thought. The sizes kept getting smaller and they shrunk even more with every washday! She made a mental note to pick up some more lingerie in the next larger size. A single woman of 32, she was poised, confident, successful in her career and incredibly unremittingly lonely.
After an unsatisfying exploratory relationship in her late teens, it seemed to Paulette that companionship was not going to come her way and she just withdrew from such matters. She could not see why her female acquaintances made such a fuss over sex. She had instead became immersed in her work, taking pleasure in her increasing popularity on the lecture circuit and the financial success it brought. She had purchased a couple of pampered cats and devoted her little spare time in catering to them. She knew she was not particularly attractive with her glasses, small–breasted frame and shapeless flat butt. Worse, she was quite ignorant of style and beauty having invested little time on such matters. Now, she thought so seldom of such things she never bothered with makeup and owned only a small mirror in her bathroom for brushing the hair she normally kept quite short. She had been so busy she was unable to get it cut lately as evidenced by the shoulder–length auburn tresses she was somehow surprised to see as she unpinned her bun. Brushing her hair out quickly she began to draw her bath. She had resolved to embrace the life of a spinster and thus far no one had objected. Things rarely stay the same, of course, and recently Paulette had begun to question her self–imposed exile from human social life. She had begun to sense a want or maybe need for human company, human relationships, though she could not understand, why now? So immersed in her lifestyle of the past 14 years, even Paulette knew she was hopelessly out of touch with style, customs and dating. She had noted with interest Tamara’s attractive looks and her confident manner and decided to enlist the young woman’s help in re–entering the world. As the thought of the pretty young woman passed through her mind, Paulette regretted dismissing her so quickly. While the years had passed, Paulette’s body had grown, maturing to a most desirable package, most interestingly, without her knowledge. She was only aware that her clothing did not fit; never noticing the full soft figure nature had finally given her. Her chosen style of dress, a cross between conservative matron and refugee, had concealed her developing charms to others as well. But, as noted, things change; they always do. Along with her physical maturity came a sexual awakening, as Paulette would soon discover. Isn’t it wonderful how nature makes known the completion of her wonderful works!
Forgetting her bladder, Paulette sunk into her warm bath just as the doorbell rang. Maybe Tamara had forgotten something. She hoped so. Paulette retrieved her discarded panties and donned a thin gown to answer the door, not bothering to dry off or get her glasses. Hurrying to the door she was surprised to see her nipple, swollen and erect. Her unfettered breasts jiggled with each step, rubbing delightfully against her gown. She really noted her full bladder now, but was too distracted, wondering when she had developed something that jiggled. Giggling to herself she cupped the firm mounds in disbelief. My god, thought the damp darling, no wonder my bra was so tight. As the light of understanding shined on her, she looked at her behind and was astounded to observe the glorious full, round butt following her. Now very distracted, she drew her gown around her as she opened the door, smiling happily at her discovery, wanting to share it with Tamara. It never occurred to her the effect her damp body would have on the thin gown, or the cooling dampness would have on her bladder. She would never have imagined the effect her appearance would make on the young security appliance installer on the other side of the door. Paulette opened the door and looked in surprise at young John Dryer, wondering where Tamara had gone.
She had to pee! Snapping back to reality, she remembered that she had purchased a video security system to see what her cats did during the day and it was supposed to be installed this evening. She greeted the man and indicated he should come in and get to work. John, a young 19, kept staring, repeating everything she said, and seemed annoyingly incapable of concentrating on her instructions. What was wrong with him, she thought to herself. Further, he had not brought a normal camera, it being out of stock. He had instead brought a camera designed to look like a book since her bookshelf overlooked the living room. Now nearly dancing with desperation, Paulette agreed with John’s idea and hurried out of the room and back to her bath. As she passed through her bedroom, her cell phone, in her purse on the bed, rang insistently. She stopped to answer it, noting that Professor Honnyer was supposed to call confirming her lecture for tomorrow evening. She spoke briefly with him, her desperation reaching critical mass as she said goodbye. Paulette leaned over the bed to return the phone to her purse. As she straightened up, she began to leak pee, slowly, but unstoppably. She grabbed her crotch, surprised at the wetness already there. Funny, it seemed to feel very warm down there and very…very good, actually! She rubbed her piss–gorged slit hard now; the piss was coming and she dare not try to walk. As she pressed her hand hard into her crotch a long–delayed passion awoke to consume her, guiding her touch, demanding attention from a lifetime of suppression. In a short time her need to piss, even the thought of pissing on her floor did not matter as much as pursuing her body’s insistent needs. Paulette was not a stranger to sexual desire but she had never been seduced by her own body like this, either. This was different. This was incredible! Oh my God, she thought at first, what was happening?!? Then, she could no longer think. The inexperienced woman was ill equipped to control her rushing mature lust. She began to moan, forgetting all else, unable to control her need as she approached orgasm. With a wild suppressed shriek Paulette came, as did her piss. She arched her back, purring with contentment as her body relaxed. She could hear her piss rushing out her pussy, gushing easily through her soaked panties and gown before falling like yellow rain to the carpet below. The feeling gave Paulette her second orgasm immediately and she sunk to the floor in her own piss as her legs refused to support her. My god, no wonder she had dismissed sex, it was nothing without the hot piss and engorged bladder, she thought excitedly.
Recovering but still shaking, Paulette slipped into her bath, her mind working furiously.
She guessed this was probably a fetish, but how had she not known how wonderful it was? She would certainly need to research this further! John Dryer arrived at Professor Adams’ house to install the security camera and VCR she had purchased from his employer last week. He had seen her in the store but had dismissed her as a typical female nerd. Shapeless figure in horrid clothing, hair in a bun, glasses; probably fat and dumpy under the bulky mess she wore. She spoke in an uneasy manner, nervous, as if she didn’t get out much. Poor woman had probably never known a good fucking, he thought. That was pretty much the only thing he would get right concerning Paulette Adams. If it was up to him she never would, he thought, laughing to himself. Being tall, dark and handsome, he got more than a bit of female interest in this job. He hoped she would not come on to him. If he had been as good looking and as good in bed as he himself believed, Elvis would have been long forgotten. He was completely insufferably full of himself. John Dryer wanted only to get done and get out; he had a hot date tonight. The door opened a few seconds after his ring and a sight that rendered him incapable of coherent thought or speech greeted the cocky young lad. His tongue might as well have been tied around his dick. Oh my, I’m in luck, he thought as the little head took over. He drooled visibly, thinking, her daughter is a fox!! And, half naked and unaware too! She seemed nervous, though, fidgeting about, like someone about to… pee, he thought excitedly. That was it! Desperate women had always turned him on and here he was alone with a real doll ready to piss her panties! He stammered and stumbled, pointing and fumbling with the equipment, finally blurting out that he was here to install the security system. The would–be Casanova tried mightily to concentrate but failed miserably, distracted by the awesomely sexy sight before him. She wore only a thin gown and panties, clearly visible through the nearly transparent damp gown. Her nipples were large, red and hard, sticking through the gown on top of perfect full breasts. The gown, drawn tightly across her chest, detailed them perfectly. Her lovely round butt beneath stood out clearly in her white panties. She kept talking about the security system, unaware of her appearance, or its effect on him. Worse, she seemed annoyed at having to continually repeat nearly everything.
He was blowing it horribly. God, she must really have to go badly! Oh please, please lose it; he thought, hungrily, his dick dripping with excitement. He was hardly listening to her at all, trying to avoid cumming in his pants. She was so hot! Too quickly she was gone, leaving him and his rigid member without even a glance of interest. He thought he heard a shriek, like a woman coming, too, but she did not answer when he inquired if she was all right. He imagined she was peeing her panties behind the closed bedroom door. That being the limit of his self–control, he grabbed his dick in a futile effort to avoid filling his underwear with hot cum. He had seldom seen a female so oblivious to his looks and resolved to get in better shape. That must be it; he rationalized. After all, he looked in the mirror, mugging, who could resist that? Clueless, he cleaned up his underwear and went to work. He was finished in a half hour but the scantily clad beauty did not reappear. Calling out, he announced his completion. She responded with thanks, but did not return, dismissing him from her closed door. Puzzled, the young man and his sticky underwear left, never to realize that this was the same woman he had seen in the store. Just as well, he would never have believed anyone had they attempted to inform him of this fact.
After her bath, Paulette calmed herself reading the instructions for her video system and programmed it to run on motion activation. It would be fun, she thought, to see what the cats did, considering some of the things she had found on her arrival home. An uneventful week later she reviewed the tape, disappointed to see they mostly slept on the couch all day. She turned the camera to the kitchen for a couple of days then to see how they opened the cupboards. Her observations were again of little interest; the cats simply seemed to sleep all the time. As the tape neared the end now, she could see Tamara enter the kitchen, fill a glass with water and drink it.
She really was a pretty girl, tall, voluptuous body, beautiful face, really large breasts, Paulette thought. She felt a twinge of something warm, affection maybe, as she watched the girl, realizing now that she looked forward to seeing her in the evenings. She had chatted with her twice in the past week and Tamara seemed to enjoy it as much as she had. Paulette wondered if Tamara would help her become more attractive. Funny, she had never even had girlfriends before. The thought was exciting to her for some reason. She really looked forward to speaking with Tamara. She realized now that, with the camera, she would be able to see Tamara in the kitchen as well, where she studied sometimes when staying late. With sudden unmerciful certainty, the thought dropped into Paulette’s mind like a hot poker. She actually had a crush on the vivacious green–eyed young woman!! Losing interest in the video project, she rewound the tape to the beginning. Paulette felt a twinge of need as her bladder made known that is was filling. She had been sipping wine while watching the video and realized she had been doing so for over an hour. It had been a week since her wet discovery and she noted with surprise a vague uneasiness, a wanting. She was…horny!!
Oh my God, thought the sexy professor, how much of this is full bladder and how much is thinking about Tamara? Paulette decided to pursue her sexual need now and entered the kitchen for a bottle of water. Realizing she still had a morning lecture to prepare, the professor postponed her fun for a while, retrieving her laptop to prepare her lecture at the kitchen table. An hour later, her water bottle was empty and her lecture notes were complete.
Now she could play! Her bladder was really full now, quite swollen actually and she had given herself a couple of delightful rubs to help contain her pee. Actually the second one was because the first one felt soooo good! She considered how best to wet herself in her first intentional accident. She decided that just sitting at the kitchen table would be best. Wanting to feel sexy, she found a new unopened bottle of perfume and a silky white satin pajama set she had never worn. Paulette dressed in her chosen outfit, her pussy moistening further, warming at the thought of what she was about to do. She could hardly keep her hands off her mound! She could feel the hardness of her nipples brushing unrestricted against the soft satin with electric intensity. My god, she thought again, what have I been missing!? As thoughts of Tamara returned, unbidden, to her mind, she began to speak, giving voice to her fantasy as it formed. She outlined how, coming home from a lecture, she would find Tamara sitting at the kitchen table. They would drink wine and talk girl talk until Tamara would need to pee. She would stall her, talking, laughing, trying to get Tamara desperate enough to feel the wonderful feelings she herself had so recently discovered.
Now Paulette spoke to, Tamara, imagining her there in the room with her. “What’s that, Tamara, dear, you need to pee?”
“Quite badly, you say?”
“Can you wait a just few more minutes, dear, please?”
“Tell me, what can I do to make myself more attractive? You need to see my body?”
“Are you really about to soak your panties?”
“Why yes, I do need to pee very badly too.”
“Take my gown off? Oh yes, of course!”
“Yes, my breasts seemed to have developed well, haven’t they? Would you like to touch them? I would really love to see and touch yours!”
Paulette went through the motions, rubbing the air where she imagined Tamara’s two large soft globes to be. “This might make me pee my panties, though. Would you mind? If you like you could pee your panties too”
“I would like us to pee our panties together.”
“Oh, you would like that too?”
“Of course you may touch my pussy while I pee, and yes I would love to touch your precious little slit too!”
It did not bother her that this was her first lesbian (there, she said it!) relationship. Such things are easily accepted now, she reasoned. It dawned on her that this was really right for her. No wonder she had little excitement for men! Paulette could hold on no longer. Her bladder control failed like a breaking dam– slowly at first, just a tiny hot trickle. Then, a rushing surge of heat and wetness as her peehole opened completely. She felt her moist panty crotch grow very warm and wet as the excited fragrant woman piss spewed out her hole, hissing hotly through her panties and splashing noisily off her hand as she stroked her slit through her wet yellowed panties. Paulette came immediately, her whole body going rigid before a hard shuddering vibration from deep within released her. Tamara’s spoken name on her lips trailed off as her body weakened. She sunk heavily back in the pee–puddled chair, ecstasy in every fiber of thought and being. This was so incredible! She had to find out if Tamara could be of like mind!
A few days later Tamara hurried to Professor Adam’s house. Since her discovery, she had begun drinking extra fluids at school in anticipation of her games at the professor’s house. She would usually hurry through the door, welcoming herself out loud to Pee 101, then almost pee her panties giggling at her own joke. It appeared this evening she might have finally overestimated her capacity and control. God, she could hardly walk! She knew the Professor was scheduled to be lecturing tonight, and Tamara carried extra clothing for her games. Already excited, the desperate young woman entered the professor’s house and immediately doubled over in the kitchen, grabbing her crotch and talking sternly out loud to herself. “Welcome to Pee 101 young lady.” “Not yet, you naughty girl!” “You can pee your panties later,” she spoke, anticipation producing a beaming smile on her pretty face. Tamara pulled out a pee porno video from her purse and put it in the kitchen VCR. “That’s for later, too!” she said, talking animatedly to herself. She had rented it from a local adult store after searching on line to discover such things did really exist. Tamara’s nipples hardened in anticipation, but she forced herself to see to the cats needs and do her homework first. The phone rang as she finished and Tamara answered it. It was Professor Adams. She requested Tamara to please run to the market for toilet paper as she had ran out. Tamara quickly agreed to the task and hung up. Oh, this was going to be difficult! “I have to pee!!” She squealed out loudly. Well, it was only a block to the market, and knowing waiting would only be worse, Tamara set out. She liked Paulette Adams and was happy to do this for her. The professor had soft kind eyes and was generous with tips and compliments to her. They had recently started talking, just regular girl talk stuff and Tamara found herself enjoying their chats. Paulette, as the professor had requested Tamara to call her in private, seemed so lonely. She was quite lovely, really, but did not know how to dress and did not wear any makeup. She was surprised to find herself wondering about Paulette’s body. She just knew she looked much nicer than her clothing suggested. I could even help her with clothing and makeup if she would let me, she thought. Tamara was only slightly surprised to recognize that thinking of her employer, her new friend, was exciting her. Why not, she reasoned, after her recent discovery, anything seemed reasonable. Yea, like that could happen, she laughed to herself. That woman was so conservative! Tamara’s incredible capacity prevailed and the young cutie arrived back 15 minutes later with her purchase and her panties dry. Well, maybe not dry, but there was no pee in them. Now finished with her work, the desperate and horny hot honey flipped the VCR on and sat down at the table, rubbing her twitching twat in unsuppressed lust. This movie production was really low budget, thought Tamara as the blurred image of a face pulled out of frame in the opening scene. Wow, no title, no credits. It didn’t look like this was going to be worthwhile. She reached for the remote as a view of a kitchen appeared. It looked strangely familiar. It looked a lot like this kitchen, really a lot! Glancing around Tamara spotted the video she had brought, lying on the counter. “What the…?” she started. Out of frame in the video she heard a woman’s voice coo, familiar, but no, that couldn’t be…? The voice spoke her name! “What’s that, Tamara, dear, you need to pee?” “Quite badly, you say?” She stared in disbelief at the screen. That looked like… Wow, she looked so sexy! No, that’s just not possible…is it?? Tamara looked now at movement in her peripheral vision, becoming aware of Paulette Adams standing in the kitchen doorway. She wore the same gown she was wearing in the video, but was wearing makeup and her hair was down. Paulette spoke. “Tamara, dear, I’m glad you could attend tonight’s lecture.” “Welcome to Pee 101. We have a video for tonight’s class I hope you will enjoy,” she said, smiling softly. Tamara looked at her new friend in disbelief, her initial shock quickly over ridden by her hot piss–engorged desire. She returned Paulette’s warm smile and took the auburn–haired woman’s offered hand, clasping it to her breast. Tamara stood now, raising her sex to Paulette’s hand. Feeling her friend’s hand slide between her legs, Tamara’s pelvis thrust onto Paulette’s hand, quaking with the unfamiliar but amazingly erotic touch. Tamara put her arms around Paulette as she released Tamara’s warm moist sex and returned the embrace. Their tongues found each other in willing mouths as they clung together. “Oh my God, Tamara, I can’t believe I’m doing this!” gasped Paulette. “Please tell me you want this as much as I do.” she gasped, reaching for Tamara’s soft full warm breasts. Tamara could only nod, adding hoarsely. “Paulette, let’s pee now, please, I can’t wait to see and feel you pee your panties with me I want to cum while I feel your warm wet pussy pissing through your panties onto my hand.” With that Tamara thrust her hand between Paulette’s willing legs and the two stood in awkward passionate embrace, each with a hand buried in the other’s hot bucking crotch. “Pee Tamara, now, pee your panties now, oh God, I’m starting to piss!” shouted Paulette. Her pussy clamped hard on Tamara’s hand as her piss noisily arrived, ripping through her instantly soaked panties and splashing off the pretty young woman’s deeply stroking fingers. Tamara’s shrieking groan of ecstasy came an instant later as her own pent–up piss, released in passion and desperation, exploded from her tortured bladder, shooting wildly through her sodden panties and spraying them both as it hissed off Paulette’s rubbing fingers. Their combined shrieks of pleasure trailed off together as the two lovers collapsed onto each other, embracing and kissing softly.
Resting in each other’s arms, Tamara spoke first, a smile lighting her face.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand exactly what just happened, Professor, and I still need to pee some more.” “Would you mind repeating that last lesson that again?” Paulette tried to look sternly at her soaked lover in mock exasperation. “Young lady, I must say, I thought that was very clear.” “But as a good teacher, I must repeat this lesson as many times as necessary for you to pass Pee 101.” She continued, a lustful leer on her happy face as she slid her hand into Tamara’s warm wet panties, “I can see I shall have to keep you after school!”
By: King Neptune