Searching For You

By: King Neptune
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Note: This story contains Female & Male Desperation, Deliberate & Accidental Wetting, Foreplay, Masturbation, and Sex.
Doctor Annabel Hart. The pretty young redhead’s green eyes sparkled as she stared in amazement at the shingle hanging outside her office. She had thought, more than once, that this day would never come. Still, she had persevered, working long hours to support her schooling and even longer hours to pass medical school. The sleepless nights and heavy schedule had granted Annabel her most intense desire, but at the price of any social life. In fact she had no friends outside the stodgy little medical school she had attended. She thought it was worth it. Social opportunities would come when she was ready. Going back inside she continued to set up her office for business. It was hard work and she really had little idea about how to organize it. That wasn’t part of medical school and at this point an office person/receptionist/nurse wasn’t in the budget, so Annabel decided to go with what seemed logical. She could always change what didn’t work. The phone rang occasionally already and by noon she had booked several appointments for her opening next week. When a small town finally gets a doctor the townsfolk aren’t shy about making sure you know you’re needed!
Finally and all too soon opening day arrived. At precisely 9:00 am, Annabel strode into her waiting room. “Good morning, folks.” she spoke to the 5 patients there. She recognized Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, her first appointment, and the Lambert twins who were there for flu shots. She surmised that the fifth individual must be Brett Blackwood, her 3rd and final appointment at 11:30. He was there for a physical, quite early, she noted. She also noted the tall well–dressed 50 year old was very handsome, and in great physical shape by appearance. Annabel glanced at him a second time, making eye contact. She had always been attracted to older men, and she sure liked what she saw here! She would have to give him a most thorough physical, she decided, her mind thinking ahead to a social life, you know, just in case he became a part of it. At 30 years old, she was nearing the peak of her sexual maturity and lately her body had been rather pushy about it. In particular, her legs were getting really insistent about having something hard between them. “I never used to think so crudely,” she observed, surprised at her own behavior. She noted with only minor annoyance the slightly increased moisture dampening her crotch. Her nipples had perked up as well and stood at rigid attention as she left the room. She looked down as she entered the restroom to wash her hands, touching the large swollen nipple of her right breast. Even through her scrubs and thick bra it felt so intense she was almost light headed. Annabel knew physiology did not define a nerve that connected the breasts to the vagina, but she would have bet her practice on its existence at that very moment. God it felt good! She had to get laid!
Shocked, she admonished herself, now really upset at her lack of proper behavior. “You crude harlot!” she spoke out loud. “That’s enough!” She was, in fact, nearly a virgin. Her sexual experiences had, by necessity during school, generally consisted of a few minutes with a vibrator occasionally.
She had been with only a couple of men in her life, preferring to focus on her schooling. Apparently her body knew school was out now and was being a bit rebellious. The young doctor forced herself to get back to normal and readied her exam room to see her first patient.
At exactly 11:30, Annabel finished with her flu shot patients. She had drunk a couple of cups of coffee and a bottle of water between patients and could really have used a bathroom break, but decided it would be more professional to stay on schedule. She did not remember the coffee and juice at breakfast– at least, not yet. She opened the waiting room door and called Mr. Blackwood, her last patient. Annabel immediately noted the less than happy expression on the man’s face, but did not think much about it. Lots of people are apprehensive in regard to doctors; she had seen it before. “It’s ok, Mr. Blackwood, please don’t be nervous, I will not hurt you,” she spoke soothingly. The man seemed to hear her, but instead of being assured, he seemed more frightened than ever! He half turned and Annabel had the distinct impression he was going to run! “Mr. Blackwood, please, come in, it will be ok!” she implored. Great, first day and I have a patient running from me, she thought sarcastically. Mr. Blackwood did not run but slowly entered her exam room, his motion erratic and in an odd crouching posture. Halfway across the room near the exam table he suddenly froze. So softly she could barely hear his words, he spoke, as if to himself “Oh no, please, please no, no, not now!” Alarmed Annabel could not see what was bothering him. He turned, a disgusted shamed look on his face. “I’m sorry, Doctor, it’s why I’m here.” For a moment she did not get it but then she heard a loud hissing gurgling sound, like water running. Almost immediately, the front of Mr. Blackwood’s tan pants darkened and began oozing piss, it soon turning to a heavy flow, soaking his pants, socks, shoes and forming a puddle beneath him. The new Doctor showed no shock or emotion, her training enabling her to comfort the distraught man without showing disgust or judgement. She touched his arm, softly saying, “It’s why I’m here, don’t worry, it is ok.” When she thought him ready she questioned him gently, carefully, sensing correctly when to pause and letting him calmly gather his thoughts. In all, she was the impressively professional physician she had been trained to be, making the patient at ease and learning what she needed to help her treat him. She took blood and urine samples for lab work and carefully labelled then booked Mr. Blackwood’s next appointment. He left appearing relaxed and knowing his doctor was not shocked, disgusted or angry at what had occurred. He was certain she possessed the skills and abilities to give him the treatment he needed. “Dr. Hart, thank you for seeing me.” Mr Blackwood spoke slowly, sincerely, choosing his words carefully. “I feel certain you will be able to help me.” “I look forward to my appointment next week,” he added, smiling warmly. With that the man left as Annabel locked the door behind him.
Brett Blackwood arrived home from his doctor’s appointment hopeful finally for relief from a lifelong problem. It was why, with his looks and money, he was and had always been single. At 6’ 2” and 190 pounds, he was the ruggedly handsome type, the kind usually appearing as a tough cowboy in the movies. It was close to true, he was in fact the owner of a large prosperous cattle ranch a few hundred miles away. He had not revealed anything to her, but she had responded with kindly concern to his accident, rescheduling his physical exam for the following week. He had searched all his life for a solution to this situation and indications were he had finally found someone who could help. She had not been disgusted and had appeared genuinely interested in his predicament, though she had yet to discover exactly what it might be. He also thought there was a personal connection, a feminine interest in him, as well. He had seen indications to bolster his best efforts in this situation, and he wanted to be very careful in determining what course that might be. As pretty as she was, he did not want to chance losing her, either as a doctor or possibly more. He reflected on her, observing the woman in his mind now. Red hair, green eyes, 5’4”, 130 pounds maybe, he guessed. The lab coat and scrubs had hidden her body well, though she did appear quite shapely. She had a gentle manner, but there was a fire in her eyes and a very nice swing of hips in her walk, he thought, smiling at the memory. Brett Blackwood really liked his new doctor.
Doctor Annabel Hart turned from locking the door, exhaling deeply. It had been a valiant effort maintaining the competent, calm and professional demeanor. Beneath that exterior, Annabel the woman had seethed, nearly exploding into a screaming pissing mess. As unprepared and shocked by her patient’s behavior as she was her own reaction to witnessing it, she had just seen, felt, heard and smelled the single most arousing erotic event in her life. Brett Blackwood had simply pissed his pants, but it had changed instantly everything she knew about sex, her body and her mind. She shook visibly, grabbing the counter for support. Incredibly, Annabel had orgasmed almost as soon as he started pissing and twice while speaking with him. Her panties were soaked, her juices oozing into them uncontrollably. She had had the most intense urge to piss her own pants as well, and still did. The pussy soaked cotton tightly hugged her protruding hard clit, her every motion sending hot jagged bolts of electricity throughout her body. Her breathing erratic, she sucked in air forcefully through clenched teeth.
Dizzy with desperation and desire the young woman trembled, fighting to stay in control over her wildly aroused body. Another convulsive orgasm, refusing to be denied, descended on her even as she struggled. Annabel willed her hot pulsing pussy to calm, her breasts to stop heaving to no avail. Her rock hard nipples continued to throb, aching painfully, burning, itching to be touched, sucked, pulled. Her breasts flushed hot, red, heat building in every pore. Annabel’s distended bladder ignored her will as well, betraying her best efforts, mocking her with its intense pulsing and increasingly relentless pressure. Exhausted, knees quivering, Annabel could no longer control the intense desire to piss herself as her orgasm racked her body violently. With a raw shriek she began forcefully pissing her panties. The huge volume of hot aroused piss quickly overflowed her sopping slick underwear as she emptied her engorged bladder. In just a second her gushing hot piss flow conquered her green scrubs and spread through her now–yellow lab coat before invading her shoes. It spread in a pool around her feet as she fell over the counter, exhausted, her orgasm removing her last bit of strength. She allowed herself to slip to the floor, unmindful of the piss puddle beneath her. Her last thoughts before the oblivion of unconsciousness arrived were not of fear, though. More than anything, Annabel Hart wanted this to happen again! She also knew whom she wanted it to happen with.
The next few days passed inexorably slowly for the young doctor. She had quickly geared up to a full workload, but every patient evoked memories of Brett Blackwood’s accident. She would leave daily with slick damp panties and hard aching nipples, her fantasies arousing her all day long. Arriving home each night she would rush to the bathroom, stand in the shower and piss herself, her fingers rubbing furiously against her piss–dripping crotch for relief of the sexual tension, which had requisitioned her life. She would cum forcefully, but, like Chinese food, she would be in need again in an hour. Annabel studied her situation, thought, schemed all without an equitable solution. She just didn’t know what to do. Her needs were intense, demanding and squarely at odds with her Hippocratic oath and the needs of her patient. Finally, the day of Mr. Blackwood’s appointment arrived. She still had no idea what to do or if she could even control herself again until he had left. Wanting to at least be prepared for anything she had purchased adult diapers and wore them for her time with Mr. Blackwood. They were not nearly as bulky as she had imagined and she did still look quite shapely. Knowing their purpose actually made her feel even sexier wearing them. Annabel had abandoned her scrubs in favor of white nursing type pants. They were well tailored to show her shape and looked even better fitting tightly over the diapers. Of course, the slightly too small blouse and lacy half–cup bra did look quite sexy but was in keeping with her overall outfit. Besides, her lab coat would hide her advertised charms unless she perceived it ok to show a more aggressively sexy look to her patient. She did not consider looking more attractive for her patient to be in violation of her oath, although her reasons might be questionable. She mentally prepared as well, going through what the appointment should consist of and practicing her professional manner. What’s more, his test results gave her nothing to work with; they all appeared completely normal. As she opened the waiting room door and called Mr. Blackwood in, Annabel had a revelation. It suddenly occurred to her that she had a perfect way to help him possibly and pursue her own interests as well if things progressed in that direction. She hoped they would. It might be a bit deceptive, but…. it would be ok, she thought. She could hardly erase the smile that crept over her face, as Brett Blackwood’s own warm smile greeted her. Even with the lab coat, her shape prevailed and Mr. Blackwood’s look–over was accompanied by an appreciative smile and raised eyebrows. Oh yes, he noticed, and he liked what he noticed.
Memories of the handsome man’s pee accident flooded into her mind, making Annabel nearly giddy for a moment. Ever the professional, she had recovered quickly. Not quickly enough to stop the long hard piss shot into her diapers, but quickly enough to get control and cut it off before she totally soaked them. She proceeded with discussing her patient’s test results with him, keenly aware of the wet warmth between her legs. Her patient was attentive and seemed eager to learn her findings, so she got right to it since she did not really have good news for him. She told him that his test results were completely normal, and there did not appear to be a correctable medical condition in his situation. He did not seem surprised; in fact, he appeared to be hearing something he already knew. Annabel swung smoothly now into her plan, encouraged to boldness by his glances at her legs as she allowed the lab coat to come open. He openly stared at her breasts as she listened to his heart, with a rather sheepish comment about how his heart rate had probably just gone up. It was exactly the sign the pretty doctor needed to proceed with a clear conscience. “Mr Blackwood,” she began, “I have a suggestion which could help you with your situation.”
“You may be put off at first, but please bear with me.” She slipped of her lab coat now and walked close to him, sitting on her exam stool in front of his chair. He looked more puzzled than apprehensive, and was still obviously interested enough to listen, in between glances at her chest. She could feel her nipples harden now, their bulky hardness clearly visible. This was becoming a bit more arousing than she had figured on and Annabel struggled to stay focused. God how she wanted him! Her pussy had continued to moisten and by now was getting very impatient for attention. Taking a shaky breath, she continued. “Have you ever considered adult diapers, Mr Blackwood?” “They are quite comfortable now, generally unnoticeable and would give you peace of mind in your daily life.” Mr Blackwood’s face registered her words now, his expression becoming…. certainly receptive, maybe even… excited? Here goes, she told herself, do or die! “I too have a bladder problem much like yours and am in fact wearing adult diapers now.” The words she spoke caressed her pussy like an invisible hand making it still harder for her to maintain control. This time there was no question; he liked what he was hearing! “In fact,” she continued, her voice now unsteady, her breathing hard and erratic, “I am somewhat wet as we speak, and as you can see, the diapers are hardly noticeable.” With her voice catching in her throat, her blood roared in her ears as she observed the huge hardness building in Mr. Blackwood’s pants. His face focused on her body now as he reached out, tentatively touching her, a gentle probing just under her right breast, continuing upward and lingering on her hardened nipple. It worked! He wanted her! His touch was like a flame from a torch; she felt it all the way up the back of her neck. “Would you be willing to try them, Mr Blackwood?” she asked, unable to conceal the huskiness her voice had taken on, or hide the body quake from his touch. She breathed hard, staring into Brett Blackwood’s eyes, unable to stop shaking now as her bladder, again overfilled and directed by her hot pulsing pussy, begged for relief. Brett Blackwood stared at her now as she rose from the stool, his hand sliding down her body to the v of her womanhood. He could fill her heat through her clothing and diapers. Their lust had taken control now and there was no turning back. “Let me show you how easily they can be removed as well”, she continued, undoing the top buttons of her blouse.
Annabel stood closer still to Brett now and slid her hands into her pants. With a quick motion she pulled the diaper loose and out the front of her pants. Seeing the obvious wet yellow piss patch in her diaper crotch did it for Brett Blackwood. What tiny shred of control he had preserved vanished. He reached for Annabel now, a roar of primitive lust bursting from his lips as piss burst from his pants. Instantly soaked, he pulled Annabel tight against him while pissing, soaking her pants as well. She clawed frantically at his belt and zipper, finally ripping his pants open to get at the source of the hot yellow pungent flow. Freeing Brett’s dick, she took out his huge hard pissing hose, directing its stream over her swollen breasts as she ripped her blouse wide open. Brett jerked Annabel’s pants down now, her wet yellowed panty crotch becoming visible. “Piss yourself now, Annabel, let it flow, give me all your sweet hot piss!!” he hoarsely commanded as he lifted her up. Holding her soaked panties aside the wildly horny man literally dropped her onto his dick. Annabel exploded in a frenzy– bouncing frantically and cumming almost immediately. Piss sprayed furiously from her hot stuffed pussy, her hips bucking spastically as she rocked uncontrollably on Brett’s hard meat. His dick rigid, and buried in Annabel’s hot pissing tight hole, Brett came also, his white hot cum searing Annabel’s pussy as it pulsed into her. Both continued moving against each other as their orgasms finally wound down. They slumped together, exhausted, each too tired to stop their relaxed bladders as they lazily pissed on each other. “Well, Doctor”, Brett spoke, his voice shaky but clear. “As I said during our first meeting, I had a feeling you would be able to help me with my problem.” “Problem?” “What problem?” “I don’t see a thing wrong with you lover!” Annabel teased him. “Why, Doctor, I should have thought that to be quite obvious,” he kidded back. “Oh, you mean your little incontinence issue?” she replied, “I didn’t consider that a problem at all!” she added, a leering smile on her happy face. “Nor do I, besides, I am, like you, not really incontinent.” “I really liked your picture in the paper but I had to know if you could like a pissy man.” Brett answered, continuing. “When I saw you were wearing diapers today I was almost delirious with wanting you, but I, and you, had to play this out to be sure.” “My problem wasn’t incontinence, Annabel, it was a lifetime of rejection, of loneliness, of fruitless searching to find a pissy wet woman.” “It was a lifetime of searching…for you!”
By: King Neptune