Laura's Bet

By: Kristen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The clock tick–tocked slowly, every eye was watching the minute hand… any second now the bell would ring. Finally, the clock struck 3:00 and all of the students dashed out of the classrooms. After dumping their books in their lockers, Laura, Nicole, Lydia, Elizabeth (Liz), and Melissa met outside. It was a nice Friday afternoon and the girls had planned a “Girls’ Night Out” for that night. It was Elizabeth’s turn to play hostess that night, so the gang was headed to her house. As usual, all the girls were giggly chatterboxes, except Lydia. Lydia was a quiet, timid girl, but she was being unusually quiet that afternoon. When questioned by the other girls, her reply was, “Oh, nothing.” So, thinking that she wanted to be left alone, they did just that. They finally reached Liz’s house and they all crowded upstairs into her room to decide what they were going to do that night. The girls were trying to decide between going to the mall and maybe renting a movie, actually going to the cinema, and they even thought about going dancing.
In the middle of their debate, Lydia suddenly stood up and said, “I’m so sorry, but I am just dying for a quick little tinkle.” The way she said it made it sound so cute. She was always so well mannered. The other girls kind of giggled at what Lydia had said. Lydia, obviously embarrassed, blushed and turned to head into Liz’s bathroom. Laura suddenly grabbed her arm. Lydia was obviously getting desperate; the other girls knew that she had a weak bladder, as she was always excusing herself for “quick tinkles.” And she was easily embarrassed. They felt sorry for her; they could tell that she was in discomfort.
Laura held on to Lydia’s arm and suddenly said, “I just got a crazy idea.” The girls groaned, Lydia slightly louder than the others. They all knew that Laura had some scheme up her sleeve. “We want to do something thrilling, right?” she asked. The other girls just looked at each other. Laura continued, “Why don’t we… No wait… Okay, I’ve got it. I’ve got a bet for you all. I bet you all that I can hold my piss longer than any one of you. Let’s have a contest to see who can hold it the longest.” Lydia whimpered and started to squirm. The other girls look both shocked and curious. Since no one objected, Laura then lay down the rules. Everyone had a chance to empty their bladders once, right then, and then they couldn’t use a toilet anymore until 7:00 AM the next morning.
All of the girls looked at the clock. 3:37 PM. Lydia groaned and Laura let her go. She quickly, but carefully entered the bathroom, and nudged the door closed with her foot. The other girls heard a frantic rustle of clothing then the unmistakable sound of Lydia’s gushing urine filling the bowl. The other girls thought about Laura’s offer. They knew it would be challenging. At 5’7”, Laura was a sturdily built, athletic girl. Finally, after Lydia emerged from the bathroom, looking very relieved, they all agreed to take Laura’s offer. Laura simply said, “It’s settled, then,” and ducked into the bathroom. They heard the usually hiss. Nicole went next, stopping briefly in the doorway and turning back to wink at them all. All they heard out of her was a tiny little trickle. Melissa blushed a little, but still stuck to the bet. Finally, Liz rushed in and expelled the contents of her bladder as well. Everyone gathered once more on Liz’s floor, feeling relieved, excited, and slightly nervous at the same time.
The girls decided to go window–shopping at the mall and then stop by Blockbuster and rent a couple of movies. They didn’t want to spend too much time in public, just in case of an accident. Laura agreed and decided that it was best to just keep the bet between them. After the girls had “freshened up,” they left Liz’s house and headed toward the mall. On their way through the food court, Laura got an evil grin on her face. She stopped in front of a fast food stand and told the other girls that she was feeling a little thirsty. She ordered a large drink. She looked at the other girls expectantly and told them that it wouldn’t be fair unless they drank a large drink too. So, they all obliged. Sipping their drinks, they strolled around the mall and Laura was happy to see anxious looks on their faces. After shopping around for a couple of hours, Laura could tell that the other girls were in minor discomfort and decided to torture them a little.
She stopped in front of the large fountain at the mall entrance and sat down on a bench. The other girls followed suit. Lydia was shivering either from the cool mist from the fountain or from a need to pee. The other girls looked a bit uncomfortable, but otherwise okay. Laura polished off the rest of her drink and the others followed suit. After a few minutes of sitting in front of the fountain and gossiping, Nicole suddenly piped up and said, “I’m getting curious… How bad do the rest of you have to go– on a scale of one to ten? I’m about a 4.”
Lydia instantly said, “6.” Melissa thought for a few minutes and said, “5.” Liz said, “5,” as well. Laura boldly said, “3.” No one could tell if she was lying or not.
They finally got up to leave and Lydia asked for the time. After quick glances at watched it was concluded that it was around 6:30 PM. About 3 hours since they started the bet. The girls exchanged nervous glances behind Laura’s back. They finally headed toward Blockbuster. The girls took forever to choose movies and by the time they got home it was almost 8:00. They settled back down in Liz’s room and started the movies. Halfway through the movie, Laura decided that she was thirsty again and disappeared downstairs. While she was gone the girls exchanged fears. None of them thought they could make it until morning, especially if Laura wanted them to drink something else. Their conversation was cut short when Laura returned carefully balancing 5 full glasses of water in her arms. “I trust no one snuck into the bathroom while I was gone,” she said playfully. The other girls looked at each other in dismay. They hadn’t even thought about it! Laura smirked at their expressions. Then she handed a glass of water to each girl. “Drink up!” She commanded cheerfully. After a couple of swallows, Liz suddenly asked what they would have to do if they lost and what they would get if they won. Laura pondered for a moment and it was obvious that she hadn’t thought about them winning the bet. That didn’t make the other girls too happy. She finally said, I guess I’ll do your homework for a week or something.
The girl’s thought that that was a pretty lame bet. “What if we lose?” asked Lydia tentatively.
Laura answered without hesitation, “If you lose, then you wet yourself.”
The other girls laughed and all said, “Well obviously!” Then they decided to take another poll at 10:00. Lydia was up to a 7, Nicole was at a 6, Melissa and Liz were around a 5, and Laura actually admitted that she too, was at about a 5. By 11:00 though, things had drastically changed. The large sodas from the mall and that single glass of water were finally making it to the girls’ bladders. Lydia was getting quieter and quieter but she was starting to fidget. Nicole was sitting on her knees on the floor and was looking distracted. Melissa and Liz were painting each other’s toenails, but they were sitting with legs pressed together rather tightly. Even Laura was shifting in her seat a little. After a while, Liz put on a CD. Nicole’s foot started tapping in time to the music, but after the music was turned off, her foot kept tapping. The girls started getting sleepy and were fixing their blankets on the floor and on Liz’s bed and braiding each other’s hair. They all brushed their teeth (the running water in the sink made Nicole tap her feet again and Lydia started her shivering once more) and changed into their nighties and pajamas. The girls settled back on their pallets and were gossiping and the like, and everyone was exhausted but obviously afraid to go to asleep. Laura was the only one who looked even remotely comfortable and it was killing the girls. Laura told them that she was tired and was going to go to sleep but didn’t want them to cheat, so she got up, strolled over to Liz’s bathroom door, locked it from the inside and shut it. Then she settled back into her pallet and was soon asleep. Once Laura’s delicate snores started, the girls began whispering to each other about their predicament. Nicole exclaimed in a hushed voice that she was afraid she was going to wet herself if she fell asleep.
Lydia whimpered, “I’m afraid I’m going to wet myself period.” Melissa and Liz felt so sorry for the other two girls that decided to try to pick the lock for them. They searched Liz’s room for a hairpin or a paper clip to open the door, but it was impossible without turning on a light and if they did that then Laura would wake up. In the end, they gave up on trying to get the door open. At 2:00 AM, Melissa and Liz were both sleeping lightly. Nicole and Lydia were terrified that they would pee themselves if they went to sleep, so they tried to stay awake. Eventually, both dozed off. Lydia and Nicole both awoke at around 4:00 and couldn’t go back to sleep. They were in agony. A few minutes later, their hushed whispers woke up Melissa. She awoke with a start and immediately threw back the covers, checking for wet spots. She blushed, though there was nothing there. “I swear, you two, I just had a dream that I was peeing in the bathroom and I could have sworn that I was really peeing,” she said. She sat cross–legged on the floor and placed her hands in her lap, right over her crotch. Lydia was sweating from the effort of holding in her urine and leaning forward slightly. The three girls were whispering about how badly they had to go when Liz woke up. She groaned and asked them what time it was. It was 5:30 AM– an hour and a half to go. Lydia was still leaning forward and she was pale. She slowly eased back against the wall and closed her eyes. The other girls watched her curiously. She seemed to be sleeping again. Nicole started rocking back and forth and was humming to herself. Liz got a crazy idea to sing “Kumbayah,” so she, Melissa, and Nicole sang it very softly. The started laughing and immediately stopped when their bladders protested.
Suddenly, Lydia sat bolt upright and moaned, “Oh… God… Noooo…” She stood up carefully, with her legs together, but the other girls thought that they saw a wet spot on the front of her heart–patterned shorts. Lydia bit her lower lip and moaned again. “I’m not gonna make it… I’m not gonna make it… Oh… God…” Silent tears rolled down her cheeks. Suddenly the other girls were frantic, they didn’t want poor Lydia to wet herself. They were searching for something that Lydia could “take a little tinkle” in. Melissa picked up one of the empty water glasses and Lydia only cried harder. Liz rushed over with an empty popcorn bowl, but Lydia wouldn’t budge, she stood rooted in the same spot, her thighs pressed together, hands holding her crotch, bent over from the effort. She was sweating and crying. Suddenly she jerked her hands away from her crotch in surprise and the girls saw the wet patch grow. Lydia instantly put her hands back to he crotch, but another spurt made her panic. Liz rushed over with the empty bowl and tried to get Lydia to go in it, but she was in hysterics. She started sobbing uncontrollably as urine gushed out of her swollen bladder. The hot urine showered down all over, soaking her shorts, the hardwood floor, and even her fuzzy slippers. Amid all of the commotion, Laura woke up. She immediately saw Lydia wetting herself and the other girls trying to console her.
Nicole was squirming around, and Liz and Melissa were casting longing looks at the locked bathroom door and they tried to console Lydia. Laura leapt up and the other girls looked over at her. Laura was struggling as well. Finally, Lydia’s downpour slowed to a trickle and her sobs quieted. The other girls crowded around her, handing her fresh clothes, rubbing her back, patting her hair, trying to make her feel better and knowing that at any minute they would be pissing themselves too.
After Lydia had changed into dry clothes and had calmed down, she sat back on Liz’s bed and gazed at her toes. Nicole went to sit down beside her, but suddenly stood up again. “Hand me that bowl––Quick!!” she hissed.
Laura cleared her throat loudly. “Bowls weren’t a part of the bet,” she said.
Nicole crossed her legs and tears came to her eyes. “Yeah, you’re right, Laura.” She bounced around for a few seconds, and then suddenly stood stock–still. She placed both of her hands to her crotch and felt a wet spot. She looked down just as another spurt of hot urine shot out. The wet spot on the front of her nightgown grew larger and larger. She gritted her teeth and tried to hold it in. But she was in agony. She had to go, she just had to. “Oh my gosh… This is killing me,” she said through gritted teeth. She bunny–hopped over to where the bowl lay on the floor. Laura cleared her throat yet again. Nicole gasped and said, “I’m just going t–t–t–o stand over it, s–so I won’t pee on Liz’s floor.” Laura didn’t say anything, so once Nicole was standing over the bowl, she tried to gradually relax. Her knees felt weak and she was shaking. Finally, she let go, and her hot pee just rained and rained out of her pain–wracked body. Most of it went straight through panties and into the bowl since she was wearing a nightgown. But it was gushing out so fast that it was splashing her bare feet. When she finally stopped, the large bowl was about 3/4 full, with a little puddle and splatters around it. Her panties and the front of her gown were soaked. After she changed, she sat next to Lydia on the bed again and cried silently onto her shoulder. Liz and Melissa looked at each other… They didn’t want to pee themselves. A quick glance over at Laura and they knew that she had to go too, maybe as badly as they did. Suddenly, Melissa stood up and yanked off her bathrobe. Liz jumped up right behind her. Melissa was trying to hold it, but knew she couldn’t much longer. It was angrily shooting out. She whimpered and tried to stand over the bowl. She too, starting peeing and since she was wearing only a t–shirt and thin, bikini–cut panties, they saw just about everything. It gushed out and into the bowl and ran, glistening, down her slim legs. Liz lost control while watching Melissa pee. Melissa overflowed the bowl, but couldn’t stop.
Liz stood tense, urine spraying all over, while she hung her head in her hands. Melissa, mortified, tried to sop up the mess when she was finished, but Liz just stood in the same spot, urine still running down her legs and into her socks, with her head rested in her hands… Crying. Laura couldn’t take it anymore. She was about to piss herself as well. She dashed over to the bathroom and tried to force the door open. The other girls all stared. Liz looked up just in time to see Laura stroll back over to them. She whispered, “I’m sorry,” then spread her legs. At first, nothing happened. Laura just stood there with her legs spread open, knees slightly bent. She relaxed a little and a little trickle of pee crept out. After a few seconds, it was gushing. Laura was crying too, but she held her head high. She deserved this for putting her friends through the bet. She peed and peed and peed. She would stop for a few seconds, grimace, and then go at it again. Once she was finished, she silently carried the overflowing bowl into the kitchen downstairs and emptied it into the sink. She grabbed an entire roll of paper towels and marched back upstairs. She knelt down on the wet floor, on her knees and began sopping up all of the urine on the floor. For a while, no one else moved. Suddenly, the other four girls remembered what Laura had sacrificed for them and they too knelt down and helped her clean up the mess. The girls never told anyone about their bet, but they sure as hell never made another bet with each other again.
By: Kristen