The Accident on the Ferris Wheel

By: Kristen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Chloe looked so adorable standing there in the entrance of the County Fair, fishing around in her purse for money to buy tickets. Michael snuck up behind her and poked her lightly on the bottom. She spun around and her grabbed her in his arms. Chloe was breathless with anticipation of being kissed right then and there, but when the ticket–lady, some old prude wearing a silly fez hat cleared her throat, the couple deposited their money, grabbed their tickets and entered the brightly lit, spinning, colorful fair. It was a little corny as always, but they were two teenagers ready to have fun. Michael absolutely loved Chloe’s outfit. It was sexy, but not sluttish. She was a short, light denim skirt, a fitted tee, and cute little sandals. It was 6:00 PM, so the sun was still up, but once it went down Michael knew that it would be much cooler outside. After all, this was the end of September. And he loved cold weather. It meant that he got to cuddle up with a girl in his arms and his coat around her shoulders. He shivered just thinking about it. Chloe grinned sheepishly at Michael and asked what he wanted to do. They decided to get some cotton candy and maybe share a soda. They were going to try the games in the booths, you know, balloon popping, ball throwing, and things like that. Chloe admitted to him that she sometimes got motion sickness and wasn’t sure if she could handle any of the larger rides. Michael told Chloe that it was okay––he wasn’t there for the rides anyway. He was there to be close to her. She smiled shyly and looked down at her feet. Eventually, she and Michael made their way through the crowds to the concession stand. They ordered a funnel cake and an extra–large soda to share. They were chatting quietly at a little table under the awning, just sipping the drink and nibbling the funnel cake. They loved being in each other’s company. Both were good looking and appreciated nice looks, but neither was incredibly shallow. They just seemed to click. This was only their second date, but Chloe was planning on riding back home with Michael to watch a movie… or something. Chloe and Michael finished the sugary funnel cake, wiped powdered sugar off of each other and drained the soda. Michael decided to try his luck at the booth games. He tried the duck–shooting games and got only small prizes, so he moved on the baseball and bottles contest. He managed to win Chloe a stuffed penguin. Even though it was kind of ugly, she pretended to like it, like all girls do over carnival toys. They walked around for a while and Chloe began to notice a familiar, yet uncomfortable feeling. Chloe looked around anxiously for bathroom but didn’t see anything except a couple of old Porta–Potties with mile–long lines behind them. She didn’t want to use the disgusting portables and she was embarrassed to tell Michael that she had to pee. She decided to try to wait until she got to his house. After all, he didn’t live far from the fairgrounds. Michael soon began to notice Chloe’s urgency. He was a little turned on by it, but he also felt sorry for her, she was obviously embarrassed about it. So, he pretended not to notice. After wondering around for about another hour and winning a couple more little prizes, Michael decided that they should leave soon. Chloe was relieved because she was nearly wetting herself, she had to go so bad. As they walked back toward the entrance, they passed the Ferris wheel and Michael decided that for tradition’s sake, they should ride it together. Chloe wanted more than anything else to get to a toilet, but she was still to shy to mention her problem to Michael. Michael got a secret little pleasure in seeing her struggle. They got in line, with Chloe doing a little pee–pee dance and looking nervously over toward the Porta–Potties. Finally, they climbed into a carriage on the Ferris wheel and sat down. The metal seats were cold on Chloe’s bottom, as all she was wearing was a short skirt. She started to shiver. Michael removed his coat and wrapped in around her, put his arms around her. She rested her head on his shoulder, but remained very tense. Michael casually asked her if something was wrong and Chloe said, “I’m sorry, I just… Well… I–I have to use the b–bathroom. Pretty bad.”
“You should have said something sooner,” said Michael, even though he had known about her predicament. “Just try to hold on, the Ferris wheel ride never lasts long.” He was lying, of course. They hadn’t even really started moving yet, people were still getting on and off below them. Their carriage slowly made it’s way to the top. “Oh my gosh… I can’t stand this,” mumbled Chloe. Michael tried to reassure her by saying, “It’s okay, we are about to start moving again.” Sure enough, the Ferris wheel picked up speed and the ride really started. Chloe started whimpering. Michael looked at her in concern. “Are you alright?” he asked sincerely. Chloe groaned, “I don’t think I’m going to make it and this Ferris wheel is making me sick.” Her legs were tightly crossed and her hands were cupped over her crotch. Chloe leaned back in her seat and moaned. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” over and over again. She had her eyes closed tightly and sweat beaded her forehead. One foot started tapping on the floor of the carriage. Michael could tell that not only was she in agony and about to pee herself, but that she was definitely getting nauseous as well. He wanted to see her have an accident, but he still felt so sorry for her. He took her hands in his, looked into her eyes and said, “Chloe, sweetie, you’ll feel so much better if you just go.” She started crying and said, “Oh no, I can’t.” She wiggled around in the seat. The cold, hard metal seat combined with her tense muscles caused her butt to suddenly go numb. Just at that moment, the Ferris wheel swung upward, and Chloe noticed that her panties felt warm, though she couldn’t tell if she’d peed them yet, because her lower end was numb tingling. She cried out as hot urine suddenly spurted out a couple of times and she tried to stop it but her muscles had been held tense so long that she couldn’t stop the flow. It soon gushed all around her, running down the cold metal seats, spilling over the side, raining down to the ground… She sobbed and Michael comforted her, all the while definitely aroused. Finally, as the torrent subsided, the Ferris wheel came to a stop and the couple stepped down. Michael wrapped his coat around Chloe’s waist and she leaned on him, still crying, as they went to his house. Chloe sat on his coat in his truck and sped away toward his house so she could change. Besides, he had to go too. They finally pulled into his driveway and he jumped out. He ran around to the other side and opened the door for Chloe. She stepped out shakily. The sight of her soaked clothes made him quite firm, which was both satisfying and torturing. He led the way up the steps to the door and paused while he struggled with the lock. When he finally got the door open, he led Chloe into his bedroom where he handed her a clean t–shirt to change into, then left her standing there and headed quickly into the bathroom. His bladder was bursting, but he simply could not go. As Chloe left his bedroom, wearing the dry shirt, she passed by the bathroom. In his hurry, he had left the door open and she paused, watching him curiously. Then, she ran over to him and kissed him. He quickly zipped his pants, bladder protesting, and led the way to the couch. They sat and kissed for a while, and things would have gotten passionate, but Michael was in agony as it was. He didn’t want to wet himself in front of her, and he knew that he would once he lost his erection. He suddenly pulled out of the kiss, leapt up from the couch, and tried to hobble into the bathroom. He was too late. As urine gushed out, Chloe approached him and locked her arms around his waist. She pressed up against him, causing him to lose even more urine. Soon, they both sank onto the puddled floor in each other’s arms.
By: Kristen