A Little fun at the Pool

By: Kristen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Tyler gazed around at the sparkling surface of the water of the crowded swimming pool. So many people seemed to have the same idea as him. It was a hot summer day, near the end of July and all of Tyler’s buds had deserted him for their summer jobs. Bored and full of pent–up desires (solitary masturbation just isn’t enough), Tyler donned a hot pair of swim trunks under his clothes, and headed over to the local pool. He was keen on all those dripping, scantily clothed females. Oh, how he envied the male lifeguards that worked there.
He scanned the edge of the pool, looking for a friendly face. Seeing no one he recognized, he then turned his focus to the vacant poolside lounge chairs. He finally spotted an empty chair, sauntered over, and flung his towel onto the seat. Glancing around, he kicked off his sandals, and then grimaced as his bare feet hit the hot cement. “Whew.” he muttered under his breath. A pretty girl lying in the chair beside him glanced up from the magazine she had been reading. She started to return to the fashion tips and horoscopes, but as Tyler began peeling off his t–shirt, revealing his tan, toned abs, he suddenly had her full attention. Tyler was aware of his audience and grinned as he wiggled out of his shorts. He wadded his clothes up and placed them next to his chair, then flopped down.
“Hey,” he said cheerfully to the girl next to him. As he waited for her reply, he briefly checked her out. She was pretty. Slender, nice body, toned. She had pretty eyes and a beautiful smile. His eyes rested on her small breasts, cutely bouncing in her skimpy bikini. Her soft hair gently touched her shoulders as she leaned forward. He licked his lips.
“Hi,” came the girl’s reply. She smiled. “I’m Sara.”
“I’m Tyler.”
“So, what brings you here?” asked Sara, gazing around pointedly.
“Ah… Just… Boredom, I guess.” said Tyler. Sara pursed her lips thoughtfully. “‘The guys’ all deserted me,” Tyler remarked with a sigh. Then he laughed. “Oh well… I’ll probably have more fun without them.”
Sara smiled her beautiful smile again. She started to ask, “So are you from around here?” when Tyler asked the same question. They laughed. Tyler concluded that he was indeed, from the neighborhood, and Sara admitted that she and her family had just moved to the area a couple of months ago. Being summer, they had waited until after the school term was over before moving, and that when school once again, she would be going to Oakland High as a senior.
Upon hearing this, Tyler exclaimed, “Hey… That’s where I go. I’ll be a senior this term also.”
“Really?” asked Sara.
“Yeah, just turned eighteen.”
Sara smiled like that was the best thing in the world. “Me too.” After they had talked for a while, Tyler offered to buy Sara a drink. She laughed and tried to refuse, but he sauntered over to the vending machines and came back with two cold sodas. They sipped their drinks, sunbathed, and shared a pleasant conversation.
Tyler and Sara spent an hour or longer sitting side by side, just chatting away, about school, past relationships, music, and everything else, until the bright drove them into the water. Once they decided to descend into the cool water of the pool, Tyler gently lowered himself down the ladder, and then moved aside. After Sara climbed down the ladder, Tyler offered her a hand and pulled her out into the middle of the pool. They became involved in a simple game of splashing and goofed off while. When they both felt that they had been cooled off enough, they climbed back out of the pool and strode back over to their chairs. Tyler’s imagination ran away with him at the sight of Sara emerging, dripping, from the water. As her cute little bottom sat back down on the lounge chair, she dabbed gently at he arms and legs with her towel.
They started talking once more, then lie back to dry, and Tyler found himself sharing Sara’s lounge chair. Sara was jokingly teasing Tyler, and as retaliation, he leaned over and started tickling her. “Stop! Hahahaha! Oh, Tyler––Stop! Ah!” she shrieked, laughing all the while. Tyler only tickled her more furiously. “Ooh! Tyler! I’ve gotta pee!” Suddenly, Tyler stopped tickling her. She had said the magic words. But Sara didn’t look at all embarrassed. In fact, she was grinning. They were both at a loss for words for a few moments. Then, Sara sighed, “Whew. I thought I was going to wet myself!” She laughed and glanced at Tyler sidewise. He grinned mischievously. “Oh no, you don’t!” Sara yelled playfully as he lunged at her to tickle her once more. Sara jumped up and jumped into the pool. Tyler was close behind and cannonball–ed in behind her. As they bobbed to the surface, they swam nearer to the shallow end and stood up. Sara shivered. Tyler wrapped an arm around her, huddled down into the water.
“Cold?” he asked her quietly.
“Yeah, but I betcha I could warm the water up a bit,” was her reply. Tyler was shocked. He waited for a spreading feeling of warmth, but nothing happened. Sara pulled him closer. She stood on her tiptoes and lightly kissed him. She moved his hands down to her stomach and he gently caressed her, feeling the bulge just above the top of her bikini bottoms. Suddenly, she pulled away and nimbly pulled herself over the side of the pool. She sat down on the tiled side and dangled her legs in the water. Tyler climbed up to sit next to her. They swung their feet back and forth in the cool water. Tyler had his arm around Sara and was very amused with the way she kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. She shoved a hand between her thighs. Tyler’s throat suddenly went dry. He swallowed loudly and Sara leaned up to kiss him again. She placed his hand on her crotch and released just a tiny little squirt. He felt the warmness under his hand.
She was just about to completely let go when they were suddenly splashed. “Sorry dude!” yelled a guy splashing around in the water. “Didn’t mean to! Hey– Do ya wanna join us?” He motioned at Tyler and Sara to join him and his friends in a game of “Chicken.” Both Tyler and Sara were familiar with the pool game where a girl climbs on top of a guy’s shoulders in the water while the guys wrestle and the girls simultaneously try to push each other off into the water.
Before Tyler could reply, Sara had slipped into the pool and was swimming toward the splashing group, dragging Tyler by his hand. Tyler took his place with the other guys and helped Sara climb onto his shoulders, vaguely wondering if she still had to pee. As she steadied her, she leaned from atop his shoulders and her sharp intake of breath confirmed that she did. As Tyler steadied her on his shoulders, she leaned down and whispered, “I still have to pee, you know.” Tyler was ecstatic. He could feel her womanhood pressing against the back of his neck as she sat perched on his shoulders. He was constantly aware of her condition, even as they wrestled and splashed. Suddenly, Sara shoved the other girl off her guy’s shoulders. She stood up in the water, laughing and then tried to climb back onto his shoulders.
The sudden movement of shoving the other girl had Sara to suddenly squirt hot pee into her swimsuit. She pressed her pee–hole against Tyler, but she had to keep her legs open to keep her balance on his shoulders. Tyler felt his neck suddenly grow warmer, and he began running his fingers up and down Sara’s legs. Using one hand to hold her steady on his shoulders, he used the other to tickle her. She gasped and his neck felt even warmer. Sara was quickly losing control. Her muscles strained to contain the torrent, and even though her womanhood was pressed tight against Tyler, her legs were still spread apart, weakening her already exhausted muscles. Tyler tickled her even more furiously and Sara burst into fits of laughter. As she did so, the dam broke and jets of hot pee gushed and hissed out. It sprayed against her bikini bottoms, against Tyler’s neck; it ran down her legs, and down Tyler’s back. He quickly lowered her from his shoulders, spun her around in the water, and turned her so that she faced him. He pressed her closer to him and stroked her, all the while, the water was growing warmer and warmer around them. He pressed his hands to her crotch and felt the warmness gushing out. Finally, it dwindled down and she sighed and leaned against him… so relieved… and so horny. He lifted her up, out of the water, her soggy bathing suit dripping. They grabbed their belongings and made their way around the edge of the pool.
They walked over to the bathroom area. Tyler strode over to a changing tent and tentatively pulled the curtain open. Seeing that it was empty, he led Sara inside. They tied the canvas door shut and stood in the warm shade of the small tent. Tyler turned to Sara, and gently untied the strings that tied her bikini top. It fell to the ground. Her round little breasts were shining with water from the pool, her wet hair dripping onto them. He reached over to her waist and wiggled her bikini bottoms off. Just the sight of her… Then, she yanked his trunks off. They stood, facing each other for only a moment. Sara then took a step backward, grasped one of the metal support poles inside the tent and braced herself, thrusting her pelvis at him. Sensing what she wanted, Tyler took a step forward. Suddenly, even more urine gushed out at him. He placed his hand in front of her, and then pressed himself to her. At she erratically peed, he entered her. They slid to the ground together, entwined, and….. Wet.
By: Kristen