The Long Ride

By: Kristen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

My girlfriend, Michelle, and I went on a trip out of town a few weeks ago. We drove to a town that about 8 hours away to see a really big concert– the biggest event of the year. We had been looking forward to it for a long time (all weekend alone together… away from home). So we packed up our bags, loaded into my SUV, and headed off. We made it there in good time. Checked into a hotel. All that. So for two days we strolled around the concert grounds enjoying all the live performances by all the bands. And each night, we’d wind up having even more fun in our hotel room– and in the hotel hot tubs (but that’s another story).
Anyway… The bathrooms at the concert weren’t wonderful, but they weren’t the standard run–down port–a–potties that you usually associate with outdoor concerts. We didn’t really have any problems during the concert (except our reluctance to use the portables). Maybe a little mild discomfort when waiting in the long lines, but that was it. It wasn’t until we were headed home that the incident happened.
We had been up late all weekend (at the concert and then again in our hotel room each night), so we were pretty tired when it came time to leave early that last morning. Michelle offered to drive home since I had driven the whole way up there, but I could tell she was even more exhausted than I was. I loaded our stuff back into my ride, got behind the wheel, and headed home. We stopped at a fast food place to get breakfast. We both got coffee to try to wake ourselves up, and we stocked up on bottled water for the rest of the way home. We finished our coffee pretty quickly (it’s bad enough when it’s warm, but it’s just disgusting when it gets cold), and started chugging water to get rid of the taste. Apparently, the caffeine didn’t work for Michelle, because it wasn’t long before she fell asleep.
I didn’t mind. I kept the radio playing very softly so I wouldn’t wake her while she slept, leaning against me. She woke up a couple of hours later and looked around. She asked where we were and how far we’d gone. She grabbed another bottle of water and drank most of it before she fell asleep again. At one point, she woke up again and told me that if I happened to stop anywhere anytime soon to wake her up. I guess it slipped my mind.
I ran into a little rain about 5 or 6 hours into the drive. The road was pretty bad and there had been a wreck that had stopped traffic for miles. As I slowed to a standstill, Michelle opened her eyes and sat up. I explained the situation to her and was a little surprised to hear her groan. “What’s wrong, baby?” I asked her. She hesitated but then mumbled, “I really have pee. I had to several hours ago but I guess I fell asleep…” She kind of trailed off. I felt bad because I hadn’t needed to stop and I assumed that she didn’t either. She has a very small frame and she had been drinking a lot that morning. Even I needed a good pee (and I’m rarely unable to hold it)… I couldn’t imagine her predicament.
She was quiet for a while. Traffic barely moved in any direction and all lanes were jammed. “How much longer do you think it’ll be?” she asked me. I glanced over at her. She had her legs tightly crossed and was leaning over slightly. Her foot was jiggling up and down, up and down. She uncrossed and re–crossed her legs. “I have no idea. Do you want me to try to pull over?” She looked out the window at the miles and miles of cars backed up on the highway, and whispered a very faint “no.” I took her hand in mine and kissed her on the cheek.
“How much longer do you think you can wait?” She bit her bottom lip and wiggled a little. She inhaled sharply and said, “Not much longer.” I put my right hand on her thigh and gently rubbed, trying to comfort her. Almost immediately, she grabbed my hand and placed it between her legs. She put her hands over mine and pushed down hard. This seemed to help for a while, until traffic started moving again. I put my hands back on the wheel, and she used her own hands to clutch herself. I could see sweat beginning to plaster her hair to her forehead. Our car slowly inched its way along the highway, Michelle seeming to grow more desperate with every second. Her breathing started coming in short, shallow gasps.
“Baby, are you okay?” I asked her, alarmed. She shook her head violently, but didn’t say a word. She doubled over with both hands on her crotch. I thought I heard her mutter “Oh, God.”
They finally got the roads cleared and we really started moving. As soon as we picked up speed, she raised up. Her face was streaked with tears. I lovingly wiped them away while still trying to steer. “Oh, baby, don’t cry. It’s okay.” I tried to soothe her. She shook her head, then gasped, and looked down at her crotch. I looked too, but I didn’t see anything. She held herself even more tightly and in a desperate whisper, “Please hurry. Oh, God.” She hurriedly looked around her seat for something to pee in. The water bottles wouldn’t work; the coffee cup had gotten crushed under her feet… We couldn’t find anything. I assured her that I didn’t mind at all if she wet my seat. Her sparkling sense of humor arose and she told me that she was about to. Even through her tears, she managed to laugh a little. As soon as she did, she gasped again. “Oh my gosh!” There was definitely a wet spot on the crotch of her jeans. “Please pull over! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.” I saw a small grocery store and switched lanes so I could stop. As I pulled into the parking lot, the wet spot on her pants seemed to grow just a little. I didn’t waste time trying to park straight, I stopped at the end of the parking lot where there no other cars and killed the engine. Michelle just sat there, doubled over once more. She looked over at me and said, “Help me, quick!” I jumped out, ran around the car, and opened her door for her. I undid her seatbelt and gently took her hand to help her out. As soon as I moved her hand from her crotch, I heard a hissing sound. She managed to get out of the SUV and she struggled to get her jeans down, but they were already wet and stuck to her skin. She finally gave up and I tried to get them down for her… all the while she was just peeing away, uncontrollably. I finally got them down, and I helped her squat down behind the door so she wouldn’t be seen. She peed for a couple of minutes, straight through her panties onto the pavement. She stopped and started to stand, when even more pee came gushing out. By this time I had a full erection. She looked up at me sheepishly and mumbled that she couldn’t stop. I crouched down beside her and fingered her through her panties while she finished peeing. After she finished, she pulled her wet pants back up and I went inside the store to ask for some plastic grocery bags.
I came back to the car and put them on her seat. We climbed back inside. “Oh… I am so sorry––” she started, but I cut her off. “Shh… Don’t worry about it.” She looked down at my crotch, where my erection was still clearly visible and raised her eyebrows. I started to shrug, but instead I just threw myself on top of her and started kissing her. She laughed and playfully kissed me back.
We left the parking lot, and drove about 5 minutes. We pulled over, grabbed a blanket and clean clothes for Michelle, and headed into the woods to um… Well…you know.
By: Kristen