Lisa and Michael Reunite

By: Kristen
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Lisa flicked on her turn signal, quickly tucked her left hand back into her crotch and began to decelerate. She whimpered slightly as she swung her car over into the right lane. She had to pee so bad it wasn’t even funny. She was one of that beautiful college girls– great body, lots of fun. She shifted around in her tight shorts, trying to relieve the pressures of her screaming bladder. Her nipples poked out against her hot pink tank top. She was trying to make it home, but finally gave up hope and pulled into the nearest clean gas station she could find. There few things she hated more than peeing in a dank and smelly bathroom. When she finally found a station nice enough for her standards, she was so desperate she almost didn’t care. She pulled her bright red sporty little Alero into a space nearest the building. At least she had managed to find a nice station. She figured the bathrooms would be inside– it was one of those double buildings with a small caf’ attached. Very clean looking… for once. She groaned and climbed shakily out of her car. She leaned back inside to grab her purse from the passenger seat and discreetly stuck her hand back to her crotch. Making sure that the people filling their tanks with gas wouldn’t notice her actions, she looked down quickly to make sure she was still dry. Amazingly, she was. She stood upright, bladder protesting, and hurried out of the glaring sunlight into the cool, air conditioned building. It was quite large inside and she didn’t want to waste time looking for the restrooms, so she immediately turned to the checkout counter to ask an employee where the restrooms were. There were two cash register stations, but only one cashier. Walking as quickly as she could with her straining bladder, she walked over to the registers and stood in line. There was only one person in front of her and he was finishing up, so it shouldn’t take too long. Lisa bounced up and down, surveying the interior of the station, looking for a restroom sign. When she finally approached the counter, her swollen tummy brushed the edge of the counter and she thrust her hand back into her crotch. She looked up at the cashier, hoping that the counter shielded her actions from him. Just as she opened her mouth to ask him where the toilets were, the cashier’s eyes suddenly brightened… “Lisa!” the cashier exclaimed. She recoiled in shock at the sound of her name.
“Michael?! Is… Is… Is that you?” she asked incredulously.
“Wow, I was wondering when I’d see you again!” he replied with a grin. Lisa and Michael had been really good friends in high school, they had really been fond of each other, but before anything could happen, Michael and his family had moved away.
Lisa, still in shock, leaned across the counter and hugged him. “It’s so great to see you again,” she said. Once again, the edge of the counter pressed into her tummy and she grabbed herself in pain. “Look, I’m sorry… but where are your restrooms?” she asked him hurriedly, bouncing up and down once more.
Michael’s face fell, “I’m sorry, but they’re closed for cleaning.” Lisa groaned. She leaned in closer to Michael and asked him in a whisper if he could open them for her. She was embarrassed to be in such a desperate state in front of him, but she had known him forever, so she was comforted, somewhat. Michael shrugged. “I’m sorry, but Sonya forgot to unlock them when she left to go to the bank.”
Lisa assumed Sonya was the manager. Her eyes filled with tears of frustration and she crossed her legs. “Where can I go?” she asked desperately. “I’m about to wet myself!”
Michael felt sorry for Lisa, he hated for their reunion to be like this for her… but on the other hand– the thought was really turning him on. Michael pointed out the windows at the front of the station. “There’s another station across the street.” He knew by her face she couldn’t make it that far. Both Michael and Lisa looked around the store, searching for something she could use. His eyes rested on the drink fountains in the corner. “You could grab one of those cups and go beside your car,” he said.
“There’s open highway for miles!” exclaimed Lisa, tearfully.
“Okay, then… I can take you into the back room and you can use a cup in there,” Michael suggested.
Lisa looked doubtful, but a small spurt escaped her and she merely said, “Okay––let’s go.” Michael literally leaped over the counter and put his arm around Lisa as they made their way over the soda fountain. He grabbed a ‘Big Gulp’ cup and swung Lisa around the corner. He pushed open the storeroom door and led her inside. The door closed behind them, leaving them in darkness. “Please hurry…. Oh God… Hurry,” Lisa moaned. Michael scrambled around for a light, and finally, pulled the string. The light bulb flickered on, throwing dank, yellow light onto the boxes stacked around the walls of the tiny closet. Lisa raised her eyebrows at Michael, as if asking him if he was going stay in there. He shrugged nonchalantly, though in reality, he had a hard–on watching her squirm. “Ooh!” Lisa squealed. “Hand me that cup! Quick!” Michael tossed her the cup. She moved her hand from her crotch and just at that moment a 3–inch wide wet spot appeared on the front of her white shorts. She yanked her shorts down and got her light pink cotton panties partway down before the torrent exploded out of her and into the big plastic cup. Michael leaned in next to her and helped her to remove her shorts and panties while she continued to pee nonstop. She spread her legs wide as the hot, sweet urine gushed and gushed. She tilted her head to the side and brushed her lips to his. Michael reached his hand down behind her and between her legs to catch some of her golden pee in his outstretched hand. He brought his hand closer and closer to her until he was rubbing her swollen girlhood vigorously. His hand was wet again… but not by her urine. Finally Lisa sank back against the door in pure, utter relief. Michael kissed her, one hand still on her crotch, while he guided her hands to his. The brimming cup of urine dropped to the floor, splattering their legs and feet. This wasn’t quite how Lisa had imagined their reunion. But this was Michael’s dream come true. That is, until manager Sonya returned from the bank only to find her best employee on the storeroom floor… completely naked, with some girl hovering over him––urinating on his chest.
By: Kristen