1 stories

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Shayarni's Desperate Drive
By: LJ (30 Apr 2008, Wednesday)

Shayarni swore under her breath as she recrossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together. She was bursting for the loo. Unfortunately for her she was stuck in a massive traffic jam with her boyfriend and wasn't going anywhere for a while. She thought back to what she had drunk that day and wondered how she had held out so long. It had started with a cup of coffee at 6am as she dragged herself out of bed. Another two cups as she went about her morning tasks, a pint of water to hydrate before her morning run and another one as she got back. Just before setting out she had gone to the loo but hadn't peed much. Now, two hours out of the house and caught in the worse traffic jam she had ever seen she gritted her…

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