
1 stories

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By: Lancing (31 Oct 2014, Friday)

We exited the coffee shop with our coffee in hand and got back on the road. We had a full day of driving ahead of us. We got into the Ford Focus we were driving and were off. "You ready for a fun day, Holly?" Jason asked me. The day would be full of driving, but tonight would be fun. Today was a very special day for me, it was my twenty–first birthday and we were headed to Vegas! "Of course!" I said enthusiasticly. Me and Jason hadn't been dating long, just over a month. I wouldn't say I love him, but he is cute and kind, and when he said he would take me to Vegas, I couldn't refuse. We've never gotten intimate, but I bought some black sexy silk bra and panties that I was wearing under my jeans and blouse for…

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