
By: Lexiana
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Once upon a time there was a princess named Ella who had just turned 18. She was allowed to move out at age 18 so she found a nice castle thousands of miles away from the King and Queen and decided to move there. After getting settled into the castle, Ella realized that she would need some servants. She had also always wanted some personal companions who would keep her company and who would be her friends if she so wanted them to. So she looked through the phone book to find what she was looking for. She came upon a rather odd listing. There was a picture of four women in their 20’s who were offering to come live with someone and attend to their every need, including just being a companion or best friend if so desired. Ella found the listing odd but decided it would be a good idea as they looked like rather nice women. She called the number and got the eldest of the four girls, named Ginger.
“Hello, my name is Ella and I saw your ad in the phone book. I was wondering if you might be the people I’m looking for,” Ella said.
“Well hello, Ella. What is it your looking for us to do for you? And if I can ask, how old are you, sweetie?” Ginger asked.
“I’m 18, and I’m looking for someone to show me a good time basically and then maybe keep me company and such,” Ella said.
“Well, I think we might be able to help you. Would it be okay if we came over right now to talk to you?” Ginger asked.
“Yes, now would be great,” Ella said, shocked that Ginger was willing to come so soon after she’d called.
“Okay, we will be right over then, Ella,” Ginger said.
Ella went to the door and peered out. She was wearing a beautiful long silky blue dress that fit her perfectly and showed off her small slim body.
She opened the door and invited the four women into the sitting room.
“Thank you for coming. I really hope that you all will be the right people I am looking to hire,” Ella said, once they were all seated.
“We hope so too. Can I introduce my partners?” Ginger asked.
“This is Hannah on the right, then Kelly next to her and lastly Jordan.”
Hannah had blond hair that she wore in a ponytail. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a short pink belly shirt. Kelly had long blond hair that fell to just below her shoulders. She was wearing a short black skirt with black hose and a long sleeved tight blue shirt. Jordan a brunette had long dark brown hair swept up in a pony tail and was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a over–sized grey sweatshirt. Ginger had reddish–brown hair and was wearing a cute shiny black sleeveless dress.
“Its nice to meet you all. I’m not sure exactly what I’m supposed to ask or say to you all. I’m basically just looking for someone to hang out with me and have fun. I mean I’m not looking for a servant really. Just some people who want to have fun and be friends.”
“We would love to have fun with you. That’s exactly what we were looking for. Someone who was looking for a bit of fun and excitement in their lives,” Ginger said.
“Then it looks like I’ve found the right people. You are all welcome to stay with me in my castle too if you would like. I have several bedrooms and you could each have your own,” Ella said.
“We would love that, Ella. So what do you think of us so far?” Ginger asked, hoping that Ella liked what she saw.
“I think you are all lovely women. I think you fit exactly the description of the people that I was looking for. If you want, I would love to just say that you are hired and you can move in right away,” Ella said, loving these girls.
“Oh, Ella, that would be so great! We’re so glad you like us! I don’t think there’s ever been anyone so quick at making a decision about whether to hire us or not!”
“Really? Well I find you all quite charming!” Ella smiled at them, happy with her decision.
The girls got all of their belongings and moved in that day. That evening the 5 girls were sitting in a room full of couches and a huge screen TV, laughing with each other and not really paying attention to the movie on TV.
“So Ella, you did say you wanted to have fun, right?” Ginger asked.
“Yes, of course! I’ve spent 18 years trapped in my parents’ castle. I’m ready to do something crazy!”
“How crazy?” Ginger asked, with a smirk on her face.
“I don’t know…what did you have in mind?”
“Well, is there something you were never allowed to do when you were living at home that you would like to do now?” Ginger asked.
“Yeah, there is. I’ve always wanted to have a sleepover with some girlfriends. And stay up really, really late drinking and playing games and stuff. Though I guess it would be more of a grown–up sleepover cause we have to have beer to!”
“I love how you think, Ella! Shall we do some shopping? We’re gonna show you a real sleepover!” Kelly said, winking at the other three women. They had a plan that they’d come up with before Ella had called them that morning. They wanted to show this girl a fun time all right.
They went to the store and got a ton of beer, ice–cold water, diet pop, chips, candy, and whatever else they happened to glance at.
Once back at the castle, Hannah told Ella that she should put on a pair or really tight jeans and a short shirt so that she could look the part of a sleepover girl. Ella went along with Hannah not really knowing what went on at sleepovers. Apparently she was willing to do just about anything to find out too!
The five met back in the TV room where they spread out sleeping bags and filled a cooler with ice cold drinks.
“Can I get you something to drink, Ella?” Kelly asked, hoping to get her to start drinking some liquid now.
“Sure. I’ll take a diet pop to start,” Ella said.
“How about a beer too? Come on girl, get in the groove,” Kelly said.
“Okay, give me both then.”
Surprisingly, Ella downed both the diet coke and the beer in 15 minutes.
“You want something else, Ella?” Jordan pressed her after she saw her finish the two drinks.
“Sure. I’ll take a water,” Ella said.
By now all five girls were drinking and laughing. After Ella downed the water in 10 more minutes, she felt the urge to pee. It wasn’t a pressing urge though so she decided to ignore it and wait a bit more. She didn’t want to leave now as she was having too much fun.
“Something more to drink, Ella?” Hannah asked.
“Sheesh, are you all trying to make me wet myself here? You’ve offered me 3 drinks now in the last 30 minutes,” Ella said, slightly joking with them.
“Ah, we just want you to be well hydrated. Come on now, you said you wanted to have fun,” Ginger said.
“Okay, okay. I’ll humour you! But I’m gonna have to go visit the bathroom here soon if I drink much more!”
“What’s wrong, Ella, you have to go pee–pee so soon?” Hannah said, smiling mischievously at the girl.
“No, I don’t have to go that bad, yet,” Ella said, laughing.
Hannah handed Ella a beer and a diet pop and decided to offer her a challenge.
“So Ella. You said you wanted to have fun. I noticed that you can really drink fast. How about a challenge? Want to see how much you can drink of any combination of liquids in 1 hour?” Hannah asked.
“Is this what you all usually do at sleepovers?” Ella asked, slightly shocked at the offer.
“Oh yeah. Drinking games are for big girls. Are you a big girl?” Ginger asked, hoping to make Ella see that she should take the challenge.
“Yes, I am a big girl. I’ll show you how much of a big girl I am,” Ella said. She proceeded to drink the diet pop and the beer and then asked for two waters and another diet coke. She drank them in the next 15 minutes. After downing the last diet coke, she was beginning to get signals from her bladder that she should probably pee soon.
“Okay, I gotta take a break for a minute, girls. If I don’t visit the bathroom now I’m gonna end up wetting my sleeping bag,” Ella said.
But the four girls had other plans for Ella. They were not going to let her visit the bathroom anytime soon.
“Ah, but Ella, you haven’t drank that much,” Ginger said, hoping to deter Ella.
“You call that not much? I just drank three diet cokes, two beers, and three waters. You call that not much?”
“Oh, but I’m sure you can drink more now, my dear. Aren’t you a big girl?” Ginger challenged.
“Yeah, but I really have to go. I’ll be right back,” Ella said, getting up and starting to walk into the other room. Ginger jumped up and grabbed Ella’s arm.
“Huh? What are you doing?”
“I don’t think you’ve had enough to drink, Ella. Come on now, big girls can hold it. Hold it a little longer,” Ginger said.
Ella was startled by Ginger’s statement.
“No, I have to go now. I can’t hold it longer. And I can’t drink anymore.”
“Oh, but I think you can, love,” Ginger whispered in her ear.
Ginger led her back to the floor and made her sit down. She handed Ella a beer and told her to drink it. Ella obeyed, not sure of what was going on. When she had downed the beer Ginger handed her some water.
“Please, Ginger, I can’t drink anymore. I really, really have to pee,” Ella said, getting more desperate now.
“Let me tell you something, Ella. You aren’t going to the bathroom anytime soon. So you may as well just hold it,” Ginger said.
“But why can’t I go to the bathroom?”
“Because you agreed to the challenge of drinking as much as you can in one hour,” Ginger said.
“But I didn’t agree to not being allowed to go to the bathroom,” Ella said.
“We assumed you knew that was the case,” Ginger said.
“Have some more to drink, NOW,” Ginger said.
The women’s behavior was scaring Ella now. Why were they doing this to her? Was this some sick kind of punishment? Ella did what Ginger told her to do and then drank another beer at Hannah’s request. Ella was getting more desperate by the minute. Her tight jeans were pressing against her bladder making it even worse. She found her hand straying to her crotch as she held herself, trying to relieve some of the awful pressure.
“Do you have to go pee–pee?” Hannah teased, pointing at Ella holding herself.
“Yes, I do. And I’m not going to let you tell me I can’t!” Ella said, suddenly. She jumped up despite the pain from her bladder and began to hobble quickly to the door. She wasn’t quick enough though and Hannah grabbed her by the arm.
“Please, Hannah. I have to pee so bad!” Ella cried out.
“I’m sorry, sweetie. You just can’t go pee right now. I can’t let you do that,” Hannah said, trying to pull Ella back into the room. Ella fought her and tried to get free but she wasn’t able to put up much of a fight because of the increasing pain in her bladder.
“If you don’t come back in the room, we will make you wait longer. If you come with me now we might let you go in a bit,” Hannah said, trying to find a way to get Ella to come with her. Ella stopped fighting and followed Hannah back to the area where the other girls were still sitting.
“Can I go now, please?” Ella said, upon sitting back down. “Please, I’m going to burst! I’ve never had to go this bad before!” Ella said, rocking back and forth.
“No, you haven’t suffered long enough,” Ginger said.
“Ahh, does the little girl have to pee? Maybe I can help you out,” Jordan said, an evil look on her face.
Ella’s eyes got wider as she watched Jordan walk over to her. She sat down in front of Ella and looked down at Ella’s crotch where her bladder was beginning to bulge. She placed her hand on Ella’s tummy and pressed a little.
“Please, don’t do that. I’m going to pee!” Ella said, groaning.
Jordan ignored her and got behind Ella wrapping her arms around the girl’s waist. Ella was much smaller than Jordan and since her bladder was bursting she couldn’t stop Jordan from holding her. Jordan moved her hands down to Ella’s crotch and began to massage it.
“Jordan, stop, your gonna make me wet myself!” Ella pleaded.
“Oh, but I think you like it, Ella. Tell me, have you ever played hold it games before?” Jordan asked.
“No, and I never intend to do so again! Why are you touching me?” Ella asked.
“Ella, why don’t you just relax and enjoy your bladder massage. If you try hard enough you may find you like it,” Jordan said.
Ella tried to relax realizing that she would just have to get through this until they were done torturing her.
“Now, if you have to pee so bad why don’t you just let it go,” Jordan said.
“What? I can’t do that! Besides, I would wet on you as well as myself,” Ella said.
“Relax your bladder, Ella. You know you can do it,” Jordan said. She put her hand inside Ella’s jeans and moved down to her pussy. Pressing on Ella’s bladder slightly she then began to finger Ella’s clit.
“What are you doing? Stop it!” Ella said, realizing she was beginning to get turned on by the feel of Jordan’s fingers on her clit.
“Start peeing, Ella, come on now, you can do it,” Jordan encouraged.
“No, I won’t!”
“Oh yes, I think you will,” Jordan said, moving back up to Ella’s bladder and pressing on it first lightly then harder until Ella couldn’t hold it any longer. She squirted out a stream of pee and couldn’t stop the flow that came. Jordan continued to press on Ella’s bladder with one hand and had since put in her other hand, which was fingering Ella’s pussy again.
“Stop! Please!” Ella yelled, overcome by the pleasure of it but somehow unable to give in and let Jordan win her over. Ella continued to pee and Jordan fingered her until Ella began to cum hard. Ella squirmed trying to dislodge Jordan’s hand but she had her firmly and was not moving her hand from Ella’s pussy. The flow of pee finally stopped and Jordan removed her hand, caressing her hands over Ella’s lower half one more time before getting up. Ella lay back on the floor stunned at what had just happened. She was humiliated and felt like crying, but at the same time, realized that it had actually felt good. Looking up at the four girls, she didn’t know whether to yell at them or start laughing. Ginger could have sworn she saw a half–smile on the young girl’s face as she helped her get off the floor and led her into the bathroom.
“Perhaps we should get some diapers for the baby who can’t hold herself,” Jordan said, as they all followed. Hannah smiled, liking the idea.
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By: Lexiana