Graduation Day

By: Lionheartyz
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

It was graduation day and Ashley and her friends were all bouncing from one class to another saying one last good–bye to all their favorite teachers before they headed off into their unsure futures. Ashley was still unsure as to what she was going to do for her future, she was hoping on a scholarship to college because it was her only way in. Her family wasn’t poor but with four other sisters her parents could not afford to send anyone to college, so she tried to do everything she could to get a scholarship, not really because she cared about her education but because she didn’t want to miss out on the college life. She also looked forward to finally being able to get away from her sisters who were all more than 10 years younger than her and very annoying. Today was a good day though, but I am sure everyone thinks so on the last day of high school. “Ashley” Tammy said, “What the hell is up with you, are you even on this planet right now??” “Sorry Trish I was just wondering if I was gonna get my scholarship confirmation today or not.” Trish and Ashley had been on the cheerleading squad together for four years. Ashley was very active, she was 5’10” 130LBS. and the star player of the basketball team, but she was a cheerleader during football season because girls didn’t play. She always tried to stay in shape because she hoped to get into modelling after she got bored with the whole college scene. “Hey lets go get some food,” said Trish. “Hell yeah.” Since it was the last day of school the principal was throwing a barbecue for the seniors with free drinks and food.
As they passed the bathroom Ashley thought maybe she should go since she kinda felt an urge to…but didn’t feel like going to the office to have someone unlock the door for her. Ashley was convinced that the people she went to school with were idiots. In the last week there had been 4 trash can fires in the bathrooms from people just tossing cigarettes in them, so now all the bathrooms in the school were closed and you had to get someone from the office to come and unlock the door for you and stand inside with you to make sure no one was smoking. Sighing at the childish ignorance of her fellow classmates Ashley walked past the bathroom and outside to where the food was. The line was horribly long and Ashley didn’t really feel like waiting but that was a choice she didn’t have, she didn’t bring any money today for lunch because of the free barbecue. So she and Trish got in the back of the line.
“So what are you gonna do if you don’t get that scholarship?” Trish said.
“Honestly I have no idea, if I don’t get it I am screwed,” she said laughing. “You could always join the National Guard like I did”
“I don’t think I am cut out for all the yelling and stuff”
“Hell girl that’s the easy stuff, the hard stuff is the push ups and running every day.”
“What are you talking about, we did all kinds of push ups and shit when we were in cheerleading?”
“Yeah but we could stop whenever we wanted, in the military you can’t.”
“OH, that would kinda suck.”
“Damn it is way to hot out here, I am going to go buy a water, and do you want one?”
“Why not just wait, the drinks here are free?”
“How far have you moved up since we got in line?”
“Good point– get me one too.”
After Trish left, Ashley’s mind reverted back to her bladder, she still didn’t need to go badly but it was enough to be a constant annoyance to her. By now though, the line behind her was just as long as the line in front of her, so she didn’t want to lose her spot. She figured she would just hold it until after she had eaten lunch. All the sudden she heard “HEADS UP” and just as she turned she saw Trish pretend that her water bottle was a basketball and Ashley’s face was the hoop. She just barely got her hands up to catch it in time. With her heart racing after the near harmful escape she forgot all about her bladder.
“With reflexes like that there is no way you won’t get that scholarship,” said Trish.
“Yeah I know, but what would happen to us if I didn’t get it…you would go to college and I would get left behind.”
“I am telling you, just join up like I did”
“I don’t want to kill anyone though, I don’t think I could.”
“That’s perfect girl, my recruiter told me the National Guard doesn’t do anything like that, he said we just kinda set up sandbags when there is a flood or something like that.”
“I still don’t think it is me, I would much rather just get the scholarship.”
“OK, but promise me if you don’t get the scholarship you will join up with me so I don’t have to do it alone.”
“OK, sure thing.”
Knowing that she had a 95% chance of getting the scholarship, Ashley never thought twice about her promise to her best friend, she knew she would get the scholarship and would never have to worry about it. She took a drink of her water and realized once again her need to pee. “Damn” she thought to herself, “I have already drank half this stupid bottle not paying attention.” She quickly put the bottle into her purse to get it out of her hands so she would stop drinking it. After what seemed like forever she finally got to where the plates were and filled herself a plate full of food, and since it was a special occasion she helped herself to some of the more fattening food. They sat under a tree together and started eating. Halfway through their plates Trish’s boyfriend showed up and they started talking. Ashley’s thoughts started to wander and found themselves back at her bladder. She really needed to go now, the sitting had her skirt awfully tight against her stomach, and she had a jacket over her legs so as not to show anyone her underwear. She slipped her hand under her jacket and pressed hard against her pussy one time and removed her hand. She turned to Trish to see if she wanted to go to the bathroom with her, but Trish was lip locked with Anthony (her boyfriend), so she kinda tapped her on the should and said “I am going to go get the keys from the office if you wanna meet me at the bathroom.” “Mmgmhg, hey wait, Anthony and me are heading to his house for the rest of the day– you wanna come over for a while, no keys to my bathroom,” she said with a smile. “Naw, I gotta head home and check the mail to see if my scholarship papers came in today.”
Trish said OK and headed off to the student parking with Anthony. Ashley got up and started heading toward the high school. Standing up made her need to pee even worse. When she got to the trashcan her principal, Mr. Fowler, was standing there.
“Hi Ashley, where is your sidekick?”
“Trish? She decided to go home sick.”
“Ahh ok… Hey, don’t dump those drinks in here”
“Why not??”
“Because the liquid will leak all over my truck when I take these bags to the dumpster. Take it back over to the grass and dump it out, I don’t want it on the concrete.”
Looking back toward where she came she really didn’t want to walk all the way back over there just to dump her drinks and walk back. Her need to pee was very bad by now and she just wanted to get to the bathroom, so she figured she could just drink them real quick then go inside to pee. So she quickly downed hers and threw it in the trashcan then grabbed Trish’s. Looking at Trish’s cup she silently cursed her for drinking Anthony’s spit rather than her Gatorade, it looked like she hadn’t even touched it. She quickly downed it too and headed inside. The office was on the other side of the building and she had to pee really bad by now. She finally reached the office and went inside to find no one there except for the guidance counsellor.
“Do you know where Mrs. Anderson is? I need her to unlock the restroom for me.”
“Umm… yeah I think she went outside to tell Mr. Fowler his wife called, you can wait here if you want.”
“OK thanks.”
She didn’t know how long she could wait; she really needed to go now worse than ever. She sat down and waited for what seemed like an eternity and finally Mrs. Anderson walked in.
“Mrs. Anderson I need to use the restroom.”
“OK dear let me grab the keys.”
Just hearing the keys jingle cause her bladder to want to let go, the problem with keeping the keys in the office occurred to her now, the office is in the middle of the building and the bathrooms are on the end of the four halls heading out from the office. She guessed the original design was simple, form an X with bathrooms on the end of each hall and one in the middle; the problem was the one in the middle was to be used by the faculty only. The other problem was Mrs. Anderson was like 200 years old and took forever to walk down there. Standing up to follow her, Ashley noticed the pressure was getting almost unbearable, she felt as if the piss would leak out with every step she took. Finally Mrs. Anderson reached the bathroom and started looking through the keys to find the right one. It seemed to take an eternity. “Ah here we go,” she said, and just as she inserted the key a horrible ringing went off.
“Oh poo,” she said, “Every year some kid pulls the fire alarm, it never fails, come on dear let’s head outside.”
“Mrs. Anderson I really, really need to use the restroom!”
“Oh I can’t dear, I would get fired if someone caught me letting you in while the fire alarm was going off.”
“Please Mrs. Anderson, I will tell them I was already inside the bathroom, I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.”
“Well OK dear but hurry…Oh dear.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Seems when the ringing went off it scared me so bad I snapped the key off in the lock…I am really sorry dear, please, we have to head outside now.”
Ashley was completely lost; she had no idea what she was going to do, her stomach was starting to hurt now, she had to go so bad. The only thing she could do was head outside.
When she got outside she noticed a lot of kids standing together looking toward the front of the building and she worked her way to the front to see what was going on.
“…And I don’t know why every year seniors have to pull pranks but I can deal with the little things, I wasn’t always your principal, I once was a senior in this very school like you. The banners you put up, and the toilet paper on the cars is childish but nothing a little cleaning won’t fix. The trashcan fires in the restrooms was new this year and way out of control. But the reason I pulled the fire alarm was to get all of you out here. Someone has called in a bomb threat to the school. This is a major offense, people; you can get in serious trouble for it. If any of you have any idea who called it in please come tell me. Everyone who doesn’t– since we can’t let anyone in the school until it is checked out– school is out for the day, everyone go ahead and go home.”
The entire student body erupted with joy…everyone except Ashley, whom really needed to get inside and use the bathroom. She wished she had gone home with Trish now. Secondly she wished she had ridden the bus today, but since it was the last day and she wanted to sleep in she had decided to ride her bike today. Heading toward the bike racks she had no idea what she was going to do. The bike rack was packed with underclassmen that were too young to drive. Ashley had a car but since she was only 8 blocks from the school she always rode her bike for the exercise. As she started to pull her bike out of the racks a kid behind her bumped into her forcing her handlebar right into her bladder. The spasm was so hard she leaked just a little bit into her panties and quickly doubled over in pain and moaned.
“Oh my God I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you, are you ok?? Are you hurt, you look like you are in pain.”
“No” she gasped, “I am fine.”
Not wanting anything to get any worse she quickly jumped on her bike and started rolling downhill. The pressure of her bike seat against her pussy helped a lot, but peddling was too painful because it jarred her bladder. She rolled downhill for the first two blocks and then when the road started heading uphill she could do nothing except crawl off the bike and walk. The only good thing was that walking the bike uphill allowed her to bend over without letting anyone know what was wrong. Every step she took sent pulses through her bladder. Several times she had to stop; when she did so she would cross her legs and bend over…as if she was stretching her calf muscles.
She reached the top of the hill three blocks away from her house and thought to herself, “Everything is downhill from here, I can just roll all the way home.” As she went to swing her leg over the seat she started to wet herself. Quickly she jammed her pussy down on the seat. Her body was still pushing liquid toward her urethra, but she was jammed down so hard it had no way to exit. The pain was almost unbearable– twice she almost jumped off the bike and let go. Finally she got it under control, and with a slightly visible wet spot on the back of her skirt she started rolling home, hoping the wind would dry it a little.
She finally pulled into her driveway and stopped the bike; afraid to throw her leg in the air she very slowly slid off the back of the bike. As soon as she came off the seat her body tried to void itself and she had to squeeze her pussy with everything she had to hold it in. With her hand still firmly against her femininity she waddled to the door. With one hand she managed to fish her keys out of her purse and shove them in the lock. She turned the key and nothing happened. She cried out in anguish and tried the door, it was open…someone was already home. The bathroom downstairs was being rebuilt and her parents’ room door always stayed locked, so as fast as she could she waddled up the stairs to the bathroom. When she got there the door was locked and she could hear running water. She yelled into the bathroom to see who was in there and it was her sister.
“Open the door, now!”
“I am in the shower!”
“I don’t care– open the damn door, right now!”
“No– you are being mean to me.”
Ashley backed away from the door a little and hit it with everything she had, the door gave way surprisingly easily and she flew into the bathroom. The exertion caused her to start pissing herself so she quickly jumped into the shower.
30 minutes later Trish called.
“Hey girl what’s up?”
“Oh my God you are not going to believe what happened to me today!”
“You got the scholarship?”
“Oh shit, I forgot to check.”
5 minutes later Trish hears Ashley’s end pick up…
“I can’t believe this…I didn’t get it.”
To be continued…
By: Lionheartyz