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A change of management policy in our office bought in the supposedly popular idea of casual dress permitted on Fridays, so whereas girls had been expected to wear skirts and look smart, we were now allowed to wear 'casual clothes' i.e. jeans on a Friday. This, of course, became a sort of fashion competition among the girls, all trying to show off the most expensive and tightest jeans. Since my boss disapproved of jeans, I had an excuse to avoid this, but, being a bit of a show–off, I tried to join in by buying a pair of black trousers, quite smart looking, in a thin and slightly stretch fabric. They fitted me 'perfectly,' so much so that one rather catty comment was: "Never mind the 'panty line' showing,…
Read →My job was assistant personal secretary to a senior manager. Actually I was a glorified messenger for much of the time. The manager liked to have an attractive girl to take his messages to clients or other departments in our bank. He insisted I was always smartly dressed, and I was happy to oblige him in this. My chief attraction is my neat figure. Otherwise I am average in almost all areas. I have shoulder length brown to mousy hair. I am about average height, and would never win a beauty contest. I have always played a lot of tennis, squash and badminton, so I am slim and have what I think is a sexy little bottom. I also have a tiny bladder, which is more of an embarrassment than an asset, but I have…
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