Shannon's Birthday Present

By: Luv Desperation
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

The sun shone through the window on the beautiful June morning, the slivers of sunlight beamed through the curtains into the bedroom. A ray of light hits a sleeping girl’s face and she tosses and turns as she slides into consciousness. Today was Shannon’s 18th birthday and she couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day to celebrate it on. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was a perfect 30 degrees outside. Her friends had decided that they were going to take Shannon to dinner for her birthday and then throw her a party at her friend Sarah’s house. Shannon knew that she probably would get some really cool stuff for her birthday because she hounded her friends and family for weeks telling them what she wanted. But there was something else Shannon wanted for her birthday, something she could only give herself and today she was going to get it.
Shannon was into water sports, mainly desperation. She absolutely loved the feeling of a full bladder and would hold it every chance she got. She would often hold it at school for most of the day and end up rushing to the bathroom at the end of school peeing torrents into the bowl. She also liked to tease herself when she was bursting and would sometimes sit on the bowl with her legs spread and start and stop her stream– reveling in the intense pain she felt when she stopped her body shaking with the effort to hold it back.
Today however was going to be different Shannon was going to push her bladder to the very limits of it’s capacity– today she was going to go for a 2L marathon. The plan was simple, Shannon was going to drink 1 500 ml bottle of water every hour for the 8 hours she was in school and hold it until she got home.
Shannon was by no means a knockout when it came to looks, but she had an innocent beauty about her that people just seemed to like. Shannon was about 5’2 and was kind of on the skinny side, she thought she could do with more meat in her hips but at least she wasn’t fat. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and piercing blue eyes. Shannon had surprisingly large breasts for someone of her size, 36C, that didn’t hurt scoring her points with the boys in her grade.
Shannon didn’t much care for anyone in her grade; however, she thought the boys her age were all idiots. She had her eye on the older crowd; actually she really had her eye on her brother Shane’s friend, Brad. But that’s another story.
Shannon stepped out of bed and stretched her slim teenage body while taking in the sunlight. She then turned her attention to the mirror on her dresser giving her a full view of herself. She really was skinny, she had been trying to work out to give herself a bit more shape, but she wasn’t too worried about it, if it happened it happened. She still had nice boobs and that counted for something. Shannon felt the twinge of her morning pee in her bladder. Her plan was to go to school with her bladder completely empty then start her hold at 8:00 when school started. She thought about just holding what she had in there as well, but figured she didn’t want to tempt fate any more than she already would be today.
Shannon went to the bathroom and peed then threw on her school uniform; consisting of a white blouse, the smallest one she had that showed off her boobs quite nicely, and a pair of black pants. She went downstairs and got her things ready for school, then darted out the door and got to her bus stop just in time to catch the bus. Shannon got off the school bus and went straight to the cafeteria. There she saw her friend Stacy. Shannon pulled her bottle of water out of her bag and sat down. Stacy immediately went into how much fun they were going to have at her party tonight, but Shannon was barely paying attention– she was more interested in the clock on the wall behind Stacy. The clock read 7:45, and in 15 minutes her first class would begin and she would start her marathon. Stacy kept on babbling about the party and Shannon mostly just smiled and nodded.
Stacy could see that Shannon was a little distracted and asked her if she was ok. Shannon said she was just thinking about something and Stacy teased her and said, “You’re probably thinking about your brother’s friend aren’t you?” Shannon just shoved her and told her to shut up and Stacy kept teasing her about it. Shannon always talked about how hot Brad was to Stacy and really thought she was in love with him, but again that’s another story.
Suddenly the bell rang and Shannon’s heart jumped in her chest with anticipation, this was it, she was finally gonna do it. Shannon grabbed her bag and her bottle of water, opened the water, and began drinking it on the way to class.
By lunchtime, which was about 1:45 Shannon was getting pretty desperate. She sat in the cafeteria eating her lunch with Stacy with her legs tightly crossed, slowly finishing her 6th bottle of water for the day. The pressure was mounting with every passing second and every once in a while she would put her finger to her crotch and give it a tight squeeze… Stacy kept babbling on about the party and about the boys that were gonna be there, but Shannon was miles away by now concentrating on her rapidly filling bladder.
After lunch Shannon walked past the bathrooms and looked longingly at them as she entered her second from the last class for the day. Before she went in she downed the last of her bottle of water and took it to the fountain to fill it up. As she pressed the button for the water to flow she winced with pain and bent double at the knees and bounced slowly as she filled the bottle, her large C cup breasts bouncing rhythmically as she did. She could barely watch the water go into the bottle in her shaky hand. When it was finally filled she put the cap on it and quickly gave herself a quick squeeze before entering her science class. Shannon took her seat and immediately crossed her legs.
Twenty minutes later Shannon had a naughty idea she was going to give her bladder a little test. Slowly she opened her legs and sat there for a minute with them open. Immediately her pee rushed to the very edge of her peehole and her legs started shaking violently with the effort of holding. Her science teacher was dictating notes to the class and, everyone was busily writing them down. Shannon bit her lower lip and tried to write with the rest of the class while under the table her peehole quivered, fighting to hold back the flood of pee bursting to erupt from its prison.
Five minutes later Shannon was trying to write her notes, her legs still open and shaking, but her writing kept getting messier and messier as her shaky hand tried to write what her teacher had put on the overhead projector. “Fuck I gotta piss sooooo bad,” Shannon kept muttering to herself through gritted teeth. Then suddenly it happened, a quick one–second burst of pee shot its way past her tightly clenched peehole and into her white cotton panties. Shannon made a little squeak and immediately crossed her legs tightly cutting off the flow.
She looked around the room to see if anyone was staring at her, but to her great relief everyone was too busy writing their notes to pay any attention to her. A little while later Shannon looked up at the clock on the wall. It was 2:40; her class would be done in 5 minutes. She kept saying to herself she could do it she could do it and gave herself another quick squeeze when she thought no one was looking.
The bell finally rang signaling the end of class and Shannon quickly gathered her books and her bag and waited for everyone, including the teacher, to leave the class. Shannon knew getting up out of her seat was going to be a very perilous endeavor and didn’t want anyone to see her try and stand up to leave. When she did she had to put her hand in her pocket and put her index and middle finger of her left hand directly on her peehole while using her right to put her books into her bag and lift it onto her shoulder. The strain of lifting her bag nearly made her lose it but Shannon somehow managed to maintain her control.
When she had everything under control Shannon took up her now quarter empty bottle of water– the 8th and final one for the day, and made her way quickly to her final class. Despite her now monstrously full bladder Shannon tried her little bladder test again near the end of her final class, this time it felt as though the pee was punching at her peehole violently protesting to get out. Shannon was in so much pain but still she smiled a naughty smile because she loved the pain so much. Her legs were shaking even more than before under her desk and as a result her body was quivering. Her nipples were fully erect with the excitement she was feeling and she so wanted to put her hand in her damp panties and rub herself to a blinding orgasm.
Shannon managed to keep her legs open for fifteen minutes this time, all the while taking large gulps from her bottle of water almost right until the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Shannon again waited for everyone to leave the class and this time had packed everything in her bag early leaving her water bottle out on her desk with the final swig of water in it. When everyone was gone Shannon picked up her school bag, left the class and, went straight to her locker to put something away. When Shannon went to open her locker she again stood with her legs apart to revel in some more bladder teasing.
She got her locker open but by accident she bumped the edge of the door into her overfilled bladder and sent a violent wave of pressure surging through it. Shannon immediately doubled over in pain as another 1 second jet hissed its way into her panties; this time running down the inside of her left leg and hitting her socks. She bounced a little, doing a small pee pee dance that again made her perfect C cups jiggle. Shannon looked around the hall to see if anyone was looking at her, but her locker was far away from everyone else in the hall and it looked like she might’ve gotten away with it again.
She snickered to herself, put her book away and, shut her locker and locked it. Shannon now walked through the hallway to the front of the school in complete agony her bladder felt like it had a huge bowling ball in it and was constantly throbbing. Shannon had never held this much before she was at the absolute limits of her bladder capacity and she loved it. Now all she had to do was get home and she could masturbate with her full bladder till she had a huge flood in the bowl. As she came up to the large glass doors leading out to the buses Shannon caught sight of the water fountain 20 feet away to the left of the door. Shannon knew she shouldn’t, she knew her bladder was so close to bursting already, but hey this was a day to test herself right? Besides, it was her birthday. So, with a little hesitation, Shannon pulled her water bottle out of her backpack and started filling it with water again.
Her bladder spasmed in protest as though it knew what she was about to do. Shannon simply smiled her devilish smile and while unconsciously shuffling from foot to foot in a sexy pee pee dance, she finished filling the bottle and immediately took a swig from it as she half walked and half hobbled through the front door of the school and towards the busses.
As Shannon approached her bus and was about to try and figure out how she was going to get up the stairs without completely pissing herself, Sarah came darting towards her. Sarah started talking to her about how she heard that Shannon was going to be shooting a movie with her brother and his hot friend Brad, and how excited she was for her. Shannon was so desperate at this point she had to keep her hand constantly in her pocket pressing on her throbbing pee hole while she held her water bottle in the other.
She could barely make out what Sarah was saying and responded only in mumbled one–word answers. Suddenly the bus engines started and Sarah said she had to go find her bus and she would call her before they went to the restaurant for her birthday. Sarah gave Shannon a big hug putting pressure on her throbbing bladder. Shannon winced in pain and let out a muffled squeak as another one second jet of pee escaped her grasp adding to the dampness already in her pants and panties and slightly dampening her fingers and the material of her pants pocket. Sarah was too excited to realize what had happened and quickly ran off in the direction of her bus leaving Shannon quivering with the effort of maintaining control of her bladder.
Shannon finally got it under control again and carefully made her way up the stairs and into the bus. She took a seat at the back of the bus and put her backpack on the seat beside her, blocking any view into her seat. She her purse on her lap and quickly jammed her hands between her legs. “Mmmmm,” Shannon exclaimed as the pressure subsided. With the added relief she got from her hand in her crotch Shannon sipped her now 9th bottle of water. For the entire 10–minute bus ride to her house Shannon clutched herself for all she was worth and dreamed of the orgasm she would soon have when she got home and was able to freely rub herself to ecstasy.
Finally her stop came. Shannon again put her hand in her pocket and started massaging her swollen clit with her fingers. She grabbed her backpack and hastily ran off the bus no longer caring who could see her plight. Shannon walked briskly down the street towards her house her bladder sending violent signals that it had to get rid of its contents. With every step Shannon got closer and closer to completely flooding her uniform. Then all of a sudden without warning Shannon started to pee uncontrollably, the hiss was so loud and, strong that she could probably hear it from space. Shannon started to run as fast as she could to her house, which was now a mere half block away.
Shannon peed in hissing spurts with every step she took for a full 20 seconds until she got to the doorstep of her house. She stopped and bent over double, jamming her hand into her crotch fighting to stop the flood of piss that was pouring out of her girlhood. Finally she was able to taper off the stream but not before her panties and black uniform pants were considerably wet.
Shannon still had to pee really badly but she was under control she looked down the street to see who might’ve seen her and the trail of wet marks she left on the sidewalk a good 80 feet from where she stood. Shannon didn’t see anyone on the street and smiled at the mess she had made and quickly pulled her house key out of her pocket. She ran up to the door and fumbled with the lock until she got the door open. Shannon then made a mad dash for the bathroom, about 10 feet down the hall, her hand still jammed between her legs, and when she was inside closed the door and locked it. Her bladder was pulsing under all the strain and was violently protesting the stoppage of the flow.
Shannon quickly ripped off her soaking pants and panties and sat on the bowl still holding the flood inside. She began rubbing herself furiously for the next 10 minutes then while still rubbing she exploded in a violent orgasm as pee started gushing out of her throbbing pussy and into the bowl below. “Mmmmmm, aahhhhhhhhh,” Shannon moaned as finally all that pent up pee rushed out of her– hissing and splattering loudly as it hit the bowl. As Shannon felt the intense relief of releasing her aching bladder she was also treated to a violent orgasm at the same time sending her to new levels of pleasure.
Shannon peed for over 2 mind–blowing minutes before the stream slowly tapered off and the final spurts came out. She sat there still rubbing herself to a second climax while using her free hand to massage her erect nipples. She panted for a few minutes taking in all the ecstasy she was feeling. A few minutes later she got off the toilet and gazed down at the yellow water in the bowl and smiled a devilish smile. Shannon flushed the toilet then showered and gathered her wet clothes off the ground taking them to the laundry room with her towel rapped around her still shivering teenage body.
Shannon threw her pee–stained clothes in the wash and started the machine, then walked around the house to see if anyone was home. She was pleasantly surprised when she realized no one was in the house. Probably out getting stuff ready for her birthday party she thought. Shannon went into the living room and turned on the T.V. She then reminisced over the day’s events. She had totally gotten away with her little plan and no one would know but her. With that her devilish grin returned. As she flicked through the channels Shannon chuckled while singing, “Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me– my uniform is dirty and it smells just like pee!”
By: Luv Desperation