The Start of Something...

By: Mag
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I should have gone at the cafe! Dammit! Someone had vandalised the loos at this– my home station! I had only just managed to jump on the tube before the doors shut, and I didn’t need to go too badly then. Besides I thought I could use the loo here. The sign said the nearest public toilet was at Nightingale Road. I knew where that was, but, it was half a mile in the opposite direction from home. It was just getting dark and I should have been home at 5 o’clock, it was now 5:15. Dammit! I would just have to hold it and walk the two miles home.
At 19 years old it seemed a bit much having to tell mum what time I would be home. But she worries, and it was only polite to tell her a time, I suppose. I had been sure I would have finished my shopping trip by 3ish. So the trip on the metropolitan line home should have taken 15 minutes, walk home 30 minutes, but one thing had led to another.
I had met a boy the previous weekend, and we had arranged to meet up in town, and we were in the caf’ by the station at 2:30. That’s when the time had run away! Before I had realised it the time was 4:30! I had tried not to rush our good bye as that would have been un–cool. So we walked across to the station, and after the usual awkward start when you are that age, had a kiss and cuddle before the train arrived. I had realised then that it might be a good idea to go for a wee, but having to admit that to my new boyfriend would also have been un–cool. Besides I had been enjoying saying goodbye to Graham!
I had found a seat on the tube, it wasn’t too busy, and I dreamily watched the countryside slide past. My knickers were a bit wet, but not because I had peed in them. I had discreetly checked to see if it showed on the crotch of my jeans, it didn’t, I would have been surprised if it had…. but you never know. Now my thoughts turned to home, I would have to come up with an excuse for being late. Perhaps I would tell mum about Graham, but then she would want to meet him. Mum was ok, we got on really well but she would be inquisitive and ask all sorts of questions. Then start asking him round for Sunday dinner …Oh dear!
These worries were now beginning to fade into the background. I had been wrong footed by the closed toilets, but had quickly decided that walking would be better than just standing there re–reading the sign. Particularly as that would result in me eventually standing in a puddle, and I couldn’t stand still for long anyway! I have always liked to leave it to the last minute to go to the loo, and sometimes I had left it too long and had wet my knickers. These little ‘accidents’ were, I now realised, quite sexually arousing and I was quite excited right now! But before I had always done it in the bathroom or, occasionally, in the garden if no one was home. This was different, publicly wetting my knickers and jeans would be a new one for me if I didn’t get home in time.
The walk from the station would take me through a housing estate, then along a main road, eventually to a path, which would cut off the corner to the close where I lived. My mum would be waiting for me when I opened the door, wanting to know why I was so late. I would be desperate to get in the loo, probably be a bit short with her, and then we would have a squabble.
But first I had to get there without wetting my pants. Walking helped a bit, it’s like doing the pee dance, and I tried to take my mind off peeing. It was fully dark now, I kept an eye out for somewhere to quickly pull my jeans down and have a squat. There always seemed to be something that made it impractical. When I was just over halfway home things were becoming critical, but now I was on the main road. Perhaps I could make it to the path– that would be a possibility; I could have a quick pee there before I got home, but it was only a few yards from home. If I was that close to home I ought really to be able to wait until I got there.
I was just by the path. Not far now! I couldn’t relax though that would be fatal, well not fatal… Soggy. You know how it is when you have something pressing on your mind, you are not so aware of things around you. A lorry was coming from behind me, I was sort of aware of that; I just didn’t expect him to blow the horn. I must have visibly jumped! I did about a 4 or 5 second burst of wee in my knickers, it doesn’t sound like much but as I hobbled onto the path I could feel the warm wee soaking down the legs of my jeans. I leaned against the fence on one side of the path with my legs tightly crossed, feeling slightly panicky. I was unsure if I had stopped peeing at that point, my bladder felt fit to burst. Then I shivered involuntarily and began to wee uncontrollably.
There was quite a large puddle on the path by the time I regained control; my light blue jeans were wet all the way down my left leg and halfway down the right to the point where my legs were crossed. My left shoe was full of wee. I felt shocked and aroused at the same time, I really wanted to rub myself, but now I had to go home and face mum. What would I tell her?
“Where have you been… Oh are you alright?” The look on her face was priceless; I would have laughed if I weren’t so embarrassed. Fortunately only mum was home, she was very concerned at first. Then after I reassured her that I hadn’t been attacked, I had just been so desperate for a wee I had wet my knickers, she began to giggle. ‘Oh dear’ was all she could say, tears of laughter running down her face. I was getting even more embarrassed, I felt sure she would tell the whole family. I stormed off to the bathroom stripped off; finished doing the rest of my wee and then had a shower.
Half an hour later mum came in my room. “Sorry I laughed,” she said, “but you reminded me of how I was at your age. Do you still like waiting until the last moment before you go to the loo?” I was so shocked at the question I nodded, “sometimes” I admitted. “Yes, you and your sister have both inherited that from me,” she giggled again.
I was stunned! What could she mean? Had Carol and I inherited incontinence? The rest of the conversation was both a shock, and a relief. Mum told me that if it had been her tonight walking back from the station she would probably have wet herself long before I had. She told me that she had often wet her knickers. Ever since she was young it had made her “feel naughty” to be desperate and near the point of losing control. She and her sister, my aunt Cath, had often dared each other to wait as long as possible to go to the loo. The loo was outside at the farm they lived on and, if the weather were cold or wet, they would always wait until the last possible moment before both of them would dash across the yard. This would often end up in a fit of giggles and wet knickers for one or both of them!
I was a bit reluctant to be talking to my mum about things like that, but it was beginning to make sense. I had been quite ‘wet’ before I had actually peed in my knickers, and had been really aroused afterwards.
That night I couldn’t help thinking about my day, and what mum had revealed. I started to get aroused again.
Mum had said both my sister and me were like her, we had never discussed it between ourselves. Did Carol wet her knickers too, or just like holding it? What would she have said if she had been there this afternoon, and I had wet in front of her?
Being desperate and wetting my knickers did turn me on if I was honest, and I wanted to do it again. I began to imagine how I could purposely have an ‘accident.’ How naughty it would be to purposely set out to wet my knickers in front of someone? It would be nice to be able to be so open about it with Carol, like mum and my aunt had been. I thought she would probably be horrified if I dared her to a game of hold it!
Sarah, my best friend, was always open about needing a wee, or saying she was going to wet herself when we were laughing about something. I didn’t know if she had actually wet a bit, I know I had sometimes. Would I dare to talk to her about it?
Perhaps I could.
Really wet now! My fingers were between my legs, working away. Wouldn’t be long now, I was so excited!
By: Mag