Martin C. - with permission from shygirl69

1 stories

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Near Death Desperation
By: Martin C. - with permission from shygirl69 (31 Aug 2007, Friday)

This is a story I have taken, with permission, from a Scottish lady known as shygirl69. It is a work of fiction based on her very true events!! I have told it in the first person as if it was sally from my earlier stories. Lucy is the real friend of shy girl!! I hope you enjoy it!!! It all started when a friend and I had to fly from Scotland to London for work. We were running late leaving the office to catch the plane. I had said to Lucy that I was bursting for the loo, and she said that she needed to go too, but she said the taxi was waiting and there was no time because we were running late so we had to leave now! I'm good at holding it in so I thought – what the hell. Anyway by the time we make it to the…

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