Chloe's Hell

By: Martin C.
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Chloe was an 18–year–old girl, who was studying for her A levels at a very strict school in England. She lived with her 3 older brothers who were very highly sexed and loved seeing girls bursting for a pee. They also lived with her parents who knew nothing of their sons’ peculiar pastime and were very prim and proper. They would think that the sight of an 18 year old wetting her pants was an absolute disgrace, and could not even imagine that anyone could ‘get off’ on such a thing.
Well one Friday evening the brothers decided that it would be amazing to contrive a plan, working together to make Chloe absolutely desperate for a pee, and then ultimately wee in her knickers in public.
When Monday morning came Chloe’s alarm sounded at 7.30am. This was normal as she had to catch the bus at 8.15 and 45 minutes was more than ample. She got out of bed at 7.40 and made her way to the bathroom, where she found Dan, her eldest brother with the door bolted.
She shouted through to him that she had to get ready for school and he would have to hurry up, but he replied that he was in the bath and she would just have to wait. At 8.00 he emerged, but by this time Chloe had gone back to her room to get dressed for school. She was looking for some clean knickers to put on, but when Dan knocked on her door to say the bathroom was free she just threw on the ones she had worn yesterday, pulled on her short skirt, and ran out of her door, only to see Chris, her youngest brother dash across the landing with a huge grin on his face, into the bathroom, and bolt the door. She shouted to him, but he said he ‘needed a poo’ and would be about 10 minutes. Chloe glanced at her watch, her bus would arrive in about 7 minutes, she had to go, or she would be late for school. She could feel a slight twinge in her bladder, but thought she would easily be able to go when she got to school, and if not she would be able to hold it until first break at 10.00. So off she went to the bus stop. Her bus arrived at 8.20, 5 minutes late. Chloe cursed this, as she would only have 2 or 3 minutes between arriving at school and needing to be in registration, but thought she would still have time for a quick pee, if only this damned bus would get a move on. What Chloe couldn’t see was that Steve, her third brother, was directly in front of the bus, with L–plates (Learning to Drive) on his car, driving at some 20 miles an hour. He did this all the way to Chloe’s school, meaning the bus arrived at 9.03. Chloe glanced at her watch again. She was meant to be in registration at 9, she was late, and would have to go straight there.
She could feel a need to pee, but was by no means desperate, and it wouldn’t be too much of a problem she thought, she could just hold it until 1st break, it was only an hour away. She had only drunk a glass of OJ in the morning so it shouldn’t be a problem at all. Well, Chloe sat through the first lesson of the day without much trouble at all. A couple of times she had squeezed her thighs together, but just for comfort– she wasn’t anywhere near to losing control. As the bell sounded for their 20 minute morning break Chloe stood up and raced straight to the girls’ toilets. When she arrived she could hear a lot of arguing and as she went to open the door to the girls’ loos, Mr. Hardacre, the headmaster stopped her.
“I’m sorry Chloe you can’t use the toilet, I’m afraid.”
“What, why…” stammered Chloe.
“The water board phoned 5 minutes ago I’m afraid, and there is a problem with the drainage, they say that none of the toilets are to be used until further notice.”
This had, of course, not been the water board, but Chloe’s brother, as this was all part of their plan, but the school didn’t know that.
Chloe looked stunned, “So when will I be able to pee, I haven’t peed all day sir, I really need to!”
“I’m sorry Chloe,” said Mr. Hardacre, “but it’s out of my hands, they said it should be fixed by lunch time, I guess you’ll just have to wait until then.”
Chloe was furious and her need seemed worse now that relief had been so close; she had actually touched the toilet door she was that close, but she thought she could probably still make it until lunchtime. She had to, as really there was no other option. So Chloe trudged off to biology, her next class, with a really full–feeling bladder. She sat down at the back of the class next to Chris, Dan’s best mate, who said to her “Are you alright Chloe, you look a bit flushed there?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” stammered Chloe, too embarrassed to share her plight.
“Oh good,” said Chris, “because look what I’ve smuggled in!” He opened his bag and there was a half bottle of vodka there. Chloe looked at it and shuddered. She had often shared a few chugs of vodka at the back of class out of sight of the teacher– she wasn’t an alcoholic or anything, she just liked to look big in front of her brothers’ friends. She never wanted to be the one to wuss out. However, today, vodka was the last thing she needed, and from past experience she knew that alcohol passed straight through her. She had often come to the end of science bursting for the loo with her legs tightly crossed, and today she was starting the lesson in that state. About half an hour into the lesson Chris opened the vodka, took a big swig, and passed it straight to Chloe. By this stage she was desperate. She hadn’t peed since the night before, some 11 hours earlier, and still had an hour to go in this classroom, but she still couldn’t bring herself to say no and become a laughing stock, so she took the vodka a drank some of it. 20 minutes later the vodka had come her way four different times and she was desperate. Her legs were crossed as tightly as she could cross them, she had a strong residual ache in her stomach, and she was beginning to involuntarily grind her young virgin pussy into the chair. Chris looked over to her, and she made a conscious effort to stop it.
“Are you sure you are OK, you look ill or something?”
“No, I’m fine!” said Chloe through gritted teeth.
In actual fact she was anything but fine. Her whole world was centered on her pee hole and being able to release the pressure building up inside her.
She was getting really desperate now, and was almost in a trance. She was soon shaken out of this, though, when her teacher, Mrs. Bell, shouted her name.
“Yes Mrs. Bell,” said a startled Chloe.
“Have you been paying attention to anything I’ve said?”
“Yes Mrs. Bell,” she blushed.
“Well then missy,” said Mrs. Bell, “why don’t you come up here and explain to us all about the workings of the human kidney?”
Chloe had no choice; she gave her tortured pussy a squeeze and stood up, mincing to the front of the class, where she stood with legs squeezed together hard, drenched with sweat.
“Well then,” said Mrs. Bell, “what is the main function of the kidney?”
“Um, erm,” stammered Chloe, she had no idea as she had not been paying attention at all.
URINE, Chloe, URINE, the kidneys make pee, have you not listened to a word I’ve said? You take water in, it goes through the nephrons, then is changed into urine, filtered into the bladder, and then you pee. What did you think happened?
Something magic, when you sat on a toilet it just kind of made you go, is that what you thought? Sit down Chloe; we’ll talk about this at lunchtime, when we review just why you feel the need to do Biology A level anyway if you refuse to listen in class.”
Chloe couldn’t believe it; she was on the verge of wetting her knickers, standing in front of the whole class, with her teacher shouting words like urine, pee, and toilet at her. The autosuggestion was immense, and then she was being told she wouldn’t be let out at lunchtime. She sat back on her chair, and her hand darted immediately to her pussy, pressing hard on her peehole, just seconds, it felt, before she would lose control. She looked at her watch with tears in her eyes, 15 minutes left until lunch. She sat there enduring the worst desperation of her life, and she couldn’t even hold her pussy, because Mrs. Bell kept angrily looking at her. Those last 15 minutes seemed to last an eternity and when the bell rang she was beside herself. Everyone stood up and left the room, leaving, poor desperate Chloe, sitting there alone with Mrs. Bell, frantic for a wee.
“Well then, Miss,” shouted Mrs. Bell at her. “Can you explain that little performance?”
Chloe blushed deeply, and pushed her hand hard into her crotch. “Yes miss,” she said sheepishly. “I need a wee so desperately, I have never been this desperate before in my life. I’m sorry, I couldn’t go before I came to school, as my brother was in the bathroom, and then my bus was late. Then the girls’ toilets were closed at break, and I’m sorry, but I’m bursting for a wee so badly that I’m just about doing it in my knickers!”
“Please just let me wee, and then I’ll do anything you ask!”
“Oh Chloe,” said Mrs. Bell. “I’m so sorry, you poor thing, how long is it since you last went?”
“About 12 hours, Mrs. Bell,” cried Chloe. “PLEASE, PLEASE just let me go!”
“Yes, yes of course Chloe, off you go, you must be bursting, I’m sorry for screaming at you.”
Chloe stood up and immediately pressed both hands into her aching pussy. “Thank you!” she said while rubbing furiously, and then she took one hand away to pick up her bag, grabbed it and made a dart for the door.
As she hurriedly grabbed her bag, they both heard a loud crash, and Chloe desperately turned to see the bottle of vodka on the floor. Chris had put it on top of her bag when he had left, as he had been briefed to do, and then run off to tell Dan how Chloe was holding out.
As soon as Mrs. Bell saw the vodka she flew into a rage. “Oh my lord Chloe, no wonder you need a wee, you have been drinking in my class, I can’t believe I fell for that 12 hour rubbish, you just wanted me to let you out because you are drunk! Well, I’ve got news for you missy, you are going nowhere, sit down and I’ll contact your mother and while we are waiting we will have a lesson on the functions of the kidney.” She turned and left the room locking it behind her.
Chloe couldn’t believe it, she was on the verge of pissing herself locked in a classroom, and her teacher had now gone to phone her mum. She frantically started kneading at her pussy, putting both her hands inside her knickers. She was beside herself with desperation. Scanning the room for a place to pee discreetly, she saw her salvation. In the corner of the room there was a sink, next to a window, however, but she didn’t care, she just had to pee, she just had to, her mum would be mortified if her little girl wet her panties at the age of 18. She pulled her knickers off where she sat, and staggered to the sink, her modesty only protected by a small skirt, she was still rubbing at her pussy as she arrived at the sink. She glanced out of the window at the students walking past but they weren’t looking in, they were all engrossed in their own conversations. Chloe was desperate; she was kneading frantically wondering how to would hoist herself onto the sink. It didn’t matter how, she had to try– so she swung up her leg onto the side and pulled herself up using the taps, all the while pushing her free hand hard into her aching pussy. She heard Mrs. Bell’s key in the door, but it didn’t matter; she had to pee, she would deal with the consequences later. She hoisted her skirt up around her waist, and fell backwards onto the sink. The door swung open and Mrs. Bell was greeted by the sight of Chloe, with tears streaming down her face, dirty knickers on the floor, skirt round her waist, legs spread open, and tight little virgin pussy open for all to see. Chloe started to release her pent up pee, with a massive pressure, but Mrs. Bell screamed at her.
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A TOILET??” She ran across the room, pressing her own hand hard into Chloe’s crotch, shouting, “I told you not to pee, and I meant it, stop it at once!”
Chloe clenched her muscles as hard as she could, and it was harder to stop now she had started than it had been to sit in desperation. She was in agony.
“Please Mrs. Bell, please,” cried Chloe. “I am in so much pain, I just need to wee, let me go to the toilet if you won’t let me wee here, I’m bursting!”
“You have just had some relief Chloe, it can’t be that bad now, so sit back down, your mother is on her way to collect you, and you will not leave this room until she gets here.”
“Please, Mrs. Bell, I hardly peed at all, it was just a quick blast, there is so much more to come out, I don’t think I can keep it inside me, I’m bursting.”
Mrs. Bell grabbed Chloe’s arm and pulled her off the sink, led her back to her seat, and picked up her panties off of the floor. Chloe looked at her, biting her lip, both hands pushing hard into her pussy. Mrs. Bell took the panties and put the gusset to her face, taking a long hard sniff and then looked at Chloe. “You cannot be that desperate for a wee. If you were really that bad why were you drinking vodka in my class, didn’t you know that would make you worse, and if you really were on the brink of losing control then these panties would be soaked with pee. Every woman knows that if you are bursting there are little spurts that leak out before the dam bursts, so to speak. All these panties smell of is pussy juice; it smells like you were getting quite horny.”
“Exciting is it, drinking vodka in my class, it makes you wet does it?”
“No Mrs. Bell, please I need a wee, those panties smell because I wore them yesterday too, please, please,” she stammered. “I just want to have a pee.”
“Rubbish,” snarled Mrs. Bell, “your lying is going to make your plight worse. Put these back on,” she said, handing Chloe the knickers. Chloe did as she was told, but she had to let go of her pussy to do so, and an almighty urge came over her. Chloe gasped audibly and almost punched herself in the pussy she was that frantic to control herself.
“Now drink the rest of that vodka Chloe, and stop being so melodramatic.” “What…why…no, I can’t…Please I want to wee,” cried a startled Chloe.
“It wasn’t a question, young girl. DRINK THE VODKA NOW. You sit there lying to me, telling me you need a wee, and I’ll show you what it is to need a wee, and besides, I told your mum you were drunk, so you may as well be when she arrives.”
Chloe looked at the bottle, it was still about a quarter full, and she knew how quickly it would hit her bladder.
“Please ma’am, no, please don’t do this to me.”
“Chloe dear, I said drink the vodka.”
Chloe took the vodka and started to chug it down. She had to stop three or four times to dig her other hand into her crotch, it was getting to the stage where she needed both her hands free to control herself. She was crying uncontrollably and was absolutely beside herself with desperation. She could not believe it was possible for her to hold it this long, but she was nearly losing control. 5 minutes passed and her hands hadn’t stopped rubbing at her pussy, it was red raw, but the constant urge just never left her. Mrs. Bell had just been pacing round the room silently, saying things like “you’ve already had a wee in my sink, you can’t need to go again.”
But Chloe did need to go, she had barely even eased the pressure at the sink, and she was really bursting, then without warning Mrs. Bell turned on one of the taps at the sink. The sound of running water was too much for Chloe and she suddenly lost control, just for a second, squirting strongly into her panties. “AARRGGHH,” she screamed, “Ma’am please, I’m peeing my panties, don’t you care I’m going to wet myself, I need a wee so bad?” Mrs. Bell saw Chloe’s mother approaching through the window, so she quickly turned off the tap and sat at the front of the room. Chloe was in a mad panic. The first squirt was making her panties stick to the folds of her labia, and the feeling of wetness on her clitoris felt so good, she was still frantically rubbing herself. She was getting seriously horny. She didn’t know if she was going to piss or cum– probably both if she carried on like this.
At that moment her mum flew in through the door and glared at Chloe.
“I’m sorry about this, Mrs. Bell,” she said, “I’ve never seen her like this before.”
“That’s OK,” said Mrs. Bell. “I’ve dealt with this sort of thing before. I caught her drinking vodka in my class. Look, she’s emptied the bottle– I think she’s drunk, and when I came back from phoning you I found her seated on my sink peeing furiously, and when I tried to stop her she redirected her flow and peed on my hand, look.”
Mrs. Bell’s hand was still wet from when she grabbed Chloe’s desperate pussy in midflow.
“I then made her sit down and she was openly masturbating in front of me, I think she was getting quite aroused. I’m sorry but your daughter is out of control.”
“Chloe, I cannot believe what I am hearing, young lady,” screamed her mother, “stand up at once and apologize to Mrs. Bell.”
“No mum, please, she’s lying, I need a wee, I’m desperate, and I’m about to do it in my knickers. I am not masturbating, I am just bursting for the toilet, and she made me drink the vodka, honestly. Please let me go to the toilet mummy,” she pleaded.
“This is pathetic,” scorned her mum, “I can see you have already had a wee in this sink here, so you can’t be that desperate can you?”
“I never peed in the sink mum, she wouldn’t let me.”
“Oh, so she urinated onto her own hand did she? I’ve never heard anything this repulsive in my life, get into my car now.”
“Please mum I want a wee, I’m weeing my knickers, don’t make me wee my knickers,” she cried, bending double and pushing her hands into her crotch.
“I said, get out of this building and into my car at once,” and with that she grabbed Chloe’s arm and started to pull her through the corridors of the school. Chloe was losing control. She was being marched through her school by her mum, and had now lost the use of one of her hands, only being able to press into her peehole with one and was killing her, and as they approached the front doors of the school Chloe released another quick squirt of schoolgirl pee into her panties.
“Please mum, slow down, I’m wetting myself,” she said, not caring who heard.
As they walked out of the building Chloe’s brother, Dan greeted them. He claimed to have been walking past and saw his mum’s car so he wanted a lift. The first thing that struck him was just how desperate his sister looked.
“Of course you can have a lift, love,” said his mum. “They have just caught Chloe drinking in school, and she is trying to contrive some story about needing a toilet to get herself out of trouble. I’m not quite sure how she thinks it will work, but it is pathetic.”
“Please mum,” cried Chloe, tears rolling down her face, “please, I’m not lying, you have to let me pee, I have never been this desperate in my whole life.”
“Just get into the car, Chloe,” scorned her mother.
So Chloe’s mum went off driving with a very desperate Chloe and a very excited Dan in the back.
As the 10–minute drive home began Chloe could feel herself on the brink. She was crying uncontrollably, and grinding her hand furiously into her crotch.
“Mummy,” she pleaded, “Mummy I want a wee, I need a wee, please stop the car, I’ll squat on the street– I’m going to wet my knickers, please mum.”
“Oh Chloe behave, we’ll be home in 10 minutes and you can pee there if it’s that bad. Don’t think this will get you off the hook though, young lady.”
“Mum I can’t wait,” she begged, as another spurt jetted into her knickers, “I am going to wee in my panties.”
“Chloe, you are 18 years old now, you can control your bladder, now just hold it in and stop whining, you can go to the toilet when we get home, you are sounding like a 3 year old, I am not stopping this car for you, and will you stop touching yourself for heaven’s sake. Your brother is sitting next to you, and sure he doesn’t want to see you feeling yourself up.”
“Mum please, I need a wee, it’s the only way I can keep it in.”
“Stop holding yourself at once!” shouted her mum.
This was too much, as soon as she took her hands away from her frantic pussy a strong 3–second blast of pee shot into her knickers with a loud hiss, audible to all in the car. Dan’s erection was straining in his trousers; he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Mum,” he said with a hint of glee in his voice, “I think Chloe just weed in your car.”
“Chloe, what do you think you are doing?” but it was too late, Chloe was beyond the point of no return.
Another 2–second blast caused her to physically shudder trying to control it, and then she just involuntarily parted her thighs and relaxed. Her pent up pee shot out into her already wet knickers and started to form a puddle around her, the car stunk of schoolgirl pee, but Chloe was in a trance, the relief felt so good, the relief of finally being able to release her pee, and with the feeling of warm wetness as her panties clung tightly to her girlhood, she rapidly approached orgasm. It was only as her powerful stream dwindled that she realized where she was. Her mother was screaming at her about peeing in her car and not being such a baby. Chloe didn’t care though, she felt like nothing mattered now that the dreadful pain had subsided. She muttered an apology to her mum and told her that she had begged to go to a toilet but wasn’t allowed.
Chloe was made to clean the car out, and pay for the seats to be dry cleaned, and was given a stern lecture from her parents about drinking and self–control. Dan went home to masturbate furiously, and later that night, while his sister was being punished he snuck into her room and stole her peed in panties. For the brothers it was an amazing success, they couldn’t have envisaged how much Mrs. Bell had laid into their hands. It was an amazing day for them, and one they vowed to repeat!
Martin C.