Sally's Desperate Coach Ordeal

By: Martin C.
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Please note that this story is based on a real event that happened, which I have posted details of on the wet set message board. This story is elaborated, with a slightly different turn of events. Hope you like it.
Sally was a highly attractive 18–year–old working in a fast food restaurant in the north of England. She attracted attention from all the boys, but had a steady boyfriend, Dave, who was a manager at the restaurant. Tonight it was an awards night and about 20 people from Sally’s restaurant were attending. The company was organizing a coach to take them to the nightclub and drop them off again afterwards. It was going to be great.
Sally had decided not to get too drunk tonight as she was working the following morning, so she decided to stick to lager, rather than her usual vodka and lemonade. She finished college at 4:30 and rushed home to get ready. She went into her front door and straight to the fridge grabbing a can of lager. She knew 3 of her girlie friends were coming round to meet her at 6:30, so she had about an hour and a half. She went to her wardrobe and decided what to wear. She couldn’t decide between a short micro skirt and tight trousers that really showed off her ass. She decided on the trousers, finished off her lager, and went for a shower. Whilst in the shower she took the opportunity to pee; she did this quite often– she just stood under the water and let it run down her legs. This always turned her on a little bit, and as she started soaping her thighs and pussy she could feel that familiar tingle. She was getting horny. Dave was definitely in for a treat tonight, she thought to herself as she finished up showering and wrapped a towel around herself, running down to the fridge to grab another beer. She drank it, as she was getting ready. She put on the tightest pair of grey trousers you had ever seen, and a little white top, which showed off her 32B chest. She knew she didn’t have big breasts, although they too drew admiring glances from many boys, commenting on there pertness, but she knew it was her ass that really got the guys going. She couldn’t afford a VPL so she decided to wear a tiny little thong. When she was ready she looked at herself in the mirror, damn she looked hot.
Just then there was a knock at the door, so she flicked out the light and ran downstairs, to see Gemma, Annie and Lucy, her best friends from work at the door. They too had made an effort, and these four girls were bound to turn some heads tonight, thought Sally to herself. She handed each of the girls another can of lager and they set off walking to the restaurant to meet the coach. When they got to work, the coach was there but no one was boarding so they all nipped inside to get rid of their empty cans. Annie announced, “I could do with a pee, lager always goes straight through me,” and darted to the single ladies toilet in the staff room. Sally went across and stood outside it to go next, she wasn’t desperate, but thought she should go before she got on the coach. A couple of minutes later and Sally’s boyfriend Dave came into the room. Sally ran across to the door and hugged him, just as Annie came out of the toilet. “Come on you lot,” declared Dave “The coach is waiting.” “Just gotta take a pee before we go,” said Gemma, “You four go on ahead, don’t let him leave without me!” “OK,” said Dave, “C’mon girls,” and Dave left the room. Sally thought about waiting to use the loo after Gemma, but figured that it was only going to be about 40 minutes till they got there, so she could wait easily. So she followed Dave out of the room, along with Lucy, whom everybody knew had a bladder of steel, and Annie. When they got to the coach the only two seats together were right at the back, “C’mon babe” whispered Dave, “lets grab those,” and led her to the back seat. Sally sat down and took a look around, the coach was going to be pretty full, and a couple of people had carrier bags full of lager cans, there was a lot of laughing and joking going on, it was going to be a good night. Dave reached over and put his had on Sally’s knee. Sally looked him in the eye and said “Dave, I want a wee, do you think I should go before we set off?” “Don’t be daft” said Dave “It’s not far and you will hold everyone up, you will be OK.” At that moment Gemma got on the coach, and sat right in front of Sally next to another manager, Mark, who was one of Dave’s mates. “OK, lets go,” said the driver, and with that they set off. About 5 minutes into the journey, Mark started to give out lager. He turned and gave one to Dave, then offered one to Sally, who was now one of only 3 people on the coach not drinking. “Oh, I’m OK, thanks Mark,” said Sally “I’ll just wait till we get to the club.” “Ah go on,” said Mark, “Don’t be such a spoilsport” echoed Dave, “Are we out to have a good time or what?” “OK then” said Sally, “but I’m only having one.” She was acutely aware now of her need to pee, and didn’t want to add any more pressure to her bladder, so she quickly slugged down the can and crossed her legs. “Dave” she whispered “How long are we going to be? I really want a wee, and it’s getting quite urgent now! Its not far is it?” Mark swung round and said “You really should have gone before we left Sal, it is an hour ride, we’ll be there in about 45 minutes, you can hold on that long, can’t you?” Sally blushed a deep red, embarrassed that all those around her now knew her discomfort. “Course I can Mark,” she replied, “What do you think I am a little girl?” Inwardly Sally screamed, she was reaching desperation and wasn’t sure she could hold on another 45 minutes.
Another 15 minutes passed, and by then Sally was desperate “are we nearly there?” she whispered to Dave. “Its not far now, love,” he replied, “don’t worry, you’ll be OK.” Then without warning the coach stopped. “Are we there, can we get off?” asked Sally, but a look out of the window merely confirmed they were in the middle of nowhere. “What’s happening?” she asked. “Toilet break” shouted the driver, and got off the coach. Sally almost died. “Is he having a laugh? He can’t be serious!” But another glance out of the window confirmed that he was as the headlights of the coach illuminated a thick stream off urine gushing from his cock. “You bastard,” yelled Kate, an older lady from further down in the coach– “I need a piss too, we all need a fucking piss, we can’t do that.” Sally was hitting new waves of desperation. “I want a wee, I need a wee, I must have a wee,” she said out loud. “Just get out and squat,” said Dave “if it really is that bad you will feel better for it.” “OOO GOD Dave, its tempting, it really is, I NEED a wee, but everyone will see me.” She moaned “O fuck it, I’m sorry, but I have to go, I’m getting out Dave or I think I’ll wet myself” with this she stood up, with one hand pressed into her crotch. “Jesus” yelled Mark from in front of her. “Sally’s gonna squat, who wants to see Sally’s pussy?” “Oh please don’t,” cried Sally. “I just need a wee, please don’t watch me, I’m bursting,” and she started to hobble down the coach, kneading at her pussy, with a new intensity brought on by the thought of relief. When she got to the front of the coach she realized that there was a parked car full of students in front of them, with the driver chatting on a mobile. ‘Shit’ she thought to herself, I’m going to have to go to the back of the coach, God I’m bursting, I must let it out.’ She hopped off the coach and started hobbling towards the back. At that moment another coach pulled in behind them and opened its doors, and what looked like a rugby team got out, pulled out their knobs and started to piss. “Oh no,” cried Sally “I can’t squat here, not now, they will all see me.” Just then the engine started and the driver hopped out, “come on love, hurry it up, we’ve not got all day!” “Shit,” said Sally and got back on the coach. She couldn’t believe how close she had been, or how badly she wanted to go. As she got back onto the coach everyone was laughing at her. “Sally is a little girl, Sally’s going to pee her pants,” was the chorus that met her. She was bright red as she made her way back to her seat and sat down next to Dave, the momentary relief she felt from sitting lasting only about a second. “What am I going to do Dave?” She said, “I NEED a wee, I am bursting, why did that other coach turn up, I JUST WANT A WEE! Help me Dave, I was so close, I thought I was going to be able to let it out, I thought I was going to be able to pee, I’M BURSTING!” “Just hold on Babe,” said Dave, “You can do it, I know you can, I know it hurts but your strong Sal, come on, just hold on!”
Another twenty minute passed, and Sally was somehow still holding on. She had a hand pressed into her crotch and was constantly letting out little moans and yelps, as the coach hit bumps in the road. Dave was sat with his arm round her, as the coach stopped at a red light. Sally looked up, “Why are we stopping?” she asked “Are we there, can I get off now, can I go to the toilet, I want a wee, please let me get off and wee!” “OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE, IT’S A RED FUCKING LIGHT!!” screamed Kate from near the front of the coach “Will you just shut up? I want a piss, I am bursting for a piss, and you’re little commentary of how much you want to wee isn’t helping me. You aren’t the only person who needs to piss on this bus, and I doubt if you are even that desperate, try holding in your piss after you’ve had 3 kids, it hurts darling, we all want to piss, so please just shut your little fucking mouth and cross your pretty little legs, you stupid little girl!” “HERE, HERE,” came the response from voices around the coach. “Yeah, come on Sal,” said her friend Annie, “we are all bursting, you had your chance when you got off to squat and held us all up, it’s not our fault you changed your mind, you can’t have been as desperate as you were making out, just looking for attention as always!” Sally started to sob. “Oh my God Dave, did you hear that. I want a wee Dave, they have no idea, I want to wee so much, I’ve had my legs crossed for over half an hour, the only way I can stop it coming out is to hold my fanny Dave. I need to wee so bad it hurts, they can’t need to go as much as me, it isn’t possible to be more desperate than this, Annie even went before we set off, the little bitch. OH GOD, I just want a wee!”
Five minutes later and a silence had descended on the coach; everyone now wanted to go. Four girls were openly holding themselves and the rest were biting their lips, jigging up and down, then something incredible happened. The driver pulled into the bus station and parked. He stood up and said, “Sorry people this is as far as I go. The club is straight down this road, take the first left and you cant miss it.” “FUCK OFF” shouted Kate “you can’t be serious, we all need a toilet badly, you can’t expect us to walk” “Sorry love,” he said, “company policy, all the public lavatories close at 7 round here as well because of vandalism.” “OH NO, cried Sally “I can’t do it, I’m going to wet myself.” Then people started to get off. Andy, a young lad was first off, declaring, “Fuck this I need to go.” He stepped out into the busy bus station and pulled out his penis, and just let it go. “Ahhh, thank God, I couldn’t wait, I had to let it go.” The girls were going crazy at him, then Annie spotted an alley, “Quick, over there, girls,” she said and started to run towards it followed by 4 other girls, including Sally, who could now manage no more than a bent double hobble. Annie reached it first and before she was even into the alley she had her short skirt up round her waist. This attracted the attention of a security guard who started to head over to them. Annie almost sprinted round the corner and pulled the crotch of her white cotton panties to the side, revealing her perfectly shaven pussy. She dropped to a squat and immediately started an incredible gush of piss, which blasted against the pavement. Two more girls, including a young Asian girl and Lucy, who was famed for her bladder of steel, immediately joined her. The Asian girl’s stream was even stronger than Annie’s, and she was moaning to almost orgasmic levels, and Lucy had her trousers around her ankles and was just pissing a steady stream. Sally and Kate arrived at the alley at the same time as the security guard who followed them round the corner. “GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO, GOTTA GO!” cried Sally, pulling at the waistband of her trousers. “I don’t think so,” said the guard sternly. Annie and the Asian girl had now finished and stood up, Lucy was still peeing strongly trying to cover herself. The ground was awash with piss. The sight was too much for Sally, who let a quick spurt go into her thong. “Oh please,” she begged the guard, “I need a wee, please let me wee, I’m wetting myself, and she started to ease down her trousers.” “I’m sorry girls,” said the guard, “but public urination is a criminal offence. If you pull down those trousers any more you will be arrested, and if you don’t stop urinating this second, you will join her,” he said to Lucy. Lucy found it incredibly hard to stop now she had started but managed to stop and get dressed. “Now on your way ladies, and if I or any of my colleagues sees any of you doing this again, you WILL be arrested.” “PLEASE,” said Kate, “just turn a blind eye, ignore Sally, I am desperate, just let me piss, I need to piss,” and as she said it, she did just that. Piss erupted from under her skirt with an audible hiss. She bent over and dropped her panties to her knees. “I want to do that, let me, I NEED A WEE TOO!” Pleaded Sally. “NO WAY!” commanded the guard. “Pull up your knickers this instant or I will,” he said to Kate. “I’m sorry,” sighed Kate, “I can’t stop it coming out.” “In that case you can piss your pants like the little girl you obviously are,” said the guard, walking over to Kate and pulling her knickers up hard into her crotch causing her to scream out. He then took the hem of her skirt and pushed it up into her pussy, which was still exploding with a torrent of piss. “FUCK YOU,” screamed Kate “You can’t do that, it is indecent assault, I’ll fucking sue you, I can’t stop it coming out, you are ruining my skirt, let go of me.” “Sorry love,” replied the security guard, “But you are guilty of public urination, indecent exposure, and failing to follow the instructions of a security official, one word out of you and you will go down. I didn’t make you piss your pants, a woman of your age should be able to control herself, and if you get some cheap thrill out of pissing in public and revealing your hairy cunt to anyone who happens to walk by, then my God you deserve a wet patch on your skirt!” “You bastard” replied Kate “I don’t get a thrill out of this, I was fucking desperate, I reached this fucking alley because you bastards locked all the toilets. I get here to find you have allowed these girls to piss, and then you make me piss my pants. I have to stay like this for 5 hours now!”
Sally was watching all this unfold with disbelief. She was standing in a darkened alley; more desperate to pee then she had ever been in her life. She had just watched 3 girls squat in the gutter and piss gallons, and was being told by a security guard she was not allowed to do the same. As if to get his point across, he had just made an older lady wet her panties and skirt by physically holding them against her vagina as she lost control. She was bent double with her right hand down her pants kneading at her naked pussy, crying uncontrollably. “Please” she cried “Please let me wee, I don’t want to wet my pants, let me squat here, or open the toilet, just please let me wee before I explode.” “Sorry,” said the guard, “but you won’t be peeing in this bus station tonight, unless it is in your own pants, like your pathetic little friend over here. I suggest if you need to urinate as badly as you say you do, you stop wasting time talking to me and get yourselves to the nightclub you are going and utilize their facilities.” “C’mon, Sally,” said Annie, “we’ll get you there, this bastard won’t budge, lets go.” “I can’t make it, I’m going to wet myself, I need a wee so badly, why won’t he let me go, I NEED TO WEE!” cried Sally, but the other girls led her off. Every step was agony for Sally. She was walking hunched over with her hand pressed hard into her crotch. “I need a wee, I need a wee, I need a wee,” she was chanting under her breath. Kate was following behind; she was cold and very wet, trying to wipe her thighs with her skirt, complaining about the guard. Secretly she wanted Sally to lose control so that she wasn’t the only one with wet pants. The girls rounded the corner and could see the club ahead of them. The anticipation of relief caused Sally to release another quick jet of pee into her thong. “SHIT,” she swore out loud, “I’m starting to wet myself, I must get to a toilet.” As they approached the club it became obvious that there was a queue to get in. “Look at that,” said Kate “That queue is huge, I know I’m fucking soaking, but I’m glad I don’t have to wait desperately in that line.” “NOOOO,” cried Sally “I can’t do it, I just can’t.” She hobbled desperately up to the bouncer at the front of the line. “Please,” she cried, “I am bursting for the toilet, please let me in, if you let me wee I will come out here and queue afterwards, please don’t make me wet my pants.” “Well,” said the bouncer, “you do look pretty desperate, I suppose that is fair.” “You’re not serious,” screamed a girl near the front of the queue, as Sally hobbled past him, losing another squirt into the now visible wet patch. “I want to pee too, then,” cried another. “Me too, can I use the toilet and then queue, is that the new way?” added a third. Kate then added, “I’ve already wet myself, but could do with tidying up, can I go in as well?” “OK, OK,” said the guard “you can all queue up.” Sally was now searching for the toilet. Having gotten to the main club, relief was so close; she couldn’t believe she was still holding on. Then she saw it, the ladies’ room. ‘Thank God,’ she thought and darted for the door. Then, all of a sudden she heard a voice. “Sorry Love!” It was the bouncer, what was happening? She didn’t care she had to pee she was so close, another squirt released from her tightly clenched pussy. She carried on towards the door, as she reached out to open she felt a hand firmly on her shoulder. “You’ve caused a riot out there, darling,” said the bouncer, “you’re going to have to go back and join the queue.” “WHAT, NOOOOOOOOO, please God no, I NEED a wee, gotta pee, just let me pee, I will stand outside all night if you just let me have a wee, I’m weeing my knickers.” “Sorry love, no can do,” said the bouncer. Another spurt released itself, and Sally could feel it running down her thigh, she knew it was now or never. “Sorry,” she said hitting the bouncer in the balls, knocking him to the floor, and hobbling through the door. In the ladies room there were 3 stalls, and all were locked, with a young girl who looked about 17 waiting outside with her legs crossed. “I need a wee,” shouted Sally. “HURRY, please hurry, gotta pee,” just then the middle cubicle flushed and another young girl exited it Sally started to undo her trousers and ran for it, she could see the toilet, a small trickle of pee started coming out of her pussy. “I’m wetting my pants,” she shouted darting for the door pulling down her trousers, but the 17–year–old barged past her. “There is a fucking queue, you know,” she said, bolting the door in Sally’s face. Sally couldn’t stop the trickle this time she was wetting herself and she knew it, so she stood there in the middle of the ladies’ room and eased down her thong and trousers in the middle of the room, and squatted on the floor. A massive jet of pee immediately erupted from her. “Oh thank God,” she sighed “Oh the relief, oh God that feels good, I never thought I would be able to let it out, Oh it hurts.” About 20 seconds later she was still peeing full force when the bouncer came in. “You dirty little bitch, what the hell are you doing?” he said. Sally didn’t say a word, she was overcome with the relief she was feeling. “Stop that at once,” said the bouncer. “I’m sorry,” sighed Sally, I started to wet my pants, I’ve been bursting for so long, and no one would let me wee, I’m sorry!”
After some 90 seconds her pee stream died off and she stood up and hurriedly tugged up her thong and trousers, she was drenched, there was a wet patch right across her front and down her thighs, and her thong was sopping wet and sticking to the folds of her labia. She looked down and was shocked by the size of the puddle on the floor, and suddenly became acutely aware that the bouncer was speaking into his radio, and had witnessed the whole thing. Sally was arrested, and spent an uncomfortable night in the cells. But that is another story…hope you enjoyed this one!
Martin C.