Landing Strip

By: Medlam
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Suzy stared out the airplane window, fascinated by the slow transformation of rural landscape into sprawling suburbia. Soon, she would be home from her business trip to the opposite side of the country. Slowly, as her attention shifted back to the inside of the plane, she became aware that she had been jiggling her leg, subconsciously fighting back the urge to go to the bathroom.
To her left was her co–worker Jenna, who had also come along on the trip. Currently, she was asleep, her ample breasts rising and falling slowly in time with her breath. Her sleeping face, hidden slightly beneath her blond hair, was a soft mask of innocence, with a softer, rounder structure than Suzy’s own sharper–edged but still beautiful redheaded features. Seeing that sleeping baby–doll face, Suzy couldn’t bring herself to wake her up to go to the bathroom, so she resigned herself to trying to go back to sleep as well, hoping they’d touch down soon, and that she could relieve herself in the much less cramped airport bathroom.
She must have succeeded in drifting off, because suddenly she became aware of a stewardess asking Jenna, who was now awake, if she’d like a complimentary beverage. “Free booze?” She said, her face lighting up. “Alright! Two more white wines, then!” She nudged Suzy, who nodded and smiled, but cringed inwardly at the thought of more alcoholic liquid entering her system. She shifted uncomfortably as the stewardess lowered her tray and set the drink down for her.
Suzy decided to ignore the drink for the time being, and simply stared out the window again, watching the land below drift by. She truly loved flying, and it was such a rare experience for her that she was still completely absorbed by the beauty that could be seen out of the little square window.
“Quick! Finish your wine!” Suzy’s attention was jerked back to Jenna, who was motioning towards the stewardess returning down the aisle and collecting everyone’s plastic cups. Spurred on by her friend’s motivation, she downed the cup in a mere few gulps, then passed it to Jenna, who handed it to the stewardess with a big grin.
“Woo…that’s gonna be too much for me…I better go to the bathroom before we touch down.” Suzy folded up her seat–tray, and began to stand, as Jenna slowly did the same. Suddenly, a ringing noise interrupted her, and the captain’s voice filtered out through the cabin’s speakers.
“Lllllladies and gentlemen, this is your, uh… captain speaking. Wwwwe’re just approaching our destination, and have begun our descent. The local time is 2:32PM, and the weather is warm and sunny. Please notice that the seatbelt light has been turned on, and that all passengers must remain in their seats until the plane has landed and come to a complete stop.” A moment’s pause, then: “Cabin crew, please prepare for landing.”
Suzy’s eyes shot open in fear. She had just made it out into the aisle, and now she could even see the stewardess from earlier staring at her, shaking her head with an apologetic expression on her face. Reluctantly, she squeezed past Jenna once again, and returned to her seat. Finding her seatbelt, she re–buckled it, and gasped slightly as it put pressure on her bladder, which had clearly expanded since she last adjusted her seatbelt. She quickly readjusted it, and shot a desperate look towards Jenna, who grinned innocently.
The landing came and went mercifully quickly, though Suzy had to grip her seat and flex her legs quite hard to keeping the tremors of touchdown from jiggling her bladder too violently. Then there was the maddening interval while the plane taxied to the dock, and when the seatbelt light flicked off, she launched herself quite quickly out of her seat, jostling Jenna, who was growing more amused at her friend’s desperation. “Come on!” she snapped, grabbing her carry–on bag from the compartment above, and handing Jenna hers. “Hurry!”
Finally, after a tense few minutes of toe dancing along the aisle to the exit in the slow process of unloading the plane, Suzy and Jenna raced through the long hallway leading into the airport proper, where they met with a sight that rocked Suzy to the core. There, beneath the large “Washrooms” sign, was a large sign, crossed over with warning tape, stating that the bathrooms were closed, and that the nearest available alternative was on the opposite side of the airport.
“What? No way!” stated Jenna, whom Suzy was now beginning to suspect was taking a perverse pleasure in her distress. “We’re not gonna walk all that way! The doors are right over there! Look! There’s Bruce! Hi Bruce!!!” She waved excitedly at her boyfriend, whom she could see waiting on the opposite side of a set of sliding glass doors. Instantly, she ran out to him, leaving Suzy to follow. Her steps were growing shorter, and she resolutely fought the urge to press her hand into her crotch in front of this huge crowd of people. As quickly as she could, she made her way over to the happily reunited couple.
“Come on.” Said Jenna, waving Suzy onwards. “Bruce will drive us both home. Never mind the bathrooms…I’m sure they’re crowded right now, anyways, since half of them are out of order. We’ll be home soon.”
Suzy could see the reasoning in this, and quickly followed the pair out to Bruce’s car, a shiny black Camaro. At least, she hoped, he’d be able to get her home quickly in a car like that. After getting their bags into the trunk, Jenna held the door for Suzy, who awkwardly climbed into the back seat, then moaned and crammed her fist into her lap, bouncing in her seat. “Ohhhhh, please hurry… I really have to go.”
At this, Bruce looked at her and grinned, and then made eye contact with Jenna, who had the same expression. “All right, then, ladies. Hold on tight.” He quickly reversed the car from its parking spot, and then took off with enough speed that Suzy was thrown slightly from side to side. “Woah!” she gasped, as her bladder was forced up against her seatbelt, and she couldn’t help but release a quick spurt of pee into her jeans. Clamping down on her pussy muscles, she held the rest in, but clung desperately to the car seat with the hand not tightly pressed into her lap, trying to hold herself steady and prevent another accident.
“What? Am I going too fast for you now, Suzy?” Bruce grinned at her again, and Jenna stuck her tongue out at him coquettishly.
“Oh God, oh God, oh God…” Suzy bit her lip and rocked back and forth in her seat, her breasts jiggling with the tempo. “Ohhhh…” Looking ahead, as they pulled out of the airport, she could see that the main road out was jam–packed with cars in both directions. Clearly there was an accident somewhere along the way, holding up traffic. “Oh no!” she cried.
“Don’t worry, you can make it.” Jenna said, from the front seat, though a tone in her voice suggested that Suzy might not have been the only one she was trying to reassure. Suddenly, the traffic before them started to flow smoothly. “See?” she said.
Their luck was short–lived, though, as once again the line of cars slowed to a stop. Suzy moaned and leaned forward in her seat, breasts pressing against her legs, and both hands jammed into her crotch now. “Oooooh! I should have gone on the plane! I was SO CLOSE! I should have told that stewardess to go screw herself!”
“Settle down…we’re almost past the accident. I can see it up ahead.” True to Jenna’s words, a man in a bright vest stood not too far away, holding a stop sign to direct traffic past a collision in their lane. Turning the sign, he allowed a few more cars to pass by, but just as they neared him, he flipped the sign back again, and they were forced to wait.
“Wow, that’s some accident,” said Bruce. “Looks like someone must have drifted over onto the wrong side of the road. Both cars are totalled!” He nodded at the carnage. “There’s fluid leaking out all over the road, too… I hope it’s not gas. Hopefully it’s just brake fluid, or transmission fluid, or –”
“Bruce! Stop that!” shouted Jenna, suddenly, echoing Suzy’s concerns, which was now fighting back massive urges from her body to just release everything then and there, right in the back seat.
“What? I was just – “
“Yes, I know! But you’re making me need to pee!” She jiggled in her seat, grasping at her crotch.
“Making YOU need to pee! What about me!” shouted Jenna from the back seat.
“Hey, I drank just as much as you, missy. I’m ready to burst, too, I just haven’t been complaining about it as much!”
“Alright, alright, ladies. Settle down… look, he’s telling us we can go, now.” He motioned at the traffic–director, who had flipped his sign around.
“Stop saying things like that!”
That was the last straw for Suzy. Bruce’s comments, combined with the sudden acceleration and the fact that there was now a man right outside her window with a neon–green sign saying “GO” in big letters, had brought her to the breaking point. “Bruce, stop!” Liquid was flooding into her jeans, and a wet patch was beginning to spread from her crotch. “Pull over!”
“What? I can’t pull over here! There’s a police car RIGHT THERE, next to the accident! At least let me drive ‘till we get round that bend up there.”
“What!” Concern for his leather seats battled against the need to escape the watchful eyes of the nearby police. Inspiration hit, and he reached down into a compartment on the car door, pulling out a half–empty bottle of water. “Here! Try this!” he suggested, tossing the water bottle at her.
Suzy recoiled at the thought, but for all her struggling, she couldn’t hold back the stream of piss that was pouring into her jeans. The wet spot had reached the back of her pants, and she could feel that it would soon spread to the seat. Desperation won over, and she made a massive effort to clench her pussy muscles while she unfastened her seatbelt and slide her jeans down to her knees, but didn’t have enough room to move forward and hold the bottle underneath her, in front of the seat. “I don’t…I can’t…aaagh!” A quick spurt of pee slipped out and splattered directly onto the leather seats. A soft moan escaped Jenna’s lips at the sound, and Bruce merely frowned, but Suzy noticed neither as she reoriented herself, leaning forward and lifting her bare butt into the air, so that she could set the bottle directly between her and the seat. The instant she felt the hard plastic bottle mouth against her pussy lips, she let loose, and a torrent of piss shot out, splashing across her hand at first, but quickly finding its way into the bottle as she repositioned it.
A half–moan/half–sigh drifted out of her, turning to a shivering gasp as the pleasure of release washed over her. Her strong jet of piss filled the car with a loud, forceful bubbling sound, echoing from inside the bottle. Very quickly, though, since she had started with a half–full bottle to begin with, the sound rose in pitch, along with Suzy’s frantic, “No…no…no! NO! It’s full! Bruce, you have to pull over! I’m not done!”
“Yes! Bruce! NOW!” Shot Jenna, who was now rocking uncontrollably in her seat, both hands firmly gripping her crotch through her white shorts. Her desperation had grown exponentially just from hearing Suzy relieving herself into the bottle.
“Okay! Okay! Jeez!” Bruce quickly pulled the car over to the side, glad at least that they were now out of sight of the accident, and flicked on his four–ways. Jenna was out the door almost instantly, quickly followed by Suzy, who scrambled out of the back seat, still holding her bottle of watered–down pee.
“Aaaaagh!” screamed both girls, desperate to escape to the privacy of the ditch next to the road. First, though, they had to climb over the metal guard–rail, and by the time Suzy got out of the car, Jenna was already standing next to it, hopping back and forth from foot to foot, whining quietly. “I can’t do it! I tried, but I just can’t lift my legs over the rail. Bruuuuuuce!” she wailed.
Sighing, but unable to hide the smile on his lips, Bruce stepped out of the car as well, and went round to lift his girlfriend over the barrier, as Suzy found her own way past by sliding underneath awkwardly. She soon regretted her decision, though, as Jenna yelped while being picked up by Bruce, and a squirting sound suddenly made them all aware that she was now pouring her own torrent of piss into her shorts, which quickly escaped down the side, some landing directly in Suzy’s upturned face. “Ack!” She closed her eyes and wiped off the loose spray.
“Oh my God! I’m sorry! I can’t help it!” Jenna found her way to the ground, a strong stream of pee flowing down the inside of her leg, now, and began tearing off her shorts. In one fluid motion, her shorts and panties came off and were flung to the side. She lay back against the side of the ditch and spread her legs wide, and, along with Suzy, who had squirmed her way out of her own wet jeans as well, released a fresh torrent of piss right up into the air. Both girls groaned simultaneously, their pleasure almost orgasmic, as their twin fountains arced away from the sloping side of the ditch. The strong hissing sound emanating from their vaginas soon matched up with a loud splattering as the streams reached the ends of their arcs on the opposite side of the ditch.
“Ohhhhh…ohh, God, that feels good.” Jenna’s hands stroked her abdomen, and her stream waxed and waned slightly as she tightened and released her muscles, enjoying the feel of her overstretched bladder emptying both under it’s own power and with her added strength. Suzy’s stream next to hers did the same as she too alternately relaxed and flexed, though her stream had the added effect of jerking from side to side momentarily, as her larger pussy lips flapped in and out of the flow. Jenna grunted, then, and gave it her all, flexing hard and forcing her piss to slide out as fast as possible, flattening and fanning–out the shape of her stream, which lost cohesion and spread apart, catching in the wind.
Both girls lay on the small hillside, pissing violently while moaning and stroking their midsections in pleasure for a while, until slowly Suzy’s stream petered out, and she lay there gasping in relief momentarily, before looking over at her friend Jenna, whose piss continued a while longer. As her stream calmed, too, she noticed that it was flicking back and forth rapidly, which suddenly made sense when she realized that Jenna’s fingers weren’t just enjoying the pleasant feeling of an empty bladder, they were grinding away at her massively–erect clit, and her long–drawn out moans were becoming shorter and more urgent.
Suzy had only been watching this shocking display for a few seconds when suddenly Jenna’s voice rose in pitch. “Ah! Oh, oh, oh! OHHHH!” she screamed, and her piss stream cut off forcefully, only to be replaced by a quick series of spurts of visibly clearer and not–yellow fluid. Jenna’s legs shook wildly as she flicked her clit frantically and jammed two fingers from her other hand into her pussy, to tickle her insides and give her muscles something to contract against.
Her head lolled to the side, and she made dazed eye contact with Suzy. Seeing the shocked expression on her face, she gasped out, “I’m sorry… I just … I can’t … it was too much. I had to!” Then she grinned, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she laughed melodically.
Bruce looked down at Suzy as she looked at him for an explanation, “She gets really turned on by these things. As I can see that you do, too.” He nodded at her bare crotch, where, below a delightful, well–trimmed patch of Suzy’s red hair, her own clit had begun to swell visibly. Massively embarrassed, she whipped her hands down to hide her crotch, which had the added effect of pushing her breasts together between her arms, forcing her hardening nipples to peek through her thin shirt material prominently.
“Oh God, I’m so embarrassed!” She squealed, going red in the face. But despite herself, her hips began to rock against the pressure of her fingers.
“Don’t be! It’s alright…look, here…just relax.” Jenna rolled over onto her side, next to Suzy, and stroked her bare leg for a moment, then hugged her tightly. Within the embrace, Suzy smiled shyly, moving her hands out of the way and placing them on Jenna’s hips, comforted by her friend. “You should be turned on. This is an extremely sexy situation!” With a quick movement, Jenna took advantage of Suzy’s lowered defences, and slid her hand down to the redhead’s unguarded pussy. “Oh! But you do enjoy this, don’t you? You’re so wet! … and that’s not just pee!”
Squealing and fighting back, but laughing, Suzy could hardly stop her friend as she slid down between her legs and started licking furiously. “Hey! Stop! What are you – OH!” she gasped, overwhelmed by the sudden sensation of a tongue against her pussy lips. She hadn’t been eaten out in so long that she had forgotten how good it felt. “But I’m not… into girls!”
Jenna giggled, transferring new vibrations into Suzy’s crotch, then smiled up at her patient boyfriend. “That’s alright, I’m sure Bruce here would be glad to distract you.” With a quick flash of her sexy expression towards Suzy, she resumed her dedicated pussy eating.
Suzy looked up at Bruce, almost scared at what he might do, then gasped as he unzipped his pants and unleashed a member larger than she had ever seen before. Judging from the pulsing, rock hard thing, he was as turned on as she was, or even more. She grasped for it tentatively, still unsure of herself… but once she felt his hot, stiff shaft in her hands, she moaned and pulled him towards her. He obliged, pulling off one leg of his jeans as he bent down and straddled her chest so that his long cock fit neatly into her mouth, with his heavy balls resting on the soft mass of her chest. Suzy moaned again, delighted and amazed at what she had gotten herself into. Sucking gently on the tip of Bruce’s cock, she slid her hands up the inside of his shirt, intensely turned on by the chiselled abs she found there.
Jenna’s licking picked up a notch, and out of nowhere, an orgasm burst forth from Suzy’s cunt, rocketing up her spine and spreading out to the ends of her limbs. She moaned loudly around Bruce’s cock, and as her whole body began to convulse, Jenna quickly brought Suzy’s clit into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it and focusing all her attention on the quivering little nub. Waves of pleasure rocked Suzy’s body, and she was forced to grab Bruce’s dick with her hand to jerk him off instead, unable to hold back her loud orgasmic moans. She pumped his dick furiously until her orgasm subsided, but Jenna didn’t stop licked her pussy, just slowed slightly, and began to gently tease two fingers into her. Bringing Bruce’s cock back into her mouth, she felt a telltale twitching in it, and looked up at Bruce’s face, which was screwed up in an expression of both pleasure and frustration.
“Suzy…I’m gonna cum…” He said, his voice tense with anticipation.
“Yes! YES!” She shouted at him, excited to see this stud have an orgasm. “Cum for me!” she added, just before sucking his dick back into her mouth, while excitedly playing with his balls and shaft with her hands. Jenna, meanwhile, picked up her pace, stroking Suzy’s G–spot while sliding her tongue up, down, and around her clit. Her other hand had returned to her own cunt as well, and was rubbing away at a frantic speed.
Bruce let out a monstrous groan, and pitched forward, pumping his cock in and out of Suzy’s mouth, his orgasm begun. More moans escaped him as he began pouring his semen down Suzy’s throat. Suzy responded to this by instantly beginning to cum again, herself. Her hips bucked upwards against Jenna’s, and she couldn’t help wrapping her legs around her friend’s head and squeezing tightly as her second orgasm overcame her. She couldn’t moan for the thick cock in her mouth, but she groaned frantically around it as both their orgasms ran their course together, him thrusting firmly into her and filling her mouth with cum which she swallowed with pleasure, and her thrusting her hips against Jenna’s incredibly skilled tongue and fingers, squeezing her legs tightly together around her friend’s head, desperately forcing her clit towards the source of those beautiful sensations. “Mmmm–mm. Mmm–mm, MMM! MMMM!!” she moaned, confined beneath Bruce’s spastically jerking hips.
Groans turned to gasps, and both parties eventually fell back, exhausted, with Bruce rolling to the side. Jenna quickly broke their silence, as she leaned upwards on her knees, moaning happily out loud, her mouth now free, and one hand stroking her pussy wildly. She quickly reached a feverish intensity, and then reared back, gently teasing her erect clit with a single finger for just an instant, bringing herself over the edge of orgasm with a well–practiced tickle as her hips began to buck back and forth. “Aah!” A loud gasp escaped her, accompanied by a hissing sound from her pussy as she suddenly let loose a huge squirt of orgasmic fluid, which splattered across Suzy’s breasts. “Oh God! Oh GoooOOOOooOOOOD! Yes! YES! AHHH!” As her hips rocked back and then forward again, and another shorter stream followed the first, landing a little lower down, trailing towards Suzy’s red pubic hair. Her fingers resumed their furious dance across her clit while she mashed one plump breast in her other hand. “Ohhh…oh. Ahh.” A few more jerks of her hips, and she gave a low moan, then settled forward into Suzy’s crotch, exhausted.
All three lay there for a while in orgasmic bliss, savouring the moment, until Jenna finally leaned back and stretched luxuriously, her breasts straining against their fabric enclosure, until she looked down and burst out laughing. “Oh my God! Suzy! I squirted all over you! … again!”
The redhead looked down at her shirt, aware of the warm wetness that had already begun to grow cold. At first she seemed mildly upset, but then she looked back up at her friend and smiled broadly. “That’s alright. That just means I’ll have to get you back, later!”
The three friends laughed happily, and slowly began to pick themselves up and find their clothing. As Suzy winced uncomfortably at the thought of stepping back into her wet pants, Jenna giggled and leapt over the barrier, tossing her pants in the car and proudly displaying her unconcealed blonde bush, while waving for Suzy to do the same. She did, while Bruce retrieved a pair of towels from the trunk and handed them to the girls. His experience with Jenna’s hijinks had taught him to be prepared for situations like this.
Driving off into the sunset, Jenna and Bruce regaled Suzy with stories of past sexual encounters along the way, while Suzy sat in the back seat, listening intently. She soon grew doubly glad to have the towel to sit on, as she started to soak it with her juices in response to their exciting stories. Jenna noticed this and giggled, holding up her own towel to show a similar growing stain. “I can see that we’re going to have LOTS of fun together in the future, Suzy.”
By: Medlam