The Longest Movie

By: Mikey
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

I began plotting ways to get my girlfriends into situations where they were at the brink with no restroom at their disposal. I know that sounds evil, but it has become such a turn on for me. A couple of weeks back one of my plans worked out better than I had thought it would. It all started one week when a girlfriend of mine from work, Pam, asked what I was doing over the weekend. I replied that I had not much in mind but suggested that maybe we could catch a movie or something. She sounded interested and asked me to call her with plans. A couple of days later I scanned the movie listings and saw that Lord of the Rings was playing. This grabbed my interest because my friends had seen it and told me that it was close to three hours long. I called Pam to see if she was still interested, and she was. She also mentioned that she wanted to invite her roommate and another friend along if it wasn’t too much trouble. Fine with me, maybe I could relive the situation that I had with Casey and her friends. I told Pam to invite her girlfriends along and be over at my place by 8:00. I planned for us to play some drinking games beforehand and go to the late show at 10:30. The night of the movie rolled around and Pam and her two friends, Lisa and Jen, arrived with her. The came prepared with their own beers to play some drinking games beforehand, and it seemed that they had already been drinking some before they got to my place. I was very pleased to meet Pam’s friends. All were attractive with fit bodies. Lisa was wearing tight jeans and a tight navy sleeveless sweater, accenting some cleavage. Jen was wearing tight khaki capri pants with a skintight dark red shirt. Pam was the real gem, with her DD breasts. She hardly ever wore tight clothing at work, but tonight she too was wearing a tight top with her breasts pushed tightly together with tight fitting jeans to boot. The stage was set; I was optimistic and hopeful to see some wet action later in the night. The girls made themselves at home and I opened a drink to join them. We sat around a table talking and not too long after started some drinking games. Jen and Lisa seemed like real party girls and they weren’t drinking shyly. The girls were handing out drinks in a vengeful fashion amongst themselves in our games. The drinks were going down very rapidly. I began to wonder if they were gonna want to go to the movie at all, they might be too drunk. After about an hour the girls began to use the restrooms. Jen took a pee almost every fifteen minutes. Lisa used the bathroom once to my records and Pam I hadn’t seen go at all. At about 10:00 I asked if they still wanted to go to the flick and they decided to go. Lisa was actually really excited to see the movie, saying that she had read the books a long time ago or something. Before we left all three girls used the restroom. That made things appealing to me, because as most of us know, that once you break the seal when you are drinking that usually makes you want to pee very often. We left and got to the theater in plenty of time. As we entered the theater I led the girls to four remaining seats located in the top far corner (this was planned). I planned that when the show let out that we would be the last ones out of the theater, and that a line would already have formed at the ladies room by the time my girls arrived there. We got seated and the previews began to roll. I had Pam sitting to my right and she had Jen and Lisa next to her. Not five minutes into it Pam excused herself during the previews for the restroom. Jen and Lisa had gotten a large coke for them to share and I had gotten one for Pam and I. I’ll skip ahead to about an hour and a half into the movie. Pam had probably drunk about half of our coke and had been getting restless over the last five minutes. I began to wonder about her and the others. Surely they had to be feeling somewhat of a need to pee by this time. I had even begun to feel a need, having gone only once at my apartment. Maybe ten minutes later Pam was shifting in her seat when she leaned my way and moaned. I asked her what was wrong, “Oh nothing, I just gotta pee again. How much longer do you think this is?” “Oh, I think the listing said it was 2 hours…so maybe just another fifteen minutes.” That was a total lie. It was probably going to be close to another forty–five minutes. I strapped myself in. My attention was totally off the movie and onto the girls. Maybe ten minutes later I noticed all the girls whispering to each other. I tried to catch what they were saying. I stared out of the corner of my eye as Lisa buried her hands in her crotch and rolled her eyes at Pam. Jen was sitting with her legs crossed tightly, as was Pam. Pam was actually having trouble sitting still, adjusting herself every minute or so. Some other girls in the audience were getting up and leaving to use the restroom and I know the girls had noticed, probably wanting to join them, but too shy to get up and scoot across the aisle in the middle of the ending. A couple of minutes later Pam leaned over to me, “God, is this movie going to end soon? We all have to pee so bad!” Music to my ears! I looked at my watch and there was probably five to ten minutes left. So, maybe eight minutes later the movie ended. As soon as the first credit rolled Lisa shot up out of her seat. Pam and Jen also got up quick and Pam nudged me to hurry up and exit. Just as I had planned we got stuck behind everyone and were going to be the last ones out of the theater. Pam was standing directly behind me and I noticed she was running in place and moaning under her breath, “Come on…come on…” I loved the feeling of her huge tits pressing against my back as she kept trying to push me ahead. We eventually made our way into the hall where we were greeted by more moviegoers. It seemed that maybe three to four movies were letting out at the same time. As we moved ahead I caught a glimpse of the ladies room line, which extended into the hallway, as I had thought it would. When Pam finally saw the line she cussed under her breath and grabbed Lisa by the hand as they entered the long line. Jen joined them as they waited, each doing an obvious pee dance. I stood back in the hall and watched; my plan was working to my amazement. As I was standing there I again realized my own need and I skipped into the men’s room. When I returned back into the hall it seemed that the girls hadn’t moved forward at all. I looked at Pam as she rolled her eyes at me. I raised my hands as if saying, “What do you want me to do?” Then Pam said something to the girls and headed into the bathroom, I suspected probably to plea with someone to let her go ahead in line. If that was the case if didn’t work. Pam came back out a couple of seconds later with a worried look and said something to the girls. After that they all got out of line and came over to me. Pam said, “The ladies room only has four working stalls and the line is hardly moving. Is there anywhere else to go around here?” “Gosh Pam, I don’t think there is anywhere open at this time of hour. Do you girls think you can hold it until we get back to my place?” That very question made Lisa double over. All three moaned in agony. Pam made a decision, “Come on guys, let’s hurry, I think I can make it. Lisa, do you think you can hold it?” “I think so”, she replied, with an element of doubt. With that we rushed out to my car. Lisa and Jen piled in the back of my Jeep and Pam took shotgun. We encountered more traffic while trying to leave. All three girls were dead quiet. Jen kept kicking the back of my seat while she was shifting in her seat. This was like d’j’ vu with the girls during Casey’s birthday. The signs were the same and surely someone wouldn’t make it. I would be happy to see any one of these girls lose control. A couple of minutes from my apartment and Lisa began moaning very loudly. “Come on Lisa, hold on just another minute, we are almost there!” cried Jen in encouragement. Pam crossed her legs tightly and leaned forward. She looked as if she was about to cry. I wasn’t by any means going as fast as I could and Pam took notice, “Mikey hurry!!! We all really have to go!” “Guys, please let me go first when we get there!!! I’m about to fucking wet my pants!” Lisa cried with extreme desperation. We pulled into my lot and Pam jumped right out. Lisa was pounding at the seat because Pam had to pull it forward for her to get out. Lisa had her hand buried deep into her crotch and was breathing heavily. Jen was basically climbing on her back as they jumped out of the back. We half sprinted to my door as I fumbled for the keys. Lisa stood next to me and froze as she doubled over buried both hands into her crotch, “Ohhhhh…no, no. I’m going, open the door!” Lisa stood up as I saw her crotch was wet. She undid her jeans button as I opened the door and unzipped as she passed me. Lisa bolted in and straight towards the only bathroom in my apartment, straight across the living room. We all had a view as she ran to the door and kind of whiffed in her attempt to close the door. It closed halfway and I got a nice view as she yanked down her jeans and panties and fell on the toilet. I heard the pee begin the hit the water immediately. She looked over and realized the door hadn’t shut all the way and that we all were watching, “Jen, please close the door for me!” Jen rushed over and closed the door while saying, “Lisa!! Please hurry up, ok!!” Jen closed the door and bent over with her hand also buried in her crotch, while pacing about in her major pee dance. Pam stood next to me and crossed her legs while pacing about the apartment. I just stood back and took it all in. A minute later Lisa was still in the bathroom and Jen opened the door a crack and yelled at Lisa, “Lisa come on, finish up! I’m wetting myself!!” Jen stood there doubled over with her back to us and began to also unzip her pants. Finally she busted the door wide open as Lisa was zipping her pants back up. Jen entered the bathroom and Lisa came out. Apparently Jen locked the door behind her, I guess not wanting Pam to barge in on her in the same manner. Pam went over to the door and bent over with her hands buried in her crotch now too. Lisa stood there and began rubbing Pam’s back, “Hold on just another second babe…you’re gonna make it too.” Just as she finished the sentence Jen flushed the toilet and Pam let out a yell. She squeezed her legs together hard and reached around her hand to grab from behind. I watched as some pee let out and ran down the back of her legs. I almost came at that point; it was so hot!! Pam tried to open the door but found it locked. Lisa began pounding on the door, “God, Jen!!! Open the door! Pam is going in her pants!! Open up!!” Pam began to sob as she continued to try the door. We heard Jen screaming back, “Pam!! Hold on, I’m almost done!” I continued to stare as a little more pee ran down the back Pam’s legs. She stood up and said, “Screw it!! I’m going out on your patio Mikey!!” She ran over to my sliding glass door and unlocked it at the handle and tried to pull it open. It wouldn’t open for her as she continued trying to pull it open. What she didn’t realize is that I keep a stick lodged in the tracks to keep to door from being opened by intruders. Pam tried the lock again and again tried to pull it open with no luck. She turned with tears on her cheek, “Mikey!!! Why won’t this open?” I ran over and removed the stick and Pam doubled over and crossed her legs hard. Just as I pulled the stick out of the tracks Pam lost it, “OHHHH!!!!! God!! Shittt…” Pee began to pour down the front and back of her jeans as I pulled the door open for her. She ran out onto the patio and froze as she tried to stop the pee. She couldn’t. It began to come out in such a torrent that it hissed against the crotch of her jeans. She stood up and unzipped her jeans and turned sideways to me as she yanked them down and squatted in the nearby grass. She left her white panties up as the pee continued to just completely flood through them with such a force. Pam was crying hard as Lisa came out and consoled her. I went back inside as Jen came out of the bathroom. Jen went out to the patio and joined them outside. I waited inside when a few minutes later Lisa came back in, “Sorry about that Mikey, I don’t think she got any pee on your rug. She wet herself pretty well so we are going to take her home. Thanks for everything, and sorry once again”. I told her not to worry about it and to tell Pam not to be embarrassed. Lisa turned and left. I ran straight into the bathroom and jerked myself to a hot cum in less than a minute. I have found a new love in girls wetting themselves. I am so fortunate to have witnessed these accounts over the last six months. I hope more is to come!