Let the Truth Come Out

By: Mikey
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

A couple of weeks ago I headed out to a concert with some friends, of which once again included my sexy neighbor Casey. After Casey’s wet incident on her birthday the two of us had gotten closer and even a bit sexual together one night while watching a movie. So the night of this concert rolls around and Casey and I were picked up by three of our friends, Ben, D.J., and Hillary. We all rode to the show in Ben’s Tahoe truck. We got there plenty early because we always like to tailgate and have some drinks before heading in.
The concert was being held at a nearby arena and traffic was already getting backed up when we got there. By the time we found a parking spot it was pretty far off from the arena.
That didn’t ruin our tailgating fun though. We popped the back of Ben’s truck open and got the music going and the drinks started going down. Beer after beer and I had a serious buzz after maybe five beers in an hour. Casey was keeping up with me; she could always hang with the boys.
After that hour we were probably still forty–five minutes from going in. I felt a slight urge to have my first pee so I spotted a slight cluster of trees about forty yards off which I had noticed some guys using earlier. I excused myself and headed that way. D.J. caught up with me on the way there.
We both returned later and I noticed that the girls had grabbed the seats on the tailgate of Ben’s truck. Hillary had her legs crossed and Casey had her legs tight together. I knew after Casey’s past history that I could possibly see her get desperate again if in the right situation.
Another half hour passed and again I felt the need to pee. So again I used the nearby trees, this time with Ben’s company. The poor girls probably had to pee, but just can’t hide themselves while doing so as well as us guys.
This time when we returned the girls were standing and were anxious to go inside. I read the signs loud and clear. I wanted to stall, but also didn’t want them to have an accident because they might make us go home if that were to happen. With that we began our journey towards the arena. Midway there we passed a single portable toilet with a huge line behind it. I noticed the girls staring at it wishing. Both girls had gotten pretty quiet and were walking quickly. Casey seemed relatively relaxed so I didn’t worry about her. Hillary seemed a bit more concerned.
We reached the doors, which had a bit of a line outside. While waiting Hillary couldn’t stand still. She had her arms folded across her chest and kept pacing, every so often stopping to cross her legs. By now I know the tell tale signs and Hillary needed to go, but probably wasn’t about to wet herself. We were a few minutes from entering anyways. Casey probably had to go as well but just stood still while constantly shifting her weight. We finally made it through the doors and Hillary inquired where the ladies room was. I spotted it and pointed it out. Hillary grabbed Casey and they joined a short line outside. From my vantage point I got to watch both girls stand there, bending over every ten seconds or so, neither of them able to stand still. Seconds later they disappeared into the restroom and they came back out dry. No luck…
Throughout the show we all took turns buying drinks. The girls excused themselves for the restroom once during the middle of the show, but that was the only time to my knowledge.
I guess when Ben took his turn to go get drinks he ran into some old friends who came back to our seats and joined us. The more the merrier. We were all having a good time; the show was great.
The show wrapped up and we all followed the crowd out the doors. I hadn’t been too focused on it at the time but while we were walking to the cars I noticed a need to pee. I hadn’t gone since just after we entered. No problem I thought, I could just use the trees before we left.
We reached our car and I looked over and noticed that cars with people in them were surrounding my tree area. I guess I was going to have to hold it. I felt good about things so I climbed in the car. Problem was that now Ben was offering a ride to these friends of his so we had a packed car. To get everyone in Casey had to sit on my lap in the backseat. Hey, I love the feel of Casey’s ass smothered all over my crotch but it was also putting immense pressure on my bladder. No matter, it was only a fifteen–minute drive. Only, now it wasn’t gonna take fifteen minutes. We got stuck in traffic for fifteen minutes before it cleared up, so from then I was looking at another fifteen. I was sure desperate and I couldn’t get my mind off it. Casey kept leaning forward to yell things at Ben. The constant changing pressure was killing me and I let Casey know, “Hey Case, stop moving around. I kinda gotta pee ya know, and you moving around is killing me”. “Oh, sorry babe. I’ll stop. I really must go too, so that makes two of us. I think I’ll be making it home this time though. No way am I doing that again,” she whispered into my ear.
I was able to hold things off until they dropped us off at our apartments. Casey hopped out and I got out after her. We said our goodbyes to everyone and they drove off. As soon as they were out of sight Casey went into a pee dance similar to the desperate one she did on her birthday. She grabbed her crotch real quick and turned to me, “Mikey, I’m just gonna run home real quick and change into my sweats. I’ll drop by in a couple of minutes to hang out, Ok?” I told her it sounded fine and I turned towards my apartment with some spring in my step as well since I really did need to go. Just as I about reached my hallway I heard Casey yelling at me from her building, “Mikey wait!! Wait!!” She came running down her steps towards me.
“Mikey, I think I forgot my keys in Ben’s truck!”
“Well…call him from my place in like ten minutes. But come on, I gotta get inside and piss!”
“Oh…me too!!” Casey replied.
We ran to my door and I could feel the pee about to gush out. I opened the door and headed straight for the bathroom. Casey saw where I was heading, “Ohhhh!!! Mikey please let me get in there first!!” I got to the bathroom door and turned with a smile and said, “Hey…see if you can hold it this time!!” I shut the door and locked it behind me. “Oh…reeaallll funny Mike!!” was all she could say as she stood outside trying to hold on.
I got to the toilet and immediately my flow began. It splashed loud in the toilet. I kept a long steady flow going for a minute before I again heard Casey outside the door, “Come on Mikey…I’m not kidding!!! I’m about to go out here!!!” I said nothing, just continued to pee. I shook the last drops out as Casey continued to pound on the door. I was starting to get a hard on from the orgasmic feeling of releasing that pent up pee and from hearing Casey beg for me to let her in. I began rubbing myself a couple of times before zipping my jeans back up. “Come on Mikey, you’re done!! Now open the door already!!”
Now I got cruel with her. I flushed the toilet and stood by the door as I could hear her outside moaning, “Mikeeeeyyyy!!!! Oh God, open the door!!! I’m starting to go!! Ohhh…open the door!!!” God I realized what a rare situation I was in. I could stay in there until she wet herself. She would hate me, but who cares.
“Hey Casey, how bad do you have to go?”
“Mikey, what are you doing? Let me in!!! I’m about to fucking wet myself again!!”
I got quiet and just listened as she was jumping around and moaning. “Mikey, are you trying to make me wet myself? Because I’m about to!!!”
I ran back over and flushed the toilet again. I ran back over to the door and heard Casey about crying, “Ohhhhhh!!!!! Mikey I’m going to do it if you don’t open the door. You’re such an asshole!! Don’t make me do this!!!”
I began feeling bad so I opened the door, but by no means was I leaving. Casey bolted in and stood by the toilet as she turned to me, “Mikey, get out!!!! Stop it!!!” She came over and tried to push me out. She had her jeans button undone and part of her zipper down to where I could see her pink panties. She doubled over and moaned loud as she grabbed her crotch, “Mikey!! I’m starting to go!!!! Let me go already!!!” I was hoping that she would just yank her pants down and let me watch. She stood up and bent over hard again, “Oh shit!!! I’m going!!! Mikey get out!!”
She closed her eyes and grimaced hard while grabbing her crotch hard, “You’re sick! Fine! Have your show!” With that she quickly unzipped and ripped down her jeans and panties and fell onto the toilet. Her pee escaped instantly into the bowl. I stood in awe of my first look at her blonde haired pussy just gushing water.
She opened her eyes and looked up at me with a relieved look, “God Mikey, if you wanted to watch me go you should have just asked me, I would have let you. You almost made me pee my pants! Were you trying to?”
I didn’t know what to admit, but I knew that we knew each other well enough to tell the truth, “Well, sorry Case, but I got so turned on when you wet your pants on your birthday that I kinda wanted to see it again. Sorry, I know that’s pretty sick.”
Casey blushed as she finished her pee. She reached her hand down and began rubbing her pussy slowly, “God, that was so embarrassing, I felt like I was 3. It felt so good to let go though, I couldn’t hold it another second. But, I don’t think you’re sick. To be honest when you said that you had to go back in Ben’s truck I began hoping I would get to see you have an accident.”
How awesome in Casey? Totally cool chick. She stood up and took her panties and jeans back up right in front of me. God, she has such a beautiful body.
She came over and gave me a half hug while saying, “Ok Mikey. I see what turns you on now. Maybe I’ll let you get another show sometime, but I’m gonna have to see something myself sometime, Ok?”
I agreed. I would do anything to see Casey wet herself again. I hope to write with details soon.
Casey called Ben and had him backtrack with her keys. While waiting I almost jumped on Casey I was so horny. I think she felt the same way. I hope to find out soon.