A Close Call

By: Mikey
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I know the title of the story kind of gives away the ending, but nonetheless this was my most recent desperation sighting.
A month ago or so my girlfriend invited me to hang with her and her friends one night. They were throwing a small bachelorette party for this one girl who was getting married in a couple of months. I was to be the only guy hanging out with these women on this night. They all liked me and didn’t mind having me around. I would be kind of chauffeuring them around later that night as well.
I met my girlfriend Ashley at about nine o’clock or so and headed over to this one girl’s house where everyone was gathering. In thinking about the evening, it never crossed my mind that being around all of these girls that were drinking so heavily might actually allow me to witness some desperation.
The girls were all gathered in the kitchen having drinks and gossiping so I headed into the living room with a beer and turned on the basketball game.
At about 10:30 the girls decided it was time to hit the bar scene. I drove a car full of girls uptown and another girl drove another car full. We hit one bar for maybe close to an hour. I was in charge of refilling the beer pitchers. The girls were all being very nice to me and I really didn’t mind being the only guy. After we left that bar we headed down the street a little ways to another bar. All the girls were buzzing after all of their drinks between the house and the first bar. I piled all eight girls in my Jeep Wrangler because the other girl that had driven was slightly drunk by this time, so I was the only driver option.
We arrived at the other bar and the girls resumed putting away the pitchers of beer. After about another hour there they decided to check out this one frat party that their friends were hosting. Of course, I had to drive them all there. So, once again all eight girls piled in my Jeep. I had three girls sitting in the front seat and five in the back. It was going to be about a 20–minute drive and I was hoping not to get pulled over by the cops.
About 10 minutes into the drive my ears perked up when a girl named Jill leaned forward from the back seat and whispered to my girlfriend Ashley in the front seat, “Hey Ashley, as soon as we get to this house you have to show me where the bathroom is. I really have to go!!!” Ashley assured her she would, as she was the only one of the girls that been to this house before.
I noticed all the other girls were continuously talking except for Jill. She had gotten pretty silent and I suspected she had to go pretty bad. After all, these girls had been drinking so much beer and they had all been peeing pretty frequently at the bars, from what I had noticed.
Another five minutes later we were sitting in traffic when one of the girls in the back must have fallen onto Jill. Obviously landing on Jill’s full bladder upset her a bit, “Ouch!! Laurie please get off me!!” The other girls were startled by the urgent tone in Jill’s voice and began asking her if she was okay.
“I’m okay, it’s just I have to pee soooo bad right now! It’s not even funny you guys… are we almost there?” Jill begged.
Ashley again assured her that we were just a few minutes away. A couple of the girls in the back tried to comfort her by saying that they really needed to pee as well. This was getting pretty good for me. Jill leaned forward to Ashley again, “Ash, don’t forget… you have to get me to the bathroom as soon as we get there. I can’t hold it much longer, OK?”
We got the house a couple of minutes later and immediately Jill began begging the girls to hurry up piling out of the car. Our group walked quickly towards the house with a very nervous Jill towards the front.
As we got to the front of the house Ashley recognized some of her friends that greeted her. This was total agony for Jill as Ashley was supposed to lead her to the bathroom and was now caught up with friends. Jill was doing her best to hide her obvious need to pee. She couldn’t keep still as she shifted her weight from leg to leg while keeping them tightly crossed. Looking very concerned she suddenly pulled Ashley’s sleeve and begged her to come with her. Ashley excused herself from her friends and began to lead us inside. Once inside she led Jill past a couple groups of people and towards the back of the house. As we turned a corner we saw the bathroom, and quite a line that was coming out of it. Jill looked like she was about to cry at the sight of it. There were guys and girls in the only bathroom available and Jill began trying to push her way by. I secretly was hoping someone would deny her and make her wait, maybe causing her to have an accident. She did get held up somewhat. I was able to get a glimpse of her waiting behind one girl in line. She did crouch down to the ground once and stay there for about four seconds. I swear I thought she was wetting her pants when she did that. When she stood back up the next girl went in the stall. I was trying to make sure that no one knew that I was staring at her. I looked back and she had both hands in her crotch with her legs tightly crossed. She looked like she was holding on with everything that she had. She was taking deep breaths and not looking around. Although the other girl was only inside for maybe two minutes it probably seemed like an hour to Jill. She about knocked the girl over as she was exiting the stall. From that point on I stopped watching, scared one of the girls would call me out on it.
Jill came back out with dry pants and a very relieved look on her face. We joined the party and the girls kept on drinking throughout the night. Ashley made me stay with her later than some of the other girls. Most of them caught a cab back to the girls’ house because they wanted to leave earlier. I took Ashley, Beth and Jill back to the house later. As we were driving home the subject of needing to pee came up. I definitely stayed quiet and caught Jill saying that if just one more girl had been in front of her in line that she would have wet her pants. She said she was so scared, I mean, who wants to do that at a frat party, of all places? She said a couple of drops had started to come out and that she just barely got her pants down before she let loose. Just listening to her description of how good it felt to finally go gave me a hard on. Of course I just wish that she hadn’t made it. I haven’t seen any accidents since my time with Casey and Kendra who I haven’t spent much time with since I started dating Ashley. But… maybe I’ll have to give them a call. I know they like to play along.
Till then… be good everyone!
By: Mikey
Anyone care to chat? E–mail me at: reallygottago@aol.com
Mikey ( Click on the name to email Mikey )