Newbie 007

1 stories

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Electricity, Sparks and Darkness
By: Newbie 007 (30 Apr 2008, Wednesday)

True story I arrived home from work on Friday, relaxed, ate dinner, and pondered what the evening would bring. Little did I know I would arrive home later that evening with hot chills and thinking whether or not my actions were good or bad. Perhaps even feeling a bit guilty... Shortly after dinner my uncle, who lives down the road arrived down with a confused and pissed off look on his face. I knew he wanted something – why else would he be here, I thought. He explained the light fitting in his bathroom went, and the wires were melted. I wasn't really thinking anything at this stage, just annoyed that my peaceful evening was cut short. His fianc'e was there, a petite woman in her early 30's. She was pretty.…

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