Nikki's Revenge

By: Nikki
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Nikki and Tyler had not had as much time to spend together as Nikki wanted. She had been working hard and had been tired after work and Tyler had had to work late many nights. So by the weekend Nikki was ready to close out the whole world and concentrate only on each other.
Friday night was a wash because Nikki and Tyler were so tired they just popped in a DVD and watched a movie until they fell asleep. However, Nikki woke up energetic and horny. Tyler was still sleeping when she climbed out of bed. She skipped her usual morning potty stop and held it until she stepped into the shower. She waited to turn on the water and stood there naked savoring her full bladder. She ran a finger between her vaginal lips feeling the wetness hiding there. Mmmm. It felt good.
She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting her bladder slowly release its burden. Awww. It felt wonderful to have her own pee run over her fingers and down her bare legs. Ohhh. Nikki took a deep breath, thinking about what she and Tyler would do later. As she finished her morning pee, she rubbed herself a little, just heightening her sexual desire a bit, but not getting so far that she had to continue until orgasm. She wanted to save the best of herself for Tyler. So she turned on the water and lathered up.
When she got out of the shower, she spent extra time on her hair and make up. She admired her body in the mirror, giving her nipples a tweak to make them stand at attention. Not bad she thought, as she looked herself up and down– thin, firm, and tan.
She let Tyler sleep on as she put on a pair of brand new panties. They were powder blue cotton bikinis with cute eyelet dots and a tiny bow in the front. When Tyler had seen them, right after she had purchased them, he had said, “Those look like naughty girl panties.” His eyes were twinkling when he said it. He knew her too well. He knew that when she had picked them out, she did so with only one thing in mind; how they would look with her pee running through them.
She finished her outfit with her favorite pink corduroy mini skirt and a tank top. Then she went to the kitchen, got herself a big cup of water, and started making a country breakfast. When the bacon started sizzling she heard Tyler get up and make his way into the bathroom to take a shower before breakfast.
They enjoyed their breakfast, but while they were washing the dishes, Tyler said, “I’m going down to the river to fish after we are done with these.”
Nikki frowned. “But I thought we were going to spend time together.”
“We can. You can come with me.” He replied.
Nikki stuck out her lower lip at him. This was NOT what she had in mind when she imagined this morning’s activity. In fact, she had already started preparing for what she had in mind. She had downed several cups of water and a glass of orange juice. Going to the river that flowed by the farm and watching Tyler fish didn’t fit in at all with the next steps in her fantasy.
But as she looked into Tyler’s smiling face she begrudgingly gave in. “OK, I’ll come with you, but let’s not stay down there too long.”
She was thinking that normally moving her fantasy outside would have worked out fine. The farm was big and far from prying eyes. She and Tyler had spent many happy hours living out sexual fantasies under the blue sky, but going to the river was different. It was a warm Saturday and Nikki knew that would mean lots of people floating down the river on rafts. At the edge of the river, anyone could see anything that she and Tyler were doing.
But Nikki followed along as Tyler started traversing the steep bank to the river below. She hadn’t changed her clothes. She figured she would stay away from any fish Tyler caught. He probably wouldn’t even get any. She could sit on the warm rocks and sun herself until Tyler was bored with losing his bait to the current and untangling his line from the rocks.
She found a large flat rock that was comfortable enough and watched Tyler put on his waders and walk into the water. As she watched, she felt the water she had consumed earlier make its way into her bladder and begin to fill her up. However, she wasn’t worried about it. She had plenty of time and Tyler had said he would only stay a short time. Nikki relaxed and enjoyed the sun.
However, it was only about half an hour later when her swelling bladder forced her mind back to her earlier fantasy. She was getting turned on. She stood up and walked to the edge of the river and called to Tyler. He didn’t turn around, but answered, “Yeah?”
“When are you coming back in?”
“I want to try a bit longer.” He answered without looking at her. He missed the unhappy frown that crossed her face.
Nikki wandered back to her rock and sat down again. As she did, she could feel how horny her full bladder was making her. She leaned forward to press her pussy against the rock. Her panties and skirt gave just enough protection to cushion the rock and cause a delicious feeling of need between her legs. Oh, goodness, she needed to pee bad now. Oh, it felt so good.
A few minutes later Tyler turned around and started for the shore. Nikki’s heart lightened and she hopped up to meet him. However, she soon discovered that he was just coming to get more bait and planned to keep on fishing.
She tried to use her feminine wiles to tease him into paying enough attention to her to notice that she was squirming for a pee. She figured if he knew she had to pee, he would know she was very horny, and that would make him so turned on that he would stop fishing and give her what she wanted. But all he did was smile at her and stick the worm on the hook. Nikki wrinkled her nose.
Ohhh, she had to go. She wiggled around and squeezed her legs together. But Tyler was too busy to look up. She sighed a huge sigh. Nothing.
She realized that she would have to say something or she would pee herself before Tyler noticed her predicament and responded the way she wanted him to.
“Babe, I gotta pee.” She said.
Finally he looked at her. She almost grabbed her crotch to emphasize her need, but she noticed a raft load of people speeding by them just at that moment. She just squeezed her knees together and bent forward. She was very close to wetting.
“Just pee behind that old log, Nikki.”
That was not what she wanted to hear.
“I can’t. There are too many people.” Pitiful excuse, but Nikki really didn’t want to pee at all yet. She wanted Tyler’s attention– and if the truth were to be told, his cock as well.
Tyler looked at her. “Don’t be silly.” Tyler knew that Nikki had peed lots of times when people were nearby. She had made it into an art form because she liked to pee outdoors. She could pull her panties aside, adjust her skirt, squat down on her heel and piss a bucketful a few feet off a busy highway and no one would be the wiser. Tyler knew that turned her on almost as much as holding her pee until she couldn’t anymore.
Now Nikki was really frustrated. She turned her back on Tyler and marched over to her rock. She sat down with a huff and watched Tyler return to the river. But she was having a hard time concentrating on her anger because now she was having trouble keeping her panties dry. As a matter of fact, they were a bit damp. Nikki wasn’t sure if they were wet from her feminine juices or if she had leaked a bit. She sure was horny.
She scooted forward on the rock so that just her butt was on it. Her pussy and her peehole were free of the rock. She relaxed a bit and let a little pee go into her panties, just enough to wet the crotch, but not drip. Aww, that feels good, she thought. She could feel her clitoris swell against the wet material.
She checked to see if the coast was clear and then lifted her skirt to inspect her panties. The sight of the powder blue panties with a very dark crotch turned her on even more. Tyler hadn’t noticed her exploits. She reached under her skirt and slid her fingers back and fourth over the cotton. Mmmmm.
Her bladder was throbbing. She slid back up on the rock, which was even warmer than her pee dampened bikini panties. Then she relaxed again and felt her pee well against the rock and squirt against her clitoris before she clenched down and stopped herself from letting it all go.
“Oh, oh, mmm.” She moaned to herself.
Glancing around, she stood up and looked at the rock. A wet spot the size of a hand decorated the light grey stone. She twisted her skirt to see the matching wet mark on the back.
Her knees were shaking with desire and need so she sat back down on the rock. She leaned back so she could get her hand under her skirt and her fingers under the elastic of her panties. Then she began to flick her clitoris sending shivers through her own body.
She went on pleasuring herself quietly, slowly moving toward orgasm. Occasionally, she allowed herself to release a little pee to tickle the inside of her lips. The back of her skirt was soaked and there was a telltale trail of wetness leading from between her legs, down the side of the rock until it lost itself in the sand underneath.
Nikki had forgotten to keep her eye on Tyler. In fact, her eyes were closed and her hips were rocking slowly back and forth, oblivious to anyone who might see her.
She jumped when she heard Tyler’s voice right above her.
“What are you doing under that cute skirt?”
“What do you think I am doing? What I wanted you to do!”
Tyler smiled, “I can take over now.”
“Oh, no, you don’t. Not when you ignored me all morning and not with those dirty hands. All you get to do is watch!”
“I washed my hands in the river! Besides, I don’t have to use my hands. I have a better tool.”
“Nope, you get to watch!” And Nikki closed her eyes and began where she left off.
Tyler sat down in front of her and settled his eyes on Nikki’s panties, which were easily visible under her hiked up skirt. Nikki discreetly opened one eye. She could distinctly see that Tyler’s penis was causing a large bulge in the front of his jeans. Good, let him suffer. It served him right. She closed her eyes again.
She was getting very close to orgasm. Her bladder was throbbing with the rhythm of her rubbing. Her pussy was throbbing with pleasure as she released some more of her pee. As she did this she heard Tyler stirring. Peeking at him, she saw that he finally had lost the battle to keep his hands off himself and was stroking his penis through his pants. The sight caused her to catch her breath, which in turn caused her to lose a jet of pee. That caused the beginning of her orgasm. She could hold back no longer.
She began to moan and rock as her muscles contracted in rhythmic waves. As her moans got louder she bit down on her lower lip. She finally clapped one hand over her mouth to keep herself from becoming so loud that the people on the river would know what was happening to her.
Just as she clamped her moans off, her orgasm peaked, and she completely lost control of her bladder. Her pee hissed out of her, splashing on the rock with a musical sound, and running all around her, warming her butt and thighs, until it poured off the edge. With her eyes wide now in her ecstasy, she saw the look of pure tortured desire on Tyler’s face. Then she saw the look she knew so well. He was coming in his jeans.
When he noticed her watching him, Tyler laughed. “I would have rather done that inside you.”
“That’s what you get for ignoring me when I needed you. You made me sad.”
“I’m sorry, baby!”
The look in his eyes showed Nikki that he meant what he said, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him totally, so she didn’t answer. Tyler stood, took Nikki’s hands in his and pulled her up from the rock into his arms. He kissed her gently while his hands cupped her butt through her dripping skirt. Then he kissed her again, coaxing her with his tongue. Nikki leaned into him and opened her mouth to him. Mmmm, she stopped resisting and kissed him deeply.
After a few minutes he said, “Nikki, how can I make it up to you?”
“Oh, you’ll find a way, I’m sure.”
And they turned and started up the hill to the farm.
By: Nikki