My Waitress Job

By: Olga
Also available in these languages: [eng] [rus]

Last week I started a waitress job at this club. The first day, my shift started at 8, and they told me to get there by 7:30 because I’d need to change and fill out a bit of paperwork.
The outfit they gave me was actually quite sexy. Tight t–shirt and a very short miniskirt that only covered half my butt and just barely covered my pussy. They offered me a couple of drinks to loosen my up (on the house of course), which I gladly accepted.
Since it was a night shift there was no lunch break, but I would get 2 paid 15 minute breaks during my shift, which was to end at 5 AM. Things started getting really busy around 10. Around that time I also remember I started to feel a pretty strong urge to pee. It was so busy that I just kept working for a bit and I also didn’t want to take a break so soon in my shift on my first day. But by 10:30 I getting pretty desperate so I figured I had better go to the toilet. I walked over to the toilet and my boss asked me where I was going. I told him I was taking my first break. “Not now you can’t. Look how busy it is! Once things quiet down you can take your breaks.”
I protested, “but that won’t be until the end of the night and I really have to pee.”
“Look,” he said, “this is a good paying job and there are tons of girls who would love to take your place. So if you don’t want to play by the rules you can leave.”
There was really nothing I could say to that since I knew it was true. I bit my lip and went over to the bar to get my orders. I was so achingly desperate and I knew there was no way I could wait until after 4 AM to relieve myself. As I carried my orders from the bar I walked with my thighs pressed as tightly as possible against each other.
I kept hobbling around almost dropping a few orders. My urge to pee was getting stronger by the second. I felt as though surges of fluid were pouring into my bladder with no end in sight.
One customer must have noticed my discomfort and asked me if something was wrong. “No, I…I’m F…Fine” I replied. I could barely hold in my pee just pressing to come out. “No,” he said, “Something’s bothering you. What is it?”
“Well this is really embarrassing, but I have to pee real bad and my boss won’t let me take a break now because it’s too busy.” I told him.
“Are you wearing any panties under that short skirt?” he asked me.
I thought that was a bit of a strange question so I asked what he was getting at.
He offered that if I wasn’t wearing panties, since my skirt was short enough, I could sit on his lap pretending to just be flirting and relieve myself that way. I was not wearing panties and my skirt was definitely short enough that I would be able to pee on his lap without anyone noticing or getting my skirt wet. But I was too shy. “Thanks, I really appreciate it, but I think my panties would get soaked and that would be no good.”
“I understand. If you change your mind, I’ll be here,” he said.
I smiled and walked away to take an order from someone else. I was so preoccupied with my dire need that I had to ask this girl to repeat her order three times. As I returned from the bar with her order another surge hit me and I could not cringe because I was carrying a tray of drinks. I almost burst out peeing all over. My need was growing fast and I didn’t know what to do. Should I take up the guy on his offer? I didn’t see any other options.
I walked back over to this guy, a little embarrassed. “Um, is your offer still there?”
“Yep, indeed. Shall we sit down?” We found a seat and I lifted the back of my skirt and sat on his lap, almost instantly bursting out with a torrent of pee. I must have sat there soaking this poor guy’s lap for a full five minutes. How grateful I was! “Thank you,” I whispered into his ear. I stood up and peeked down at his soaked crotch. Fortunately my skirt was completely dry. My butt and pussy were quite wet, but that would dry soon enough, and wasn’t noticeable. He walked out of the club looking embarrassed, but I made it through the night because of him. He was my saviour.
At the end of the night my boss told me I had done a good job. I guess I sold enough drinks to make him happy. He said he really liked me and hoped to keep me on for a while. I was happy because the job paid pretty well.
The next night I started to get desperate a couple of hours into my shift again. I looked over and noticed my friend there. Embarrassed, I asked him if he would do the same thing for me he had done the previous night. He happily obliged.
Every night my friend returned, and honestly I never could have made it through the night without him, or at least not without peeing myself in a crowded club and losing my job as a result.
Last night at the end of my shift my supervisor came over to speak to me. He said I’ve been doing really good work, but he noticed sometimes I flirt with customers for a long time. He said I should never spend more than 30 seconds to a minute flirting because I could be selling drinks. He also said it’s really inappropriate to sit on a customer’s lap. I protested that customers were buying a lot of drinks because I was flirting and sitting on their laps. He insisted it wasn’t appropriate and said he never wanted to see me making physical advances while I’m on shift again.
I don’t know how I’ll make it through my next shift without wetting all over. I really need to hang onto this job, but I don’t think I can hold my pee that long!
By: Olga