
1 stories

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Jenny's Crazy Pee Night at the Outdoor Festival
By: P-Dawg (31 Jan 2008, Thursday)

About a week ago, my girlfriend Jenny and I decided to go to a small–town outdoor country music festival. The way it was advertised was that music would be going all day and well into the night, with vendors selling food, arts & crafts, and the like. Jenny and I are both into country music, and are kind of the outdoorsy types. I fell in love with this girl a couple years ago when we were seniors in high school. We had flirted around for a couple of months when a mutual friend finally hooked us up. I couldn't believe my luck that this slender, athletic blonde country girl wanted to hook up with me. It only took us a few months to get intimate– at our senior prom, no less, and we soon found out how sexually…

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