My Own Dilemma

By: PP Watcher
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This story contains male desperation. We only publish it because it’s part of the PP Watcher “Dilemma” stories.
I suppose we all discovered desperation and peeing as being sexual at different times in our lives. For me it came late in life although at a young age I do have some memories of peeing and desperation. As a child of about 6 I can remember the girl across the street was my first experience with desperation and peeing. At that time it was simply curiosity and in no way was it sexually arousing to me. I was an only child, and had parents that didn’t talk much about the differences between boys and girls. Susan and I had both loved to play in the big wooded area behind my house. We were the last house on the edge of town and Susan lived across the street. One day we were out traipsing through the woods having a good time with all the other kids in the neighborhood. At that time Army was the great passion of our young lives, building forts, having mock battles and such. In our little unadulterated world the girls were soldiers not nurses and every one was equal. Susan and I were on the same side and we were on a scouting mission trying to find the enemy. This was a large wooded area of about 100 acres or so. As we were doing so, Susan got kind of quiet and started to lag behind. I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to go home. When I told her she couldn’t go home now she said she had to cause she had to go potty. Not knowing any better I told her to go pee on a tree. She looked at me and said girls can’t do that. When I asked why not, she said cause girls don’t got no little thingies like boys. Well I never knew there was a difference between girls and boys and asked her how girls pee. She looked at me and said, don’t you know? When I told her no she told me that she would let me watch her pee if she could watch me. Susan had a couple of older brothers and had seen a wiener or two but had never saw a boy pee she told me. We went off to a small area of woods that I knew about that I always used as a hiding place in our games. It was a bunch of evergreen trees that were very close together and had a large open space in the middle that I had discovered. Completely cut off from the outside world. We crawled inside the evergreens through the branches and Susan said ok here goes, but you got to promise to let me watch you. I did and Susan pulled down her shorts and panties. I had never seen a girl naked from the waist down before and was amazed at what I did and didn’t see. Susan squatted down and I bent down to see and almost as soon as she squatted she began to pee from her little slit. I was fascinated because I never dreamed such a thing could happen and was confused because to me she was missing a very important piece of equipment. Only later in life would I discover that girls had an even more important piece of equipment there that I would love. But at that point in my young life my penis was only for peeing for me, and I had no way of knowing that there was anything more to her little slit than a way for little girls to pee. When she was done she stood up pulled her panties and shorts up and said there, I’m done now its your turn. Shyly I unzipped my jeans and pulled my little penis out of my underwear. Susan starred as I held it between my fingers and waited. Nothing happened. I had to go, but nothing would come out. I turned away from Susan for a minute and with my back to her the pee started to flow. I quickly pinched my penis off and turned to where she could see and let go. She giggled as the pee sprang from my penis and after I was done she giggled again when I shook it. After we were done she said I wish I could pee like that, then I could pee on a tree. We both left to resume our game and both of us were “killed” by the other side. I suppose we were both thinking about what we had just saw to pay attention to our game.. Then it was just one of those discoveries of child hood. Little did I know that years later it would become a thing of great arousal for me. 13 years later I finally discovered desperation and peeing as a sexually exciting thing. I had been dating Cindy for about a year and there were several times that she would become desperate for a pee. She only peed her pants once, but had many close calls. Every time I found that it was a terribly arousing thing for her to need to pee and have to squirm around. I never told her so for fear of her thinking I was a freak. But as she would squirm in desperation, I would squirm some to keep her from seeing the raging hard on I always got. But this time the tables were turned on me. I had been working in a men’s clothing store, selling suits, fitting, and altering suits and pants. We had a full tailors shop with three steam pressing machines. One day I had managed to get my hands badly burnt in one of the presses. I accidentally hit the steam release foot pedal before getting my hand out of the way. At the hospital the doctors wrapped both hands and told me to leave them bandaged for two weeks. I was off work since I had no hands to use and just hung around the house not going anywhere. I was able to take care of my needs at home ok as I would just wear loose shorts and sit to pee. One day Cindy called and said I needed to get out of the house. I told her I didn’t think so, but after some discussion, I finally agreed to go. I got dressed in a t–shirt and jeans. Cindy had to button and zip the jeans for me as my hands were pretty much useless. I could grasp in my finger tips light things like a t–shirt but to pull on a zipper hurt too much. We got into Cindy’s car and off we went. No place special, just out of the house. After a while we stopped and got something to eat and drink at a fast food place to continue our ride. Back then gas was $0.21 a gallon and riding around was one of the pleasures we enjoyed. An hour or so after we ate I felt the need of a pee. A few minutes later I told Cindy we better go home as I needed to take a leak. She asked if I wanted her to find a bathroom and I had to explain that the jeans and my hands did not get along too well right now for peeing. She kind of laughed and said Oh yeah, I forgot. She headed for my house, but we were a lot farther from home than I had anticipated. Soon I started to squirm in the seat an Cindy laughed and said You must really have to go. Like a race horse I replied, telling her to hurry up or I would piss my pants. She looked at me sternly and said you better not or my dad will kill us both if you piss in his car. I sat there and wiggled some more getting more and more desperate all the time. With my hands the way they were, I couldn’t even squeeze my dick to try and help ease my desperation. Finally I told Cindy that I was about to piss my pants. She saw a gas station up ahead and quickly pulled in. Cindy jumped out and went to get the key for the bathroom while I hobbled to the bathroom door. I stood there pacing around about to piss my pants wondering what was taking her so long. She finally got there and said sorry, but she had to explain to the attendant what the problem was before he would give the key to the men’s room. She unlocked the door and opened it for me. I waited for her to go in first and she just stood there. I told her, while I was dancing around that I couldn’t do this alone and that she was going to have to help. She looked at me kind of shocked and then realized that I could not do this alone. Cindy barged in with me following closely on her heels. She walked straight to the stall and said we can’t do this, the stall is too small. I agreed and said come over here and use the urinal. She walked over staring at the urinal and said what do I do. I told her to unzip my pants and get my dick out. She did so the best she could while I was wiggling around. As she was taking my zipper down she almost caused me to pee right there by pushing on my painfully full bladder. After she got my zipper down I told her to take my dick out and she fished around getting me out and letting go. I told her she was going to have to hold it or I was going to piss on her shoes and the floor. She hesitantly reached over and took hold of my dick between two fingers and raised it up. Just as I was about to let go and piss my dick slipped from her fingers. I told her to hold the damn thing. Cindy grabbed my dick and pointed it into the urinal. Unfortunately now she had a death grip on the thing to keep it from slipping. She also had it squeezed so damn hard I couldn’t piss. I told her to lighten up and she did so. Then it happened, or didn’t happen, I couldn’t piss. Cindy had played with my dick dozens of times and we had a good sex life going, but I had never had her or anyone else holding my dick before while peeing. Finally with a lot of concentration I was able to get a weak trickle going. That was all I needed and the flood gates opened. I must have pissed for over a minute and a half. Cindy mean while began to enjoy this and began to wave my dick around splashing pee all over the urinal. As she did so, the door opened and some guy starts to walk in. He froze when he saw Cindy and quickly backed out. Hell there was no way I was going to stop now so I just kept on pissing. When I finally trickled to a stop Cindy started to put my dick back into my pants. I had to tell her to shake it a couple of time and she looked at me like I was crazy. I told her that she had to shake it to get the last drops out. She did so and then for an added measure she started to jerk me off. Well I sure didn’t want to stop that but I was worried about the gut that walked in on us so I told her to stop. She had a hell of a time putting my now hard dick away but did so and we quickly left the bathroom. Out side the door was the guy just glaring at us. When he saw my hands he asked what happened and I explained that I had burnt them and couldn’t use them right now. He seemed to relax a little and said I get it, man I didn’t know what to think when I walked in there. He went into the bathroom and Cindy and I left. On the way home she mentioned that it was kind of a turn on to hold my dick while I pissed and now that she thought about it, it was kind of a turn on to see me desperate. She then shyly asked if she could do that again some time. In a heart beat I told her yes and from there a great wet life began for the two of us. But that is another story….
PP Watcher