Cindy's Lost Keys Dilemma

By: PP Watcher
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There are two things that make this little adventure with Cindy quite memorable. For one thing, it was the first time I ever got to see her pee for this happened before the drive in situation I described in Cindy’s Dilemma. The second thing that makes it memorable for me was the way the evening started. It was Saturday evening and we decided to go out to a bar with some friends and just drink and relax a little. It had been a long week of school and work for both of us and we just wanted some time to relax, talk with friends, listen to some music and have a quiet good time. On the way to the bar in my Mercury Cindy began to tell how embarrassed she had been the night before. I had to work on Friday night and so Cindy went to dinner with her parents, brother, sister and the Connely family, old friends of her parents. They were all having a good time eating when Pete, the three or four year old son of the Connelys announced that he had to pee. His mother started to get up and Cindy stated, “let me take him, I have to go to the bathroom anyway.” Mrs. Connely said fine and thanked Cindy for the offer. Cindy had been the baby sitter for the Connelys in high school when her family and their family lived next door on a different Army Base and had taken care of these kinds of situations before with their older boys. Cindy and little Pete, no pun intended, headed of to the Ladies’ room. Cindy needed to go, but was in no hurry she said, and so like a good adult she let Pete go first. She took Pete into the stall, helped him pull his pants and underpants down and set him on the toilet so he could pee. She said that was how her brother was trained at that age and just thought it was the way all little boys were trained. At that point she noticed that Pete’s “little Pete” was pointing sky high and he was going to spray everything in his path. She quickly said “Pete!” and pointed to his little penis and he just sat there. Afraid that he was going to pee all over her and the stall at any second, she quickly reached down an pushed his little penis down into the bowl so he would not make a mess. She said that she had to hold it down for his little boy penis was just a stub and if she let go it naturally pointed back up. Nothing happened. She waited, getting redder and redder at the time yet nothing came out. Cindy stood up thinking that it was a false alarm and at that point Pete asked, “Are you done now?” Cindy said she was dumb founded and said nothing. Pete then jumped up from the toilet, turned to face it and peed standing. She said his little penis was barely higher than the toilet but he managed not to spray too much on the toilet itself. When he was done she helped him to pull his pants back up and took a quick pee herself. She said when she got back to the table her mother noticed she was red and asked what was wrong. Cindy stated that after some hesitation she related the story to everyone at the table and the laughter from her family and friends was so loud every one in the restaurant was looking at them. She also told me she was never so embarrassed in her entire life but that she didn’t want Pete peeing all over everything. By this time I was laughing so hard I could hardly keep the car on the road. When we got to the bar we sat down with some friends and I ordered a pitcher of beer as the one on the table was almost gone. We sat and talked awhile and I of course had to tell everyone that Cindy had a really embarrassing moment last night. Cindy was then forced to tell the story again. By the time she was done everyone was laughing so hard that one of the girls made a mad dash for the bathroom. When she came back she stated that between the beer and laughing so hard she almost pissed her pants–was just barely able to get them out of the way before she peed. Someone said “next time you will have to have Cindy take you” and the laughter started all over again. The evening went on, we all drank, talked, and relaxed. Just the perfect evening we had both hoped for. Around midnight we all said our good–byes and started to go on different ways. Cindy had been to the bathroom a few minutes before we left but I asked her if she wanted to go again before we left. She said she could use a pee, but she didn’t have to go that badly and could easily wait until we got to her house. As we rode along we talked and in a few minutes we were home. By now Cindy needed to go worse but was still okay. Okay that is right up to the point we got to the door. She reached into her purse and came out empty handed. No keys. Normally this would not have been a problem, but her mom and dad had left that morning to help the Connelys move into their new housing about 4 hours away. They took her brother and sister with them so no one was home. Cindy started to panic about not being able to get into the house. I told her not to worry, she could come to my house and spend the night and we would somehow get her in the next day. Cindy looked at me and said “that’s not the problem. Now I do have to pee….. I have to pee like a race horse. That beer is going through me and there is no way I am going to make it to your house now.” Cindy’s folks lived in the corner house with a big street light right in front lighting up the entire yard. There was no way she could drop her pants and pee there and no way she could make it somewhere to pee. Cindy was now fidgeting and dancing around on the front porch, bending at the waist and crossing and uncrossing her legs. She looked at me and asked what am I going to do? I grabbed her by the hand and took her to the car and opened the door. She moaned and said she couldn’t wait that long. I told her not to worry and reached into the glove box and grabbed a flash light. Still holding her hand I walked her toward the next door neighbors house. Her yard and the next door neighbors yard was separated by a drainage run–off ditch that went into a large square drainage pipe that went under the street. I jumped into the ditch and then helped her in. She quickly got the idea and hobbled as fast as she could over to the opening of the drain pipe. It was tall enough to stand up in and I switched on the light and we entered. It had not rained recently and the drain pipe was dry. She made her way back far enough not to be seen by anyone and almost ripped her jeans down. She quickly squatted and it was hard to tell which was louder– the pee hitting the concrete or her sigh of relief. She peed and peed, not minding the fact that I was watching the golden river jet from her. She slowed it to a trickle, raised her butt in the air and shook it back and forth to shake the last bit of dew off her shortly trimmed pubic hair. She pulled her pants up and then came over giving me a big kiss and said “thanks, I was so desperate I would have never thought of going here.” As we walked out of the drain pipe she sighed and said “it’s too bad I don’t have the keys, we could have had the house to ourselves.” For fun I walked over to the side door by the garage and gave the door knob a twist. The door came open in my hand. Her folks had forgot to lock that door before leaving. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to piss my pants. Cindy was of course mad because she had made a spectacle of herself when the bathroom was so close…..and so accessible. I of course made her even madder later when we were in bed beginning to make love. The picture of her dancing around on her front porch, her peeing in the drainage pipe and then the side door being unlocked was too much in my mind and I began to laugh all over again. When I finished laughing she told me the only way she was going to continue that night was if I promised not to tell another living soul of what had happened. Of course I promised. So remember, you can’t tell Cindy I told you this story.
PP Watcher