Lacey's Dilemma

By: PP Watcher
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A few years ago I worked part–time as a bartender in a strip club. It was easy work, the money was good and the scenery was great. One Wednesday afternoon around 6:00 or so I was quietly tending bar when the owners of a little mom and pop company that supplied the machines for the bathrooms came in. Not only did they supply the condom and tampon machines; they also took care of the electric air fresheners in each bathroom. It was a good time for them to be there as the after work crowd had thinned and the evening crowd had not arrived yet. The bathrooms were right across from the bar and they had been in the women’s bathroom for a few minutes when one of the employees came out and told me that they would be in there a few minutes to fix the air freshener. Apparently it had quit working and they were taking it apart to fix it. I didn’t think too much about it, as the vast majority of our customers were men. A couple of minutes later Lacey came to the bar to get her second drink. She had found a customer who wanted to buy her a drink a few minutes earlier and now this customer was buying her a second drink. She told me what she wanted and said she would be right back, as she needed to “take a little tinkle.” I told Lacey that the bathroom people were in there fixing the air freshener and she quietly muttered, “Damn, I guess I will just have to wait.” I gave Lacey her $15.00 drink, she gave me the $5.00 the house made, the $4.00 I made and had me put the $6.00 she made in her tip jar. All the girls kept their tip jars behind the bar for a couple of reasons. First the dressing room was small and there was nowhere to lock things up. Secondly, all the girls knew me and knew that I would never steal from them or let anyone else steal from them. The girls each danced three songs. The first was a teaser, top and g–string on. The second song was the pleaser, where they took of their tops and the last song was the pay off where they dropped their bottoms. Satin was finishing her third song and Lacey came back to the bar for some quarters for the jukebox for her three songs. As I was getting her the quarters, she asked if they were through yet, doing a little pee dance. I didn’t think she was that bad off at that point, as Lacey tended to be a bit of an actress. I figured she was just putting on a little show. When I told her no they were still in there I could tell by the look on her face that she really needed to go. She took the money and went and picked her three songs. When the first song hit I knew she was really in trouble. Lacey was one of our better dances and she had a particular style of music and songs she always chose from. The first song was not anywhere near what she would usually pick. Then it dawned on me; this was one of the shortest songs on the jukebox. Just barely 2 minutes long. It was at that point that I realized that there was going to be more show here than anyone else ever imagined. Lacey’s first dance was quick and she never slowed down a second, always moving, especially her feet. She didn’t have that usual smile on her face either, just a forced looking grin that a couple of times turned into a grimace. When her first song ended she just paced waiting for the next song to begin. Yep you guessed it, another short fast song. Not her style at all. Her second song usually was a slow one that she would tease the guys on pervert row with. Lots of times it was a floorshow on a furry rug the girls kept on the stage. Not this time, she just kept moving, and as she did her best to give a show, running her hands on the body, I noticed that her hand seemed to stay in her crotch a few seconds longer and she was giving herself a quick squeeze. When the second song was over she quickly sat on the steps of the stage to take a breather. I could see that she had one hand between her legs at her knees with her knees together on her hand, and the other hand, the one away from the customers was in her crotch and she was squeezing tightly. She was also wiggling ever so slightly on the stage. The third song came on and it was a medium slow song, the kind that most of the girls used when they were dropping their bottoms. This one was again one of the really short ones. I was glad that the boss wasn’t here to see this, as he would have been pissed at Lacey for choosing three short songs in a row. As the slower more rhythmic song progressed I could see that Lacey was really in trouble. All of a sudden this girl had no rhythm at all. Her moves were stiff and her legs were together a lot. She tried to make it look sexy with her running her hands on her bare breasts and down to her g–string, but even these moves were jerky and she was holding her crotch too much. Not once did she come close to using the pole that was on the dance floor and she was one of the best pole dancers around. When it came time to drop her g–string I knew she was about to lose it. She committed one of the cardinal sins in this or any club at that time in our town. Once your bottom was off you DID NOT touch your crotch with your hands. The cops if they had been there would be all over you if you did for lewd conduct. Lacey just couldn’t help it, when she went into a half squat her hand shot to her crotch and she gave a hard squeeze. The look on her face was one of terror and Angel another dance, who just happened to be sitting at the bar getting ready to go on next looked at me and said “what the fuck is she doing, trying to go to jail?” The second her song was over she grabbed her clothes and was off that stage headed to the ladies room. Unfortunately it was still occupied. When she got to the bar she asked “are they out of there yet, I am about to pee all over this floor.” I told her no and the tears started to well up in her eyes. She had a hand jammed in her crotch and was hopping around behind the end of the bar. She couldn’t even get her clothes on. She kept saying over and over, “I got to pee, I got to pee, oh God, I’m about to pee.” I told her that if it was that bad she could go in the men’s room and I would guard the door. She stated that there was no way she was peeing in the men’s room– it was just too gross. After a couple of minutes of dancing around and begging for the people in the ladies room to hurry up she finally looked at me and said “Ok, I’ll pee in the men’s room cause I’m about to pee on the floor. She took one step towards the men’s room when two men walked up to the door. One entered and the other stood outside waiting his turn. That was the last straw. Lacey looked at me with pleading, tear streaked eyes, both hand jammed in her crotch, bouncing butt ass naked and said now what am I gonna do, I’m about to pee on the floor and I can’t wait any longer. I always kept a couple of 5–gallon pickle buckets under the bar for trash, cleaner or what ever. I quickly pulled an empty one out and set it in the corner behind the bar where no one could see. Lacey looked at me wide eyed shook her head no, but then a couple seconds later dashed for the bucket. She squatted over the bucket and looked around to see if anyone could she her at all. Squatting over that bucket, no one could even see the top of her head. A giant squirt of piss shot from her neatly trimmed tan topped pussy and splattered loudly into the bottom of the bucket in my full view. I could not take my eyes of Lacey and the waterfall of pee coming from her gorgeous neatly trimmed pussy. She peed for what seemed like hours. It was long enough that one of Angel’s songs ended and to cover the noise of Lacey peeing into the bucket I turned on the faucet into the half full sink. The look of relief on her face was amazing and when I turned on the sink to cover the sound of her pee hitting the liquid in the bottom of the bucket she mouthed a quick thank you to me. As the last drops fell from her tight little pussy and she realize she had one last little problem. She smiled and shook her tight little butt several times to get the last drops off, slipped her g–string on and stood up. She looked around to see if anyone besides me had seen her. She realize that I was the only one, walked up to me very red faced, reached up and kissed me, telling me thanks, cause she really did just about pee on the floor. She told me that no one had ever seen her pee before and that if I told anyone about what happened, she would kill me. I smiled at her as she walked away and told her “your secret’s safe with me……….peanut bladder.” You know, a girl could put a guy’s eye out throwing a rhinestone covered bikini top at him. Later that evening Lacey proved to me that there were other things she could do behind that bar and no one could see. But that’s another story……………
PP Watcher