KC's Dilemma

By: PP Watcher
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Living in the dorms in college provided a great chance to see desperate women needing to pee. My freshman year I lived in a dorm named Brandon Hall and consisted of three buildings. Brandon Hall 1, 2 & 3. Brandon Hall 1 was the oldest of the three buildings and as such had communal bathrooms. 1st and 2nd floors were female floors and 3rd and 4th floors were male. Brandon 2 and 3 were both made up of suites with a bathroom between each two rooms. Brandon 2 was co–ed and Brandon 3 was all female. As a Freshman I lived on the forth floor of Brandon 1. There were two guys to a room and in the middle of the middle of the floor on one side of the hall was a large communal bathroom– 6 stalls, 6 urinal, 6 showers and 6 sinks. The shower room was a smaller room in the center of the bathroom with the sinks and mirrors facing the entrance to the showers. The urinals were on the back outside wall of the shower room and the stalls opposite the urinals. We lacked the basic creature comforts of the upper classmen in Brandon 2 and 3. They had suites with one bathroom between each two rooms as well as air conditioning. Not so with us. But what we lacked in comforts we made up for in PARTY factor. Communal bathrooms have one great advantage. The shower room makes the best damn place in the world to put a bunch of large well–iced Kegs of beer.
Now the fourth floor was named the ZOO for a reason. We were the party animals of the entire dorm system. There was no one on campus that could throw a party like the ZOO animals. A couple of weeks into the first semester we decided to throw one of our signature parties………a Kegger. We went out, bought five 32–gallon kegs of beer and enough ice to freeze a small herd of cattle. When Friday night came the 44 guys on the floor hauled the 5 kegs of beer and all that ice up to the 4th floor via the stairs and filled the shower room with running beer. We were in heaven, or so I thought at the time. Little did I and everyone else know that things were going to get a whole lot better than we had ever planned. We had been passing the word of the party for a week and promptly at 7:00 PM we had a large crowd each with $5.00 in hand and their own non–breakable glass in hand. We had very few rules for our keggers. No fighting, no puking on the carpet, and you don’t drink out of anything that breaks. Plastic wood or metal was fine, NO glass. Other than that, things were pretty free. We cranked up the stereo, and started taking money. Every room was open and people were crowding the halls, people’s rooms and of course the shower. As with any good party the beer flowed and flowed and flowed. And with any good beer party the pee flowed and flowed and flowed. The guys would just go around the wall and pee in the urinals. The girls for the first hour or so would go down stairs to one of the girls’ floors and come back up.
After about 2 1/2 hours of so the girl’s bathrooms began to get a line. To make matters worse, the dorms locked the hall doors for the girls’ floors at 10:00 PM. Which made it difficult for the girls that did not live on the floor to get onto one of the girl’s floor so they could use the facilities. I had been talking and dancing with a really cute little red head named KC all evening. We had gotten to know each other the first week of school and had really clicked. She had a boyfriend at an out of state college and my girlfriend was a senior in high school. We sort of became a couple without a commitment, as well as without some of the perks. But she was fun to be with and a really good friend. Around 11:00 or so, I noticed that KC was getting a little quiet. I asked her what was wrong and she stated she needed to pee but she didn’t want to have to go downstairs. She complained that it was hard getting on the floor since she lived in Brandon 3 and didn’t have a key for the floor and because the line had been pretty long a the last time she had went. She said she could wait a few more minutes and we went back to talking. I did notice however that she was rocking her legs back and forth, like a little kid would do in school when they had to pee. A few minutes later she said she would be right back, and left to go pee. She was back a lot faster than I thought she would be and when I asked her if she felt better she scowled and said NO. She went on to tell me that the line for the bathroom had 15 girls in it on the 2nd floor and she didn’t even go down to 1st floor to look. She looked at me and said, “I got to pee pretty soon, suppose I could use your guy’s bathroom?” I smiled and said, “sure, you’re welcome to, but I don’t think you will want to.” I told her to come on though, cause I had to go anyway. We walked into the bathroom and around to the urinals and stalls. I walked up to a urinal, pulled out my dick and took a much– needed piss, smiling and laughing all the while. KC didn’t think I was very funny as I pissed and chuckled. What I had neglected to tell her was that in the men’s communal bathrooms we had stalls, but no doors. Having lived a few years in Europe when my father was in the military, I am aware that a large portion of European women are not all that shy when it comes to taking a pee. On the Autobahn it was nothing to see a bare white German female butt pointed toward the road with pee pouring onto the ground. We here in the states are a little more sexually repressed than that, and women here just don’t do that for the most part. I finished and KC just scowled at me and said thanks a lot, I can’t pee there. There are no doors. I said suit yourself, but I’m not the one dancing around in a bathroom dying for a pee. She swore at me and called me a bastard when two guys walked in and began to pee into the urinals. The sound of both of them peeing was just too much for KC and she dashed into the last stall and dropped her jeans and panties and quickly sat down. From the look on her face and the splashing in the bowl you could tell she was really enjoying the relief she was getting. With no door I just watched the whole show. What I didn’t realize at the time was that behind me on the other side of the bathroom were a couple of other girls who also needed to pee pretty badly. When they happened to look over and see KC peeing in our bathroom they decided that they didn’t want to wait in line either. They discussed it between themselves for a couple of minutes, then one of them rushed over to the stall next to where KC was just finishing up and promptly took a pee. Her friend was right behind. Figuratively and literally that night the floodgates opened. When word of what KC and the other two girls had done, mixed with a whole lot of beer drinking, got around a lot of the women on the floor quit going downstairs after that. Modesty lost out to intoxication and an aching bladder and our bathroom was never the same again. There were times that the sound of pee hitting porcelain was louder and stronger than beer hitting the bottom of empty cups. Needless to say, I and several of the guys from that point on relieved ourselves a little more frequently that night for there was always a show to see. As for the party, well we made our investment back on the door charge and had enough left over to do the whole thing over again the next month. Things between KC and I were never quite the same after that. Her boyfriend just decided one day that he didn’t want a long distance relationship without sex and as for my girlfriend…well, I guess a senior cheerleader isn’t supposed to sit home being faithful either. Which worked out find for KC and I, and she was never pee shy around me again. But that’s another story…
PP Watcher